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No shock, awe from 'cyber war' as 'national' gateway moves forward


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So in the last few weeks we've heard denial after denial that they were "planning" this and that it was merely something they were "considering." I can't count how many Thai government officials, ministers and the PM have outright lied to the public about this. It sickens me.

Worse yet, CAT couldn't find it's way out of a paper bag. It's a complete shoddy crap government agency that has held up a number of progressive telecommunications advances because it wants a piece of the action.

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They should have let Thaksin stay in power. Better the devil you know...

I've thought the same, for several reasons. Even if Thaksin became like Marcos or Suharto/Sukarno and amassed half the wealth of Thailand for his family, he'd still probably be better than the self-appointed junta we've got now. He'd probably (well, possibly) also want to find the actual murderers re; the Ko Tao murders of Sept '14, but that's another topic.

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Question is what excuse are they going to use when the country turn on them for destroying there budiness and international marketing on behalf of a vein ruler

Your 5 year plan you speak like you had never any intentions to give opportunity back to democracy

I think in the end you will be in history books anyway

Looking forward to election time

I think China works on the 5 year plan system as well. Oh that was years ago.

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No shock and awe, But my internet is totally screwed for the last couple of days. Don't know if it's the hackers or changes related to the Juntawall.

But we can still put the blame on the guy who is waging a war on criticism (free speech).

No its a Powerwall and he has all the power.

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If you are running a global financial institution dealing in wads of money, ping times are really important. 20-50 ms okay, if you're up around the 250-600 ms range, you'll be losing millions. Time is money. They'll learn this the hard way no doubt... also no foreign players will be in the game.

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It's lies all the way...I'd say the junta should be ashamed but then I don't think they ever had such a feeling. A power grabbing mob not concerned whether it hurts it own countryman or not.

Congratulations. You win the hypocrite of the day award.

Any comment on why we even have a junta now ?.

No, I thought not. Knowledge like that is above your pay grade.

I wonder if any IT professional here knows more details about this. There is nothing unusual about gateways and the only 'evidence' that this one is the 'bad kind' has thus far only come from ignorant assumptions who have pattern matched the word 'gateway'.

Edited by EnglishJohn
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It's lies all the way...I'd say the junta should be ashamed but then I don't think they ever had such a feeling. A power grabbing mob not concerned whether it hurts it own countryman or not.

Congratulations. You win the hypocrite of the day award.

Any comment on why we even have a junta now ?.

No, I thought not. Knowledge like that is above your pay grade.

I wonder if any IT professional here knows more details about this. There is nothing unusual about gateways and the only 'evidence' that this one is the 'bad kind' has thus far only come from ignorant assumptions who have pattern matched the word 'gateway'.

Congratulations. You win the hypocrite of the day award. You were the one saying this was never going to happen as your beloved junta would never seek to curtail people's freedoms in such a way and lambasted anyone who said otherwise. Today it is 'What's the big deal?' Tomorrow you will be applauding, going by your track record, so don't come on here and talk about hypocrisy.

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It's lies all the way...I'd say the junta should be ashamed but then I don't think they ever had such a feeling. A power grabbing mob not concerned whether it hurts it own countryman or not.

Congratulations. You win the hypocrite of the day award.

Any comment on why we even have a junta now ?.

No, I thought not. Knowledge like that is above your pay grade.

I wonder if any IT professional here knows more details about this. There is nothing unusual about gateways and the only 'evidence' that this one is the 'bad kind' has thus far only come from ignorant assumptions who have pattern matched the word 'gateway'.

there's plenty unusual about single internet gateways as evidenced by the few countries that have them and their respective human rights and freedom records. but i'm sure you already know that.

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don't laugh. in Thailand it is highly illegal to own radio RECEIVERS outside the AM/FM band. If you look at the sign at the airport as you wait in line, one of the three things listed not to bring in the country is radio receivers or transmitters. they don't want to be monitored and they don't want YOU COMMUNICATING INDEPENDENTLY OF A NETWORK THAT THEY CONTROL. you must have a license affixed to your two way radio in Thailand. Only very low power fixed band radios are allowed for sale. That is why the radios are red. yes they do sell radios illegally. surprise.

If you look at the lower right application on the monitor in the photo, you will see the Thai military's poor mans version of "Glimmerglass".

Note there is a place for a photo and another for group photo. meaning "friends" or known associates. look closely, you can see all the icons of the popular social media. i can see the LINE logo. i don't think they can decrypt LINE but they might be able to see who you associate with. the same with facebook.

they might be collecting IP's of DOSS attackers and cross referencing them to locations in Thailand. good luck with that.

oh, and from this day forward, make sure your WiFi is not "open" or you might get your door kicked in one day.

Businesses and bars may have to start rotating WiFi passwords on a daily basis, no more WifI passwords posted on the wall. :(

and encrypt your emails that contain any sensitive information. and don't forget that talking to your friends in a email about how much you paid bang bang for boom boom or how to work around customs duty is the same at stating your crime in writing. far fetched? maybe.

there will be a market for "clean" cellphones that are stolen or paid for with cash so the MAC address and hardware is not associated with you.

if you are a Thai with a anti government point of view and you have ever sent a anti government tweet i suggest you burn your hardware and start with fresh accounts.

wake up sleepy heads.

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It's lies all the way...I'd say the junta should be ashamed but then I don't think they ever had such a feeling. A power grabbing mob not concerned whether it hurts it own countryman or not.

Congratulations. You win the hypocrite of the day award.

Any comment on why we even have a junta now ?.

No, I thought not. Knowledge like that is above your pay grade.

I wonder if any IT professional here knows more details about this. There is nothing unusual about gateways and the only 'evidence' that this one is the 'bad kind' has thus far only come from ignorant assumptions who have pattern matched the word 'gateway'.

Look at the word GATEWAY. Where there's a gate, there are people who can close that gate or, in the case of the internet, close parts of that gate. That's what this is about. CONTROL. Already, Thailand closes internet gates. With a single gateway, it will just be that much easier. This is a self-appointed administration which emulates (some would say 'sucks up to') China. China has draconian internet censorship. Thailand is following.

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Oh shock horror what if tactics start. It hasn't happened why try to scare munger before anything has happened.If the sun blows up we will all die but is that likely !!!!!

It's not scare tactics. It is raw fact. Today, it can NOT happen because of normal government or military action. It would take extraordinary steps and planning, and would have to overcome very heavy pushback, for even a chance of the government shutting down the internet.

If ... sorry, when the single-gateway is done with full government (or perhaps not; perhaps military) control, it can immediately happen.

It is not scare-mongering to point out the factual, real differences between now and then, which are actually planned. In fact, the entire point of the single gateway through CAT is full, total control of the internet, and, when the internet is running, its traffic.

In short, it is the whole POINT of the military policy for "blowing up the sun", and soon they will have the untrammeled, unopposable means to do it. Unless people like you stop enabling them.

Well sorry but it hasn't and from what I read and for what I do online won't affect little old me on any way so no big deal as far as I'm concerned... [snip] [snip]

Have you heard of Pastor Martin Niemoller? Interesting fellow.

Do you live here as a guest or citizen???

I am not enabling anyone to do anything as I am a guest on a country that enables me to live the life I want. I care not about a single/double/1000 lane highway. I came here to enjoy the country and it's people not to jump on any bandwagon or to try and have some sort of deluded influence over the countries own people. The simple truth is Thailand is an independent country ruled by the army for now not Farangs who belive they are somehow better placed to say what this country should or should not do. If you are set against this so strongly the solution us easy GO. Let's not forget here if this so called single gateway stops even one paedophile then to me and to a certain child it is well worth the hassle. So please don't try to spout I'm holier than thow retoric, live with what you have in a country which after all YOU DECIDED to live in

Human rights are universal irrespective of geopolitical boundaries. Your "moral compass" is broken.
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If you are running a global financial institution dealing in wads of money, ping times are really important. 20-50 ms okay, if you're up around the 250-600 ms range, you'll be losing millions. Time is money. They'll learn this the hard way no doubt... also no foreign players will be in the game.

day trading anyone? NOT. :)

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It's lies all the way...I'd say the junta should be ashamed but then I don't think they ever had such a feeling. A power grabbing mob not concerned whether it hurts it own countryman or not.

Congratulations. You win the hypocrite of the day award.

Any comment on why we even have a junta now ?.

No, I thought not. Knowledge like that is above your pay grade.

I wonder if any IT professional here knows more details about this. There is nothing unusual about gateways and the only 'evidence' that this one is the 'bad kind' has thus far only come from ignorant assumptions who have pattern matched the word 'gateway'.

John, you don't understand the meaning of the word "hypocrite".

You asked if anyone here understands this idea as an IT professional. That would be me, among others.

A gateway is used to isolate one network from another for the purpose of security, filtering and eliminating traffic on one side.

The single gateway idea for a country of 67 million people is a bad idea and antithetical to the design of the Internet, which is based on principles of diversity, redundancy, multiple paths, and an agnostic approach to the content of data packets.

Less anger, more thought.

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A national (state controlled) inter gateway is against the policy of the UN. Thailand has signed this treaty several years ago.

Only China and North Korea haven't signed this treaty.

So if one national inter gateway comes reality in Thailand, it is against UN and Thailand will face severe punishment or being boycott. Thailand must not think that they are equal to and as powerfull as China or so stupid as North Korea.

I still wonder why the UN hasn't react on this story/idea yet.

Edited by FredNL
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It's lies all the way...I'd say the junta should be ashamed but then I don't think they ever had such a feeling. A power grabbing mob not concerned whether it hurts it own countryman or not.

Congratulations. You win the hypocrite of the day award.

Any comment on why we even have a junta now ?.

No, I thought not. Knowledge like that is above your pay grade.

I wonder if any IT professional here knows more details about this. There is nothing unusual about gateways and the only 'evidence' that this one is the 'bad kind' has thus far only come from ignorant assumptions who have pattern matched the word 'gateway'.

Congratulations. You win the hypocrite of the day award. You were the one saying this was never going to happen as your beloved junta would never seek to curtail people's freedoms in such a way and lambasted anyone who said otherwise. Today it is 'What's the big deal?' Tomorrow you will be applauding, going by your track record, so don't come on here and talk about hypocrisy.

@Baboon as a new member I don't know about posters. Seemed strange to me though that while many posts at very least implied the junta has lied about s.g. and in a single I agree E.J. seeks to brand me a hypocrite...is E.J. a Troll?

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Oh shock horror what if tactics start. It hasn't happened why try to scare munger before anything has happened.If the sun blows up we will all die but is that likely !!!!!

It's not scare tactics. It is raw fact. Today, it can NOT happen because of normal government or military action. It would take extraordinary steps and planning, and would have to overcome very heavy pushback, for even a chance of the government shutting down the internet.

If ... sorry, when the single-gateway is done with full government (or perhaps not; perhaps military) control, it can immediately happen.

It is not scare-mongering to point out the factual, real differences between now and then, which are actually planned. In fact, the entire point of the single gateway through CAT is full, total control of the internet, and, when the internet is running, its traffic.

In short, it is the whole POINT of the military policy for "blowing up the sun", and soon they will have the untrammeled, unopposable means to do it. Unless people like you stop enabling them.

Well sorry but it hasn't and from what I read and for what I do online won't affect little old me on any way so no big deal as far as I'm concerned... [snip] [snip]

Have you heard of Pastor Martin Niemoller? Interesting fellow.

Do you live here as a guest or citizen???

I am not enabling anyone to do anything as I am a guest on a country that enables me to live the life I want. I care not about a single/double/1000 lane highway. I came here to enjoy the country and it's people not to jump on any bandwagon or to try and have some sort of deluded influence over the countries own people. The simple truth is Thailand is an independent country ruled by the army for now not Farangs who belive they are somehow better placed to say what this country should or should not do. If you are set against this so strongly the solution us easy GO. Let's not forget here if this so called single gateway stops even one paedophile then to me and to a certain child it is well worth the hassle. So please don't try to spout I'm holier than thow retoric, live with what you have in a country which after all YOU DECIDED to live in

Wow, another "if you don't like it go home" post. You must be really, really smart!

Yes I belive I am as I have a few letters after my name yet another type before you think poster but I won't resort to your level have a good day

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Well sorry but it hasn't and from what I read and for what I do online won't affect little old me on any way so no big deal as far as I'm concerned and most Thais I speak to don't really care either way and before you come back with "most Thais in village don't understand" yes they do they have a great understanding as most now use Internet for there small businesses. Let them do what they want to do call it what you will single gateway whatever it will not impact 99.9% of Farangs here as we don't work or have a business here. Unless of course you use certain websites for your gratification of course.

Do you access your Bank account online, do you read and reply to derogatory comments on TV then you certainly may be affected, these are just a couple of ways you can be affected as The Junta clamps down tighter and tighter to maintain is control. You could be denied access to a foreign bank account because the Junta are unhappy with the way that Countries press speaks about Thailand, you could fall foul of Lesse Majeste laws by posting on TV, there are many ways that the single gateway can affect you, a certain General is not enamoured with Farangs and Expats and is know to dislike us, if someone upsets him who knows what he will do to the free movement of information in and out of Thailand to specific countries. denial of service would be the least of your problems, your money transfers could fail, you might find you are paying to support the government by a money transfer "tax" just think of the ways you now rely on the internet directly and indirectly, Paranoid I might be but this government rules with lies and misinformation, clamping down on accessible information the Junta decides is not in their best interest has aready started.

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Well sorry but it hasn't and from what I read and for what I do online won't affect little old me on any way so no big deal as far as I'm concerned and most Thais I speak to don't really care either way and before you come back with "most Thais in village don't understand" yes they do they have a great understanding as most now use Internet for there small businesses. Let them do what they want to do call it what you will single gateway whatever it will not impact 99.9% of Farangs here as we don't work or have a business here. Unless of course you use certain websites for your gratification of course.

This kind of "I'm ok...so any assault on personal freedoms is ok, because it won't effect me" attitude is particularly pathetic when it comes from farangs who do come from countries where there is some understanding of the concept of choice and the rights of the individual. Your "let them do what they want to" implies that the majority had a choice in the matter, which they did not. Your knowledge of what will and won't affect "most Thais" and "99.9% of farangs" is amazing. Pray tell how you are such an expert? All in all, apologists for the state have always been a particularly spineless & an ingratiating breed...don't you think?

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A national (state controlled) inter gateway is against the policy of the UN. Thailand has signed this treaty several years ago.

Only China and North Korea haven't signed this treaty.

So if one national inter gateway comes reality in Thailand, it is against UN and Thailand will face severe punishment or being boycott. Thailand must not think that they are equal to and as powerfull as China or so stupid as North Korea.

I still wonder why the UN hasn't react on this story/idea yet.

Nice info.

Do you know where can we find a copy of this UN treaty/act signed by thailand? would be nice to have this kind of proof and share as much as we can. It is a good idea if we can share all countries as well.

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The problem with a single internet gateway, and I have seen this from my time in both Myanmar and China is one of control. I couldn't access my hotmail because the government said others were using email to spread stuff the government didn't like. Foreign newspapers were also blocked because they criticised the government from time to time. And internet streams on a single gateway were so slow it was impossible to enjoy watching a football game. snip snip

I agree with the tone and most of the content with your post, but I'm using it just so we all have the same facts. China does NOT have a single-gateway system. China has three international gateways.

Now, how China handles what goes through there is interesting, as you say. But just so we know not even China has stooped so low as one gateway.

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Well sorry but it hasn't and from what I read and for what I do online won't affect little old me on any way so no big deal as far as I'm concerned and most Thais I speak to don't really care either way and before you come back with "most Thais in village don't understand" yes they do they have a great understanding as most now use Internet for there small businesses. Let them do what they want to do call it what you will single gateway whatever it will not impact 99.9% of Farangs here as we don't work or have a business here. Unless of course you use certain websites for your gratification of course.

This kind of "I'm ok...so any assault on personal freedoms is ok, because it won't effect me" attitude is particularly pathetic when it comes from farangs who do come from countries where there is some understanding of the concept of choice and the rights of the individual. Your "let them do what they want to" implies that the majority had a choice in the matter, which they did not. Your knowledge of what will and won't affect "most Thais" and "99.9% of farangs" is amazing. Pray tell how you are such an expert? All in all, apologists for the state have always been a particularly spineless & an ingratiating breed...don't you think?

It's called talking to real people on the streets not reading millions of posts on here and other forums spineless I won't comment except to say you don't know me and may add you never will

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The problem with a single internet gateway, and I have seen this from my time in both Myanmar and China is one of control. I couldn't access my hotmail because the government said others were using email to spread stuff the government didn't like. Foreign newspapers were also blocked because they criticised the government from time to time. And internet streams on a single gateway were so slow it was impossible to enjoy watching a football game. snip snip

I agree with the tone and most of the content with your post, but I'm using it just so we all have the same facts. China does NOT have a single-gateway system. China has three international gateways.

Now, how China handles what goes through there is interesting, as you say. But just so we know not even China has stooped so low as one gateway.

China has 3 gateways? That's few for 1/5th of the world's population. I'm sure they could find a few dozen censors to police those 3 gateways, just as they have large roomfuls of paid people (PLA and others) whose sole job all day is to snoop on overseas corps and military. A single gateway for Thailand is a Chinese idea. Thai leaders are dazzled by anything China sends down the tubes, whether it be 4 subs, fast railroads, thicker concrete highways (all the roads connecting Thailand and China are being rebuilt), ....you name it. If China suggest a single gateway to Thai generals - with the idea of cementing power and silencing discussion, Thailand will jump to it right away - and that's what Thailand is doing.

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'Meanwhile state telecommunications operator CAT Telecom has said it is preparing to build what’s now being called by officials the “National Internet Gateway” project, promoted as a potential economic boon.' This being the same gateway that we keep being told is NOT being pursued. Perhaps the government bought the Nazi-era Enigma machine that has just been auctioned, seeing it as a way to obfuscate, undetected.

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