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Just for you; call Jurarat on 06 313 4841 The ad was in a local Newspaper incl. Pictures. Condo's in forign name. I didn't see the condo and I don't know the person. But the price sound's ok and the pictures looked nice too. Now it's up to you

Looks like billaa777 will be buying a condo tomorrow.

Well like I said I was going to do, I called the number you suggested and went over and looked at the condos. The units they had for 1,250 were sold, but they had others at 1,450 and I took pictures of those and posted here.

Although these were once renovated, it was quite some time ago. In addition, it is hardly what I would call a quality renovation.

Hopefully, now you will understand the difference in selling prices of renovated and un-renovated units. And stop posting crap like you know what your talking about, but really don’t have a clue.

I look forward to you next smartass remark!!!





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The trouble I found with Estate Agents in Thailand when I first tried to buy a place, was that most of the properties they advertised were 'gone' and a more expensive property was luckily still available. Did you actually see the 1,250 property that was sold? I only ask because I have been trying to find out the true state of the market in Pattaya and dont have any confidence in the numbers I am seeing. Are you really saying (and I am asking - not attacking) with the change in visa rules - especially the 3m baht investment visa being scrapped and the problems with the company method of buying condos - that prices are actually going up???

I know I can go and see some places and get a view of the market that way, but it seems a bit unfair to waste peoples time (even 'evil' estate agents) when I am only trying to gauge the market.

Also what sort of people bought your places that you sold? Thais/ Farang ? living in Thailand or tourists ?


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The trouble I found with Estate Agents in Thailand when I first tried to buy a place, was that most of the properties they advertised were 'gone' and a more expensive property was luckily still available. Did you actually see the 1,250 property that was sold? I only ask because I have been trying to find out the true state of the market in Pattaya and dont have any confidence in the numbers I am seeing. Are you really saying (and I am asking - not attacking) with the change in visa rules - especially the 3m baht investment visa being scrapped and the problems with the company method of buying condos - that prices are actually going up???

I know I can go and see some places and get a view of the market that way, but it seems a bit unfair to waste peoples time (even 'evil' estate agents) when I am only trying to gauge the market.

Also what sort of people bought your places that you sold? Thais/ Farang ? living in Thailand or tourists ?

I will try and answer all your questions.

No, I did not see the property for 1,250. But, I was already very aware of the market. In fact, the reason I did not mind going over there to take the pictures was because I am selling a 56 SM right next to the pool needed to pick up my letter of “free debt” from the management of the condo.

I don’t like that complex and when I was in my unit measuring for tile the day after I bought it somebody came up and made me an offer on the condo, so I sold it fast.

I deal with over 35 different agents. While it is true I don’t like some of the things they do, I don’t believe, in fact I am sure the problem with most of the properties that you tried to buy are already sold is not really their fault or are they trying to pull a fast. Trust me; the real estate business here is not easy, there are too many agents and not enough customers. They all want to make a sell. They spend lots of money on advertising and rent on expensive offices and when they get a customer that is a real buyer in the office they hate to see him go.

Here’s one of the problems though. When listing a property, it not like back in the US, where I am from. In the US you only need to list with one agent and all the real estate agencies have it on their computer. Here, you have to list with every agency individually. So, if another agent sells a property the only way your agent even knows it is sold when they call the owner attempting to show it. Another problem is, most of them do a good job getting your listing on their web site, but they don’t necessarily do a good job of taking it off there web sites when it is sold. And one more problem, there is only one agency in this entire town that calls me when they are designing their advertisements and ask me “if I still have the property.” The others just advertise the best properties that have come in the last month or so.

After all that, sorry for the boring explanation, I really don’t believe they are trying to pull a bait and switch on you, they are just not very organized and the entire system on a whole is not as effective as were used to back home.

Prices are defiantly going up. Each time I sell a property I am unable to replace that inventory at my original cost. I wish I could. I did not even know about the 3 million investment visa until this whole visa thing came up. So I am sure, if it had any effect on the market is was very minimal at best. As for the 30 day visa runners, they were never buying condos in the 1st place, just renting cheap places.

The change in the enforcement of the land laws regarding companies did have an effect on the market though. Although the new enforcement had nothing to do with condos. You can still buy condos in company’s names and have it registered at the land department. (And before one of you write, the only way to legally own a condo is in your own name, DON”T bother. I don’t want to read anymore of you BS. It’s done everyday.) And just so you know, I only deal in foreign owned condos. It drove up prices for foreign owned condos and drove down price of Thai owned condos in building over 49%.

As far as “Evil Real Estate Agents” and “Wasting your time ,“ I don’t think that is fair. To the best of my knowledge, very few of the agents are making real good money here. Most are just trying to make a sale or two a month to pay the rent and hope to get a big deal once or twice a year. Some of the owners of a few agencies are making good money, buy surely not all of them.

As far as wasting your time, I stopped advertising in the papers because I got so tired of dealing with the vast majority of the customers unrealistic expectations. Some of the things I heard you would just not believe. And if I see one more guy that’s been here a week bring a bar girl to look at a condo, trying to impress her, I just wanted to slap them and charge them for my time.

I will say this one more time. The prices you see advertised on the net and in the magazines is pretty close to the market value of that property. To estimate the selling price take 7 to 8 per cent off the asking price and you will have a pretty good idea of what you can buy that property for. Of course somebody is going to get a great deal every now and then and get 25% off, but it just does not happen that often. Some properties are listed way out of their realistic selling range, buy not nearly as many as you think.

You can go to the major real estate agents web sites and do all the research you need on the selling price of units. But, so many of these guys came over here three years ago and looked at property and think they can still buy something for those prices. Well guess what, you can’t.

I sell most of my properties to males over the age of 35 from industrialized nations.

After all of that, there are tons of hot properties here to live in and make money on. In fact, right at this very moment the hottest deal since I have been here is available. But, have to do your homework and know the market.

Hope this helps.

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Just for you; call Jurarat on 06 313 4841 The ad was in a local Newspaper incl. Pictures. Condo's in forign name. I didn't see the condo and I don't know the person. But the price sound's ok and the pictures looked nice too. Now it's up to you
Looks like billaa777 will be buying a condo tomorrow.

Well like I said I was going to do, I called the number you suggested and went over and looked at the condos. The units they had for 1,250 were sold, but they had others at 1,450 and I took pictures of those and posted here.

Although these were once renovated, it was quite some time ago. In addition, it is hardly what I would call a quality renovation.

Hopefully, now you will understand the difference in selling prices of renovated and un-renovated units. And stop posting crap like you know what your talking about, but really don’t have a clue.

I look forward to you next smartass remark!!!

:o Huh? I didn't suggest any numbers; think you've got posters mixed up. :D

As far as unit quality; I did the same thing in the states so yes I know the difference.

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Hi Billiaaa 777

Do you have a work permit for your activities in Thailand

Just a question not an attack.?

IMO anyone that buys a condo in a company name is off his/hers rocker as you can own one with out that, plenty of condos in Thailand, why would anyone leave themselves open in such a way. Its just not necessary.

You know everyone is allowed there opinion, but we have herd enough of yours

as its bias to your business activities.

As for estate agents, well we all know what they are.

Nice condo pics, what was the view like out side as I could not see one of that?

Have a nice day


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Do you have a work permit for your activities in Thailand

Just a question not an attack.?

Yes I do.

You know everyone is allowed there opinion, but we have herd enough of yours

as its bias to your business activities.

Not an attack!!! Screw off!!! Don't read it then!!!

I don't know why I bother. No more trying to help people answering questions. Get your information from this fool!!!

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quote name='billaaa777' date='2006-10-04 14:39:11' post='927233]
Do you have a work permit for your activities in Thailand

Just a question not an attack.?

Yes I do.

You know everyone is allowed there opinion, but we have herd enough of yours

as its bias to your business activities.

Not an attack!!! Screw off!!! Don't read it then!!!

I don't know why I bother. No more trying to help people answering questions. Get your information from this fool!!!

To think for one minute I have annoyed a property developer

or estate agent/ Muppet in Pattaya, gives me great pleasure.

Yes don’t post any more, you won’t be missed.

Screw off your self. It’s your type that has ruined it for

normal people to own places at an affordable price in Pattaya.

And that’s the truth, it hurts doesn’t it.

Have a nice day.


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Thanks for your input.The Muppet's who attacked you are just bar room bores.Probably in reality they could never even afford to to buy the cheapest Condo shell in an old building in Pattaya,but in there own minds are Property experts.

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It is guys like billaaa777 that are contributing to higher condo prices by middlle manning and adding 20 percent on the top.

He reckons condos are a good investment yet he actually is a dealer not a genuine buyer. Someone who buys and sell s 20 condos over the year whacking a great big margin does nothing but inflate the market value of properties.

It is hard enough buying a shirt from a street dealer for a good price in LOS little lone going down the highly fragile route of buying property with all the pitfalls and byzantine regulations.

As for capital gains i will stick to the Aussie market. I bought a place in Perth last year for 300,000 AUD and it is now worth 500,000 and i did it on 20 percent deposit.

Why would i waste my time on the Pattaya property market??

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Thanks for your input.The Muppet's who attacked you are just bar room bores.Probably in reality they could never even afford to to buy the cheapest Condo shell in an old building in Pattaya,but in there own minds are Property experts.

Go back to your milk.

Think you must work in the same orifice as Billiaaa777.

Have a nice day


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The trouble I found with Estate Agents in Thailand when I first tried to buy a place, was that most of the properties they advertised were 'gone' and a more expensive property was luckily still available. Did you actually see the 1,250 property that was sold? I only ask because I have been trying to find out the true state of the market in Pattaya and dont have any confidence in the numbers I am seeing. Are you really saying (and I am asking - not attacking) with the change in visa rules - especially the 3m baht investment visa being scrapped and the problems with the company method of buying condos - that prices are actually going up???

I know I can go and see some places and get a view of the market that way, but it seems a bit unfair to waste peoples time (even 'evil' estate agents) when I am only trying to gauge the market.

Also what sort of people bought your places that you sold? Thais/ Farang ? living in Thailand or tourists ?

I will try and answer all your questions.

No, I did not see the property for 1,250. But, I was already very aware of the market. In fact, the reason I did not mind going over there to take the pictures was because I am selling a 56 SM right next to the pool needed to pick up my letter of “free debt” from the management of the condo.

I don’t like that complex and when I was in my unit measuring for tile the day after I bought it somebody came up and made me an offer on the condo, so I sold it fast.

I deal with over 35 different agents. While it is true I don’t like some of the things they do, I don’t believe, in fact I am sure the problem with most of the properties that you tried to buy are already sold is not really their fault or are they trying to pull a fast. Trust me; the real estate business here is not easy, there are too many agents and not enough customers. They all want to make a sell. They spend lots of money on advertising and rent on expensive offices and when they get a customer that is a real buyer in the office they hate to see him go.

Here’s one of the problems though. When listing a property, it not like back in the US, where I am from. In the US you only need to list with one agent and all the real estate agencies have it on their computer. Here, you have to list with every agency individually. So, if another agent sells a property the only way your agent even knows it is sold when they call the owner attempting to show it. Another problem is, most of them do a good job getting your listing on their web site, but they don’t necessarily do a good job of taking it off there web sites when it is sold. And one more problem, there is only one agency in this entire town that calls me when they are designing their advertisements and ask me “if I still have the property.” The others just advertise the best properties that have come in the last month or so.

After all that, sorry for the boring explanation, I really don’t believe they are trying to pull a bait and switch on you, they are just not very organized and the entire system on a whole is not as effective as were used to back home.

Prices are defiantly going up. Each time I sell a property I am unable to replace that inventory at my original cost. I wish I could. I did not even know about the 3 million investment visa until this whole visa thing came up. So I am sure, if it had any effect on the market is was very minimal at best. As for the 30 day visa runners, they were never buying condos in the 1st place, just renting cheap places.

The change in the enforcement of the land laws regarding companies did have an effect on the market though. Although the new enforcement had nothing to do with condos. You can still buy condos in company’s names and have it registered at the land department. (And before one of you write, the only way to legally own a condo is in your own name, DON”T bother. I don’t want to read anymore of you BS. It’s done everyday.) And just so you know, I only deal in foreign owned condos. It drove up prices for foreign owned condos and drove down price of Thai owned condos in building over 49%.

As far as “Evil Real Estate Agents” and “Wasting your time ,“ I don’t think that is fair. To the best of my knowledge, very few of the agents are making real good money here. Most are just trying to make a sale or two a month to pay the rent and hope to get a big deal once or twice a year. Some of the owners of a few agencies are making good money, buy surely not all of them.

As far as wasting your time, I stopped advertising in the papers because I got so tired of dealing with the vast majority of the customers unrealistic expectations. Some of the things I heard you would just not believe. And if I see one more guy that’s been here a week bring a bar girl to look at a condo, trying to impress her, I just wanted to slap them and charge them for my time.

I will say this one more time. The prices you see advertised on the net and in the magazines is pretty close to the market value of that property. To estimate the selling price take 7 to 8 per cent off the asking price and you will have a pretty good idea of what you can buy that property for. Of course somebody is going to get a great deal every now and then and get 25% off, but it just does not happen that often. Some properties are listed way out of their realistic selling range, buy not nearly as many as you think.

You can go to the major real estate agents web sites and do all the research you need on the selling price of units. But, so many of these guys came over here three years ago and looked at property and think they can still buy something for those prices. Well guess what, you can’t.

I sell most of my properties to males over the age of 35 from industrialized nations.

After all of that, there are tons of hot properties here to live in and make money on. In fact, right at this very moment the hottest deal since I have been here is available. But, have to do your homework and know the market.

Hope this helps.

Interesting - thanks for the reply. My interest is periphery to the condo market as such. I am one of these people who has a house/land just outside Pattaya. Nice place. I bought through the company route (sadly?) a few years ago. I have a Thai wife so I could put the land in her name and lease etc... put the house in my name blah blah - you know the options.

I was however considering taking the 'hit' ie: loss and selling the house/land now and buying a condo in my name. Mind you I like it here so with the market in condos still going up or at least not going down, I think I am erring on the side of 'fighting' to keep this place. Thanks again for your feedback.

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It’s your type that has ruined it for

normal people to own places at an affordable price in Pattaya.

And that’s the truth, it hurts doesn’t it.

Have a nice day.


I don't understand. What could be more affordable than about 1.4 million for a pleasant, safe place to live? Any less and you're living under a bridge somewhere. Pattaya is not my thing, but I can't say it's because it's not reasonably priced to live there.

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To answer the OPs original question.I bought a Condo at Jomtien Beach Condominium,two and a half years ago through Nick Real estate,Jomtien Beach Road.Its owned by a young Thai Ladyboy,and his brother works there also .They were very helpful,and honest.

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Thanks for your input.The Muppet's who attacked you are just bar room bores.Probably in reality they could never even afford to to buy the cheapest Condo shell in an old building in Pattaya,but in there own minds are Property experts.

Good post... :D

What's wrong with making a pofit??? It's called a "free market"... :o

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