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Sinai crash: plane 'may have been brought down by explosive device'


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The Russians had a very effective way of dealing with Muslim terrorists in the past. Once they determined the identities of some of the individuals responsible, they found their families and executed some of them and threatened to execute the entire families of all involved if the hostages were not released. The hostages were in fact released very soon.

The terrorists that committed the attacks on the hotels in mumbai were paid approx the equivalent of $1,250 USD to go and murder as many westerners as they could. They knew this was a suicide mission but they did it, at least in part, because they knew that small amount of money would greatly benefit their dirt poor families.

If they knew their families would be executed for the evil acts that they had committed, I seriously doubt they would have committed those murders for any price.

Say what you will about the crazy Muslim extremists, but they do love and cherish their families.

It is a very harsh policy to commit to doing this and not at all PC, but I only see this Muslim terrorism increasing and with the refugees rushing into every country which will likely be infiltrated with ISIS recruits to help spread their culture of death to infidels, I don;t see how else they can be stopped.

i know at this time that many people will disagree with this, but as this scourge of terror increases I am sure more people will agree that this might be the only way to stop it.

I fear there will be very sad and tragic days ahead.

I must confess to having had some of the same thoughts. These families raise & nurture these monsters; maybe they should bear some consequence. OTOH, does this send us down a slippery slope? Just how "monstrous" does the crime in question have to be before we start making it a "family affair"? Do we really want to empower our governments with this? The idea has emotional appeal, but is it a button you really want to push?

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The Russians had a very effective way of dealing with Muslim terrorists in the past. Once they determined the identities of some of the individuals responsible, they found their families and executed some of them and threatened to execute the entire families of all involved if the hostages were not released. The hostages were in fact released very soon.

The terrorists that committed the attacks on the hotels in mumbai were paid approx the equivalent of $1,250 USD to go and murder as many westerners as they could. They knew this was a suicide mission but they did it, at least in part, because they knew that small amount of money would greatly benefit their dirt poor families.

If they knew their families would be executed for the evil acts that they had committed, I seriously doubt they would have committed those murders for any price.

Say what you will about the crazy Muslim extremists, but they do love and cherish their families.

It is a very harsh policy to commit to doing this and not at all PC, but I only see this Muslim terrorism increasing and with the refugees rushing into every country which will likely be infiltrated with ISIS recruits to help spread their culture of death to infidels, I don;t see how else they can be stopped.

i know at this time that many people will disagree with this, but as this scourge of terror increases I am sure more people will agree that this might be the only way to stop it.

I fear there will be very sad and tragic days ahead.

I must confess to having had some of the same thoughts. These families raise & nurture these monsters; maybe they should bear some consequence. OTOH, does this send us down a slippery slope? Just how "monstrous" does the crime in question have to be before we start making it a "family affair"? Do we really want to empower our governments with this? The idea has emotional appeal, but is it a button you really want to push?

It's a button we are not allowed to push if we want to continue calling ourselves 'civilized'

However, I would certainly like to make sure that passive supporters have a price to pay too for crimes committed with their passive support or without them taking action against known islamists/terrorists/criminals.

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The Russians had a very effective way of dealing with Muslim terrorists in the past. Once they determined the identities of some of the individuals responsible, they found their families and executed some of them and threatened to execute the entire families of all involved if the hostages were not released. The hostages were in fact released very soon.

The terrorists that committed the attacks on the hotels in mumbai were paid approx the equivalent of $1,250 USD to go and murder as many westerners as they could. They knew this was a suicide mission but they did it, at least in part, because they knew that small amount of money would greatly benefit their dirt poor families.

If they knew their families would be executed for the evil acts that they had committed, I seriously doubt they would have committed those murders for any price.

Say what you will about the crazy Muslim extremists, but they do love and cherish their families.

It is a very harsh policy to commit to doing this and not at all PC, but I only see this Muslim terrorism increasing and with the refugees rushing into every country which will likely be infiltrated with ISIS recruits to help spread their culture of death to infidels, I don;t see how else they can be stopped.

i know at this time that many people will disagree with this, but as this scourge of terror increases I am sure more people will agree that this might be the only way to stop it.

I fear there will be very sad and tragic days ahead.

I must confess to having had some of the same thoughts. These families raise & nurture these monsters; maybe they should bear some consequence. OTOH, does this send us down a slippery slope? Just how "monstrous" does the crime in question have to be before we start making it a "family affair"? Do we really want to empower our governments with this? The idea has emotional appeal, but is it a button you really want to push?

It's a button we are not allowed to push if we want to continue calling ourselves 'civilized'

However, I would certainly like to make sure that passive supporters have a price to pay too for crimes committed with their passive support or without them taking action against known islamists/terrorists/criminals.

I'm not as concerned with "civilized" as I used to be. Everyone's got their own agenda-driven definition of it. ...nowadays almost syonymous with "politically correct". To an obsessed hater, absolutely nothing the US (or the UK, or the West, ....fill in the blank) can do will make it "civilized". But making the passive supporters pay a price is the name of the game. The question is, how?

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The Russians had a very effective way of dealing with Muslim terrorists in the past. Once they determined the identities of some of the individuals responsible, they found their families and executed some of them and threatened to execute the entire families of all involved if the hostages were not released. The hostages were in fact released very soon.

The terrorists that committed the attacks on the hotels in mumbai were paid approx the equivalent of $1,250 USD to go and murder as many westerners as they could. They knew this was a suicide mission but they did it, at least in part, because they knew that small amount of money would greatly benefit their dirt poor families.

If they knew their families would be executed for the evil acts that they had committed, I seriously doubt they would have committed those murders for any price.

Say what you will about the crazy Muslim extremists, but they do love and cherish their families.

It is a very harsh policy to commit to doing this and not at all PC, but I only see this Muslim terrorism increasing and with the refugees rushing into every country which will likely be infiltrated with ISIS recruits to help spread their culture of death to infidels, I don;t see how else they can be stopped.

i know at this time that many people will disagree with this, but as this scourge of terror increases I am sure more people will agree that this might be the only way to stop it.

I fear there will be very sad and tragic days ahead.

I must confess to having had some of the same thoughts. These families raise & nurture these monsters; maybe they should bear some consequence. OTOH, does this send us down a slippery slope? Just how "monstrous" does the crime in question have to be before we start making it a "family affair"? Do we really want to empower our governments with this? The idea has emotional appeal, but is it a button you really want to push?

It's a button we are not allowed to push if we want to continue calling ourselves 'civilized'

However, I would certainly like to make sure that passive supporters have a price to pay too for crimes committed with their passive support or without them taking action against known islamists/terrorists/criminals.

I'm not as concerned with "civilized" as I used to be. Everyone's got their own agenda-driven definition of it. ...nowadays almost syonymous with "politically correct". To an obsessed hater, absolutely nothing the US (or the UK, or the West, ....fill in the blank) can do will make it "civilized". But making the passive supporters pay a price is the name of the game. The question is, how?

it's a question of self-respect, not about what others think.

Regarding passive supporters when they are in a Western country, I think the best is to seize their assets (if any at all!) and to send them to their home country.

If they have one of our valued passports already, they should be sent to court for treason and then to prison camps to serve their sentence.

Regarding passive supporters in other countries - bomb them with their friends, as the allies did with Germans in WWII.

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The Russians had a very effective way of dealing with Muslim terrorists in the past. Once they determined the identities of some of the individuals responsible, they found their families and executed some of them and threatened to execute the entire families of all involved if the hostages were not released. The hostages were in fact released very soon.

The terrorists that committed the attacks on the hotels in mumbai were paid approx the equivalent of $1,250 USD to go and murder as many westerners as they could. They knew this was a suicide mission but they did it, at least in part, because they knew that small amount of money would greatly benefit their dirt poor families.

If they knew their families would be executed for the evil acts that they had committed, I seriously doubt they would have committed those murders for any price.

Say what you will about the crazy Muslim extremists, but they do love and cherish their families.

It is a very harsh policy to commit to doing this and not at all PC, but I only see this Muslim terrorism increasing and with the refugees rushing into every country which will likely be infiltrated with ISIS recruits to help spread their culture of death to infidels, I don;t see how else they can be stopped.

i know at this time that many people will disagree with this, but as this scourge of terror increases I am sure more people will agree that this might be the only way to stop it.

I fear there will be very sad and tragic days ahead.

I must confess to having had some of the same thoughts. These families raise & nurture these monsters; maybe they should bear some consequence. OTOH, does this send us down a slippery slope? Just how "monstrous" does the crime in question have to be before we start making it a "family affair"? Do we really want to empower our governments with this? The idea has emotional appeal, but is it a button you really want to push?

It's a button we are not allowed to push if we want to continue calling ourselves 'civilized'

However, I would certainly like to make sure that passive supporters have a price to pay too for crimes committed with their passive support or without them taking action against known islamists/terrorists/criminals.

I'm not as concerned with "civilized" as I used to be. Everyone's got their own agenda-driven definition of it. ...nowadays almost syonymous with "politically correct". To an obsessed hater, absolutely nothing the US (or the UK, or the West, ....fill in the blank) can do will make it "civilized". But making the passive supporters pay a price is the name of the game. The question is, how?

it's a question of self-respect, not about what others think.

Regarding passive supporters when they are in a Western country, I think the best is to seize their assets (if any at all!) and to send them to their home country.

If they have one of our valued passports already, they should be sent to court for treason and then to prison camps to serve their sentence.

Regarding passive supporters in other countries - bomb them with their friends, as the allies did with Germans in WWII.

'Doesn't work. Then they elect an Obama-esque character who thinks it's his mission in life to make everybody love the US and just starts apologizing & bowing to everything that moves (which of course doesn't work either, but that's another debacle...).

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The Russians had a very effective way of dealing with Muslim terrorists in the past. Once they determined the identities of some of the individuals responsible, they found their families and executed some of them and threatened to execute the entire families of all involved if the hostages were not released. The hostages were in fact released very soon.

The terrorists that committed the attacks on the hotels in mumbai were paid approx the equivalent of $1,250 USD to go and murder as many westerners as they could. They knew this was a suicide mission but they did it, at least in part, because they knew that small amount of money would greatly benefit their dirt poor families.

If they knew their families would be executed for the evil acts that they had committed, I seriously doubt they would have committed those murders for any price.

Say what you will about the crazy Muslim extremists, but they do love and cherish their families.

It is a very harsh policy to commit to doing this and not at all PC, but I only see this Muslim terrorism increasing and with the refugees rushing into every country which will likely be infiltrated with ISIS recruits to help spread their culture of death to infidels, I don;t see how else they can be stopped.

i know at this time that many people will disagree with this, but as this scourge of terror increases I am sure more people will agree that this might be the only way to stop it.

I fear there will be very sad and tragic days ahead.

I must confess to having had some of the same thoughts. These families raise & nurture these monsters; maybe they should bear some consequence. OTOH, does this send us down a slippery slope? Just how "monstrous" does the crime in question have to be before we start making it a "family affair"? Do we really want to empower our governments with this? The idea has emotional appeal, but is it a button you really want to push?

It's a button we are not allowed to push if we want to continue calling ourselves 'civilized'

However, I would certainly like to make sure that passive supporters have a price to pay too for crimes committed with their passive support or without them taking action against known islamists/terrorists/criminals.

I'm not as concerned with "civilized" as I used to be. Everyone's got their own agenda-driven definition of it. ...nowadays almost syonymous with "politically correct". To an obsessed hater, absolutely nothing the US (or the UK, or the West, ....fill in the blank) can do will make it "civilized". But making the passive supporters pay a price is the name of the game. The question is, how?

To an obsessed hater


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I really get the feeling that this is revenge for the shooting down of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17.

Well, whatever beef I may have with the Ruskies here and elsewhere, it's a pretty disgusting thing if somebody took revenge by killing a planeload of innocent people who had nothing to do with the Malaysia Air shootdown.

nothing to do with M17.....just payback for russia's attacks in syria.However one could say what goes round comes round in regards to M17

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  • 2 weeks later...

ISIS are ruthless barbarians as we know. If Vladimir Putin believes he could enter Syria bombs away against Muslim whack jobs and discount something like this happening then he'd be as wacko as all of his predecessors in the Kremlin for the past thousand years. The world awaits conclusive proof this was a new dimension to ISIS slaughter so we should not get to far out ahead of the events of this as they may be.

US intelligence says it monitors ISIS and other enemies chatter of various kind and British intelligence is being even more aggressive in their assessment of this disaster and tragedy. It would be so surprise if other Western intelligence agencies might be more cautious and reserved about this, as the British have taken a rather aggressive lead in the suspicions and early indications.

This may all the same be Vlad's real world welcome to the murderous real world of the Middle East which can make Chechnya look like a summer camp for rambunctious boyz. (Think the Boston Marathon bombers from nearby to Chechnya). What Vlad asks for Vlad will get in more ways than one. If this isn't it, Vlad would show some smarts to conclude something like it should be expected as a direct cost of his plunging himself into the mad world of the Middle East. .

Wonder if I was ever a 'rambunctious' young fella------------- Might have to look that one upbiggrin.pngbiggrin.pngbiggrin.png

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