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Selling house under wife's name.

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Hi All,

My wife and I have negotiated to sell a house we own that still has a mortgage on it with the bank. Have been trying to get clarity from both the bank and Land Office and this week they have informed her I need to have a letter from the Aus Embassy not in Thailand but in Aus, which we all know just doesn't exist. This has been going around in circles for weeks now. Has anyone recently sold a house in similar fashion and could you please give some guidance as to what forms etc are needed? I signed off on the loan with the bank as guarantor and seems the land office need similar done again.


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What letter or document(s) is it they say that you need?

Because there is probably the answer. Normally it is a very straight forward process. when you have all documents needed. and the once that need to be legalized legalized at the embassy of your country and the Thai ministry.

and if still have problems there are very good and decent Lawyer who can help you out for a decent normal fee. Just call a few.


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  • 2 weeks later...

At what stage you think, you as foreigner, are involved in the process.?

to my knowledge

clearing the bank loan; the new buyer has to prepare the correct amount of money for the bank, call the bank and follow the instructions.

change ownership on chanoot: at the land department its just your wife & the bank vs new buyer, as you cant own land, and the land is mortgaged.

Or you have separate ownership contracts for land and building, and the mortgage was just for the land....?

hard guess...

Edited by BkkLifeA
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"My wife and I have negotiated to sell a house we own that still has a mortgage on it with the bank. Have been trying to get clarity from both the bank and Land Office and this week they have informed her I need to have a letter from the Aus Embassy not in Thailand but in Aus, which we all know just doesn't exist".


Who actually owns title to the house, you, your wife or both - if the latter, are you a Thai national?

Same as the above but for the mortgage, which names, who etc.

Finally: who is giving you the hard time and making requests, the bank or the Land Office?

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