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Israel launches airstrikes on targets in Gaza


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Israel launches airstrikes on targets in Gaza


GAZA: -- Israeli fighter jets have launched airstrikes on targets in Gaza overnight, in response to what they say was rocket fire from the coastal enclave.

It comes as violence intensifies in East Jerusalem and the West Bank, after two Israelis were killed in a stabbing attack and a Palestinian man was killed in a clash with Israeli soldiers in Tulkarm.

In recent weeks, Israeli police and Palestinians have clashed frequently at the al-Aqsa mosque compound in East Jerusalem. Israel has promised to retain Muslim prayer rites at the holy site, but has often refused entry to young Palestinian men citing security concerns. In response to the stabbing attacks, Palestinians have been banned from entering the walled Old City by police.

Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu vowed a harsh response to the apparent upsurge in violence saying the country was in an “all-out war against terror”.

The latest bloodshed, which also includes a drive-by shooting in the West Bank that killed an Israeli couple, has triggered fears of wider escalation – especially in the absence of peace talks that collapsed in 2014.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2015-10-05
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Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu vowed a harsh response to the apparent upsurge in violence saying the country was in an “all-out war against terror”.

Such a shame they won't or can't or dare not go after the real enemies I.S.I.S..

Palestinians, a soft option target for the ''macho Israeli armed forces !!!

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Bomb Gaza for incidents in the West Bank. A bit strange like collective punishment with a twist.

That's a lie and you know it is.

It's in retaliation for rockets from Gaza.

Israel has conflicts on multiple fronts.

The Palestinians in Gaza and Judea/Samaria are not under a unified government.

Yes we know that the Israel demonization agenda loves to use the "collective punishment" buzzword but suggest saving it for when it might actually make any sense.

Edited by Jingthing
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Yes, such is life...

For some trash openly provoking many people by their terrorist mentality shooting innocent bystanders or children is freedom fighting.

On the other hand the killing of terrorists launching rockets especially when there are innocent bystanders or children across the border is collective punishment.

Collective punishment as an education measure did work wonders in the past. I would recommend at least to go after all family members of terrorists and jihadists.

The BS stories about family not knowing "NUSING" about their offspring activity can only work in a PC climate of deaf, blind and dumb politicians. Or in "Hogan's Heroes".

Fears of reprisals for all family members would keep many hot heads in check. If not - it would help to alleviate the problem through reduction of potential grounds for breeding terrorism.

Imams known to teach extremist views to their flock should also be made responsible. In a very harsh way. Didn't see many cases against these "wholesalers of opium for people".

The real problem is too many people are afraid to be called "racist", Islamophobes", "Politically Incorrect" and as a result are not capable to fight against the maladies of present times.

Many of us are being exploited through these fears. Count me out.

Edited by ABCer
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Bomb Gaza for incidents in the West Bank. A bit strange like collective punishment with a twist.

That's a lie and you know it is.

It's in retaliation for rockets from Gaza.

Israel has conflicts on multiple fronts.

The Palestinians in Gaza and Judea/Samaria are not under a unified government.

Yes we know that the Israel demonization agenda loves to use the "collective punishment" buzzword but suggest saving it for when it might actually make any sense.

The OP says West Bank, I have no reason to argue, disagree or extrapolate.

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Bomb Gaza for incidents in the West Bank. A bit strange like collective punishment with a twist.

That's a lie and you know it is.

It's in retaliation for rockets from Gaza.

Israel has conflicts on multiple fronts.

The Palestinians in Gaza and Judea/Samaria are not under a unified government.

Yes we know that the Israel demonization agenda loves to use the "collective punishment" buzzword but suggest saving it for when it might actually make any sense.

The OP says West Bank, I have no reason to argue, disagree or extrapolate.

Very convinient to overlook the full story

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Hate usually displays itself in the form of anger. The more obvious the anger, the greater the hate. Just my opinion. As you read thousands of these posts and threads there are common issues as they relate to hate. Usually the hate falls on one side of the argument and there actually is a great deal of consistency about that.

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Hate usually displays itself in the form of anger. The more obvious the anger, the greater the hate. Just my opinion. As you read thousands of these posts and threads there are common issues as they relate to hate. Usually the hate falls on one side of the argument and there actually is a great deal of consistency about that.

Anger is more a reaction than a true feeling. As a feeling, anger is a secondary reaction to another feeling and that feeling is usually fear. Not always, but usually.

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Yes, such is life...

For some trash openly provoking many people by their terrorist mentality shooting innocent bystanders or children is freedom fighting.

On the other hand the killing of terrorists launching rockets especially when there are innocent bystanders or children across the border is collective punishment.

Collective punishment as an education measure did work wonders in the past. I would recommend at least to go after all family members of terrorists and jihadists.

The BS stories about family not knowing "NUSING" about their offspring activity can only work in a PC climate of deaf, blind and dumb politicians. Or in "Hogan's Heroes".

Fears of reprisals for all family members would keep many hot heads in check. If not - it would help to alleviate the problem through reduction of potential grounds for breeding terrorism.

Imams known to teach extremist views to their flock should also be made responsible. In a very harsh way. Didn't see many cases against these "wholesalers of opium for people".

The real problem is too many people are afraid to be called "racist", Islamophobes", "Politically Incorrect" and as a result are not capable to fight against the maladies of present times.

Many of us are being exploited through these fears. Count me out.

Perhaps you overlooked the fact collective punishment is illegal.

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Bomb Gaza for incidents in the West Bank. A bit strange like collective punishment with a twist.

Rockets were fired from Gaza into

southern Israel

Probably so but I actually read the OP to which I responded.

Understood and as already pointed out OP is not complete story

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Perhaps you overlooked the fact collective punishment is illegal.

cheesy.gifcheesy.gif "Illegal". cheesy.gif

Tell that to the Western allies who bombed the shit out of Berlin night after night after night until the German people decided they'd had enough of the war.

It worked too, didn't it?

I LOVE this false concept that some have that there is a body somewhere which enforces laws against sovereign nations. That only happens when there is all-out war and even then only the winner is the enforcer.

I'm sure Russia is terrified of this "illegal" concept as it bombs in Syria.

Get real.

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That's true. But that was in a declared war. And the Luftwaffe bombed the shit (to use your colourful phrase) out of London, Coventry, Plymouth and many other UK cities. When did the Palestinian Air Force last attack Israel?

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That's true. But that was in a declared war. And the Luftwaffe bombed the shit (to use your colourful phrase) out of London, Coventry, Plymouth and many other UK cities. When did the Palestinian Air Force last attack Israel?

And Arabs launched 3 wars against Israel. Hamas has fired thousands of rockets in the past few years. So what point are you trying to make?

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That's true. But that was in a declared war. And the Luftwaffe bombed the shit (to use your colourful phrase) out of London, Coventry, Plymouth and many other UK cities. When did the Palestinian Air Force last attack Israel?

I think those rockets would count, regardless of how they are launched.

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Perhaps you overlooked the fact collective punishment is illegal.

cheesy.gifcheesy.gif "Illegal". cheesy.gif

Tell that to the Western allies who bombed the shit out of Berlin night after night after night until the German people decided they'd had enough of the war.

It worked too, didn't it?

I LOVE this false concept that some have that there is a body somewhere which enforces laws against sovereign nations. That only happens when there is all-out war and even then only the winner is the enforcer.

I'm sure Russia is terrified of this "illegal" concept as it bombs in Syria.

Get real.

Off topic, the bombing campaign did not make the Germans "give up". It was only after Russia captured Berlin and Hitler killed himself that Germany surrendered.

On topic, collective punishment will not make the Palestinians give up. They don't have anywhere else to go.

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Bomb Gaza for incidents in the West Bank. A bit strange like collective punishment with a twist.

Rockets were fired from Gaza into

southern Israel

And it has been happening on an almost daily basis the last 3 weeks before Israel reacted.

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Yes, such is life...

For some trash openly provoking many people by their terrorist mentality shooting innocent bystanders or children is freedom fighting.

On the other hand the killing of terrorists launching rockets especially when there are innocent bystanders or children across the border is collective punishment.

Collective punishment as an education measure did work wonders in the past. I would recommend at least to go after all family members of terrorists and jihadists.

The BS stories about family not knowing "NUSING" about their offspring activity can only work in a PC climate of deaf, blind and dumb politicians. Or in "Hogan's Heroes".

Fears of reprisals for all family members would keep many hot heads in check. If not - it would help to alleviate the problem through reduction of potential grounds for breeding terrorism.

Imams known to teach extremist views to their flock should also be made responsible. In a very harsh way. Didn't see many cases against these "wholesalers of opium for people".

The real problem is too many people are afraid to be called "racist", Islamophobes", "Politically Incorrect" and as a result are not capable to fight against the maladies of present times.

Many of us are being exploited through these fears. Count me out.

Perhaps you overlooked the fact collective punishment is illegal.

True.But when you are facing an opponent that are driven by an collective hate to you,should you sit back and do nothing ?

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Bomb Gaza for incidents in the West Bank. A bit strange like collective punishment with a twist.

Rockets were fired from Gaza into

southern Israel

And it has been happening on an almost daily basis the last 3 weeks before Israel reacted.

And, the Israelis have been oppressing the Palestinians everyday for about the last 30 years or more. Would you accept it if you had been born Palestinian?

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Yes, such is life...

For some trash openly provoking many people by their terrorist mentality shooting innocent bystanders or children is freedom fighting.

On the other hand the killing of terrorists launching rockets especially when there are innocent bystanders or children across the border is collective punishment.

Collective punishment as an education measure did work wonders in the past. I would recommend at least to go after all family members of terrorists and jihadists.

The BS stories about family not knowing "NUSING" about their offspring activity can only work in a PC climate of deaf, blind and dumb politicians. Or in "Hogan's Heroes".

Fears of reprisals for all family members would keep many hot heads in check. If not - it would help to alleviate the problem through reduction of potential grounds for breeding terrorism.

Imams known to teach extremist views to their flock should also be made responsible. In a very harsh way. Didn't see many cases against these "wholesalers of opium for people".

The real problem is too many people are afraid to be called "racist", Islamophobes", "Politically Incorrect" and as a result are not capable to fight against the maladies of present times.

Many of us are being exploited through these fears. Count me out.

Perhaps you overlooked the fact collective punishment is illegal.

True.But when you are facing an opponent that are driven by an collective hate to you,should you sit back and do nothing ?

Up to me I'd try and stop them hating me. It's time for a change as the old ways don't work- never did.

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The hate they have for Israel has nothing to do with the establishment of a jewish state in 1948.The Palestinians are they own worst enemies and until they recognize the two-state solution they have absolutely no sympathy from me.

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And, the Israelis have been oppressing the Palestinians everyday for about the last 30 years or more. Would you accept it if you had been born Palestinian?

NO ONE has ever been "born Palestinian".

There is and never was a nation called Palestine. There never was a people called "Palestinians" until terrorists under the leadership of Yasser Arafat hijacked that name in the 1960's.


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The hate they have for Israel has nothing to do with the establishment of a jewish state in 1948.The Palestinians are they own worst enemies and until they recognize the two-state solution they have absolutely no sympathy from me.

You have got your information completely the wrong way around. It's the Palestinians who support a 2 state solution, while the current right wing Israeli government does not.
"On the final day of his reelection campaign, Benjamin Netanyahu said that as long as he serves as prime minister of Israel, there will not be an independent Palestinian nation."
He later tried to back track on this when the US protested that John Kerry had just spent 9 months trying negotiate a 2 state solution. deal.
The Palestinians recognized the State of Israel 22 years ago. They are still waiting for Israel to reciprocate.
Letter from Yasser Arafat to Prime Minister Rabin. September 9, 1993
Yitzhak Rabin
Prime Minister of Israel
Mr. Prime Minister,
The signing of the Declaration of Principles marks a new era in the history of the Middle East. In firm conviction thereof, I would like to confirm the following PLO commitments:
The PLO recognizes the right of the State of Israel to exist in peace and security."
Edited by dexterm
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And, the Israelis have been oppressing the Palestinians everyday for about the last 30 years or more. Would you accept it if you had been born Palestinian?

NO ONE has ever been "born Palestinian".

There is and never was a nation called Palestine. There never was a people called "Palestinians" until terrorists under the leadership of Yasser Arafat hijacked that name in the 1960's.


The bottom line for all Palestinian delegitimizers is this: even if you think there was never a country called Palestine, well think again...because there is one now! Their flag is flying outside the UN and 70% of the world's countries recognize the state of Palestine...and they aint about to unrecognize it. It was only due to some US last minute lobbying that Palestine was prevented from achieving statehood in December 2014. It is now just a matter of time.
And just like Israelis they are not going away. So get over it, and start thinking towards the future rather than a spurious past.
If Israelis don't get serious soon about discussing a just peace in a 2 state solution, they will find themselves in a one state solution, having to absorb 4.5 Palestinians as equal citizens, and losing any hope of a state with a predominantly Jewish character.
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This looks to be a clear case of collective punishment. Hamas did not fire rockets at Israel, but Netanyahu is itching to start a fight again with Hamas. He did it last year to boost his chances in an election. Can't you see the pattern...every single time.
"Israeli warplanes launched airstrikes on targets in Gaza overnight in retaliation to rocket fire directed at Israeli territory earlier in the day. Although an ISIS-affiliated group claimed responsibility for the attack, Israel holds Hamas responsible.|
Please remember this fact when Hamas is provoked into retaliation and Israel starts muddying the waters and timeline of who started what...exactly as they have done previously.
It's the great Israeli hoax: play the victim, when you are in fact the aggressor.

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"Poor little Israel" just sounds silly when you're the dominant power in the Middle East. When you've invaded several of your neighbors, bombed and defeated them in combat, occupied their land, and taken their homes away from them, it's time to stop acting oppressed.

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