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Tiger meat seized before being served in Bangkok restaurants


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Are we running a competition of who can use the biggest words? Most posters on TVF will have Google them to see what they mean!:(

Or just rightfully ignore it as academic clap-trap and meaningless to the discussion at hand.

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The racist gang has lost all control here.

Have a look here and see the proud trophy hunter >>> http://www.theguardian.com/environment/cecil-the-lion

(just one recent incident)

No racist dare open their mouth on this type actions that are happening rampantly - NOT by poor Asians, but by the very rich elite of the West.

They kill for 'sport' - that is justified! Whale hunting. Killing of fox etc etc

The disgusting things the Rich, the powerful & the developed people do are all justified in some way.

If humans cant treat their own kind fairly, how can they treat animals well?

Some so called 'animal lovers' and human rights activists are a perfect example of the hypocrisy that exists in this world today - and they definitely are not from Asia.

Anyone who kills/eats endangered animals is a retard, Asian or farang. Especially the Chinese/SE Asian trade in tigers, shark fins, elephant and rhino tusks causes many more deaths of endangered species. That's just a fact. These wealthy disgusting farangs who travel to Africa to shoot wildlife are just as despicable as Asians who eat tiger or shark fin soup

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Delivering the meat to Bangkok restaurants... who were waiting for their <deleted> tiger meat? Who had customers waiting - for their order of tiger meat?

Shoot the whole lot of them, the sick bastards. Loads of money but no breeding or class, is the problem.

Asia is full of wannabe sociopaths and their retard offspring, who got their hands on fortunes very dubiously...

And outside of Asia some similar get to be President !wai.gif

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Unfortunately and very sadly...this is not an exception, but rather the norm. This kind of treatment goes on in every meat (and dairy) factory...pigs, cows, chickens...all. Money and greed are the motivators, NOT the humane treatment and housing of the animals. SICKENING sick.gif

rgument, suffering and fear do not. Animals other than human animals have been shown to suffer and experience fear. Domesticated "food animals" (hate those words) included. Inhumane slaughter of animals for food is torture...and animal slaughter for food is almost always inhumane. Watch this newly released vid if you disagree...

Sadly your naive attempts to dichotomise the situation does more harm than good - to put the slaughter of Tigers in the same box as domesticated food source animals is avoiding the environmental and conservation issues and trying to change the entire planet on the basis of "meat is murder" is just baby-talk.

if you want to campaign against animal cruelty in slaughterhouses do so, but trying to link that to the very real and imminent threat of extinction facing the "Corbetti" tiger is just downright irresponsible and potentially very damaging to an urgent cause.

Apples and oranges, maybe...but it was you who mixed the two. Had you just made your point about the tigers and bio-systems and left it there, then we would not have much to disagree on. However...you added an "also" in the last sentence of your post, which accused another of making an invalid anthropomorphic argument about "slaughter of animals for meat". With that, you addressed and "dichotomised" it, thus opening up the sub-topic...which was the point of my rebuttal. passifier.gif

No sir, I did not introduce or link the concept of vegetarianism or humane slaughter..i responded as this w3as the falose dichotomy - one of many on this thrad by those who confuse their own sub-topic with the actual issue at hand.

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Delivering the meat to Bangkok restaurants... who were waiting for their <deleted> tiger meat? Who had customers waiting - for their order of tiger meat?

Shoot the whole lot of them, the sick bastards. Loads of money but no breeding or class, is the problem.

Asia is full of wannabe sociopaths and their retard offspring, who got their hands on fortunes very dubiously...

Yes...I want to know the names of the restaurants involved...Please...Let's give some of the attention they so deserve...

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Where are the restaurants names that have tiger meat on the menu?

Why do they always leave out the important parts of a story...

The owners should also get whatever punishment is given to the ones that shot the tiger.... But I guess they're too high up the food chain to be named and shamed...

"Why do they always leave out the important parts of a story... "

​Self preservation I would imagine.

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Delivering the meat to Bangkok restaurants... who were waiting for their <deleted> tiger meat? Who had customers waiting - for their order of tiger meat?

Shoot the whole lot of them, the sick bastards. Loads of money but no breeding or class, is the problem.

Asia is full of wannabe sociopaths and their retard offspring, who got their hands on fortunes very dubiously...

I hope you directed the same level of vitriol at the US dentist who shot Cecil the lion with a crossbow and slowly killed over 48 hours, just for his trophy collection. Neither cruelty to animals, nor greed, nor sociopathic tendencies are restricted to people from any single continent. Neither, sadly is ignorance and racism, as your post and the many who "liked" it demonstrate in spades. sad.png

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...The story people are talking about here is one that happened in Asia, here in Thailand. This is a forum for talking about Thailand. That's why people are talking about this story here. Understand?
...but you seem to be trying to say that two wrongs make a right to try to get the spotlight off of this problem here in Asia.
...i guess you could cite Thailands tiger breeding programme which is a total sham and used to extort money out of tourists ... im sure youd love the tiger temple, right up your street.....
...the above post is a classic example of someone who by grabbing hold of the wrong end of the stick and chasing their own tale in the form of erroneous issues, ends up actually helping this despicable trade
The above are typical accusations that are thrown around freely when a persons point of view is questioned. I would never help or support any poacher or hunter - or for that matter, any trader involved in this despicable trade (matters not whether they are Asians or Martians) as some people above seem to imply.
Also, I think I can manage to read, write and understand English a wee bit too. Some people, although they have mastered a language, they fail to understand the subject due to their warped attitude.
So, the point I am tryin to make is, how the non Asians are bashing the Asians, Africans etc while they themselves come to these countries and resort to the most despicable acts one could imagine. Their 'followers' from the side, tries to lighten the crime by quoting various excuses and blatently passing abusive comments on the natives.
Do you remember ever reading posts how some foreigners refer to their Thai wives (yes, their own lawful wife) as some unintelligent classless being?
Hence, these despicable foreign attitudes (which tends to bend the truth) exists here in a Thai forum and it is on topic IMHO.

Wow, the savior has returned...

There is only one person squealing like a stuck pig about racism here because this is not about racism...

Perhaps your English skills are lacking and you have not quite grasped the finer details such as grown ups are discussing the disgusting anti-social behavior of a select group of Asian people.

Not one poster has accused all Asians of this disgusting Neanderthal behavior, and nobody has said there are no non-Asians involved, WE DON' T CARE, disgusting uneducated people do not deserve wealth, nor do they deserve the adulation subservient blindfolded people like yourself bestow upon them. This anti-social behavior just goes to prove that.

"... discussing the disgusting anti-social behavior of a select group of Asian people."

It might be worth remembering from whom the "disgusting.....antisocial Asians" learned their bad habits.

A genewation of jolly good old chaps and their memsahibs, far from home among the dusky natives.



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Delivering the meat to Bangkok restaurants... who were waiting for their <deleted> tiger meat? Who had customers waiting - for their order of tiger meat?

Shoot the whole lot of them, the sick bastards. Loads of money but no breeding or class, is the problem.

Asia is full of wannabe sociopaths and their retard offspring, who got their hands on fortunes very dubiously...

Did you watch tony jaa's movie tom yum goong aka the protector where his beloved pet elephant got stolen and had it's bones made into a decorative skeleton while the baby managed to live?

If you watch one scene it's this circular restaurant going up about say 10 stories where he beats up all the henchmen in 1 shot and in the final scene he sees the restaurant patrons eating exotic animals and you see a number of farang eating the food.

The fact of the matter is all because it occurs in bkk and in asia doesn't mean the patrons are going to be thai and from asia but could be from any part of the world.

Just like how the johns of the many bars in thailand come from all over the world and you wouldn't dare say they are retarded or sick would they? Obviously not.

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Delivering the meat to Bangkok restaurants... who were waiting for their <deleted> tiger meat? Who had customers waiting - for their order of tiger meat?

Shoot the whole lot of them, the sick bastards. Loads of money but no breeding or class, is the problem.

Asia is full of wannabe sociopaths and their retard offspring, who got their hands on fortunes very dubiously...

Did you watch tony jaa's movie tom yum goong aka the protector where his beloved pet elephant got stolen and had it's bones made into a decorative skeleton while the baby managed to live?

If you watch one scene it's this circular restaurant going up about say 10 stories where he beats up all the henchmen in 1 shot and in the final scene he sees the restaurant patrons eating exotic animals and you see a number of farang eating the food.

The fact of the matter is all because it occurs in bkk and in asia doesn't mean the patrons are going to be thai and from asia but could be from any part of the world.

Just like how the johns of the many bars in thailand come from all over the world and you wouldn't dare say they are retarded or sick would they? Obviously not.

It was a movie, right,,,,not a documentary, so the director chose who would be sitting in the background and who would be in shot.......

Edited by cumgranosalum
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Do we really need to eat Tigers to titilate our taste buds! and especially endangered species, some Restaurants (not only in Thailand) are advertising menus of, Ostrich,Zebra, Wildebeast, Crocodile, Kangaroo, Turtle, Camel, LLama, and many more, a disgusting trade, and I hope they all go Bankrupt ! and worse !

Edited by MAJIC
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Do we really need to eat Tigers to titilate our taste buds! and especially endangered species, some Restaurants (not only in Thailand) are advertising menus of, Ostrich,Zebra, Wildebeast, Crocodile, Kangaroo, Turtle, Camel, LLama, and many more, a disgusting trade, and I hope they all go Bankrupt ! and worse !

Yes thats correct, you can relish on Ostrich, crocs and other species in many restaurants in the west, thats only a small step away from eating Tiger. Absolutely no need for it and I fail to see what enjoyment anyone can get from it, so sad.

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Lets face it these 2 guys were just the dim wits ordered /paid to transport the meat

probably not even the poachers

Of course the BIB maybe be able to trace the poachers from these guys! but MORE importantly they could definitely find out where it was being delivered too.

This is a given but doubtful if it will be followed up as probably the restaurants are owned by the Bosses of the police or other HISO Scum with a lot of clout.

SAD really but with more moneyed chinese coming the Thais will pander to them to line their own pockets

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Wonder where the Tiger came from, to have been killed (shot multiple times) like that? Can't imagine it was wild, tbh. Maybe bought from a supposed "Tiger Farm" like the one in Sriracha, or a "Tiger temple" like the (in)famous one in Kanchanburi.?

There is a recent prevalence of doped Tigers at every "show" or "garden" type attraction in Thailand now. Makes me sad to see these magnificent beasts sedated / tranquilized with some grinning moron sat on it, giving the regulation "V" sign for a snapshot. Cruel, tawdry, exploitative however covers most "attractions" involving animals in Thailand though. The "exotic" meat restaurants are just the tip of the iceberg.

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