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Booking an Appointment with VFS Bangkok

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I would be very grateful if anyone with factual knowledge could advise me as to when it is possible to make an appointment for my Thai lady with VFS for the purpose of submitting the application for a UK tourist/visitors visa.

Looking at the web site it appears that it is only possible to book an appointment about 10 to 15 days prior to the required date of the actual day of appointment. I say this because when clicking on the particular date - which is still some 43 days hence -

there is no response.

I appreciate the fact that the date is some way off, but I just wanted to get it done and out of the way plus I was concerned that if I left it too late we would not get the date we wanted.

Many thanks

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I did not think it would be necessary to state the obvious - i.e that the application has been submitted - and for that omission I apologise, so on that basis and the question I asked, can anybody who has read and understood the contents of what I posted, answer my question.

Thank you

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Not that it really matters but why do you need an appointment 43 days ahead (if I have read it correctly).

I really can't think of any reason for that but, if that is the case, just make an appointment as far ahead as you can and then go in later and amend the booking to the date you actually want.

You seem to be saying that the appointment calendar on goes out as far as 30 days- ish and you need 43 ? Answer as above, it is a simple exercise to change a booking date.

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