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Prayut denies BBC Thai's 'staged handshake' Facebook post


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All those handshakes are part of a staged. Any social event around conferences such as this one are huge PR events with nothing left to chance. Protocol is nothing more than the veneer of politeness applied on top of it.

Even Putin got to clink glasses with President Obama at one gala event......eventually.

So this was no more staged as any of it. BBC lying again. If Obama really had a problem there would never be a handshake his handlers are not stupid.

This time lots of hot air from the BBC.

But the good general is again reacting with the grace of an elephant in a china-shop. He should not even have commented on the BBC. I have seen bias articles form them before, no news agency is impartial.

haha one finally showed up! you, djjamie, H90, Rubl or Bearboxer or one of the rest of the Junta apologists were bound to show up to defend your hero...

BBC lying? they offered to meet so the General's people could 'tell them' where they had been lying but, of course, this could not be allowed to happen and so the General's people asked for the name of the writer KNOWING the BBC could not divulge it.

I know it's early in the morning but WAKE UP man!

No you should wake up.

All these handshakes are staged, and Obama's handlers who are PR experts would have made sure Obama would never have shaken the general's hands if there was a problem. Do you think his PR department is stupid ?

This was just a meaningless handshake like countless others Putin gets his hand shaken too.

Don't make too much out of it, but then you got the BBC fabricating a story. cheesy.gif Don't you think Putin is a few steps down from the General and even he gets a handshake.

"Don't you think Putin is a few steps down from the General and even he gets a handshake."

I don't think Putin is a few steps down from Putin. They're both more or less in the same league. Actually, one could argue that Putin has more legitimacy since he has been elected.

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Prayut get upset not because the BBC, but because the thai social media. Thai people are laughing at him...

So here the story behind this picture.

In NYC, Uncle Too spend his 5 days running behind Obama and others world leaders, like a teenage girl running behind Justin Bieber.

He needed selfies so he can claims success, but as a world pariah, everyone was avoiding him (look at the picture of his press conference)

Then the last day, Obama got fed up, pity, bored noticed Uncle Too standing behind him. Then he shook his hand. Uncle Too was surprised....whistling.gif

"Then the last day, Obama got fed up, pity, bored noticed Uncle Too standing behind him. Then he shook his hand. Uncle Too was surprised.."

Obama probably thought it was the busboy....whistling.gif

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So this was no more staged as any of it. BBC lying again. If Obama really had a problem there would never be a handshake his handlers are not stupid.

This time lots of hot air from the BBC.

But the good general is again reacting with the grace of an elephant in a china-shop. He should not even have commented on the BBC. I have seen bias articles form them before, no news agency is impartial.

haha one finally showed up! you, djjamie, H90, Rubl or Bearboxer or one of the rest of the Junta apologists were bound to show up to defend your hero...

BBC lying? they offered to meet so the General's people could 'tell them' where they had been lying but, of course, this could not be allowed to happen and so the General's people asked for the name of the writer KNOWING the BBC could not divulge it.

I know it's early in the morning but WAKE UP man!

No you should wake up.

All these handshakes are staged, and Obama's handlers who are PR experts would have made sure Obama would never have shaken the general's hands if there was a problem. Do you think his PR department is stupid ?

This was just a meaningless handshake like countless others Putin gets his hand shaken too.

Don't make too much out of it, but then you got the BBC fabricating a story. cheesy.gif Don't you think Putin is a few steps down from the General and even he gets a handshake.

"Don't you think Putin is a few steps down from the General and even he gets a handshake."

I don't think Putin is a few steps down from Putin. They're both more or less in the same league. Actually, one could argue that Putin has more legitimacy since he has been elected.

cheesy.gif I think Puttin is a few steps down from the general on Obamma's radar, did you forget the invasions he recently did of other countries. But please keep living in your fantasy world.

These handshakes are nothing but a PR show and they don't show that Obama supports the general. (if the general thinks it does he is delusional ) There is no need to fake this as it means nothing.

The BBC is gossiping and from an organisation that hid pedophiles in their ranks for years I am not surprised.

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All those handshakes are part of a staged. Any social event around conferences such as this one are huge PR events with nothing left to chance. Protocol is nothing more than the veneer of politeness applied on top of it.

Even Putin got to clink glasses with President Obama at one gala event......eventually.

So this was no more staged as any of it. BBC lying again. If Obama really had a problem there would never be a handshake his handlers are not stupid.

This time lots of hot air from the BBC.

But the good general is again reacting with the grace of an elephant in a china-shop. He should not even have commented on the BBC. I have seen bias articles form them before, no news agency is impartial.

The photograph was indeed staged. You accuse the BBC of lying, but sadly it is you who has "lied" because you made a statement that you cannot substantiate. These types of photographs are always staged. There is no other way to do them. Do you honestly believe that President Obama saw the General and said hey, let's take a photo together? It takes some time and effort to get these photos done properly.

There are a number of characteristics that demonstrate the photograph was staged;

1. The background. It is appropriate for a portrait shot like this. One needs the right colours and décor to make the shot work. At international meetings there are always places set up to facilitate these types of photo ops. It's normal.

2. The arrangement of participants. The President and his wife are standing in a manner so that the Thai's diminutive height is compensated for and the Obama's are not towering over them. As well, the participants are angled in a semi circle.

Posing for photographs is nothing unusual and is part of international diplomacy. The fact that the General had a need to be seen posing with President Obama speaks volumes. He's making a mistake if he actually thinks he can intimidate the BBC, Should anyone in the Thai government try and do to the BBC what was done to the elderly editor of the Phuketwan, Thailand will have a very unpleasant wake up call.

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"Please understand me. It's usual that I can be moody. Just don't go against me too much."

Hope he is better at to defending himself physically than he is verbally. Also his Thai hi-so elitist sense of entitlement makes him an irresistible target. He is his own worst enemy, not to mention a problem for Thailand.

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The rankings of a tyrant, instead of brushing it off, he's making it sound more and more desperate and just drawing more attention to himself.

The saviour of Thailand? I don't think so, he's doing more harm than good now, and has lost his way.

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"Please understand me. It's usual that I can be moody. Just don't go against me too much."

Hope he is better at to defending himself physically than he is verbally. Also his Thai hi-so elitist sense of entitlement makes him an irresistible target. He is his own worst enemy, not to mention a problem for Thailand.

I really, really doubt it, his type have no idea as they have led an entitled sheltered life, thinks he is a soldier man I would love to see him and his cronies in Afghan or Iraq out at the pointy end, that would be most telling as the baddies often don't do as they are told....

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I don't know why the story didn't match the story in BBC Thai. May be something get lost in translation.

In BBC Thai, the outside contributor claimed that USA team didn't want to take the official photo between Obama and Prayuth if they had handshake.

But It has an official photo between both so BBC Thai is lying.

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haha one finally showed up! you, djjamie, H90, Rubl or Bearboxer or one of the rest of the Junta apologists were bound to show up to defend your hero...

BBC lying? they offered to meet so the General's people could 'tell them' where they had been lying but, of course, this could not be allowed to happen and so the General's people asked for the name of the writer KNOWING the BBC could not divulge it.

I know it's early in the morning but WAKE UP man!

No you should wake up.

All these handshakes are staged, and Obama's handlers who are PR experts would have made sure Obama would never have shaken the general's hands if there was a problem. Do you think his PR department is stupid ?

This was just a meaningless handshake like countless others Putin gets his hand shaken too.

Don't make too much out of it, but then you got the BBC fabricating a story. cheesy.gif Don't you think Putin is a few steps down from the General and even he gets a handshake.

"Don't you think Putin is a few steps down from the General and even he gets a handshake."

I don't think Putin is a few steps down from Putin. They're both more or less in the same league. Actually, one could argue that Putin has more legitimacy since he has been elected.

cheesy.gif I think Puttin is a few steps down from the general on Obamma's radar, did you forget the invasions he recently did of other countries. But please keep living in your fantasy world.

These handshakes are nothing but a PR show and they don't show that Obama supports the general. (if the general thinks it does he is delusional ) There is no need to fake this as it means nothing.

The BBC is gossiping and from an organisation that hid pedophiles in their ranks for years I am not surprised.

"But please keep living in your fantasy world."

I'm not the one believing that something good can come out of coup # 19 (despite all the evidence to the contrary) so you have just made the perfect "pot calling the kettle black" statement.


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I continue to be amazed at the venom directed at the Prime Minster by a group of people who have absolutely no legitimacy . None of you can vote; your are all guests in Thailand and yet you sound as if the PM should listen to you. I don't blame his irritation. Whether Obama or any other leader shakes his hand is irrelevant. The United States opinion of the coup is well known. What is not so well known is that the US foreign policy continues to be erratic and hypocritical. Egypt had a coup- no criticism- because the new government got rid of an elected government that was supported by the Moslem Brotherhood- an enemy of the US. Thailand doesn't have oil; isn't near the Middle East or Israel and thus is treated differently because America has no real concept of the real dynamics of Thai politics and its search for political reform.There is no Thai lobby in the US to influence opinion as there is a huge Middle East lobby.

Westerners in Thailand need to show some restraint. When I am invited to your house for dinner, I don't continue to tell you I hated the food.

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I continue to be amazed at the venom directed at the Prime Minster by a group of people who have absolutely no legitimacy . None of you can vote; your are all guests in Thailand and yet you sound as if the PM should listen to you. I don't blame his irritation. Whether Obama or any other leader shakes his hand is irrelevant. The United States opinion of the coup is well known. What is not so well known is that the US foreign policy continues to be erratic and hypocritical. Egypt had a coup- no criticism- because the new government got rid of an elected government that was supported by the Moslem Brotherhood- an enemy of the US. Thailand doesn't have oil; isn't near the Middle East or Israel and thus is treated differently because America has no real concept of the real dynamics of Thai politics and its search for political reform.There is no Thai lobby in the US to influence opinion as there is a huge Middle East lobby.

Westerners in Thailand need to show some restraint. When I am invited to your house for dinner, I don't continue to tell you I hated the food.

I know, free speech terrible isn't it....

Can't speak for others but I don't think he takes any notice of anybody, I reckon he is on a power trip and is getting progressively more dangerous

I have paid my way in LOS been no free-loading from me and in fact Thailand has definitely got the most out of it hence why they put up with us, all about the money see....

Don't give a monkeys about UK/US/Euro foreign policy as it has no real implication on how this lot are buggering thing's up for their people and because I can see so many heads in the sand and hear so much BS being spouted speaking out is just too easy

Sorry if the truth is too much for some of you Thai's (edit and Junta lovers) but sometimes the truth hurt's...

Edited by mark131v
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I continue to be amazed at the venom directed at the Prime Minster by a group of people who have absolutely no legitimacy . None of you can vote; your are all guests in Thailand and yet you sound as if the PM should listen to you. I don't blame his irritation. Whether Obama or any other leader shakes his hand is irrelevant. The United States opinion of the coup is well known. What is not so well known is that the US foreign policy continues to be erratic and hypocritical. Egypt had a coup- no criticism- because the new government got rid of an elected government that was supported by the Moslem Brotherhood- an enemy of the US. Thailand doesn't have oil; isn't near the Middle East or Israel and thus is treated differently because America has no real concept of the real dynamics of Thai politics and its search for political reform.There is no Thai lobby in the US to influence opinion as there is a huge Middle East lobby.

Westerners in Thailand need to show some restraint. When I am invited to your house for dinner, I don't continue to tell you I hated the food.

Well written until the "because America has no real concept..." The US supports dictators around the world when it suits them. When it is not in their interest to, they don't. This doesn't mean that everyone they support is evil and everyone they are against is good.

If you read Wikileaks, you will know that the US is well aware of the "real dynamics of Thai politics."

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The rankings of a tyrant, instead of brushing it off, he's making it sound more and more desperate and just drawing more attention to himself.

The saviour of Thailand? I don't think so, he's doing more harm than good now, and has lost his way.

Now now Haggis, don't forget he was quoted by his adoring supporters in New York, (who just happened to bump into him as he was strolling along) as being the LGHSN ( last great hope to save the nation ).
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I continue to be amazed at the venom directed at the Prime Minster by a group of people who have absolutely no legitimacy . None of you can vote; your are all guests in Thailand and yet you sound as if the PM should listen to you. I don't blame his irritation. Whether Obama or any other leader shakes his hand is irrelevant. The United States opinion of the coup is well known. What is not so well known is that the US foreign policy continues to be erratic and hypocritical. Egypt had a coup- no criticism- because the new government got rid of an elected government that was supported by the Moslem Brotherhood- an enemy of the US. Thailand doesn't have oil; isn't near the Middle East or Israel and thus is treated differently because America has no real concept of the real dynamics of Thai politics and its search for political reform.There is no Thai lobby in the US to influence opinion as there is a huge Middle East lobby.

Westerners in Thailand need to show some restraint. When I am invited to your house for dinner, I don't continue to tell you I hated the food.

Have you stopped for a minute to think that in many people's eyes the PM himself has no legitimacy after all, he overthrew an elected government by staging an illegal coup? Forget the fake reasons behind it, many people simply don't fall for the junta, not the PMs constantly lies, his turning blind eyes to certain crimes, whilst coming down full force on others.

Prayuth has one person to blame and one person only......himself, he's stumbling and bumbling from once crisis to another, he's not used to having his orders questioned.

You do realise that he can step down at any time he wishes and heaven forbid, actually use article 44 to hold snap elections using the military to protect the polling stations and prove once and for all of he's as popular as the polls and TVF pundits make him out to be.

Reforms reforms reforms, 18 months down the line, what reform has even begun, or is complete?

Token gestures only, his accomplishments are not that many, a few beaches where it didn't really matter free of scammers, but what about the encroached lands in Surat Thani, the beaches in places like oh say KohTao and Samui that have been encroached upon?

All too easy to do it in the North East and Korat, where the "influence" isn't so strong.

Sorry, but he (Prayuth) pretty much brings all the wrath on himself, he failed to get the press and media onside right from the get go.

He's lying about the single gateway too. It's already in place at his command. He's every bit as paranoid as his predecessors in the big seat.

Just a final point, don't forget that many anti Junta posters are also fully aware of EXACTLY why the junta simply HAS to be in control at this point in time. And it's got nothing to do with reforms or curtailing corruption!!

Edited by Fat Haggis
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Oh my Buddha.......

Good God........... "I was only making fun of the foolish report when I compared it to kids talking about meeting Santa for the first time, Sir."

It must be hard being a self-imposed country leader and not have too much dignity to dignify ridicule.

Stay tuned for the next episode of the Beverly Hillbillies when Jed, Ellie May and Jethro go to New York ..... without Jane and Mr. Drysdale.

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I continue to be amazed at the venom directed at the Prime Minster by a group of people who have absolutely no legitimacy . None of you can vote; your are all guests in Thailand and yet you sound as if the PM should listen to you. I don't blame his irritation. Whether Obama or any other leader shakes his hand is irrelevant. The United States opinion of the coup is well known. What is not so well known is that the US foreign policy continues to be erratic and hypocritical. Egypt had a coup- no criticism- because the new government got rid of an elected government that was supported by the Moslem Brotherhood- an enemy of the US. Thailand doesn't have oil; isn't near the Middle East or Israel and thus is treated differently because America has no real concept of the real dynamics of Thai politics and its search for political reform.There is no Thai lobby in the US to influence opinion as there is a huge Middle East lobby.

Westerners in Thailand need to show some restraint. When I am invited to your house for dinner, I don't continue to tell you I hated the food.

He hasn't invited anyone to a dinner party - he has taken over a country in a coup and installed himself as Prime Minister. The Thai people were not consulted, in fact he was complicit in engineering the failure of the electoral process in which the people were choosing their government, in order to create the conditions to justify ( to himself) the coup.

That being the case, (and it is) your comparison of foreign residents living in Thailand who criticise him with guests at a dinner party who criticise the food is way off the mark

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"Westerners in Thailand need to show some restraint. When I am invited to your house for dinner, I don't continue to tell you I hated the food"

Mist of use were not invited to Thailand/dinner, we found that when we got here the meal/dinner was pretty enjoyable, so much so we decided to visit our favourite destination/restaurant all the time.

Some of us struck up friendships and relationships with the patrons/staff of our favourite eating place, and it was really nice to keep coming, intact it was so nice that going there daily was better than our old favourite restaurants in our homelands.

Then sadly the favourite restaurant changed ownership, and the menu changed, the new chef doesn't know how to cook beans, never mind a la carte, the food was not as palatable as it was, it's still not bad enough to stop going altogether, as there's a longing hope that if a new Chef comes along, the menu will get better, and everybody will start enjoying their favourite meals there again!!


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I continue to be amazed at the venom directed at the Prime Minster by a group of people who have absolutely no legitimacy . None of you can vote; your are all guests in Thailand and yet you sound as if the PM should listen to you. I don't blame his irritation. Whether Obama or any other leader shakes his hand is irrelevant. The United States opinion of the coup is well known. What is not so well known is that the US foreign policy continues to be erratic and hypocritical. Egypt had a coup- no criticism- because the new government got rid of an elected government that was supported by the Moslem Brotherhood- an enemy of the US. Thailand doesn't have oil; isn't near the Middle East or Israel and thus is treated differently because America has no real concept of the real dynamics of Thai politics and its search for political reform.There is no Thai lobby in the US to influence opinion as there is a huge Middle East lobby.

Westerners in Thailand need to show some restraint. When I am invited to your house for dinner, I don't continue to tell you I hated the food.

"When I am invited to your house for dinner, I don't continue to tell you I hated the food."

You could if you paid for it!

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I have to shake hands with people I can't stand every day, who are doing their best to fark me over, and take my job from me, I don't really make a big song and dance about it, my thoughts on them don't change just because of a courtesy hand shake.

You need to start thinking about what you will do after you reach puberty Mr. PM.

Edited by Fat Haggis
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I have to shake hands with people I can't stand every day, who are doing their best to fark me over, and take my job from me, I don't really make a big song and dance about it, my thoughts on them don't change just because of a courtesy hand shake.

You need to start thinking about what you will do after you reach puberty Mr. PM.

He's about as grown up as any entitled, elite Thai will ever be.

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All those handshakes are part of a staged. Any social event around conferences such as this one are huge PR events with nothing left to chance. Protocol is nothing more than the veneer of politeness applied on top of it.

Even Putin got to clink glasses with President Obama at one gala event......eventually.

Yes and then flew his jets into Syria the next day. Bummer Obama. The subject is a rather lengthy read. The first sentence just about explains it all.

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When is this man ever going to learn that keeping his mouth shut will improve his image 100%?

When you reach the level that he did in the armed forces everybody else keeps their mouth shut. This position requires you to bark orders to the underlings. You are always right. Now as PM he is always right.

Edited by elgordo38
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To be quite honest I give up - Too much bitterness and negativity for me. Good day and Good luck.

That's a shame as you have posted some good views, I just don't agree with your anology about being "invited to dinner and complaining about the food" ;)

As for negativity, I've not seen one anti junta poster here state that they've had enough and are leaving their lives here.

I've also yet to hear any pro junta people state how their own personal lives was so horrendous under the Shins that they upped and left.

As far as I'm aware not one single anti junta poster has stated that their lives under the junta have been made any more horrific than it was under the shins, or the democrats/junta either.

I'm also starting to understand that the majority of pro junta posters are probably senior citizens ( over 60) with 15-30 years experience of living here. and that the anti junta posters are probably under the age of 60, and who have not spent any more than 10 years here. A lot of this pro junta kool aid drinking comes from apathy.

The pro junta group always seem to be critical of the younger generations, the students of today forgetting that one day, one of thee students will be running this country.

They've had their day, it's all about the next generation. And what's more important it's all about the next generation of Thais, not the bitter and twisted farangs who have gone with the flow through countless coups, making claims "but this one is different" no it isn't it's not, it's all bout control.

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"Why would I have to ask him to shake hands with me? I have my dignity. I'm a country's leader. Why wouldn't he do that with me?"

I have to agree with the PM on this occasion.

Irrespective of the criticism that we (Farang) level at Prayut, there is no disputing that he is currently “leading” this country! As such, I’m sure the President of the United States would be sufficiently well versed in international protocol, and have enough decorum to greet Prayut in the appropriate manner (befitting his position as leader of Thailand).

Even if the photo was staged – so what, President Obama took part in it too, didn’t he?

Prayut’s response to the pathetic media circus in this country should have been to brush the allegation aside, saying that he had more serious matters to attend to, and then left it at that. Drought, the draft Constitution, and the EU threat to the fishing industry (to name a few) are far more important issues, and the PM would be wise to keep domestic issues at the top of the agenda.

Unfortunately, the PM continues to be his own worst enemy, especially if the following is a true translation of what he reportedly said later, “It's up to them how to write the news, but man, don't be too free, or people will get hurt."

I would hope he doesn’t mean physically, but this is a clear (and not isolated) example that he really needs do some media training.

I’m sure he would have a better relationship with the media if he did. He already has the ability to display emotion, he just needs to develop more empathy, as the following quote shows, "Please understand me. It's usual that I can be moody. Just don't go against me too much."

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