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Let's break up,' Thai lottery winner texts wife, who sues

Jonathan Fairfield

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pure greed. she is just trying to bite a part of her boyfriend's fortune. it's was really stupid to tell her about the lottery ticket.

hope she will loose the case. it's really hard to rob the father of a child in Thailand, if he is not married with the mother.

childcare should be none of the business of the state. it's up to father how much does he eager to give for a child.

your ex-husband gives you not enough to support your child? biology made it up to woman to choose a partner to make kids. That's why men have to spend so much time, energy and resources to get sex.

so if you chose the wrong guy - it's your mistake and nobody's else.

Edited by TimmyT
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pure greed. she is just trying to bite a part of her boyfriend's fortune. it's was really stupid to tell her about the lottery ticket.

hope she will loose the case. it's really hard to rob the father of a child in Thailand, if he is not married with the mother.

childcare should be none of the business of the state. it's up to father how much does he eager to give for a child.

your ex-husband gives you not enough to support your child? biology made it up to woman to choose a partner to make kids. That's why men have to spend so much time, energy and resources to get sex.

so if you chose the wrong guy - it's your mistake and nobody's else.

I think There is obligatory child support in Thailand,

I know a Thai girl currently who is fighting to get a payment from a husband who has stopped sending money for his kids each month

Don't know what will happen in court if the guy says he has no money but I think he is supposed to be sending not less than 6000 a month

But they are legally married, unlike these two...

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pure greed. she is just trying to bite a part of her boyfriend's fortune. it's was really stupid to tell her about the lottery ticket.

hope she will loose the case. it's really hard to rob the father of a child in Thailand, if he is not married with the mother.

childcare should be none of the business of the state. it's up to father how much does he eager to give for a child.

your ex-husband gives you not enough to support your child? biology made it up to woman to choose a partner to make kids. That's why men have to spend so much time, energy and resources to get sex.

so if you chose the wrong guy - it's your mistake and nobody's else.

Looking at your comments over the past year or so, after this one, I came to the conclusion that if I could chose three persons to simply disappear from this planet for eternity to make this world a better place, one of them would be you.

Edited by MockingJay
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Reminds me of an old joke where the Husband comes home and says to his wife " We have just won 10 million pounds on the lottery, pack your bags"

"Oh wonderful" she screams, "where are we going?"

"I don't care, just pack your bags and sod off"

Sorry, leaving now....facepalm.gif

Or this one:

Husband: Darl, what would you do if I won the lottery?

Wife: I'd claim 50% and divorce you.

Husband: Well I won $10 - here's $5 and 'koff.

Edited by Evilbaz
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I think There is obligatory child support in Thailand,


NOT in this case, he's not married to the woman, he's not even registered as the father.

Automatically, a child born out of wedlock is an illegitimate child. Consequently, only the mother can claim legitimate rights over the child. On the other hand, the father’s rights over the child are not automatic even if the father acknowledges the child as his.

A man who signs the birth certificate of a child born out of wedlock means only one thing, that he is the biological father of the child. It does not mean though that he is the legal father of the child. As a consequence, the man who signs the birth certificate of a child could not be required for child support.

source http://www.hg.org/article.asp?id=23683

Edited by janderton
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Good on her... hope she wins for the sake of the child.

For 10 mil I am suspect that any of this is for the sake of the child.

When people see big $$$ they will find any excuse to grab some in any way possible.

I am all for being responsible and taking care of the child, this is probably not the best way to go about it... =0

Depending on his true character I sort of hope he wins that custody battle.

Then again not sure any one who breaks up over SMS could really be called credible and reliable.

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pure greed. she is just trying to bite a part of her boyfriend's fortune. it's was really stupid to tell her about the lottery ticket.

hope she will loose the case. it's really hard to rob the father of a child in Thailand, if he is not married with the mother.

childcare should be none of the business of the state. it's up to father how much does he eager to give for a child.

your ex-husband gives you not enough to support your child? biology made it up to woman to choose a partner to make kids. That's why men have to spend so much time, energy and resources to get sex.

so if you chose the wrong guy - it's your mistake and nobody's else.

Looking at your comments over the past year or so, after this one, I came to the conclusion that if I could chose three persons to simply disappear from this planet for eternity to make this world a better place, one of them would be you.

and I would choose Al Baghdadi, Putin and Hillary Clinton. about you I don't care, sorry

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I wonder why the woman is only suing for a third of the winnings. Why isn't she asking for half of it? In the west she would try and probably succeed to get all of the money.

The guy is a special kind of jerk... Make a child with your gf, win the lottery together, cash the money together, and snap kick her out with a few hundred Ks... Nice move dude.

Edited by pistachios
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very typical of thai women they'd sell mum for $15 if they could ---- all very pedestrian and expected the hunger for money cannot be passified ( and when they get it they to stingy to spend it ) why have it !! no purpose ![/quote?

I would suggest that it is even ore typical of some ( not all ) Thai men.

Have you had your fingers burnt?

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pure greed. she is just trying to bite a part of her boyfriend's fortune. it's was really stupid to tell her about the lottery ticket.

hope she will loose the case. it's really hard to rob the father of a child in Thailand, if he is not married with the mother.

childcare should be none of the business of the state. it's up to father how much does he eager to give for a child.

your ex-husband gives you not enough to support your child? biology made it up to woman to choose a partner to make kids. That's why men have to spend so much time, energy and resources to get sex.

so if you chose the wrong guy - it's your mistake and nobody's else.

Looking at your comments over the past year or so, after this one, I came to the conclusion that if I could chose three persons to simply disappear from this planet for eternity to make this world a better place, one of them would be you.

and I would choose Al Baghdadi, Putin and Hillary Clinton. about you I don't care, sorry

If anyone sees TimmyT on the street call the police, at once.

Do not, repeat do not try to approach him.

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pure greed. she is just trying to bite a part of her boyfriend's fortune. it's was really stupid to tell her about the lottery ticket.

hope she will loose the case. it's really hard to rob the father of a child in Thailand, if he is not married with the mother.

childcare should be none of the business of the state. it's up to father how much does he eager to give for a child.

your ex-husband gives you not enough to support your child? biology made it up to woman to choose a partner to make kids. That's why men have to spend so much time, energy and resources to get sex.

so if you chose the wrong guy - it's your mistake and nobody's else.

I think There is obligatory child support in Thailand,

I know a Thai girl currently who is fighting to get a payment from a husband who has stopped sending money for his kids each month

Don't know what will happen in court if the guy says he has no money but I think he is supposed to be sending not less than 6000 a month

But they are legally married, unlike these two...

for married couples - yes. but if mom and dad were not married - nobody can force father to admit under the law that he is a father.

and for my opinion it's unfair to force the father to pay. human females unlike other animals can have sex even when they can't conceive. this is a natural mechanism to keep the father in the family and make him to support it.

biology make it like this: wife has to treat the husband good, obey him, give him pleasure in bed - in order to make him stay in the family

but modern woman , especially in the West, does not need to do that - she can ask the state to force her husband to pay! naturally men are eager to run away from such conditions.

when natural biological mechanism is replaced by repressive state machine normal family disappears. and kids from incomplete, malfunction families are tend to become mentally disturbed, culprits, psychopaths etc. there is an official US statistics for that.

and you are still questioning why hate crimes, sexual crimes, violence crimes, are on rise in the West?!


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Common Law Spouses (Man or Woman) have right to (up to 50%) of assets after co-habiting without a break after two years and where there is a Child from the relationship, additional division can be ordered by the Family Court.

For this reason, the answer is to ask the Non Owner to leave for a period of time in each two year period. However, because of appeals by Plaintiffs to the Supreme Court the intent of the Law may well be re-interpreted in the future.

Judgements in Thailand do seem to be made on a case by case basis, so a difficult one for those who bet!

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I don't know the law here but in England 'common law wifes' are not entitled to anything on a break up.

Thats not true. If married it is much simpler for sure but if you are living together and you are both buying the house then there will be an entitlement. if only 1 party has the name on the mortgage and the other has been at home raising the children etc then there is also a strong claim. But if there are no kids, they both work and the mortgage is just 1 name unless the other party can clearly show contribution towards the house financially they may leave with nothing.

It is more complicated and lawyers will always advise to get married but it is certainly not a lost cause for a claim.

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Common Law Spouses (Man or Woman) have right to (up to 50%) of assets after co-habiting without a break after two years and where there is a Child from the relationship, additional division can be ordered by the Family Court.

so you can't just live with a woman you like without risking to loose half of your property?! so if we want to have relationship without obligations we have to live in separate houses?

it's even worse to be a man in the UK than I thought.... now I understand better why so many of you run away to Thailand from your feminist kingdom.

(remind myself: always live alone while in the UK)

Edited by TimmyT
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pure greed. she is just trying to bite a part of her boyfriend's fortune. it's was really stupid to tell her about the lottery ticket.

hope she will loose the case. it's really hard to rob the father of a child in Thailand, if he is not married with the mother.

childcare should be none of the business of the state. it's up to father how much does he eager to give for a child.

your ex-husband gives you not enough to support your child? biology made it up to woman to choose a partner to make kids. That's why men have to spend so much time, energy and resources to get sex.

so if you chose the wrong guy - it's your mistake and nobody's else.

Are you serious?

He has a child with this woman, as a MAN he has responsibilities for that child and it does not matter what the law says.

If you really believe what you have written then I suggest you take a long hard look at yourself and try to learn what it means to be a REAL MAN.

I hope this man comes to his senses and does the right thing. He won this money, he didn't work for it but luck has smiled upon him. He should now take care of his responsibilities and take care of his child with or without the woman.

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pure greed. she is just trying to bite a part of her boyfriend's fortune. it's was really stupid to tell her about the lottery ticket.

hope she will loose the case. it's really hard to rob the father of a child in Thailand, if he is not married with the mother.

childcare should be none of the business of the state. it's up to father how much does he eager to give for a child.

your ex-husband gives you not enough to support your child? biology made it up to woman to choose a partner to make kids. That's why men have to spend so much time, energy and resources to get sex.

so if you chose the wrong guy - it's your mistake and nobody's else.

Are you serious?

He has a child with this woman, as a MAN he has responsibilities for that child and it does not matter what the law says.

If you really believe what you have written then I suggest you take a long hard look at yourself and try to learn what it means to be a REAL MAN.

I hope this man comes to his senses and does the right thing. He won this money, he didn't work for it but luck has smiled upon him. He should now take care of his responsibilities and take care of his child with or without the woman.

The woman will not give up custody now... The child is her only meal ticket to half/some of this fortune...

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pure greed. she is just trying to bite a part of her boyfriend's fortune. it's was really stupid to tell her about the lottery ticket.

hope she will loose the case. it's really hard to rob the father of a child in Thailand, if he is not married with the mother.

childcare should be none of the business of the state. it's up to father how much does he eager to give for a child.

your ex-husband gives you not enough to support your child? biology made it up to woman to choose a partner to make kids. That's why men have to spend so much time, energy and resources to get sex.

so if you chose the wrong guy - it's your mistake and nobody's else.

Are you serious?

He has a child with this woman, as a MAN he has responsibilities for that child and it does not matter what the law says.

If you really believe what you have written then I suggest you take a long hard look at yourself and try to learn what it means to be a REAL MAN.

I hope this man comes to his senses and does the right thing. He won this money, he didn't work for it but luck has smiled upon him. He should now take care of his responsibilities and take care of his child with or without the woman.

sorry to disappoint you, but the whole idea of THE REAL MAN is a manipulation (among many others, of course) used by society in order to make men to behave in someone's else interests.

remember, all your "I am obligated" are someone's else "I want"

real REAL MAN does what he wants and wishes and does not give a rat's ass for what other people think REAL MAN is obligated to do.

people, be free!

Edited by TimmyT
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I don't know the law here but in England 'common law wifes' are not entitled to anything on a break up.

Unless they have a baby together,

In which case she gets the house, and 15% of his salary for the next 19 years.

Not true, and not true.

Common law partners have rights in the UK.

Under UK law even when a married couple divorce, unless one party takes out a 'clean break order', one of the parties can still sue for financial support in the case where one of the parties wins or inherits a substantial amount of money.

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I don't know the law here but in England 'common law wifes' are not entitled to anything on a break up.

Unless they have a baby together,

In which case she gets the house, and 15% of his salary for the next 19 years.

Not true, and not true.

Common law partners have rights in the UK.

Under UK law even when a married couple divorce, unless one party takes out a 'clean break order', one of the parties can still sue for financial support in the case where one of the parties wins or inherits a substantial amount of money.

Money Inherited after a break up can be claimed by an x-gf?

I would have thought this would have been safe... But money acquired during the relationship may be up for grabs if the court decides...

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"I don't know the law here but in England 'common law wifes' are not entitled to anything on a break up. "

In Australia you live together for 12 months and it is regarded as a de facto relationship and she can take you to court, just like a wife[/quo

You are very wrong she has to live with you for 2 years and gets 25 % my mate friend is going through it now

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