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How my bills in Thailand are ฿8000 baht a month or about (£150, $230)


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I want to quote Henry Rollins who actually was quoting some one else who I can't remember

"Money can't make you happy but it can buy you a big boat to pull up right next to it"

I think a person can be happy with very little as long as he has a roof over his head and ant hungry and has some love in his life

Some of the people on here might have 10x as much money but I bet they ant 10x as happy!!!!

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My granny's version is that money can't buy you happiness but it's nice to be miserable in comfort.

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Craig krup, on 20 Oct 2015 - 15:36, said:snapback.png

My granny's version is that money can't buy you happiness but it's nice to be miserable in comfort.

i'd rather be miserable in the backseat of my Benz than happy on a Honda Click laugh.png

Could not disagree more... stayed at the lebua tower the other week to treat the mrs and my son as a suprise, it was not cheap... we decided we preffered our usual cheaper hotel, full of pretentious tw@ts which gave the whole place a horrible vibe...

The op is surviving and sounds happy enough with what he has and fair play to the lad, he will will most likely stay with his las through thick and thin, those sorts of relationships are rare these days especially in Thailand and no amount of money can buy that.

The op will hopefully go on to earn more and more and build a bigger nest for his las/family in the future and appreciate what those bits of paper with numbers on them are, in my book that's a real man.

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I want to quote Henry Rollins who actually was quoting some one else who I can't remember

"Money can't make you happy but it can buy you a big boat to pull up right next to it"

I think a person can be happy with very little as long as he has a roof over his head and ant hungry and has some love in his life

Some of the people on here might have 10x as much money but I bet they ant 10x as happy!!!!

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This is what a poor person says to feel better about their curcumstance. You want to live on 10,000baht a month..I don't care. For many where I stay 10,000 baht a month would be a step up. These are the families who have enough rice planted for food and a little extra for selling, have a few cows and pick up odd jobs along the way. Are they happy? They don't know anything else.

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I want to quote Henry Rollins who actually was quoting some one else who I can't remember

"Money can't make you happy but it can buy you a big boat to pull up right next to it"

I think a person can be happy with very little as long as he has a roof over his head and ant hungry and has some love in his life

Some of the people on here might have 10x as much money but I bet they ant 10x as happy!!!!

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Quoting....Billy Connolly when questioned on whether his new found wealth and fame must bring its own problems......"fking rubbish....its great"

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I posted a photo of my own living accommodation some time ago. Here it is again - a 5x5m 'Hansel & Gretel hut' that I self-built in the middle of a rubber tree plantation in north Phuket.


I live alone and my needs are few. One simple pleasure is the comfort of a good mattress to sleep on - I could write a book about how 'I love my bed'.

I live like this out of my own choice. I previously made some good money from my mobile telecoms business, but apart from a big internet TV (and my comfy bed), I prefer to enjoy the simple life and nature.

What you don't see in that photo is the accommodation on the plot of land for paying guests, because that property is actually one of the four small hotels that I've built in Phuket. Guest accommodation is 5-star, when compared to my 1-star room.

Maybe not a surprise. but many guests express the opinion that they would rather sleep in a Hansel & Gretel hut, than a 5-star hotel room.

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I want to quote Henry Rollins who actually was quoting some one else who I can't remember

"Money can't make you happy but it can buy you a big boat to pull up right next to it"

I think a person can be happy with very little as long as he has a roof over his head and ant hungry and has some love in his life

Some of the people on here might have 10x as much money but I bet they ant 10x as happy!!!!

Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk

Quoting....Billy Connolly when questioned on whether his new found wealth and fame must bring its own problems......"fking rubbish....its great"
Not always the case do you know about this guy


Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk

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I posted a photo of my own living accommodation some time ago. Here it is again - a 5x5m 'Hansel & Gretel hut' that I self-built in the middle of a rubber tree plantation in north Phuket.


I live alone and my needs are few. One simple pleasure is the comfort of a good mattress to sleep on - I could write a book about how 'I love my bed'.

I live like this out of my own choice. I previously made some good money from my mobile telecoms business, but apart from a big internet TV (and my comfy bed), I prefer to enjoy the simple life and nature.

What you don't see in that photo is the accommodation on the plot of land for paying guests, because that property is actually one of the four small hotels that I've built in Phuket. Guest accommodation is 5-star, when compared to my 1-star room.

Maybe not a surprise. but many guests express the opinion that they would rather sleep in a Hansel & Gretel hut, than a 5-star hotel room.

Yup, me included. I'm not an Architect, but I "studied" architecture from Frank Lloyd Wright (and one of his students), took alternative building classes, did the conventional Habitat for Humanity volunteer work to get conventional carpentry skills.

And I built my own "cabin" that's under 100f2 and showed it to a European Architect who was very impressed.

Suck it, pretentious know-nothings!


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I want to quote Henry Rollins who actually was quoting some one else who I can't remember

"Money can't make you happy but it can buy you a big boat to pull up right next to it"

I think a person can be happy with very little as long as he has a roof over his head and ant hungry and has some love in his life

Some of the people on here might have 10x as much money but I bet they ant 10x as happy!!!!

Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk

This is what a poor person says to feel better about their curcumstance. You want to live on 10,000baht a month..I don't care. For many where I stay 10,000 baht a month would be a step up. These are the families who have enough rice planted for food and a little extra for selling, have a few cows and pick up odd jobs along the way. Are they happy? They don't know anything else.

Well, it might be, but it's not a sentiment expressed only by poor people to feel better about their circumstances. It's also a sentiment expressed by rich clever people who know that you can't buy a mind.

A lot of people love the fact that they've got a couple of quid, and need the (supposed) fact that others don't and envy them, precisely because their couple of quid is all that they have. If they couldn't nail their sense of self to that fact what else could they have? A lot of people have bodies that speak to ungoverned appetites, they've no conversation, they've never written anything anyone would want to read, they've never taken the time to craft a decent thought.............if they couldn't glory in what they'd bought they'd have to cash their chips in altogether. Most of the rich need the poor to avoid killing themselves. You want to know what the rich West is? It's a woman standing at a perfume counter who, if she jumped up and down, would rattle like a pill box.

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Just to echo the above sentiments of Bamukloy, you can learn a lot about yourself by living frugally, even if you aren't forced to do so out of necessity.

It's a real confidence builder to know that if in a pinch, if you needed to, you could get by on a shoe string budget.

You can also learn to empathize with people who are less fortunate than yourself by living as they do.

It also provides a reprieve from being surrounded by material objects, and allows you to reflect on what's really important in your life.

Simple living is an effective time management tool as well: less clutter, less cleaning, less maintaining, fewer decisions, more time to focus on your personal goals.

If language study is your goal, to the extent that it encourages hanging out and being out-and-about rather than cooped up in a high rise condo all day, there's something to be said for a low budget lifestyle.

I've personally found wealth to be fairly isolating in my life. While I'm grateful I'm not forced to live on an austere budget, I do look back fondly at the periods of simple living in my life.

So true. And if you get caught up in the trappings of money, you're usually more prone to squander it away.

I will always remember my time working under a manager who was on around US$200k a year.

We all thought he had it made until he got sacked for stealing..

seems a good wage wasnt enough to settle the debts of horses and sports gambling.

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I posted a photo of my own living accommodation some time ago. Here it is again - a 5x5m 'Hansel & Gretel hut' that I self-built in the middle of a rubber tree plantation in north Phuket.
I live alone and my needs are few. One simple pleasure is the comfort of a good mattress to sleep on - I could write a book about how 'I love my bed'.
I live like this out of my own choice. I previously made some good money from my mobile telecoms business, but apart from a big internet TV (and my comfy bed), I prefer to enjoy the simple life and nature.
What you don't see in that photo is the accommodation on the plot of land for paying guests, because that property is actually one of the four small hotels that I've built in Phuket. Guest accommodation is 5-star, when compared to my 1-star room.
Maybe not a surprise. but many guests express the opinion that they would rather sleep in a Hansel & Gretel hut, than a 5-star hotel room.

I'm surprised it's big enough for any guests to stay with you, although I suppose you could all cuddle up...........

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My granny's version is that money can't buy you happiness but it's nice to be miserable in comfort.

i'd rather be miserable in the backseat of my Benz than happy on a Honda Click laugh.png

depends on the chick you got in the click.555

perhaps i am wrong but somehow i have a feeling that a Benz attracts more and better looking chicks than a Honda Click tongue.png

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My granny's version is that money can't buy you happiness but it's nice to be miserable in comfort.

i'd rather be miserable in the backseat of my Benz than happy on a Honda Click laugh.png

depends on the chick you got in the click.555

perhaps i am wrong but somehow i have a feeling that a Benz attracts more and better looking chicks than a Honda Click tongue.png

Sure, more *golddiggers*.

And most people have learned after the age of 8 years old, that "better looking" <> "better"


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Irrelevant. They compare Tuk Tuks, not Thai buses.

Bangkok. Try 6.5thb=£0.12 (double it for aircon) or some free buses.

Now get on a bus in London (or elsewhere in the UK).

Not even comparable.

London is unapproachable as hell. Transportation services are ok but damn expensive.

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You should get an appartment with 2 rooms. Unless you want to go crazy and fight with each other.

That's a fair point. Even a one bedroom flat is better so long as the bigger pain in the backside gets the bedroom and keeps all their stuff in it.

Somebody once said that the key to marriage is separate bathrooms. One room where "someone" can fart and whizz all over the place, and a completely separate room loaded with thousands of bottles of ungents.

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I lived in an apartment (in lower Sukhumvit) like that in the early 80's as a young guy. 35 years later I look over that apartment I use to live in at 22 and miss that young guy, his experiences and the Thailand he lived in.I was poor then , well off now....it's not about the money when you are young..

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I lived in an apartment (in lower Sukhumvit) like that in the early 80's as a young guy. 35 years later I look over that apartment I use to live in at 22 and miss that young guy, his experiences and the Thailand he lived in.I was poor then , well off now....it's not about the money when you are young..

If you've got hope and structure. University students in elite universities find poverty easy because they've so many other hooks on which to hang their identity, and the future is expected to be different from the present. Take that away and poverty is harder.

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I lived in an apartment (in lower Sukhumvit) like that in the early 80's as a young guy. 35 years later I look over that apartment I use to live in at 22 and miss that young guy, his experiences and the Thailand he lived in.I was poor then , well off now....it's not about the money when you are young..

If you've got hope and structure. University students in elite universities find poverty easy because they've so many other hooks on which to hang their identity, and the future is expected to be different from the present. Take that away and poverty is harder.

You are spot on....I am from a council estate in the uk, worked from the age of 14, went to uni...I always thought it was just confidence but the way you have explained it makes much more sense..but you have to be lucky!

Thoughtful post.

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Well money does not make you happy as people say, but it kind of does in many ways... becuase not having money can make you unhappy, you cannot do/buy/go things you want, you cannot treat the ones you love like you want too with no money and unfortunatly most things cost these days, sure you can make people smile without it which is nice... too much money is not needed but enough does make you happy or should I say content with life... its a strange thing and a big subject which has so many variables. When I first came to Thailand I blew so much money on all sorts of stupid things and soon learnt that lesson, then again I did in the UK when I was younger. I was also born into a UK estate with folks having not much, they gave me what I needed and more importantly the love I needed...

Ok I am not rich by any means by most standards on here, but I do ok for myself and can afford to look after my family both UK and Thai, and most importantly my son, that is enough for me and keeps me happy... put it this way I went out the other day shopping for some bits in the mall and lately have been trying to not to spend too much on silly things, but then im a hypocrite becuase I walked by a toy store I saw an 8000 bhat electric car and couldnt resists buying it for my lad, money cant buy the smile on my lads face when he saw it, truely priceless


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Well money does not make you happy as people say, but it kind of does in many ways... becuase not having money can make you unhappy, you cannot do/buy/go things you want, you cannot treat the ones you love like you want too with no money and unfortunatly most things cost these days, sure you can make people smile without it which is nice... too much money is not needed but enough does make you happy or should I say content with life... its a strange thing and a big subject which has so many variables. When I first came to Thailand I blew so much money on all sorts of stupid things and soon learnt that lesson, then again I did in the UK when I was younger. I was also born into a UK estate with folks having not much, they gave me what I needed and more importantly the love I needed...

Ok I am not rich by any means by most standards on here, but I do ok for myself and can afford to look after my family both UK and Thai, and most importantly my son, that is enough for me and keeps me happy... put it this way I went out the other day shopping for some bits in the mall and lately have been trying to not to spend too much on silly things, but then im a hypocrite becuase I walked by a toy store I saw an 8000 bhat electric car and couldnt resists buying it for my lad, money cant buy the smile on my lads face when he saw it, truely priceless


If you don't give them good toys you've nothing to take away from them when they're misbehaving!

I was spoiled rotten with toys, and yet I'm Nietzsche's ascetic priest - now I buy nothing.

The 1970 version was the dumper truck - the pedals would fly back and forward down steep hills and the "brake" consisted of ramming your feet on them and locking the wheels.

I had loads of books as well. I suppose that's the key thing.

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2000 thb for monthly rent in Phatthanakan area near the skylink line.

Room: 35 sqm with ceiling fan plus a small room for storage. Decent bathroom, no kitchen, two balconies, 3rd (top) floor.

I cycle to nearby huge Tesco around 9-10 pm almost every day. Many Thais go there at the same time to catch the late discount deals. Cheapy food prices drop from 50 to 2 (yes 2) and up to 10 bath per item regarding salads, vegetables, fish, soups, fruits, pizzas, milk, donuts etc

I don't drink alcohol. My Thai gf brings me a well cooked meal everyday since her school is 2 minutes walk...she's teaching there.

When going downtown I use the railway. 2 to 3 baht per trip to Makasan, Asoke, Phaya Thai etc.

Around 4000 to 5000 the most I believe.

48 btw.

Just wait somebody will say... "but but but you can't get anything for less than 15,000 a month in Bangkok".. coffee1.gif

Funnily enough, I have seen places for 1200 a month in Bangkok. Wifi included in the deal. Could possibly beat them down to below a crisp 1,000 note.

ive seen them too. they suck. tiny rooms with psd locked doors. some whst like a jail cell.

of course, the nesredt psrk could be a good deal. even has free water at the faucet nearby. dont need heating. take a leak in the bushes and watch them grow. paradise. what more could a man want?

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