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First Australia Syrian refugees arrive


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Australia receives first five Syrian refugees

(BBC) Five Syrians have become the first of 12,000 refugees to arrive in Australia under a one-off plan to resettle people fleeing the country's conflict.

The couple with three children arrived in Perth on Monday night after their resettlement was fast-tracked due to a medical condition.

Australia agreed in September to take in an extra 12,000 refugees amid public pressure over Europe's migrant crisis.
The first Syrian refugees had not expected to arrive until December.

Full story: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-australia-34830118

-- BBC 2015-11-17

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Currently, according to the Australian government information, there approx.. 110 " Aussies " fighting with ISIS in Syria and another 190 men known as active ISIS supporters and activists in Australia championing the terrorist cause... so bring more 'refugees' in why don't you Australia? what the worst that can happened? more ISIS sympathizers and supporters, more discontent and resentment for the Australian society and all in the name of being liberal, bleeding hearts PC nation....

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Proud to be Australian. These people have been sitting patiently in desert camps in Jordan and Turkey for years. They deserve a break.

Glad that my country doesn't pander to the lunatic fringes, the haters, which is just what ISIS wants us to do. Split, tear us apart. Pity that too many of these feeble minded people inhabit this board, as unsuspecting hatemongers - playing right in ISIS's hands.

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which is just what ISIS wants us to do

I read this sentence again and again. From where do you get this information? Did you call the ISIS Hotline? Or is that just a weird interpretation? I really wonder.

ISIS has publicly stated that is their goal

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which is just what ISIS wants us to do

I read this sentence again and again. From where do you get this information? Did you call the ISIS Hotline? Or is that just a weird interpretation? I really wonder.

Divide and conquer - I guess you've never heard that saying. But, no, not the ISIS hotline. Plain common sense, which you just appear to lack.

But, if you're looking something a bit more, check out 2.18


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I only wonder what the Australian taxpayers have to do as we keep taking in all these refugees and its years before they put anything back into the community as well.

Been through the process to bring family from overseas and the government gives you jack, but these refugees get everything under the sun and then they treat the Australian ppl as dirt under there feet. Try living in the suburbs where they want to put the refugees in Sydney!!!!

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Currently, according to the Australian government information, there approx.. 110 " Aussies " fighting

with ISIS in Syria and another 190 men known as active ISIS supporters and activists in Australia

championing the terrorist cause... so bring more 'refugees' in why don't you Australia?

what the worst that can happened? more ISIS sympathizers and supporters, more discontent

and resentment for the Australian society and all in the name of being liberal, bleeding hearts PC


You do realise that not all syrians are members of isis dont you? Thats why they are refugees, because of isis. They are not isis supporters.

Care to provide a link to show the regugees that australia have taken are not really refugees? Thought not.

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I only wonder what the Australian taxpayers have to do as we keep taking in all these refugees and its years before they put anything back into the community as well.

Been through the process to bring family from overseas and the government gives you jack, but these refugees get everything under the sun and then they treat the Australian ppl as dirt under there feet. Try living in the suburbs where they want to put the refugees in Sydney!!!!

Im not sure but i think the 12000 to come are part of the agreed number of refugees oz takes per year. Not an extra 12000. Though as said, not certain.

Would you prefer to try and dodge isis and live in a refugee camp for a couple of years instead of the way you are trying to do it.

Empathy for those that are not so lucky in life can be a wonderful human trait.

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Bet your tune would change if you lost a family member or had one maimed by a bomb...........

Here we go, the Thai Visa's rocket scientists give it their best shot.

I mean, is that all you have? Can't think of anything smarter to say? Queue retard voice 'I bet your tune would change.....'

My family took in and employed Vietnamese and Khmer refugees, at a time when they were being villified in the same way these guys are. Can't trust those Vietnamese - they were shooting at us 3 years ago. Look - Asians! Coming to take over our way of life.

So I'll type this for you slowly Einstein, so you understand.

I've got a greater chance at dying falling off a ladder in Australia than I do from a bomb from one of these poor sods.

I mean, how did you get this far through life without repeatedly poking your eye out with a fork...?

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I only wonder what the Australian taxpayers have to do as we keep taking in all these refugees and its years before they put anything back into the community as well.

Been through the process to bring family from overseas and the government gives you jack, but these refugees get everything under the sun and then they treat the Australian ppl as dirt under there feet. Try living in the suburbs where they want to put the refugees in Sydney!!!!

Why don't you ask Yalda?


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I would hope that the Australian "leaders" who are behind this at least have the sense to establish adequate refugee camps, replete with a nearby runway to receive the incoming transport jets that would eventually be used to return them to wherever they claimed to have originated.

Edited by MaxYakov
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I only wonder what the Australian taxpayers have to do as we keep taking in all these refugees and its years before they put anything back into the community as well.

Been through the process to bring family from overseas and the government gives you jack, but these refugees get everything under the sun and then they treat the Australian ppl as dirt under there feet. Try living in the suburbs where they want to put the refugees in Sydney!!!!

Why don't you ask Yalda?


Can I, can I? She's gorgeous eh... and a good journalist too, not just a pretty face.

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I only wonder what the Australian taxpayers have to do as we keep taking in all these refugees and its years before they put anything back into the community as well.

Been through the process to bring family from overseas and the government gives you jack, but these refugees get everything under the sun and then they treat the Australian ppl as dirt under there feet. Try living in the suburbs where they want to put the refugees in Sydney!!!!

Im not sure but i think the 12000 to come are part of the agreed number of refugees oz takes per year. Not an extra 12000. Though as said, not certain.

Would you prefer to try and dodge isis and live in a refugee camp for a couple of years instead of the way you are trying to do it.

Empathy for those that are not so lucky in life can be a wonderful human trait.

Many of the 12,000 will be Arab Christian and other minorities suffering persecution.

The 12,000 is a one off additional refugee intake in addition to the current 13,750 p.a. permitted entry via the UNHCR resettlement / humanitarian visa intake.


Estimated cost for the additional 12,000 is AUD700 million over four years. Oz military engagement in Iraq current estimated cost over four years AUD1.2 billion

Edited by simple1
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A very interesting piece of info that could and should be made avaliable to all countries involved. Are any Syrians seeking refugee status or applying for visa for foreign travel from a village or of a family of any suspected or proven terroists (living or dead) The foreigners wanting to go to Syria should be screened under the same scrunity. The politicans seem to have forgotten, ''plan for the worst case you can imagine and have plans to handle it and you will find life /living much easier.''

I am not referring to immediate family either, but what many of us know as the extended family as it is established in not just Syria but several countries around the world.

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Proud to be Australian. These people have been sitting patiently in desert camps in Jordan and Turkey for years. They deserve a break.

Glad that my country doesn't pander to the lunatic fringes, the haters, which is just what ISIS wants us to do. Split, tear us apart. Pity that too many of these feeble minded people inhabit this board, as unsuspecting hatemongers - playing right in ISIS's hands.

+1 I fully agree and I am sure the Australian government have investigated their background and to check their papers.

I can only applaude the Australian government on this. I wish we have such a system in Germany or where they at least know who comes into the country.

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In other news an RT poll found 31% of Syrian ' refugees' support ISIS, 41% think the U.S or Jews carried out Paris attacks.

Do you have a link. I am on RT Website but ant find the article.


believe this is the original poll though it's applicability to the strictly vetted Oz Syrian refugee intake is a major question mark.


Report dated 2014. data from 2011..

These Arabs are fookin; smart with their time travel and making opinions on Paris some 4 years or more before it happened.

I'm Not sure that the Doha institute (Qatar) is a reliable Source of information..

Edited by MrTee
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I would hope that the Australian "leaders" who are behind this at least have the sense to establish adequate refugee camps, replete with a nearby runway to receive the incoming transport jets that would eventually be used to return them to wherever they claimed to have originated.

The govt initially declined to take any refugees. Public pressure changed their minds.

They will not be held in refugee camps and no planes needed as they are from the syrian refugee camps, already vetted and determined genuine refugees.

I wonder if all this resistance would be happening if isis takes over france and the french want to claim refugee status. Indoubt it. But i am not as extreme as some one here.

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In other news an RT poll found 31% of Syrian ' refugees' support ISIS, 41% think the U.S or Jews carried out Paris attacks.

Do you have a link. I am on RT Website but ant find the article.


believe this is the original poll though it's applicability to the strictly vetted Oz Syrian refugee intake is a major question mark.


Thanks for sharing the link:

The poll from Doha Institute I have seen before already but it says different numbers.

Respondents' answers to the question "In general, do you have a positive or negative view of ISIL?"

98 % in Lebanon think negative of ISIL.

Iraq 81%

Egypt 77^%

Syrian refugees 73% think negative / 10% negative to some extend / 9% positive to some extend / 4 % very positive

Tunisia 71

Saudi Arabia 70

Jordan 70 %

Palestine 36%

The number is more like 13% of Syrian refugees are positive to ISIL

In general I would discount Doha Institute as they not even included their own country and as well the UAE and Bahrain.

Tunisia, Saudi Arabia, Jordan and Palestine rank even lower.

The biggest problem I am seeing is how to sort the bad apples out from the oranges.

What the poll however suggest (if it can be trusted) is that between 10-30% of all are fanatics. As a former Muslim convert that was part of Islam for 16 years (I left Islam in 2006) I am sure those numbers are correct.

I remember still the time before 2001 when the largest mosque in Singapore raised funds for jihad in Pakistan, Kashmir and India.

In Malaysia they still collect money at least in Kelantan to fight against the Thais in Southern Thailand.

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In other news an RT poll found 31% of Syrian ' refugees' support ISIS, 41% think the U.S or Jews carried out Paris attacks.

Do you have a link. I am on RT Website but ant find the article.


believe this is the original poll though it's applicability to the strictly vetted Oz Syrian refugee intake is a major question mark.


Report dated 2014. data from 2011..

These Arabs are fookin; smart with their time travel and making opinions on Paris some 4 years or more before it happened.

I'm Not sure that the Doha institute (Qatar) is a reliable Source of information..

Exactly my point. Anything from Qatar have to be taken not that seriously.

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