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Yingluck appears at Supreme Court amid hundreds of supporters

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I just saw her on the news here in China. No matter what the political and policy criticism are, she is still a fine looking woman!I could leave my slippers under her bed anytime!

god,your pathetic.How old are you?

No hes not pathetic, shes hot. Shes still got it. Better looking than Abhisit.

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I just saw her on the news here in China. No matter what the political and policy criticism are, she is still a fine looking woman!I could leave my slippers under her bed anytime!

Her brother's hiding underneath her bed, and he'll steal your slippers.


I look forward to the outcome of this.

I will definitely not throw sh*t at the court house or burn effigies of the judges if she is found innocent and will respect any decision the court make.

Doing the above would be disrespecting the democratic principle of "respect for the law" and simply highlight a terroristic trait.

Good luck yingluck and if you are found guilty then accept that and appeal through the appropriate channels.


Yep... and they each revived 500 baht to show up cheer and applauds... easy money....

do you know it for fact or you just guess guess? its terrible when one's personal opinions turns into facts only because he can print his thoughts.
mate ask yourself. How do poor people with no money sit on there backsides for weeks with no income. Of course they were getting money. Im not saying there arent rich issan farmers. But mate. Come on. I mean really.

This whole charade by YS is cynical, hypocritical and fairly typical of her time in office, to now say that she fulfilled her duties and was operating in good faith beggars belief.

Only the most indoctrinated and naive would believe her well rehearsed protestations, they sound as hollow as the promises her party made before being elected.

They justify their rape of the Thai economy with the firm belief that this is their birth right, their natural superiority within the Thai social structure grants them their high position and privileges, the common man is here to provide them with what they need and require. The common man's position in this country is right where it should be, they had years to enact improvements and to improve the lives of those who voted for them, what did they actually achieve?

Only when the general level of education in this country is improved, only when the general population has a better understanding of how the financial elite hold them in total contempt, only then will clans like the Shins and their cohorts lose their privileged position...

You must be referring to the democrats/Bangkok elite who had years in control but never considered providing free health care, empowering the poor politically or helping them financially until Taksin did so.

No I was not referring to your other quoted elite, I was referring specifically to the Shin clan and their cohorts.

Like everyone else you are entitled to your opinion, but your comment "empowering the poor politically or helping them financially until Taksin did so" is fairly typical of the myopically sighted red shirt supporter.

Were they "empowering the poor politically" when they were buying their votes for a few measly Baht?

Were they "helping them financially" when they were driving the Thai economy to the edge of a fiscal cliff?

TS knows how to play the game, he spread a few billion Baht amongst his poorest supporters as a smoke screen to hide the hundreds of billions siphoned off by himself and his cronies.

Maybe you can remember how many of those poor farmers committed suicide while waiting for their grossly overdue payments from the government agencies, while hundreds of billions were going missing?

If that was "helping them financially" somo then I have a different understanding to you about the duties of a government...

You forgot to deny he gave them free healthcare.

Prior to that they didn't need to commit suicide they just died of sickness because their families had totally impoverished themselves paying for treatment and could no longer afford it.

Vote buying has been shown over and over again to be a red herring and we all know it is the fallback argument for those that cannot appreciate that Thaksin repeatedly won elections that have been the fairest in Thai history so please find something new to say.

Since Isaan has been put on the map by Thaksin it has grown at a much faster rate economically than anywhere else in Thailand and for that it's residents are grateful and naturally vote repeatedly for more of the same. The current lot cannot compete so they are desperately trying to fix the game with a new constitution but can't find a way around the need for a referendum that will reject it.


Some very Homo-erotic stuff going on in this thread . All the big roughty , toughty he Man Expats cursing a Woman in support of a uniformed symbol of disciplinne and punishment, Nice one Sailors

All this has nothing to do with her beeing a woman.


Some very Homo-erotic stuff going on in this thread . All the big roughty , toughty he Man Expats cursing a Woman in support of a uniformed symbol of disciplinne and punishment, Nice one Sailors

All this has nothing to do with her beeing a woman.

oh yea??? I read they misogynist rubbish daily by the supporters of the ALL MALE Junta as they huff and puff


Some very Homo-erotic stuff going on in this thread . All the big roughty , toughty he Man Expats cursing a Woman in support of a uniformed symbol of disciplinne and punishment, Nice one Sailors

All this has nothing to do with her beeing a woman.

oh yea??? I read they misogynist rubbish daily by the supporters of the ALL MALE Junta as they huff and puff

You not only read rubbish daily, you post rubbish daily!


Some very Homo-erotic stuff going on in this thread . All the big roughty , toughty he Man Expats cursing a Woman in support of a uniformed symbol of disciplinne and punishment, Nice one Sailors

All this has nothing to do with her beeing a woman.

oh yea??? I read they misogynist rubbish daily by the supporters of the ALL MALE Junta as they huff and puff

You not only read rubbish daily, you post rubbish daily!

thanks for being MAN enough for admitting you post rubbish daily cheesy.gif


Glad to see people out supporting the opposition. This is about the only way they can now that Mr. Happy has installed himself as big cheese. I wish all PMs were as hot as Ying!


Ok that being said,just pop your head back in the sand. It appears that if a person likes a particular politition because they think she is hot to look at. She can do no wrong. No matter how many billions of $$$ that party bogs the country in debt with IMF. That explains why julia gillard was not popular. That makes sense.


I woukd guess the YS side wants to present 60 witnesses to rebut the charge of negligence.

This should generate some anxiety for those here polishing their summations for the prosecution.

Today's word is "vicarious".


I woukd guess the YS side wants to present 60 witnesses to rebut the charge of negligence.

This should generate some anxiety for those here polishing their summations for the prosecution.

Today's word is "vicarious".

She could bring a million witnesses but the simple fact remains she made herself head of the rice committee, didn't bother turning up to a single meeting, and is being charged for negligence. No amount of playing with words can change the simple facts here.


I woukd guess the YS side wants to present 60 witnesses to rebut the charge of negligence.

This should generate some anxiety for those here polishing their summations for the prosecution.

Today's word is "vicarious".

She could bring a million witnesses but the simple fact remains she made herself head of the rice committee, didn't bother turning up to a single meeting, and is being charged for negligence. No amount of playing with words can change the simple facts here.

Indeed nothing wrong with governments trying to help the poor by subsidising farming and it happens the world over


I woukd guess the YS side wants to present 60 witnesses to rebut the charge of negligence.

This should generate some anxiety for those here polishing their summations for the prosecution.

Today's word is "vicarious".

She could bring a million witnesses but the simple fact remains she made herself head of the rice committee, didn't bother turning up to a single meeting, and is being charged for negligence. No amount of playing with words can change the simple facts here.

If all politicians could be prosecuted just for not being on the ball and taking care of everything then there would be none left in the entire world. Thankfully they can't be in most countries and the way they get punished is through the ballot box not coups and show trials.


If it "Happened on your watch", you are responsible. The smart thing is to provide a list of those who took advantage of the situation !!

Even if it including a certain "Dubai Dude" !!

This goes far beyond this simply happening on her watch. This was her populist policy to help get elected. She was heading up this whole program. She regected multiple assertions by others that the system was rampant with corruption.

She allowed the phony G2G deals to be done.

She and her cronies profited from this either directly or indirectly.

I hope she gets what coming to her, but I am not holding my breath.

We have two candidates in the US running for President who advocate taking taxpayer money to get those with student loans out of trouble. Is that a populist policy? Every nation is faced with those politicians in government who promote populist policies for getting votes to the politicians own benefit. This case is no different. If the current Thai government was interested in criminally prosecuting even some of the profiteers from this scheme they could have done so. This is nothing but political staging on the part of the non elected military government who buys blimps, aircraft carriers, and wants to buy submarines. Talk about malfeasance!

Did you miss the point on purpose or does it genuinely elude you ?.

The issue here is not about using money to help the poor.

It is about 500 billion of the 600 billion disappearing into the pockets of politicians and their up-country drum beaters.

And you actually blame this government for not prosecuting the others in the case ?. Don't you think that was Yingluck's responsibility once she was told what was going on ?. Don't you realise this is the WHOLE crux of the case ?.

How can you not know this after all this time ?. Do you even read the news or do you just listen to your friends ?.


If it "Happened on your watch", you are responsible. The smart thing is to provide a list of those who took advantage of the situation !!

Even if it including a certain "Dubai Dude" !!

This goes far beyond this simply happening on her watch. This was her populist policy to help get elected. She was heading up this whole program. She regected multiple assertions by others that the system was rampant with corruption.

She allowed the phony G2G deals to be done.

She and her cronies profited from this either directly or indirectly.

I hope she gets what coming to her, but I am not holding my breath.

We have two candidates in the US running for President who advocate taking taxpayer money to get those with student loans out of trouble. Is that a populist policy? Every nation is faced with those politicians in government who promote populist policies for getting votes to the politicians own benefit. This case is no different. If the current Thai government was interested in criminally prosecuting even some of the profiteers from this scheme they could have done so. This is nothing but political staging on the part of the non elected military government who buys blimps, aircraft carriers, and wants to buy submarines. Talk about malfeasance!

Did you miss the point on purpose or does it genuinely elude you ?.

The issue here is not about using money to help the poor.

It is about 500 billion of the 600 billion disappearing into the pockets of politicians and their up-country drum beaters.

And you actually blame this government for not prosecuting the others in the case ?. Don't you think that was Yingluck's responsibility once she was told what was going on ?. Don't you realise this is the WHOLE crux of the case ?.

How can you not know this after all this time ?. Do you even read the news or do you just listen to your friends ?.

'About 500 billion of the 600 billion disappearing into the pockets of politicians and their up-country drum beaters'. From which magic hat does this figure come?


If it "Happened on your watch", you are responsible. The smart thing is to provide a list of those who took advantage of the situation !!

Even if it including a certain "Dubai Dude" !!

This goes far beyond this simply happening on her watch. This was her populist policy to help get elected. She was heading up this whole program. She regected multiple assertions by others that the system was rampant with corruption.

She allowed the phony G2G deals to be done.

She and her cronies profited from this either directly or indirectly.

I hope she gets what coming to her, but I am not holding my breath.

We have two candidates in the US running for President who advocate taking taxpayer money to get those with student loans out of trouble. Is that a populist policy? Every nation is faced with those politicians in government who promote populist policies for getting votes to the politicians own benefit. This case is no different. If the current Thai government was interested in criminally prosecuting even some of the profiteers from this scheme they could have done so. This is nothing but political staging on the part of the non elected military government who buys blimps, aircraft carriers, and wants to buy submarines. Talk about malfeasance!

Did you miss the point on purpose or does it genuinely elude you ?.

The issue here is not about using money to help the poor.

It is about 500 billion of the 600 billion disappearing into the pockets of politicians and their up-country drum beaters.

And you actually blame this government for not prosecuting the others in the case ?. Don't you think that was Yingluck's responsibility once she was told what was going on ?. Don't you realise this is the WHOLE crux of the case ?.

How can you not know this after all this time ?. Do you even read the news or do you just listen to your friends ?.

some falang are kept in th e dark. If th ere mrs wants it th at way

If it "Happened on your watch", you are responsible. The smart thing is to provide a list of those who took advantage of the situation !!

Even if it including a certain "Dubai Dude" !!

This goes far beyond this simply happening on her watch. This was her populist policy to help get elected. She was heading up this whole program. She regected multiple assertions by others that the system was rampant with corruption.

She allowed the phony G2G deals to be done.

She and her cronies profited from this either directly or indirectly.

I hope she gets what coming to her, but I am not holding my breath.

We have two candidates in the US running for President who advocate taking taxpayer money to get those with student loans out of trouble. Is that a populist policy? Every nation is faced with those politicians in government who promote populist policies for getting votes to the politicians own benefit. This case is no different. If the current Thai government was interested in criminally prosecuting even some of the profiteers from this scheme they could have done so. This is nothing but political staging on the part of the non elected military government who buys blimps, aircraft carriers, and wants to buy submarines. Talk about malfeasance!

Did you miss the point on purpose or does it genuinely elude you ?.

The issue here is not about using money to help the poor.

It is about 500 billion of the 600 billion disappearing into the pockets of politicians and their up-country drum beaters.

And you actually blame this government for not prosecuting the others in the case ?. Don't you think that was Yingluck's responsibility once she was told what was going on ?. Don't you realise this is the WHOLE crux of the case ?.

How can you not know this after all this time ?. Do you even read the news or do you just listen to your friends ?.

So Mr. Knowitall

How can you not know after all this time that it is not a PM's job to personally track down and arrest every corrupt person in Thailand?

How can you not know that?

How can you know 500 billion was disappeared?

As you seem to know everything how can you not know who disappeared this fictional amount of money?

Where was it disappeared to?

Please do enlighten us poor ignorant peasants.

If it "Happened on your watch", you are responsible. The smart thing is to provide a list of those who took advantage of the situation !!

Even if it including a certain "Dubai Dude" !!

This goes far beyond this simply happening on her watch. This was her populist policy to help get elected. She was heading up this whole program. She regected multiple assertions by others that the system was rampant with corruption.

She allowed the phony G2G deals to be done.

She and her cronies profited from this either directly or indirectly.

I hope she gets what coming to her, but I am not holding my breath.

We have two candidates in the US running for President who advocate taking taxpayer money to get those with student loans out of trouble. Is that a populist policy? Every nation is faced with those politicians in government who promote populist policies for getting votes to the politicians own benefit. This case is no different. If the current Thai government was interested in criminally prosecuting even some of the profiteers from this scheme they could have done so. This is nothing but political staging on the part of the non elected military government who buys blimps, aircraft carriers, and wants to buy submarines. Talk about malfeasance!

Did you miss the point on purpose or does it genuinely elude you ?.

The issue here is not about using money to help the poor.

It is about 500 billion of the 600 billion disappearing into the pockets of politicians and their up-country drum beaters.

And you actually blame this government for not prosecuting the others in the case ?. Don't you think that was Yingluck's responsibility once she was told what was going on ?. Don't you realise this is the WHOLE crux of the case ?.

How can you not know this after all this time ?. Do you even read the news or do you just listen to your friends ?.

So Mr. Knowitall

How can you not know after all this time that it is not a PM's job to personally track down and arrest every corrupt person in Thailand?

How can you not know that?

How can you know 500 billion was disappeared?

As you seem to know everything how can you not know who disappeared this fictional amount of money?

Where was it disappeared to?

Please do enlighten us poor ignorant peasants.

The government who bogged the country in debt . Who was in charge of that government. ?Who also happen to be 1 of the richest and most powerful families in Thailand. With many of her relatives in the government in charge of many departments. So of course the money dissappears and they dont know where it went,all billions of bart . Oh but of course some people are attracted to her and think shes cute or hot,so she couldnt possibly be involved. Ohhhohoho please. Priceless

If it "Happened on your watch", you are responsible. The smart thing is to provide a list of those who took advantage of the situation !!

Even if it including a certain "Dubai Dude" !!

This goes far beyond this simply happening on her watch. This was her populist policy to help get elected. She was heading up this whole program. She regected multiple assertions by others that the system was rampant with corruption.

She allowed the phony G2G deals to be done.

She and her cronies profited from this either directly or indirectly.

I hope she gets what coming to her, but I am not holding my breath.

We have two candidates in the US running for President who advocate taking taxpayer money to get those with student loans out of trouble. Is that a populist policy? Every nation is faced with those politicians in government who promote populist policies for getting votes to the politicians own benefit. This case is no different. If the current Thai government was interested in criminally prosecuting even some of the profiteers from this scheme they could have done so. This is nothing but political staging on the part of the non elected military government who buys blimps, aircraft carriers, and wants to buy submarines. Talk about malfeasance!

Did you miss the point on purpose or does it genuinely elude you ?.

The issue here is not about using money to help the poor.

It is about 500 billion of the 600 billion disappearing into the pockets of politicians and their up-country drum beaters.

And you actually blame this government for not prosecuting the others in the case ?. Don't you think that was Yingluck's responsibility once she was told what was going on ?. Don't you realise this is the WHOLE crux of the case ?.

How can you not know this after all this time ?. Do you even read the news or do you just listen to your friends ?.

So Mr. Knowitall
How can you not know after all this time that it is not a PM's job to personally track down and arrest every corrupt person in Thailand?
How can you not know that?
How can you know 500 billion was disappeared?
As you seem to know everything how can you not know who disappeared this fictional amount of money?
Where was it disappeared to?
Please do enlighten us poor ignorant peasants.
The government who bogged the country in debt . Who was in charge of that government. ?Who also happen to be 1 of the richest and most powerful families in Thailand. With many of her relatives in the government in charge of many departments. So of course the money dissappears and they dont know where it went,all billions of bart . Oh but of course some people are attracted to her and think shes cute or hot,so she couldnt possibly be involved. Ohhhohoho please. Priceless

Complete BS.

Hahaha oh well candide. Since you put such a valid point forward . How can we possibly dissagree. Lmfao

By the way . Did you think of that reasoning all by your self ? Priceless redshirt lmfao again and still.


Hahaha oh well candide. Since you put such a valid point forward . How can we possibly dissagree. Lmfao

By the way . Did you think of that reasoning all by your self ? Priceless redshirt lmfao again and still.

Ok let's sumarise why it's complete BS.

Firstly, like EnglishJohn, you have absolutely no proof and no source to support that 500 b out of 600 b have vanished in the pockets of the Shins and other redhirts. The non-neutral NACC did not even mention it, despite its will to find any possible charge against YL. The only known case that is currently under judicial scrutiny is the so-called fake GtoG deal and the amount concerned is far from the figure given.

Secondly (it has been shown several times in previous threads), a simple calculation taking into account the buying price and the selling price multiplied by the quantity of rice pledged provides an estimate that fits in the order of magnitude of the schem's deficit. It requires the level of mathematics of a primary school pupil.

So yes, it's complete BS.

Now if you and EnglishJohn know of a source of information that confirms your speculations, don't hesite to share it with us! :)


Yep thats right. Its all just a missunderstanding. And did you know the yanks flew the planes into the twin towers themselves. ? Amazing hu!


Yep thats right. Its all just a missunderstanding. And did you know the yanks flew the planes into the twin towers themselves. ? Amazing hu!

i know its true coz i read it on a couple of facebook pages.

Yep thats right. Its all just a missunderstanding. And did you know the yanks flew the planes into the twin towers themselves. ? Amazing hu!

I did not see any proof of it either! :)

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