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I there an ex-pats luncheon group or similar in North Chonburi

The Deerhunter

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Hi I am mid 60s and in my rural area there are so few Farangs that I have not met one here in 2 years. I have been told there were a few some years ago but have all moved on, out or died. I would ideally like to make the acquaintance of a group that meets occasionally for a lunch or dinner. I live a bit out of the way, in rural Phanat Nikhom, I guess you could call it, so I would have to travel some distance wherever the meeting was. Provisionally I would set a southern boundary of Chonburi/Sri Racha and a northern boundary of Chacheongsao. Any social group in that area or like minded souls in a similar area could post, or PM me. Thanks a lot. I look forward to hearing from someone.

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I was told once a small group met in the bar at jakajak market I think on a Wednesday night. That is the Chonburi City jakajak market on Sukhumvit road just before the exit for the Non Mong by-pass.

Nong Mong is in Bang Saen 10 km to the South of Muang or Chonburi City.

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Might be better asking in local forum.


So which local forum is it likely to be in? Pattaya? Eastern? Neither of those seem appropriate. I do not see a Chonburi or Chonburi North forum.

CharlieH or anyone can answer if they know.

There is no forum for Chonburi, as Pattaya is in Chonburi province and is the nearest to it then that is where this post has been moved to and where it is most likely anyone will know the answer.

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