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Imminently moving to Thailand, looking for a little local advice (Jomtien).


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It was wisely mentioned above to check out a potential future home at night time to check out the ambient noise level. Unless something has changed, there is a VERY LOUD bar called The Pine across the street from the View Talay 2A building. I stayed at a friend's condo in VT2B (the building to the rear of VT2A) for a week and it was nice and quiet with the balcony doors open at night, However, walking to the road to catch a baht bus in the evening and, oy vey, the noise from The Pine! I remember thinking "I pity the folks in VT2A building toward the street end of the building and/or facing south!"

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Most Thai food joints are "fast food". What's the problem?smile.png

Had a nice enough Just Burgers cheeseburger in Jomtien last night. OK it took a few minutes as it was cooked to order. Had some really good noodle soups for brekkie this morning - wife said it was aloi mark - a special Ayyutya outfit apparently and she should know the amount of these dishes she consumes on a daily basis. Theprasit road - opposite Theprassit soi 11. That was quick (320baht for seven people) and their gai yang looked excellent in preparation too

I'm only an infrequent visitor with extended Thai Isaan family that like the place. My other comment would be that it must be impossible to find a condo that is not quiet in Jomtien, surely? For all that and against my better judgement quite I like the place and no way would I stay with family in mainstream Patts.

Give it another 15 years and when my wife & duaghers kick me out cos I'm dribbling too much I'm sure you'll find me wandering along Jomtien Beach Road talking to myself and towing along a few 25 year old 'companions' (gotta find someway of getting rid of those last life-savings before I peg it).

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My other comment would be that it must be impossible to find a condo that is not quiet in Jomtien, surely?

Hardly. Many parts of Jomtien have become extremely noisy over the past few years, which as far as I can see entirely defeats the point of not being in Pattaya.

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I live in view talay 1,i pay 10000b a month and I think it great got a small kitchen it's all I need,there is plenty of bars and restaurants down stairs and a few shops, the Swimming pool is fine, there is a few fitness things but I never use them,but tonys is 5 mins walk away 800b a month I think, it's right on a bus route and there is a 24 hour medium size supermarket next door, I have been here a year and love it. Also a lot of the guys here say it's the best place in town with all the bars and restaurants shops downstairs,they close about 10.pm. And always get a good night's sleep

Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk

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Why does anyone need a ceiling fan if they have good airconditioning? I have noticed in some Pattaya guesthouses that ceiling fans are used because

the owners have fixed the AC so that very little air comes out, presumably to save on their electricity bills.

Either that or the filters haven't been cleaned since day 1.

I often find that I have to take them out and hose them off in the shower bay.

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DIstances for me are not an issue, having walked the Camino de Santiago (Frances) earlier this year I enjoy a good walk. If it takes an hour to walk to the cinema I look at that as two birds with one stone, exercise and entertainment.

Can always stop for refreshments on the way! thumbsup.gif

Seems as per my initial google searches, View Talay residences seem to be a popular choice.

Starting life here eyes wide shut is good,like to have a conclusion off you in say one year when the eyes finally open,it is hard going for sure,especially if you pick up baggage along the way

All part of the life experience, can't go through life never trying anything. If in a year I don't want to be here, I'll leave, it's that simple.

And 'eyes wide shut' is a little steep, I've been staying 2 months of the year as it stands an extra 10 months changes nothing other than the fact I won't be paying for a UK house aswell!

You are right,but this is what this site is about,..advice. Not a case of waking up one day and realisation takes hold ,its insidious,builds up over time,until you realise that there is life a better life outside of Thailand,and need to escape becomes paramount

Thais themselves I suspect are fed up with their lot,hardly any work and not much pay ,so no improvement in life,feeds through to farang too,everyone but everyone,on the make.

The house in the UK is not in my planning but southern Europe is and need a base there to start the move ,furniture,dogs too,even Thai GF but there lies the problem,like the companionship,but has large close family , Thai marriage means nothing ,cheap too,might give her a go ,get her into the EU easily,say so long when she might realise its no good,but then Ive smoothed my way there with help

Anyway good luck

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Ok, now the big questions/comments that seem to pop up often.

Why oh why Pattaya?!?

Well, why not? Why Bangkok? Why Chang Mai? Why Phuket? Why the remotest parts of Issan? My own reason is because I know Pattaya, it's a good start point. I stay a year initially, if I find I don't like it I move to the next place. I am certainly not locking myself down. I also have friends who go there often who, due to commitments back home don't have the options I have but at least I can meet up with them when they arrive.

Why Thai Elite?!?! what a rip off!

Well, here's my situation and some of my logic. I'll start by quoting myself over a year ago where I said "Elite membership is definately out of the question" so this was not something I took lightly.

As most have ascertained I am only 40 years old, which really does limit my options.

Having been a lurker on the boards over the past year I read endless horror stories of members (sub 50) essentially 'fiddling' the system to help them stay and in many cases ending in disappointment, so yes the Thai Elite seems the easy option till I get to 50 (by that time I may not want to stay in Thailand! laugh.png )

How do I justify the Thai Elite card?

I won't divulge exact figures but I will give you an idea of what I'm getting at, I will focus only on housing the rest is trivial in my opinion. I currently live in the UK and completely disillusioned with the place, I need to get out!

Cost of rent + Council Tax: £500 pcm (approx ฿27,000) UK average is much, much higher.

Lets say for arguments sake I spend £300 pcm (approx ฿16,000) for accommodation when I am in thailand, thats a straight saving of £200 (approx฿11,000)


saving £200 pcm for 12 months = £2400

over 5 years = £12,000 or approx ฿657,000

That's how I am justifying the Thai Elite card

I have not included any other costs of living like electricity, food, clothing, entertainment etc etc. because I already pay for those things in the UK and I am sure I could cut costs there too. As an example I currenly pay £700 for a golf membership in UK, although I have not researched it I'm pretty sure I would be paying nowhere near that in Thailand.

I would be interested in peoples thoughts on my logic regarding my justification of the Thai Elite card as there may be something critical I've missed. Am I being completely naive?

I have considered economic downturns and costs of living escalating, but over 5 years It shouldn't change THAT much surely? tongue.png

Thanks for all the responses thus far!

Before you invest 500,000 Baht in a visa, why not get one of the new METV do a couple of border runs if required and see if you are happy living in Jomtien.

Surely a better way to go.

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I have been here 11 years and resided in virtually every area of Pattaya. I was impressed, primarily with developer ads re Jontiem and moved there 1

year ago. Jontiem is terrible - no cinema, no fast food places, ( none ! ),

no clinics/hospitals/Doctors, shabby,and far from Central Pattaya where

everything many people want is located & everything overpriced because it

is JONTIEM. Cost me a bundle to get in/out but it's worth it to finally be PAROLLED ! P. S. - and now they managed to screw up the beach as well !

Fred, this post just shows different people have different needs. I initially lived in Pattaya and the pollution, both noise and air was stifling. The lack of green space, the concrete jungle that Pattaya is meant moving over the hill was a no brainer. Open spaces, sea breezes, less pollution. Less hassle.

There's loads of fast food restauraunts (unless you mean the American chains?) There are plenty of clinics. The place is a lot tidier than most of Pattaya, which in all honesty, till the sun goes down is quite grotty. Plenty of jungle left to keep open space. For the time being anyway.

It takes me 10/15 minutes in a Baht bus to get to cinemas. Other 'night life' and whatever you want.

It's certainly not overpriced. Sounds to me like you had a bad experience for some reason, Don't knock JOMTIEN because of that. Or even easier, just stay in Pattaya

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Ok, now the big questions/comments that seem to pop up often.

Why oh why Pattaya?!?

Well, why not? Why Bangkok? Why Chang Mai? Why Phuket? Why the remotest parts of Issan? My own reason is because I know Pattaya, it's a good start point. I stay a year initially, if I find I don't like it I move to the next place. I am certainly not locking myself down. I also have friends who go there often who, due to commitments back home don't have the options I have but at least I can meet up with them when they arrive.

Why Thai Elite?!?! what a rip off!

Well, here's my situation and some of my logic. I'll start by quoting myself over a year ago where I said "Elite membership is definately out of the question" so this was not something I took lightly.

As most have ascertained I am only 40 years old, which really does limit my options.

Having been a lurker on the boards over the past year I read endless horror stories of members (sub 50) essentially 'fiddling' the system to help them stay and in many cases ending in disappointment, so yes the Thai Elite seems the easy option till I get to 50 (by that time I may not want to stay in Thailand! laugh.png )

How do I justify the Thai Elite card?

I won't divulge exact figures but I will give you an idea of what I'm getting at, I will focus only on housing the rest is trivial in my opinion. I currently live in the UK and completely disillusioned with the place, I need to get out!

Cost of rent + Council Tax: £500 pcm (approx ฿27,000) UK average is much, much higher.

Lets say for arguments sake I spend £300 pcm (approx ฿16,000) for accommodation when I am in thailand, thats a straight saving of £200 (approx฿11,000)


saving £200 pcm for 12 months = £2400

over 5 years = £12,000 or approx ฿657,000

That's how I am justifying the Thai Elite card

I have not included any other costs of living like electricity, food, clothing, entertainment etc etc. because I already pay for those things in the UK and I am sure I could cut costs there too. As an example I currenly pay £700 for a golf membership in UK, although I have not researched it I'm pretty sure I would be paying nowhere near that in Thailand.

I would be interested in peoples thoughts on my logic regarding my justification of the Thai Elite card as there may be something critical I've missed. Am I being completely naive?

I have considered economic downturns and costs of living escalating, but over 5 years It shouldn't change THAT much surely? tongue.png

Thanks for all the responses thus far!

Before you invest 500,000 Baht in a visa, why not get one of the new METV do a couple of border runs if required and see if you are happy living in Jomtien.

Surely a better way to go.

Duly noted. I have been watching/reading with interest on the METV. Still seems to be a lot of speculation on the details and from what I gather thus far it still sounds like the same process as double/triple entry visa. Maybe slightly less admin but still invoilving regular border hopping and the gamble of potentially being refused entry.

I'm far from an expert on these matters so I will stand corrected if my assumptions are waaay off.

I still like the idea of a completely hassle free stay. thumbsup.gif

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If you're still looking for a place, please PM me, I have something may be of interest.

Send me the details and I will add it to my short list.

I won't be in country till; at the very earliest December but most likely January time where I will start doing some 'recon' of the places I may want to stay.


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There are two things related to this topic: One is regarding fans and air cons.

I use a fan in my condo about 9 months of the year. In the dirt and heat season, I use the air con to clean up the air (I have the 3M micro filters) and rarely have the monster running at night. When I was in a house about 15 years newer than this condo, the air con unit was much more modern and efficient and cost less to run.

The other is the cost of reasonably basic items I get at the supermarket. I buy a good supply of fruit and vegies at one of the markets, but I like a bit of good old fashioned sauce on my sausages, a touch of mustard, I use a can of Heinz baked beans over a few dinners, (99cents v. $2.10) and similar little luxuries. I use milk often, and buy 2-litre bottles. In Chiang Mai, these are 96baht ($4.00) as against $2.60 in an Aussie supermarket.

However, for some strange reason, the cost of these items, mostly from the UK, are on average 50% more expensive than the same UK items in Australian supermarkets, and the east Coast of Oz is a lot further from the UK than Thailand is.

I've based my calculations on what I get from the bank each month which is where my pension is sent. The bank rakes off more than 1 baht in every dollar.

As my pension slowly erodes away with devaluation, I'm finding more often than not, I worry about little costs such as the 20baht song teaw fare to go down town (80 cents) and I refuse to accept the ambit claims of drivers who want double that amount.

I've also grumbled on these pages before about standard prescription medicines, which are on average, 200% more than over the counter costs in Oz. (NOT NHS).

I'm not inventing these figures, as I've kept receipts and keep an eye on ALDIs adverts each week.

Yes, rent and power is definitely cheaper here, but the little day to day items are adding up.

So if you're on a fixed income, one needs to budget carefully.

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  • 8 months later...

It was wisely mentioned above to check out a potential future home at night time to check out the ambient noise level. Unless something has changed, there is a VERY LOUD bar called The Pine across the street from the View Talay 2A building. I stayed at a friend's condo in VT2B (the building to the rear of VT2A) for a week and it was nice and quiet with the balcony doors open at night, However, walking to the road to catch a baht bus in the evening and, oy vey, the noise from The Pine! I remember thinking "I pity the folks in VT2A building toward the street end of the building and/or facing south!"

Has there been any change in The Pine blasting its loud music with speakers pointed outward toward the street?

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Ok, now the big questions/comments that seem to pop up often.

Why oh why Pattaya?!?

Well, why not? Why Bangkok? Why Chang Mai? Why Phuket? Why the remotest parts of Issan? My own reason is because I know Pattaya, it's a good start point. I stay a year initially, if I find I don't like it I move to the next place. I am certainly not locking myself down. I also have friends who go there often who, due to commitments back home don't have the options I have but at least I can meet up with them when they arrive.

Why Thai Elite?!?! what a rip off!

Well, here's my situation and some of my logic. I'll start by quoting myself over a year ago where I said "Elite membership is definately out of the question" so this was not something I took lightly.

As most have ascertained I am only 40 years old, which really does limit my options.

Having been a lurker on the boards over the past year I read endless horror stories of members (sub 50) essentially 'fiddling' the system to help them stay and in many cases ending in disappointment, so yes the Thai Elite seems the easy option till I get to 50 (by that time I may not want to stay in Thailand! laugh.png )

How do I justify the Thai Elite card?

I won't divulge exact figures but I will give you an idea of what I'm getting at, I will focus only on housing the rest is trivial in my opinion. I currently live in the UK and completely disillusioned with the place, I need to get out!

Cost of rent + Council Tax: £500 pcm (approx ฿27,000) UK average is much, much higher.

Lets say for arguments sake I spend £300 pcm (approx ฿16,000) for accommodation when I am in thailand, thats a straight saving of £200 (approx฿11,000)


saving £200 pcm for 12 months = £2400

over 5 years = £12,000 or approx ฿657,000

That's how I am justifying the Thai Elite card

I have not included any other costs of living like electricity, food, clothing, entertainment etc etc. because I already pay for those things in the UK and I am sure I could cut costs there too. As an example I currenly pay £700 for a golf membership in UK, although I have not researched it I'm pretty sure I would be paying nowhere near that in Thailand.

I would be interested in peoples thoughts on my logic regarding my justification of the Thai Elite card as there may be something critical I've missed. Am I being completely naive?

I have considered economic downturns and costs of living escalating, but over 5 years It shouldn't change THAT much surely? tongue.png

Thanks for all the responses thus far!

Before you invest 500,000 Baht in a visa, why not get one of the new METV do a couple of border runs if required and see if you are happy living in Jomtien.

Surely a better way to go.

Duly noted. I have been watching/reading with interest on the METV. Still seems to be a lot of speculation on the details and from what I gather thus far it still sounds like the same process as double/triple entry visa. Maybe slightly less admin but still invoilving regular border hopping and the gamble of potentially being refused entry.

I'm far from an expert on these matters so I will stand corrected if my assumptions are waaay off.

I still like the idea of a completely hassle free stay. thumbsup.gif

. I've got METV, 3 border hops and 3 extensions at immigration for 9 months total ,$200.00 and 3x 1900 is what visa and extensions costs, I think il have no problem at border for re-entry
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It was wisely mentioned above to check out a potential future home at night time to check out the ambient noise level. Unless something has changed, there is a VERY LOUD bar called The Pine across the street from the View Talay 2A building. I stayed at a friend's condo in VT2B (the building to the rear of VT2A) for a week and it was nice and quiet with the balcony doors open at night, However, walking to the road to catch a baht bus in the evening and, oy vey, the noise from The Pine! I remember thinking "I pity the folks in VT2A building toward the street end of the building and/or facing south!"

Has there been any change in The Pine blasting its loud music with speakers pointed outward toward the street?

I walk past there most evenings. I would say that the Pine has become quieter but that other (worse) places have taken its place. Namely the gay bars a little further down the same soi, which often have deafeningly loud noise that seems to involve skinning live cats, or is it sticking pigs? It certainly is no form of music.

I'm amazed that nearby residents haven't descended on City Hall en masse to complain.

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