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Crackdown launched to improve safety for tourists visiting Thailand


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Only the insane think that more firearms would increase safety.

Only the ideologically-twisted deny the undeniable fact that many, many crimes of violence have been prevented by firearms in private hands, and that depriving the law-abiding of the means of self-defense whilst the criminals use whatever they want to inflict violence is morally indefensible.

A fact. Really? So how come not one single US gun massacre has so far been stopped by law abiding gun toters. Not enough Guns Yet? What happens when one clown has an accidental discharge, and jittery John Waynes all blindly Respond? What you are describing is a world where everyone is armed, so car park disputes would be settled by duels. 1776 or 1863 were a long time ago, time to reboot that thinking.

Why? Really?? Duh. 'Cause none of the good guys had guns, genius. Amazing what a lot of CNN & MSNBC non-reporting can do.

Amen brother...

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Does that make Vladimir "The Boss" Putin insane?


There never was any doubt about his insanity - he is an egomaniac, a despot and will one day be charged with murder and war crimes, if there is any justice in this world.

But, back to the topic... There is little any country can do right now, other than 'batten down the hatches' - tighten border controls, increase checks on visa applicants, etc.

Eventually everyone will live in fear and under strict control - all in the pursuit of 'safety'.

Edited by ParadiseLost
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A fact. Really? So how come not one single US gun massacre has so far been stopped by law abiding gun toters. Not enough Guns Yet? What happens when one clown has an accidental discharge, and jittery John Waynes all blindly Respond? What you are describing is a world where everyone is armed, so car park disputes would be settled by duels. 1776 or 1863 were a long time ago, time to reboot that thinking.

Heh. Haha. Hahahahahaha. I get it, I get it!

If they were stopped, they wouldn't be massacres! Good one!

Actually, quite a lot of ATTEMPTED massacres have been stopped by citizens with guns in the United States. I happened to be quite close to this one, for example. This man actually killed several people, but as he headed into a church to start the real slaughter, a woman took him down so that it was NOT a gun massacre. There are many sources but here's one with links you can use to prove it if you have a mind to.


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Have not really had any problems aside form losing couple thousand baht and paying police for no helmet turning left on a red light . I not excited about enforced drinking laws when the alcohol limit is way to low I could gargle with listermint and be over the limit. .05 is just a way to every person that drinks any alcohol into a criminal . Used to .15 in states till madd mothers turned in having a few beers and going home into a criminal act .The alcohol level is to low!!

Been drinking and driving for 30 years no problem here.

And you're actually proud of that. When you kill yourself driving drunk I hope you don't kill anyone else

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Let all foreign nationals purchase firearms. This country would be a much better place. As it stands these criminals know that foreigner can not easily poses guns. So let them buy them freely. Good for the economy and takes the criminals edge away. This is the only way to curb the current trend. The only way......

I reckon that would be the most dangerous idea possible. Have a look at the news and see the kind of people you would have possesing firearms.

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A fact. Really? So how come not one single US gun massacre has so far been stopped by law abiding gun toters. Not enough Guns Yet? What happens when one clown has an accidental discharge, and jittery John Waynes all blindly Respond? What you are describing is a world where everyone is armed, so car park disputes would be settled by duels. 1776 or 1863 were a long time ago, time to reboot that thinking.

Heh. Haha. Hahahahahaha. I get it, I get it!

If they were stopped, they wouldn't be massacres! Good one!

Actually, quite a lot of ATTEMPTED massacres have been stopped by citizens with guns in the United States. I happened to be quite close to this one, for example. This man actually killed several people, but as he headed into a church to start the real slaughter, a woman took him down so that it was NOT a gun massacre. There are many sources but here's one with links you can use to prove it if you have a mind to.


These fantasies of heroic revenge are just that, largely fantasies that cover up real tragedies. We are dealing with very rare events (which, back to the topic, is the same as the corrupt reducing the amount of corruption in a corrupt society. Extremely rare, difficult to estimate, easy to overestimate. http://www.armedwithreason.com/debunking-the-defensive-gun-use-myth/

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Have not really had any problems aside form losing couple thousand baht and paying police for no helmet turning left on a red light . I not excited about enforced drinking laws when the alcohol limit is way to low I could gargle with listermint and be over the limit. .05 is just a way to every person that drinks any alcohol into a criminal . Used to .15 in states till madd mothers turned in having a few beers and going home into a criminal act .The alcohol level is to low!!

Been drinking and driving for 30 years no problem here.

You sound like you're drinking and driving right now as you type your comment.

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Nothing to get excited about here; crackdowns last all of 48 hours !

Christ it seems no matter what the authority s try to do to improve Thailand you lot have always got something negative to say. I don't know why you don't just go home if your that disillusioned with Thailand

Edited by goonnerone
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Only the insane think that more firearms would increase safety.

Only the ideologically-twisted deny the undeniable fact that many, many crimes of violence have been prevented by firearms in private hands, and that depriving the law-abiding of the means of self-defense whilst the criminals use whatever they want to inflict violence is morally indefensible.

In Thailand, it should be easier for a farang to to have a gun at their own home. There are too many crazy b****ds here who will do anything to get money. M79's and firebombs included (no names mentioned, but you know who you are).

But it should be a criminal offence to take it off your own land without notifying the police - who should also do inspections every month.

Should - would - -could; luckily its not going to happen because you cannot trust farangs with guns anymore than you can trust anyone else. There is no innate superiority present when it comes to handling weapons even if you are English, John and you are sounding like a polar image of that other John - Jihadi. same kind of rage, different targets and presumably, religion.

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Nothing to get excited about here; crackdowns last all of 48 hours !

Christ it seems no matter what the authority s try to do to improve Thailand you lot have always got something negative to say. I don't know why you don't just go home if your that disillusioned with Thailand

For most of us, Thailand is not the RTP or some self important soldiers. If we enjoy being here (apart from the politics and the upholding of the laws) why should we let those things drive us away. Better to stay and use the ability we have to criticise stupidity at the top and maybe influence things for the better a little. And forgive me if I suggest that the real agenda is not improving Thailand but securing a chunk of it's wealth for a small but select group of people.It is not the tourists they are interested in - it is the tourist's revenue. I think you would find that Prayuth and his ilk have very little empathy or understanding of foreign tourists as people.

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Your all concerned about what? Firearms dont do anything by themselves accept create a deterrent and a great equalizer. It's a proven fact an armed society is a polite society. The more violent cities on the planet are the ones with strongest gun control laws. Undeniable fact.

Actually the US is the most violent developed country. Highest number of violent crimes per capita in the western world.

And of course, more guns than people...

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Nothing to get excited about here; crackdowns last all of 48 hours !

Christ it seems no matter what the authority s try to do to improve Thailand you lot have always got something negative to say. I don't know why you don't just go home if your that disillusioned with Thailand

You're not taking this seriously, are you?

My idea of a crackdown:

Fine every taxi driver who tries to fleece a tourist Bt1000 and confiscate their taxi for a month.

Arrest every Jet Ski operator without insurance, fine them Bt1000 and confiscate their jetski for a month.

If they try and strongarm a tourist out of hundreds of thousands, fine them what they were trying to fleece and sell the jetski to pay it.

And keep doing it.

Now THAT is a crackdown.

Pretty photoshoots of coppers wandering around near tourists giving them leaflets does precisely jack ---- to stop any of the scams.

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