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Pretentious 'Amazing Thailand Luxury' ad aimed at rich Hong Kong tourists

Jonathan Fairfield

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It's amusing to see how this video winds up those who hate the rich.

Nothing about 'the rich' winding me up, but a lot does from the ones mis-behaving, the more so in the face of the ones they abused to become rich...

Living well being 'rich' is kind of an art, at the antipodes of disgusting nouveau-riches' cliches, an important part of is 'discretion', don't smear your wealth in the faces of the 'common people', be 'modest' and adapt to the people around you.

(On board of one of the mega-expensive super-sports-cars a wealthy friend of mine owns, parks in front of a green space, two boys about 9 and 12 run to the car, looking 'foreigner' and really poorly dressed, all in admiration with oh's and ah's, their mother quickly follows, starting to apologize about the boys, but before she drags them back, hear my friend invite both kids to sit in the car, having to insist towards the reluctant mother. Results: 5min. time 'lost', two poor kids in the moon, they'll probably never vandalize expensive cars, a have-not mother maybe reviewing her ideas about, some, rich people, and how many more around them to hear about this positive encounter... That's what I mean with 'kind of an art' being rich!)

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It's amusing to see how this video winds up those who hate the rich.

Nothing about 'the rich' winding me up, but a lot does from the ones mis-behaving, the more so in the face of the ones they abused to become rich...

Living well being 'rich' is kind of an art, at the antipodes of disgusting nouveau-riches' cliches, an important part of is 'discretion', don't smear your wealth in the faces of the 'common people', be 'modest' and adapt to the people around you.

(On board of one of the mega-expensive super-sports-cars a wealthy friend of mine owns, parks in front of a green space, two boys about 9 and 12 run to the car, looking 'foreigner' and really poorly dressed, all in admiration with oh's and ah's, their mother quickly follows, starting to apologize about the boys, but before she drags them back, hear my friend invite both kids to sit in the car, having to insist towards the reluctant mother. Results: 5min. time 'lost', two poor kids in the moon, they'll probably never vandalize expensive cars, a have-not mother maybe reviewing her ideas about, some, rich people, and how many more around them to hear about this positive encounter... That's what I mean with 'kind of an art' being rich!)

Something like this?


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It's amusing to see how this video winds up those who hate the rich.

Nothing about 'the rich' winding me up, but a lot does from the ones mis-behaving, the more so in the face of the ones they abused to become rich...

Living well being 'rich' is kind of an art, at the antipodes of disgusting nouveau-riches' cliches, an important part of is 'discretion', don't smear your wealth in the faces of the 'common people', be 'modest' and adapt to the people around you.

(On board of one of the mega-expensive super-sports-cars a wealthy friend of mine owns, parks in front of a green space, two boys about 9 and 12 run to the car, looking 'foreigner' and really poorly dressed, all in admiration with oh's and ah's, their mother quickly follows, starting to apologize about the boys, but before she drags them back, hear my friend invite both kids to sit in the car, having to insist towards the reluctant mother. Results: 5min. time 'lost', two poor kids in the moon, they'll probably never vandalize expensive cars, a have-not mother maybe reviewing her ideas about, some, rich people, and how many more around them to hear about this positive encounter... That's what I mean with 'kind of an art' being rich!)

Isn't that called grooming?
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Extremely well shot, with perfect light balance, and nice looking models. I enjoyed it.

Exactly. This was a very well done production. Nicely edited, great photography. Perfect music for production. It does exactly what it intended to do...attract the 1% while stimulating the minds of the 1% wannabees.

It doesn't have to be real. It is the art of making fantasy appear real. This ad is even better than some of the excellent "If it's Asia...it has to be Malaysia" ads.

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Extremely well shot, with perfect light balance, and nice looking models. I enjoyed it.

Exactly. This was a very well done production. Nicely edited, great photography. Perfect music for production. It does exactly what it intended to do...attract the 1% while stimulating the minds of the 1% wannabees.

It doesn't have to be real. It is the art of making fantasy appear real. This ad is even better than some of the excellent "If it's Asia...it has to be Malaysia" ads.

It does not have to be real... But all the places in this video are very real. And easily accessible.

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Prolly produced by same people who came up with this little gem last year, titled 'I Hate Thailand'

As all Thais are tought from young age, foreigners hate Thais, and are here only to take advantage of good people of Thailand.

In this ad the evil white foreigner travels Thailand, naturally hating every minute of it, cos why else would he come here, right? He attacks a taxi driver, he throws a brick in the car window, he behaves like a foreigner always does, a savage!

Plot twist! He finds out that despite his extreme douchiness towards Thai people, Thais love him, a broke, hate filled, penniless, homeless, violent, breaking all the laws white man. In almost no time he is surrounded by loving Thais, there to help him!!

If in your prejudice you think he ended up in immigration detention center, due to not having a passport, breaking the law, assaulting a taxi driver with a deadly weapon, and very likely over stay, you are mistaken! Thailand LOVES people like him!


If you're bored, read the Youtube comments, lots of fun!

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The problem with this video as with others of its kind is the very idea that money gives you privileges others don't share.

By this late stage in capitalism we all should be aware how much damage to the world and it's people is perpetrated by the wealthy 1% who lobby governments to get what they want and committ crimes against the person and property with impunity.

The wealthy are not special. They do not work harder or smarter than most people. They either inherited their wealth or were helped out by others of their kind.

Wealth happens when one exploits others. They give little back to society as their wealth is insulated by exploiting the tax laws or using the laws passed by their friends in high places.

At a time when Syrian children and others are dying from hunger this kind of marketing lacks sensitivity and intelligence and furthers the notion that some people are better than others.

It is loathsome and anti-human.

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The problem with this video as with others of its kind is the very idea that money gives you privileges others don't share.

By this late stage in capitalism we all should be aware how much damage to the world and it's people is perpetrated by the wealthy 1% who lobby governments to get what they want and committ crimes against the person and property with impunity.

The wealthy are not special. They do not work harder or smarter than most people. They either inherited their wealth or were helped out by others of their kind.

Wealth happens when one exploits others. They give little back to society as their wealth is insulated by exploiting the tax laws or using the laws passed by their friends in high places.

At a time when Syrian children and others are dying from hunger this kind of marketing lacks sensitivity and intelligence and furthers the notion that some people are better than others.

It is loathsome and anti-human.

You are a true leftist :)

You should say to all the Thais who work in the luxury industry that their customers are bad bad bad... and that there should only be advertisement directed only at the good people going to good old cheap guest houses and eating cheap street food. The ones who really work hard and will save the planet from the evil capitalism by traveling on the cheap side.

Well, in the meantime, others enjoy the life's luxuries for sure :)

This thread is again a thread about the rich vs the mass... Nothing much to do with luxury tourism' promotion and the video itself.

Edited by gerry1011
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Prolly produced by same people who came up with this little gem last year, titled 'I Hate Thailand'

As all Thais are tought from young age, foreigners hate Thais, and are here only to take advantage of good people of Thailand.

In this ad the evil white foreigner travels Thailand, naturally hating every minute of it, cos why else would he come here, right? He attacks a taxi driver, he throws a brick in the car window, he behaves like a foreigner always does, a savage!

Plot twist! He finds out that despite his extreme douchiness towards Thai people, Thais love him, a broke, hate filled, penniless, homeless, violent, breaking all the laws white man. In almost no time he is surrounded by loving Thais, there to help him!!

If in your prejudice you think he ended up in immigration detention center, due to not having a passport, breaking the law, assaulting a taxi driver with a deadly weapon, and very likely over stay, you are mistaken! Thailand LOVES people like him!


If you're bored, read the Youtube comments, lots of fun!

That video was great.

Wonderful advertisement.

Indeed :)

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Ha Ha I don't mind comfort and ease of living but having a host of lackeys carrying my bags, serving me food and smoking a cigar from an elephant's back . . . just too much!

To someone else you may look rich, with your comfort and ease of living.

And that someone may well think about you what you think about those who are richer than you (and enjoy more comfort and more ease of living).

What you think is "too much", may well be "just enough" for others...

Personally I - as well as everyone else - certainly respect any way of life that you did choose (and can afford) for yourself, ... So you should just respect any way of life other people prefer to follow, as long as they can pay for it.

I don't see any criminals in this video.

Just people enjoying luxury life the way they want...

A life they can afford... and a life that creates lots of jobs for those who still did not reach a certain level of wealth.

Edited by gerry1011
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A good video IMHO. Not my cup of tea but should appeal well to the intended market. Give credit where due, etc, etc. Meatloaf: "No one said it had to be real, but its gotta be something you can reach out and feel." Yeah! I think it should be attractive to the target market. Good luck to them. We need all the tourism dollars with the drought affecting farm production.

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Something bothered me in the video, only remembered now what. The guy with the stubble reminds me of someone I knew who had a lifestyle like in the video. Last I heard he OD'd on coke. Wonder why they didn't put that in the video, integral part of the lifestyle.

EDIT: Indeed, the whole clip seems to exclude the seedier side of Thailand. Including nightlife.

Edited by DrTuner
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