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Expats living on their pension in Thailand, why the negativity?


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I have read in many threads negative whinge responses about expats living on their pensions in Thailand. Why is that such a negative or frowned upon thing? There have been some pretty pointed statements specifically making reference to people living off their pension etc etc.. Isn't that what people work a majority of their life to get to? You pour funds into a system and when you reach the age to use it, you should. Yet some how it is met with harsh criticism if you take it and move to Thailand, Cambodia, Laos etc.

Now I am not a person living in Thailand on a pension but the day I can draw on it I will be standing in line. And quite honestly I see it as a milestone that I am one who can kick back and enjoy it where as many will die never using it. In the west your Social Security wont even get you by, but in Thailand you can make it work. Sure you have to make some concessions but that's all part of it anyway.

Was curious is all.

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Simple answer jealousy,some of us have the funds.Some of the wannabees (younger folks who know it all and <deleted> up) and can't go back.The older and the wiser had a Plan B,with financial backing to bale out.You will find the great defenders of this country have a financial commitment (which they won't admit').Read enough posts and you will soon work out who they are.I would recommend if you want to get an honest answer from a poster then look at their post count.The higher the count the more bullshit you will get.Only an observation on my part,no research to back it up.

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@Chiang Mai and Shirtlifter I suspected jealously was the main culprit behind the responses but was curious if there were other reasons. I too have found the more posts a member has historically the greater the negativity in their responses. Standard fair quite honestly on internet forums.

I didn't start the thread to single people out, I was curious. I say if a person can swing it on their pension, live comfortably on their terms, not be a burden to society then more power to the individual. I know many of us have other means and the pension we will receive is upside but that's OK too. I just say USE it and have fun.

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Works for me, I have a good company Pension, and a few various other nesteggs which gives me monthly returns.., and these are improving yearly....

all in all gives, me a 5 star life style here in ''Thailand'' that i would not get anywhere in ''Europe'' or ''California''...

so, for sure give it a try, you could always go back..

all the best

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@robertthebruce I already live in Thailand and my wife and I built a home in the northern region. I am not near a pension age so we are living off other investments. I was just curious why I had read many negative responses about "pensioners" in Thailand. But I am with you, I think if anyone can pull it off they should go live it and it shouldn't be viewed in a negative light.

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@robertthebruce I already live in Thailand and my wife and I built a home in the northern region. I am not near a pension age so we are living off other investments. I was just curious why I had read many negative responses about "pensioners" in Thailand. But I am with you, I think if anyone can pull it off they should go live it and it shouldn't be viewed in a negative light.

and i am just curious where you read these negative comments. i'm an active member of TV since nine years and can't recall a single one.

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@robertthebruce I already live in Thailand and my wife and I built a home in the northern region. I am not near a pension age so we are living off other investments. I was just curious why I had read many negative responses about "pensioners" in Thailand. But I am with you, I think if anyone can pull it off they should go live it and it shouldn't be viewed in a negative light.

and i am just curious where you read these negative comments. i'm an active member of TV since nine years and can't recall a single one.

It has been negatively referenced on these ThaiVisa pages as a 'goat-cheese pension' as in " ... an old boy on a goat-cheese pension eating 30 baht meals at a food hall and nursing a happy hour shandy all night."

Edited by JLCrab
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I think it's a part of the trend amongst younger Brits at least to be resentful of older generations and anyone having a pension is one of those things that is riled against. There is in fact some basis for that resentment in the UK since a series of changes by government have resulted in younger generations today having a poorer deal than many of their predecessors and older generations, mostly to the benefit of the older generations. Cases in point include: university fees, availability and cost of housing, state pension age, etc. I suppose it's not so much that it's a poorer deal, simply it's a different one that results from the austerity program and from prior poor fiscal management by governments past.

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@robertthebruce I already live in Thailand and my wife and I built a home in the northern region. I am not near a pension age so we are living off other investments. I was just curious why I had read many negative responses about "pensioners" in Thailand. But I am with you, I think if anyone can pull it off they should go live it and it shouldn't be viewed in a negative light.

and i am just curious where you read these negative comments. i'm an active member of TV since nine years and can't recall a single one.

It has been negatively referenced on these ThaiVisa pages as a 'goat-cheese pension' as in " ... an old boy on a goat-cheese pension eating 30 baht meals at a food hall and nursing a happy hour shandy all night."

hmmm... obviously my eyes are trained to overlook idiotic remarks like these.

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@robertthebruce I already live in Thailand and my wife and I built a home in the northern region. I am not near a pension age so we are living off other investments. I was just curious why I had read many negative responses about "pensioners" in Thailand. But I am with you, I think if anyone can pull it off they should go live it and it shouldn't be viewed in a negative light.

and i am just curious where you read these negative comments. i'm an active member of TV since nine years and can't recall a single one.

It has been negatively referenced on these ThaiVisa pages as a 'goat-cheese pension' as in " ... an old boy on a goat-cheese pension eating 30 baht meals at a food hall and nursing a happy hour shandy all night."

hmmm... obviously my eyes are trained to overlook idiotic remarks like these.

Well they show up frequently. Typically they surface further into a thread when things gets much more off tangent and personal. I saw a few the other day and thought I was pose the question. I was hoping the ones that post it would shed why they do and why its such a bad thing and why. I suspect they may not.

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@robertthebruce I already live in Thailand and my wife and I built a home in the northern region. I am not near a pension age so we are living off other investments. I was just curious why I had read many negative responses about "pensioners" in Thailand. But I am with you, I think if anyone can pull it off they should go live it and it shouldn't be viewed in a negative light.

and i am just curious where you read these negative comments. i'm an active member of TV since nine years and can't recall a single one.

Naam you still suffering from selected reading.

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To answer the question simply....its a case that the are many miserable indivduals who would be whinging and complaining where ever they are and are not happy unless they are whinging

Then there are those spouting negativity and dont even live in Thailand anymore for "various reasons" and feel obligated to slag the place every chance they get

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Don't really get the point of the question here.

The widespread stereotype of "pensioners" is that they are old and not rich.

As pensioners age, they indeed do get even older and because their incomes are usually fixed, even poorer.

Of course not everyone fits the stereotype.

Some people receive earlier age pensions and many pensioners are wealthy due to various personal circumstances.

Is this rocket science? Socially, old is not cool. Poor is not cool. Double those ... doubly not cool.

Of course someone in their 20's can be dirt poor and very cool ... the youth trumps.

Next ...

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Yes well we live here on my pension , our son is in uni and we rent a condo for him in Bangkok , so its easy to live here on a pension ,oh and we sold our quite large house in the UK and my wife earns quite a lot of money in real estate , it does helpthumbsup.gif

Ps to the young guys who always go on about us getting a pension and to Cameron


Edited by i claudius
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Is the OP talking about government pension or private pensions, big difference.How can anyone live on 106 gbp per week is beyond me, whether uk or Thailand.I had lump sums and a monthly amount on my different pensions, and income from investments too, but to live on government pension alone is very hard.

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Simple answer jealousy,some of us have the funds.Some of the wannabees (younger folks who know it all and <deleted> up) and can't go back.The older and the wiser had a Plan B,with financial backing to bale out.You will find the great defenders of this country have a financial commitment (which they won't admit').Read enough posts and you will soon work out who they are.I would recommend if you want to get an honest answer from a poster then look at their post count.The higher the count the more bullshit you will get.Only an observation on my part,no research to back it up.

Excelent observationclap2.gif

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Jealousy? Don't be ridiculous.

There's no negativity nor jealousy towards the concept of a man living on his pension in Thailand - what else are you supposed to live on when you're retired?

Hell of a lot of people on TVF take the pee out of TEFLers and digital pikeys; why shouldn't some of the pensioners get some too?

For sure, I have definitely given that group a bit of stick but most of that stems from the fact that SOME of them - NOT ALL - seem to think that they shouldn't have to jump through immigration hoops because they bring in a monthly income. Good Lord, some of them even believe that, collectively, that income is equivalent to 10% of Thai GDP. LOL!

I don't hear the expat working day in-day out and paying taxes in Thailand demanding privileges yet some of the pensioners seem to think they're entitled

For every pensioner quietly going about his business, not demanding preferential treatment, enjoying his life on a nice, comfortable pension he paid into over a lifetime of hard graft, there's 20 more hanging on by the skin of their teeth financially - subsisting on food hall noodles and a happy hour Leo.

Those 20 tend to be the most vociferous and those are the ones I take the mick out of.

Edited by Cypress Hill
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Cypress Hill

For every pensioner quietly going about his business, not demanding preferential treatment, enjoying his life on a nice, comfortable pension he paid into over a lifetime of hard graft, there's 20 more hanging on by the skin of their teeth financially - subsisting on food hall noodles and a happy hour Leo.

Those 20 tend to be the most vociferous and those are the ones I take the mick out of.

bull's eye! thumbsup.gifclap2.gifthumbsup.gif

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Cypress Hill

For every pensioner quietly going about his business, not demanding preferential treatment, enjoying his life on a nice, comfortable pension he paid into over a lifetime of hard graft, there's 20 more hanging on by the skin of their teeth financially - subsisting on food hall noodles and a happy hour Leo.

Those 20 tend to be the most vociferous and those are the ones I take the mick out of.

bull's eye! thumbsup.gifclap2.gifthumbsup.gif

Who's mick??

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At 59, I am living on my personal nest egg. Government pension doesn't kick in for another 3 years. When it does, I will stop using my money for tax reasons as long as I can.

I ran into a Kiwi a year or so ago. He claimed his gov't pension was 25,000 baht a month and was able to save a bit. I have allowed myself at least 2 times that amount and am getting by quite well.

I also don't recall seeing negative posts. Maybe I too am able to ignore the negative posts.

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At 59, I am living on my personal nest egg. Government pension doesn't kick in for another 3 years. When it does, I will stop using my money for tax reasons as long as I can.

I ran into a Kiwi a year or so ago. He claimed his gov't pension was 25,000 baht a month and was able to save a bit. I have allowed myself at least 2 times that amount and am getting by quite well.

I also don't recall seeing negative posts. Maybe I too am able to ignore the negative posts.

Interesting information.

Can you share what type of visa/extension of stay allows you to stay in Thailand ?

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Jealousy? Don't be ridiculous.

There's no negativity nor jealousy towards the concept of a man living on his pension in Thailand - what else are you supposed to live on when you're retired?

Hell of a lot of people on TVF take the pee out of TEFLers and digital pikeys; why shouldn't some of the pensioners get some too?

For sure, I have definitely given that group a bit of stick but most of that stems from the fact that SOME of them - NOT ALL - seem to think that they shouldn't have to jump through immigration hoops because they bring in a monthly income. Good Lord, some of them even believe that, collectively, that income is equivalent to 10% of Thai GDP. LOL!

I don't hear the expat working day in-day out and paying taxes in Thailand demanding privileges yet some of the pensioners seem to think they're entitled

For every pensioner quietly going about his business, not demanding preferential treatment, enjoying his life on a nice, comfortable pension he paid into over a lifetime of hard graft, there's 20 more hanging on by the skin of their teeth financially - subsisting on food hall noodles and a happy hour Leo.

Those 20 tend to be the most vociferous and those are the ones I take the mick out of.

I agree CH especially about the ones who verbally trash the place and yet feel entitled. I respect your feedback. You are one the level headed ones that posts on TV.

There are many like myself that just go about life, don't expect anything, seldom if ever complain about it and don't ever expect or demand it to change because I think I have a better way.


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I think it's a part of the trend amongst younger Brits at least to be resentful of older generations and anyone having a pension is one of those things that is riled against. There is in fact some basis for that resentment in the UK since a series of changes by government have resulted in younger generations today having a poorer deal than many of their predecessors and older generations, mostly to the benefit of the older generations. Cases in point include: university fees, availability and cost of housing, state pension age, etc. I suppose it's not so much that it's a poorer deal, simply it's a different one that results from the austerity program and from prior poor fiscal management by governments past.

I find the youngsters have the final word when they say "Yeah, but you will be dead soon!"

Always makes me laugh and is true, cannot recall ever seeing a jealous youth because of our financial years being easier than theirs?

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Cypress Hill

For every pensioner quietly going about his business, not demanding preferential treatment, enjoying his life on a nice, comfortable pension he paid into over a lifetime of hard graft, there's 20 more hanging on by the skin of their teeth financially - subsisting on food hall noodles and a happy hour Leo.

Those 20 tend to be the most vociferous and those are the ones I take the mick out of.

bull's eye! thumbsup.gifclap2.gifthumbsup.gif

Who's mick??

Mick ock ;)

baddum tssss

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I think it's a part of the trend amongst younger Brits at least to be resentful of older generations and anyone having a pension is one of those things that is riled against. There is in fact some basis for that resentment in the UK since a series of changes by government have resulted in younger generations today having a poorer deal than many of their predecessors and older generations, mostly to the benefit of the older generations. Cases in point include: university fees, availability and cost of housing, state pension age, etc. I suppose it's not so much that it's a poorer deal, simply it's a different one that results from the austerity program and from prior poor fiscal management by governments past.

I find the youngsters have the final word when they say "Yeah, but you will be dead soon!"

Always makes me laugh and is true, cannot recall ever seeing a jealous youth because of our financial years being easier than theirs?


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