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Forensic team to testify in Koh Tao murder trial


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I also want to avoid the tradgedy of those young men being done for something which is apparent they didn't do.

But, i would just like the posters not to go into graphic details too much.

I have been trying to unsee those photos too.

Sometimes emotions run high, especially when a few posters are baiting others. The majority of followers on here are sick to the gullet about how unfair this trial is, how unfair it is to the victims, to the accused, and to their respective families. In this case the RTP have blatantly lied and perjured themselves in court in an attempt to save face and to condemn innocent migrants to the death penalty.

Nevertheless, graphic details do not need to be repeated time and again - it should be clear to those following the case that any sexual motive has been countered by the defence, and hopefully the court would accept that the autopsy differences causes reasonable doubt not to rely on that RTP evidence when considering their verdict.

Edited by stephenterry
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"My father died when I was very young,” says Zaw Lin, “so l left school aged 8 and started helping my mother in the fields when I was 10.” Facing worsening poverty, around two years ago he paid a broker 5,000 baht ($150) to transport him to Koh Tao,


I realise you might find it hard to believe, but there are many Aliens, who for whatever reason actually pay 'brokers' to secure immigration rights for them. Would you believe me if I told you that as part of the Immigration requirements to secure a 1 year Extension of Stay for Retirement purposes, an applicant has to provide certain documentation as to proof of income. Some applicants are even prepared to pay in exces of 3,000bht just for a broker to obtain a single letter from their respective Embassy, to confirm their income to Immigration! TIT, amazing isn't it?.

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Question, has anyone ever been so scared because of threats of death against them, been humiliated, tortured and then paraded like sacrificial lambs for slaughter in front of the world's press that are clambering to take photos of them because of what they had confessed to do under torture?

Then are led into a fake re enactment where they have no clue what to do and are led by the puppet masters into a scenario that is complete make believe.

My deepest feelings go out to them, I can only imagine they would be in shock and agree to absolutely anything:

“We heard the translator ask one suspect: “What did you do with the hoe (the alleged murder weapon) afterwards?” The suspect says: “I don’t know”. The translator then says: “You put it under the tree didn’t you.” The suspect was clearly being led,” said the human rights activist.

Human Rights Thailand interviewed the defendants. They also interviewed their friend, Mao Mao, who had been with them in the early hours.

Janjira Janpeau said Mao Mao told her he had also been beaten by police officers on Koh Tao during three days of detention and interrogation, and that one of the defendants, Zaw Lin, had shown him a wound on his chest after he allegedly confessed to the killings.
“Mao Mao told us his friends were acting very strangely in the presence of a police translator as they told him they did kill the British backpackers. When Mao Mao refused to believe them, and asked them why they had confessed, Zaw Lin pulled up his T-shirt to show him the wound,” she told the court.
Janjira Janpeau also said Human Rights Thailand had summoned the Royal Thai Police to discuss the torture allegations five times, but no officer had ever responded to the summons.
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Question, has anyone ever been so scared because of threats of death against them, been humiliated, tortured and then paraded like sacrificial lambs for slaughter in front of the world's press that are clambering to take photos of them because of what they had confessed to do under torture?

Then are led into a fake re enactment where they have no clue what to do and are led by the puppet masters into a scenario that is complete make believe.

My deepest feelings go out to them, I can only imagine they would be in shock and agree to absolutely anything:

“We heard the translator ask one suspect: “What did you do with the hoe (the alleged murder weapon) afterwards?” The suspect says: “I don’t know”. The translator then says: “You put it under the tree didn’t you.” The suspect was clearly being led,” said the human rights activist.

Human Rights Thailand interviewed the defendants. They also interviewed their friend, Mao Mao, who had been with them in the early hours.

Janjira Janpeau said Mao Mao told her he had also been beaten by police officers on Koh Tao during three days of detention and interrogation, and that one of the defendants, Zaw Lin, had shown him a wound on his chest after he allegedly confessed to the killings.
“Mao Mao told us his friends were acting very strangely in the presence of a police translator as they told him they did kill the British backpackers. When Mao Mao refused to believe them, and asked them why they had confessed, Zaw Lin pulled up his T-shirt to show him the wound,” she told the court.
Janjira Janpeau also said Human Rights Thailand had summoned the Royal Thai Police to discuss the torture allegations five times, but no officer had ever responded to the

Although I've seen this before, it says it all, doesn't it. The RTP don't give a toss about human rights - never have, and unless there is a sea-change at the top, they never will. These particular officers are the lowest of the low. Arrogant and above the law. Pond life.

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Do we really need to read all the details. Can you not subdue it a bit. Please. This is a young girl, loved by her family, Who are sitting there today. Trying to comprehend what happend to her and who did it. Have a bit of decorum.

The way some of you are talking about her, is disgusting.

Talking about her private parts etc, in such horrible ways, how dare you?

And yes, Stealth Enigiser, i am talking to you, This is not a TV f.ing show. This is real life. How dare you.

This is a person, who was loved.

right, and this is a trial that won't serve her no justice but may kill two other people who's been, as well, deprived of their whatsoever dignity.

How dare you call an "exact technical terms" in a highly "exact technical discussion" be "disgusting"?!

Pointing out the exact details and calling them by exact names shall be mandatory and of only help to the matter

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I also want to avoid the tradgedy of those young men being done for something which is apparent they didn't do.

But, i would just like the posters not to go into graphic details too much.

I have been trying to unsee those photos too.

so have we all, which is why we want to see those responsible found and punnished, you are right this is not a TV show it is a horrific real life tragedy of the highest order and although I have experience of such things I was still horrified and am still angry, if I was the father of Hannah I would want more than I am seeing from this debacle, I think I would be going looking for my own answers

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Vulva, vagina, nipples etc. like that stealth person wrote.

It is wrong to write such things.

Post 730

Unfortunately, autopsy results need to use very direct and unambiguous language. Given the gravity of the situation, and the Thai authorities attempt to falsify the results to frame innocent Burmese, I support Stealth Engineer's decision to post the relevant parts of the false report.

I am really sorry if that upsets you. The whole case upsets me, and I am raging inside at the shocking behavior of the RTP in making it necessary for any of this discussion to be taking place. You cannot just take two random migrant workers and concoct a cock and bull case against them to get your bosses off your back. It is outrageous, and they should not be allowed to get away with it because we are too delicate to expose the fraud.

thank you Tim!

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I also have mixed feelings about giving some details that can shock.

I put myself in the shoes of the friends and family of the victims and I can easily imagine they would feel awful reading this.

But, these are useful pieces of info to understand the case and the multiple discrepancies, it is difficult to avoid mentioning it and still have a clear picture of the case.

The warning from the moderator mentioned the graphic details and the way friends and families would feel reading those.

I think the appropriate way to go with it is to start any post that has any graphic or shocking detail with a clear warning, so that those who don't want to be confronted to the detail won't read them by mistake.

I hope we can ALL agree on that and find the right balance of respect/decency and accuracy.

Edited by fab99
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Vulva, vagina, nipples etc. like that stealth person wrote.

It is wrong to write such things.

Post 730

Deeply Sorry Patsycat

It is really better not to follow this I realise it must be upsetting I have a son and daughter also similar ages and I honesty don't think i could handle what these families have gone through.

So many discrepancies have been found by social media we all justice and the truth we don't want to see 2 innocent men sentenced to death we all want the truth.

the autopsy report is horrible to look at I understand.

I have no intentions of being disrespectful .

sorry again

You haven't been disrespectful at all, not even ONCE during the whole, whole long time!

You're always accurate, decent, fair and to the point.

Please do continue this way, it is extremely beneficial and helpful to all of us.

Thank you!

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Vulva, vagina, nipples etc. like that stealth person wrote.

It is wrong to write such things.

Post 730

Deeply Sorry Patsycat

It is really better not to follow this I realise it must be upsetting I have a son and daughter also similar ages and I honesty don't think i could handle what these families have gone through.

So many discrepancies have been found by social media we all justice and the truth we don't want to see 2 innocent men sentenced to death we all want the truth.

the autopsy report is horrible to look at I understand.

I have no intentions of being disrespectful .

sorry again

You haven't been disrespectful at all, not even ONCE during the whole, whole long time!

You're always accurate, decent, fair and to the point.

Please do continue this way, it is extremely beneficial and helpful to all of us.

Thank you!

I agree with that and your apology shows how decent you are.

Thank you again for your posts, you usually stay far from opinions and speculations, and just provide information from various sources, making this thread useful to people who want to follow the case.

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Washington Post

Hall also alleged that the whole process “from investigation to arrest to detention to prosecution” was violent or abusive, and said he had also experienced threats in connection with the case, including from the governor of the prison where the two defendants were held.The human rights investigator, Janjira Kanpeang, testified about how the commission investigated the case and found that torture had been used, said Hall and defense lawyer Nakhon.


Edited by thailandchilli
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I also have mixed feelings about giving some details that can shock.

I put myself in the shoes of the friends and family of the victims and I can easily imagine they would feel awful reading this.

But, these are useful pieces of info to understand the case and the multiple discrepancies, it is difficult to avoid mentioning it and still have a clear picture of the case.

The warning from the moderator mentioned the graphic details and the way friends and families would feel reading those.

I think the appropriate way to go with it is to start any post that has any graphic or shocking detail with a clear warning, so that those who don't want to be confronted to the detail won't read them by mistake.

I hope we can ALL agree on that and find the right balance of respect/decency and accuracy.

I agree with you wholeheartedly however no where in the whole thread was used any vulgar words.

Those so "graphic/disturbing" words that stirred up such outburst are proper medical terms, unavoidable when referring to the certain medical matters of utmost importance

Everyone can simply "leave the room" if can't bear those, just as the Hannah's family did.

It is more than understandable and respected.

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Vulva, vagina, nipples etc. like that stealth person wrote.

It is wrong to write such things.

Post 730

Tell that to all the coroners out there!! Stop being a prude, there were far more serious allegations stated by the RTP, I suggest if you're not comfortable with autopsy reports simply don't read them.

When you have a complete contradiction between local authorities and British authorities with regards to the alleged sexual assault of the deceased then it raises serious questions as to why so many discrepancies.

Please spare us the whole shock horror about Hannah's injuries to, her family have known about these since BOTH coroners reports, they have also sat in on the case and have heard in graphic detail how their loved one allegedly died at the hands of the accused.

Sorry for being so blunt, but all these details have been in the public domain and have been posted on TVF numerous times. It is natural they will be discussed, nobody is forcing you to read this thread, and the fact you've only just started posting here tends to make it also a tad suspicious.

Unfortunately when there are claims made by the RTP as to what was done to poor Hannah, it is only right to be able to refute these claims without having to be "politically correct" and "sensitive to the families" who have sadly all the horrendous details.

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Vulva, vagina, nipples etc. like that stealth person wrote.

It is wrong to write such things.

Post 730

Deeply Sorry Patsycat

It is really better not to follow this I realise it must be upsetting I have a son and daughter also similar ages and I honesty don't think i could handle what these families have gone through.

So many discrepancies have been found by social media we all justice and the truth we don't want to see 2 innocent men sentenced to death we all want the truth.

the autopsy report is horrible to look at I understand.

I have no intentions of being disrespectful .

sorry again

You haven't been disrespectful at all, not even ONCE during the whole, whole long time!

You're always accurate, decent, fair and to the point.

Please do continue this way, it is extremely beneficial and helpful to all of us.

Thank you!

I agree with that and your apology shows how decent you are.

Thank you again for your posts, you usually stay far from opinions and speculations, and just provide information from various sources, making this thread useful to people who want to follow the case.

Very well said

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Considering the publication of the British coroners findings, should we now assume there was no embalming before the repatriation?

This issue has been the subject of much speculation and not yet answered, from my research anyway.

I suppose the greater question is, will the judges even acknowledge the findings?

OR will they hold any weight to them?

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I also want to avoid the tradgedy of those young men being done for something which is apparent they didn't do.

But, i would just like the posters not to go into graphic details too much.

I have been trying to unsee those photos too.

How you can try to un see something you must have deliberately searched for? I'm really sorry but you really don't deserve to be treated with kid gloves here.

You knowingly knew that both were brutally murdered, it's been in pretty much every western news paper last year about the extent of the injuries and yet you still felt compelled to seek out the photos of the victims for whatever reason?

Morbid curiosity got the better of you perhaps and yet you come over all sensitive to a coroners reports graphic details? Something doesn't quite add up here, I make no apologies unlike stealth energiser whom, had you been following all the threads up until now, has been nothing but professional in his/her approach, unlike a few of the "baiters" here.

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Considering the publication of the British coroners findings, should we now assume there was no embalming before the repatriation?

This issue has been the subject of much speculation and not yet answered, from my research anyway.

I suppose the greater question is, will the judges even acknowledge the findings?

OR will they hold any weight to them?

I still think embalming most likely occurred. The revelations that are in conflict with the Thai autopsy report concern injuries that would still be visible following embalming, and clearly verifiable in photos provided with the UK report (but omitted from the Thai report for cost reasons).

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Defense in Thai tourist murder case alleges unjust pressure

BANGKOK (AP) — Defense witnesses for two Myanmar migrant workers accused of murdering two young British tourists on a Thai resort island testified Thursday that torture and intimidation are commonly used by local investigators.

The three witnesses — a representative of the National Human Rights Commission, a lawyer who interviewed the defendants, and a fellow migrant worker — all described how a violent and abusive system allegedly caused the suspects to make confessions they later recanted.

Defense lawyer Nakhon Chompuchat said it was a problem for his clients' case that other workers were too scared to testify.

The battered bodies of David Miller, 24, and Hannah Witheridge, 23, were found Sept. 15 last year on the rocky shores of Koh Tao, a scenic island in the Gulf of Thailand known for its scuba diving. Autopsies showed that the young backpackers, who had met on the island while staying at the same hotel, both suffered severe head wounds and that Witheridge had been raped.

Zaw Lin, co-defendant with his friend Win Zaw Htun, testified earlier this month in detail about the brutal methods Thai police allegedly used during their interrogation and how he was threatened with death if he did not confess. The two men, both 22 and bar workers on Koh Tao, acknowledge being on the beach the night the two Britons were killed, but deny any part in the crime. Thai authorities insist DNA evidence proves their guilt.

The defense earlier sought to discredit the Thai authorities' collection and analysis of DNA and other evidence as slipshod at best.

It also had a witness compare the forensic work done on the bodies by Thai authorities to that done later in Britain, and who pointed out significant differences in their findings.

The witness, Andy Hall, an advocate for migrant workers' rights, was given access to the British findings and testified about them on Wednesday.

Hall also alleged that the whole process "from investigation to arrest to detention to prosecution" was violent or abusive, and said he had also experienced threats in connection with the case, including from the governor of the prison where the two defendants were held.

The human rights investigator, Janjira Kanpeang, testified about how the commission investigated the case and found that torture had been used, said Hall and defense lawyer Nakhon.

"When someone's head is covered with a plastic bag, it is torture. When water is dripped on the head for the whole night, it is called torture," Nakhon said.

Narinsak Laitaveewar, a lawyer who interviewed the defendants on behalf of the Lawyers Council of Thailand, spoke about how they recanted their confessions — starting with a note they slipped to him — and the legal ramifications of that.

Hall said he was most impressed by the testimony of one of the defendants' friends, a fellow Myanmar worker, who told of a web of corruption among officials and labor brokers on Koh Tao which protects the business community and leaves migrants vulnerable.

Lawyer Nakhon said the man "talked about how frightening it is in Koh Tao if you were to talk about this case. Nobody talks, nobody wants to talk, nobody dares to talk."

"He even said that when police told you to do something and you don't do it, you will be beaten up," Nakhon said.

Three more witnesses, including from the Myanmar Embassy, are to testify on Friday, which was originally set to be the last day of testimony. But the judge agreed to extend the hearing at the request of the defense, which said it wished to present more witnesses. The length of the extension is to be decided later.

Had testimony ended Thursday, a verdict might have been rendered in October, but an extension may push the date back to the end of the year, Hall said.

-- (c) Associated Press 2015-09-25

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Very strange nothing is mentioned of all the stab wounds to David's neck, throat, arm and the defensive wounds to his hands. Is this something that the defense wanted to bring up when it got the photos from the prosecution. Has the focus only been on Hannah's autopsy?

The focus is on that because the defense wants to cast doubt on the rape, because the UK autopsy didn't reveal rape related lesions. The Thai report doesn't mention lesions, only mentions evidence of rape and specifies semen traces, which are of course evidence of rape.

Semen traces are not evidence of rape.

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Very strange nothing is mentioned of all the stab wounds to David's neck, throat, arm and the defensive wounds to his hands. Is this something that the defense wanted to bring up when it got the photos from the prosecution. Has the focus only been on Hannah's autopsy?

The focus is on that because the defense wants to cast doubt on the rape, because the UK autopsy didn't reveal rape related lesions. The Thai report doesn't mention lesions, only mentions evidence of rape and specifies semen traces, which are of course evidence of rape.

Semen traces are not evidence of rape.

And AleG is not accurate when he writes that the Thai report doesn't mention lesions, that is in fact the main difference between the British and Thai reports.

The thai reports not only mentions semen but also bitemarks (but no pictures from the Thai autopsy for lack of budget) and other clear physical signs (i won't give details, go back to post 730 with the translated Thai report).

So as the Thai report seems to include important errors (we can add to that that it doesn't mention any alcohol in David's blood), we can quite easily have doubts about the presence of semen (whose samples can't be reteste because they are used up), don't you agree? (it is a rhetoricl question, I know your answer).

Reasonable doubt... that is what a non guilty verdict is about and I think there is more than simply reasonable doubt in this case...

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People, this thread has only just been reopned after being closed for bikering between posters. Please think about what you are posting before hitting the post button, a lot of us are keen to keep up to date with the case especially at this critical point.

Most here are keen to keep it open, rising to baiting posts and bikering will only see the thread closed again and the couple of people trying to derail it suceed once again.

Keep the thread alive! Getting it closed is a win for the rtp supporters!

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So to summarize the defense has absolutely no tangible objection to challenge the indictment contrary to what it announced a few days ago.

Points of dispute sembent be limited to the lawfulness of dna control and reproach the police using a forceful methods.

The DNA match found in the body of Hannah Witheridge with 2 Burmese is not contested.

The additional time requested by the defense is indisputable proof that it has nothing tangible to show.

And so, in the absence of new elements the B that some call unwisely "two children" are the perpetrators of the rape and murder particularly abject.

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Stay away from the flame Cats and Dogs ;-)

AleG also seems to be a forensic pathologist, Gait and physiology, and DNA expert, as he's been able to counter pretty much what all these highly qualified defence witnesses have stated even dismissing their expertise, and credentials on the odd occasion. We should be pretty humbled by his presence really, it's not very often you get to place on you're ignore list, someone with such magnificent credentials ;-)

I'm still waiting on an explanation from the resident expert how it's possible for David to have been allegedly killed with the same hoe Hannah was apparently killed with, without any traces of his blood showing up?

It's pretty apparent with the majority of posters that the RTP have fabricated, distorted and applied artistic licence to this crime, and this was touted as "watertight" and that the accused had " a case to answer to" and yet these judges are carrying on regardless, how is it possible to put a timeframe on a trial where 2 other lives are at stake here? Surely you sum up after all the witnesses have had their say and have been cross examined etc?

It stinks really, it's actually more disgusting than Pussy Cats feelings when reading words from official documents and sources

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Considering the publication of the British coroners findings, should we now assume there was no embalming before the repatriation?

This issue has been the subject of much speculation and not yet answered, from my research anyway.

I suppose the greater question is, will the judges even acknowledge the findings?

OR will they hold any weight to them?

I still think embalming most likely occurred. The revelations that are in conflict with the Thai autopsy report concern injuries that would still be visible following embalming, and clearly verifiable in photos provided with the UK report (but omitted from the Thai report for cost reasons).

I hope some experts can comment on this.

As far as the visible injuries go, we cannot assume that those sorts of injuries will appear in every case of this type?

Also as others have stated, if embalmed, any proof, or rather, dispelling of the proof presented by the prosecution (regarding sperm DNA) cannot be done.

Note, i am not taking sides or trolling, just trying to find something absolutely conclusive that will confirm all our suspicions.

It seems if there was no embalming, a lot more testing could have been done in certain areas.

If there was embalming however, the findings would be somewhat limited, especially if only relying on visual signs.

In that case i fear it may be hard to conclusively disprove the prosecutions claims, at least in the opinion of those in authority who seem hellbent on a guilty verdict..

That is why i think the embalming issue is important to know for us observers.

No doubt all the professionals involved first hand would have that information.

Edit: delete unwanted last sentance i missed editing

Edited by bamukloy
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I hope some experts can comment on this.

As far as the visible injuries go, we cannot assume that those sorts of injuries will appear in every case of this type?

Also as others have stated, if embalmed, any proof, or rather, dispelling of the proof presented by the prosecution (regarding sperm DNA) cannot be done.

Note, i am not taking sides or trolling, just trying to find something absolutely conclusive that will confirm all our suspicions.

It seems if there was no embalming, a lot more testing could have been done in certain areas.

If there was embalming however, the findings would be somewhat limited, especially if only relying on visual signs.

In that case i fear it may be hard to conclusively disprove the prosecutions claims, at least in the opinion of those in authority who seem hellbent on a guilty verdict..

That is why i think the embalming issue is important to know for us observers.

No doubt all the professionals involved first hand would have that information.

Once again, not my thoughts, but what im supposing

With embalming, the UK autopsy cannot be as definitive as without embalming. That is for sure.

However, embalming will not make visible injuries heal themselves. It is enough that the UK autopsy report has (with photos) demonstrated that important parts of the Thai autopsy reports are deliberate falsehoods. That is enough to call the whole remainder of the Thai autopsy (and thus semen samples and DNA) into serious question. Quite enough taking into account that these semen samples (contrary to normal forensic practice) then disappeared after DNA testing.

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I hope some experts can comment on this.

As far as the visible injuries go, we cannot assume that those sorts of injuries will appear in every case of this type?

Also as others have stated, if embalmed, any proof, or rather, dispelling of the proof presented by the prosecution (regarding sperm DNA) cannot be done.

Note, i am not taking sides or trolling, just trying to find something absolutely conclusive that will confirm all our suspicions.

It seems if there was no embalming, a lot more testing could have been done in certain areas.

If there was embalming however, the findings would be somewhat limited, especially if only relying on visual signs.

In that case i fear it may be hard to conclusively disprove the prosecutions claims, at least in the opinion of those in authority who seem hellbent on a guilty verdict..

That is why i think the embalming issue is important to know for us observers.

No doubt all the professionals involved first hand would have that information.

Once again, not my thoughts, but what im supposing

With embalming, the UK autopsy cannot be as definitive as without embalming. That is for sure.

However, embalming will not make visible injuries heal themselves. It is enough that the UK autopsy report has (with photos) demonstrated that important parts of the Thai autopsy reports are deliberate falsehoods. That is enough to call the whole remainder of the Thai autopsy (and thus semen samples and DNA) into serious question. Quite enough taking into account that these semen samples (contrary to normal forensic practice) then disappeared after DNA testing.

My thoughts exactly...

And everyone, thanks for not taking the obvious bait from happy joe a few posts above, one more to add to my ignore list

no need to use personal attacks, stick to rational and factual answers or even better just ignore them (easier to say than do sometimes).

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So to summarize the defense has absolutely no tangible objection to challenge the indictment contrary to what it announced a few days ago.
Points of dispute sembent be limited to the lawfulness of dna control and reproach the police using a forceful methods.
The DNA match found in the body of Hannah Witheridge with 2 Burmese is not contested.
The additional time requested by the defense is indisputable proof that it has nothing tangible to show.
And so, in the absence of new elements the B that some call unwisely "two children" are the perpetrators of the rape and murder particularly abject.

The argument seems to be that the system is biased against Burmese people therefore these men are innocent. It's not a conclusion that follows the premise, so let's see what the judge decides.

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