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Ive been in Thailand practically continuously for five years , using border runs, tourist visas and ed visas to stay here . My last two visas were double entry tourist visas and prior to that and ed visa and prior to that two other double entry thai visas . All obtained from Vientiane .

I have a gf here and also a two year old baby, although both of then are stateless . My gf and baby have never been out of Thailand before . My baby has a Thai birth certificate , but it says at the top "Non Thai national" .

I do not work in Thailand, I have income from my own Country , which can be proven .

I do realise that getting a Non O , based on my boys birth certificate would be very unlikely .

If I were to go to Savanakhet and apply for another tourist visa, would it be granted . Also, if I got rejected, would they change their mind if I explained the situation ?

Also , I do have numerous Visa exempt stamps in my passport, numbered to 8 , although the last one was from three years ago . Would I now be able to get another Visa exempt stamp, if I came back in over land ?

Just preparing for the event that I get denied any Visa in Laos .

I would either :

Have to fly in.

Come in over land .

Wait for that new visa to begin

Get a new passport .

Anyone know what the Consulate/Embassy/Airport immigration and the land border immigration are likely to do ?


How old are you?

I assume your girlfriend has foreign parents?

  • You're not doing back to back visa exempt entries so you won't be denied entry for that.
  • They may question you about your long time in Thailand and if the IO suspects you are working he could deny entry. Carry 10k min in cash and proof of your income abroad although it's possible the proof will not be considered.
  • If denied at one border crossing you could try another.
  • If denied at a land border you can re-enter the country you exited.
  • If flying in the airline may want to see an onward ticket dated within 30 days.
  • Flying in reduces the risk of being denied entry on suspicion of working.
  • If denied at an airport you could fly anywhere.

The GF has never left the country and she is not Thai ???

I am more confused !

She could have been born in Thailand of foreign parents. Being born in Thailand doesn't give someone Thai nationality. They need at least one Thai parent.

  • Like 1

The GF has never left the country and she is not Thai ???

I am more confused !

She could have been born in Thailand of foreign parents. Being born in Thailand doesn't give someone Thai nationality. They need at least one Thai parent.

The OP provides a huge clue!

"I have a gf here and also a two year old baby, although both of then are stateless"

There is estimated to be some 3 million such people, many belonging to "Hill Tribe" ethnic minorities.


The GF has never left the country and she is not Thai ???

I am more confused !

Her Parents are Burmese, they fled to Thailand some 40 odd tears years ago, during some war or something . Theres 100 000s of stateless people living along the northern borders

  • Like 2

Stateless ! Wow, that sucks.

Do they have to do visa runs?

Anyway for the OP, take a ticket, join the queue, like everyone else here, you have 3 options

a/ you are rich ---> Thai elite visa, 500K 5 years

b/ you are moderately rich: ED visa or METV TR visa

c/ You are poor: Run around like headless chicken from consulate to consulates every 3 months on singles waiving your proofs of income and praying they accept it.


Surely your GF is entitled to apply for a passport from some country based upon her parent(s) nationality.

Is she here legally?

She has a right to stay in Thailand, but only in her village .

Her Sister recently tried to get Burmese citizenship,

But, 1 We cannot get into Burma

2 . Burma has no records of her Fathers existence ,

3 . I/She doesnt want Burmese nationality , this would enable Thailand to deport her.

She has never been there , has no family there and I cannot go there .


How old are you?

I assume your girlfriend has foreign parents?

  • You're not doing back to back visa exempt entries so you won't be denied entry for that.
  • They may question you about your long time in Thailand and if the IO suspects you are working he could deny entry. Carry 10k min in cash and proof of your income abroad although it's possible the proof will not be considered.
  • If denied at one border crossing you could try another.
  • If denied at a land border you can re-enter the country you exited.
  • If flying in the airline may want to see an onward ticket dated within 30 days.
  • Flying in reduces the risk of being denied entry on suspicion of working.
  • If denied at an airport you could fly anywhere.

Thanks, Not yet old enough for a retirement Visa


Have you taken any legal advice.

Are you sure that your dependent child has to be Tha?


That doesn't help his situation at all.

  • He would need the child to be Thai to get a visa/extension of stay, for his himself, to visit the child.
  • He would need to have a visa/extension of stay to enable his foreign child to get a dependant visa.

How old are you?

I assume your girlfriend has foreign parents?

  • You're not doing back to back visa exempt entries so you won't be denied entry for that.
  • They may question you about your long time in Thailand and if the IO suspects you are working he could deny entry. Carry 10k min in cash and proof of your income abroad although it's possible the proof will not be considered.
  • If denied at one border crossing you could try another.
  • If denied at a land border you can re-enter the country you exited.
  • If flying in the airline may want to see an onward ticket dated within 30 days.
  • Flying in reduces the risk of being denied entry on suspicion of working.
  • If denied at an airport you could fly anywhere.

Thanks, Not yet old enough for a retirement Visa

I guess your going to have to play the visa game until you get to 50! I wish you and your family all the best.

  • Like 1

The GF has never left the country and she is not Thai ???

I am more confused !

Her Parents are Burmese, they fled to Thailand some 40 odd tears years ago, during some war or something . Theres 100 000s of stateless people living along the northern borders


There are various NGO's that provide assistance and the UNHCR is aware and working with the problem.

Read the content of the link for a better understanding.

The link also contains the names of NGO's who may be able to assist.


Not taking action ensures nothing will change.


The GF has never left the country and she is not Thai ???

I am more confused !

Her Parents are Burmese, they fled to Thailand some 40 odd tears years ago, during some war or something . Theres 100 000s of stateless people living along the northern borders

.... and plenty in the centre and south of the country too. If she was born here she can get thai nationality. My female friend (not gf) was born as ethnic Thai in southern burma (near myeik) and came to thailand (illegaly) at age of 15 without her parents. Last year she was granted citizenship (not even being born here). She is in her early 30s now and it took some time and red tape. Her brother got Thai nationality too. If your gf was born here and speaks and writes Thai fluently (which she does i reckon) there are ways to get ID card (not full rights like thais though).

  • Like 1

Have you taken any legal advice.

Are you sure that your dependent child has to be Thai?

Are you listed on the birth certificate as the Father?

Have you applied at your Embassy here for a passport for the child and registered your child's birth.?


On the requirements for a type Non O visa .

They require the Mothers I.D. card , Yes my name is on the birth certificate .

I have tried to get him UK nationality , but they require a marriage certificate , me and his mum cannot get married, due to her having no I.D.

I may be able to get him UK I.D and a passport , maybe , if I try every option .

But that will cause more problems than it solves


Surely your GF is entitled to apply for a passport from some country based upon her parent(s) nationality.

Is she here legally?

She has a right to stay in Thailand, but only in her village .

Her Sister recently tried to get Burmese citizenship,

But, 1 We cannot get into Burma

2 . Burma has no records of her Fathers existence ,

3 . I/She doesnt want Burmese nationality , this would enable Thailand to deport her.

She has never been there , has no family there and I cannot go there .

easiest solution (no joke): have her married to a thai guy. she will get id card much more faster.


Surely your GF is entitled to apply for a passport from some country based upon her parent(s) nationality.

Is she here legally?

She has a right to stay in Thailand, but only in her village .

Her Sister recently tried to get Burmese citizenship,

But, 1 We cannot get into Burma

2 . Burma has no records of her Fathers existence ,

3 . I/She doesnt want Burmese nationality , this would enable Thailand to deport her.

She has never been there , has no family there and I cannot go there .

easiest solution (no joke): have her married to a thai guy. she will get id card much more faster.

So the solution is to have the mother of his child marrying someone else clap2.gif

And how does that help the OP?


I was on an Ed Visa and I had to go to CM immigration to get an extension .

I heard that they were refusing some people extensions .

I took my boy and the gf down the the immi office .

Even though the gf is not allowed to be in CM .

We explained to the immigration officer the situation .

They could have detained my gf, they had every right to .

I sat my boy on the desk .

I Asked the immigration officer whether I could take him out the country, they said that I couldnt .

I asked whether I could go to the airport and leave him there and fly away on my own .

They said that would be illegal .

I asked what I could do, She said that I would have to put him in a Government orphanage .

She had a little tear in her eye , tbh, I think all of us did .

She gave me an extension without questioning my Thai speaking ability


I was on an Ed Visa and I had to go to CM immigration to get an extension .

I heard that they were refusing some people extensions .

I took my boy and the gf down the the immi office .

Even though the gf is not allowed to be in CM .

We explained to the immigration officer the situation .

They could have detained my gf, they had every right to .

I sat my boy on the desk .

I Asked the immigration officer whether I could take him out the country, they said that I couldnt .

I asked whether I could go to the airport and leave him there and fly away on my own .

They said that would be illegal .

I asked what I could do, She said that I would have to put him in a Government orphanage .

She had a little tear in her eye , tbh, I think all of us did .

She gave me an extension without questioning my Thai speaking ability

Very sad, unfair and non-nonsensical indeed.

This situation is just unfair on an innocent baby who has no passport. He's a living proof something wrong with immigration laws here.


I too feel sorry for your dilemma.

It appears to me you need to get a UK passport for your son as a means perhaps to your visa situation - you don't have to be married, just prove your parentage.

I'm not convinced it has to be a Thai child you're supporting - I just don't know that you have to assume that.

Then pursue ID registration (and ? citizenship) for your GF through one of the UN NGOs. A huge task perhaps but as said above, if you do nothing - nothing will happen.

There must be some structure in the village/camp which by even recollection her parents can be identified if she was born there.

I am aware of headman scams with these unfortunate people - start with an NGO then you'll have some leverage. In other words work through a Non-Thai system as you are all Non-Thais.

I think this may be one situation where being a farang could be an advantage.

If she can at least gain I.D. then, if you wish, you can get married and then all sorts of avenues open up to her and you.

Chok dee.


Very sad, unfair and non-nonsensical indeed.

This situation is just unfair on an innocent baby who has no passport. He's a living proof something wrong with immigration laws here.

The Thai authorities did try to rectify the situation some years ago . Non ID kids who finished school at 16 were given Thai I.D.

There were also schemes to get non ID adults regulated and to be given Thai ID . My gf did apply and was told that for her application to rise to the top of the pile it would cost 400 000 Baht .............with no guarantee of results . Now that the process is computerised, the cost has gone up and the chances of being successful in the application have diminished .

Previous Governments did try to rectify the problem, probably the Reds , but the situation doesnt seem to be on the agenda anymore


I too feel sorry for your dilemma.

It appears to me you need to get a UK passport for your son as a means perhaps to your visa situation - you don't have to be married, just prove your parentage.

Thanks for that .

I though otherwise and looked on the UK Gov website and I found

"Children born to a British citizen father on or after 1 July 2006 may derive citizenship from him even if the parents were not married to each other and will be a British citizen from birth automatically provided there is satisfactory evidence of paternity."

The UK consulate informed me that my boy couldnt get UK nationality because his parents werent married , I knew this was the law because I remember someone complaining about it years ago on television in the UK .

But it seems that the law changed in 2006


My Son isnt stateless after all :)


For a non-O visa to visit one's child inThailand there is no limitation regarding the child's nationality.

See http://www.mfa.go.th/main/en/services/4908/15398-Issuance-of-Visa.html

I really hope that that is the case .

But if that is indeed the case , wouldnt foreigners then be able to take their foreign children to Thailand and then leave them there and then go to Laos to apply for a non-O visa on the premise of visiting their child in Thailand ?

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