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Muslims use hugs and tweets to condemn Paris attacks


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Sure Muslims kill Muslims but that isn't what this is about.

These Muslims attacked France which they see as an enemy of Islam.

Don't fool yourselves or be deluded by politically correct propaganda.

There is an awful lot of sympathy among Muslims all over the world for this kind of thing.

Of course, only a small percentage are willing to be active combatants. But there is massive population of support there (or at least indifference) from which these active Islamist Jihadists use as a base for their recruitment.

As far as the term Islamophobia, yes indiscriminate hatred and discrimination is always a bad thing.

But let's get real.

Just yesterday on a baht bus there was a combatant aged Muslim man who got on and he started blathering in a bizarre way in Arabic, probably to a concealed phone.

Did I have a harder look at him now after Paris?

You bet you're booty I did and you'd be a naive fool not to.

Hollande said. ACT OF WAR.

Do you think this act of war from Islamists was only against the great nation of France? Think again. This is international.

BTW, yes of course major Thai tourism resorts are a potential target of Islamic Jihadists, Isis, or otherwise.

It already happened in Bali and in a place like Pattaya with lots of Russians (after Sharm El Sheikh), yes, people would be naive to not see the threat.

Edited by Jingthing
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These two articles give a very good understanding of the premises of Islam. Hysteria aside - followers of that religion either have a clash with their beliefs or have to admit atrocities perpetrated by Islamic extremists are within their religion. This is reality and needs to be considered when dealing with Islamic terrorism.



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Ironically, this won't be enough for the keyboard warrior crew......

Do you not see the irony of your Posting before others? Still, I get your point. :-)

My inner Nostradamus told me I would be right.

My prediction of Elle McPherson calling me up for dinner hasn't eventuated, but you can't win them all.

Edited by samran
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The thread is about pathetic attempts by a Muslim for attention, not apostasy

Yes, that is true but let me explain why I think pointing out issues in global Islam like support for death for apostasy is totally relevant to this topic.

Let's compare modern Egypt to modern Ecuador.

Egypt overwhelmingly Muslim. Ecuador overwhelmingly Christian (Catholic mostly).

In MODERN Egypt 86 percent of the Muslims support death for apostasy.

Nobody even would bother polling Christians in Ecuador about that question, because everyone knows it would be only a few nutcases, if that.

If you found even one Christian expressing that view, you would correctly call him a RADICAL EXTREMIST.

Imagine if the whole country was that way ... then you'd have a country filled with radical extremists.

Now go back HUNDREDS of years to the Spanish Inquisition, and the Christian attitude towards death for apostasy would look a lot different.

That is my point.

Other major religions HAVE indeed advanced into modern times.

Islam to a large degree simply has not.

So those who say these ISIS type of events only reflect a tiny minority of radical extremists out of a pool of billions of "peaceful religion" Muslims who are actually mostly quite well integrated into modern times are feeding us propaganda.

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They need to do MUCH more.

It's not only about the terrorist killing and acts of war on France, etc..

It's about mainstream Muslim beliefs in general.

The vast majority of global Muslims support death for apostasy, for example.

Does that seem normal or of the modern era to rational people?!?

Are we supposed to be "tolerant" of that kind of total murderous INTOLERANCE? No. Just say no.

Then the mainstream attitudes of Muslims towards their own women. Horrible. Barbaric. People act like Islam is the same as all other major world religions.

But it is not.

Their culture is stuck much more in the dark ages and some Muslims get that too, and are calling for major REFORM.

Of course their lives are in danger for supporting that.

I say don't bother taking lame empty HASHTAG games as anything serious or impactful.

The Muslims that deserve support are those that recognize the much more widespread DEEPER problem and recognize that the entirety of global Muslim culture is in critical need of TOTAL REFORM.

we all know about your war mr. j.thing.

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You don't get it.

Supporting death for apostasy is not extremist in Islamic circles. It is very mainstream.

That is my point.

I probably shouldn't have said "vast majority" of global Muslims because it varies widely country to country.

For example, it's 86 percent of Muslims in Egypt that support DEATH for leaving Islam while the more "moderate" Muslims of Thailand it's "only" 27 percent.

Interesting that among our neighbor here in Thailand, MALAYSIA, it's 62 percent of Malaysian Muslims that support murdering people for simply making the free will choice of leaving that religion/ideology.

But again, this is MAINSTREAM stuff among Muslims, and denial is pointless. How about dealing with it?


Exactly how many Muslims have been killed for 'leaving Islam' in Malaysia / Thailand, or indeed worldwide. BTW I know a number of Thai Muslims who have moved across to the Buddhist faith, none were even threatened

Lived in a Thai Muslim village for approx 15yrs, never heard of one Muslim converting out of the religion.

Know of a few Buddist that had to convert to Islam upon marriage, same with Non Thais.

Was told by Muslim friends it had to be that way.

If a Thai Muslim were to convert, would he be murdered, I like to think no,not in Thailand.

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Supporting it isn't exactly the same thing as being willing to do the murders. But the polls cited are indicative at least of horrific attitudes being not at all rare.

Most wicked murderess regimes are smaller than the 'supporters' and they couldn't exist without knowing that they at least have their support and backing.

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Individual Muslims around the world express their sympathy and solidarity with the French.

Muslim governments condemn ISIS.

Muslim soldiers are fighting ISIS right now, and have been for some time., and, of course, dying in that fight.

Muslim religious leaders around the world have condemned ISIS as unIslamic.

Muslim political leaders have done the same.

So have Muslim community spokespersons in Western countries.

Muslims have demonstrated in the streets against ISIS.

Muslims have set up internet and other campaigns against ISIS.

Yet still those blinded by their prejudice attempt to claim that the majority, if not all, Muslims support ISIS; using You Tube clips of a few fanatics and the rubbish on Islamaphobic websites as their proof.

You can't be making this stuff up..!

He will never list the atrocities they do though.....not that he'd have enough pages anyway.

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Individual Muslims around the world express their sympathy and solidarity with the French.

Muslim governments condemn ISIS.

Muslim soldiers are fighting ISIS right now, and have been for some time., and, of course, dying in that fight.

Muslim religious leaders around the world have condemned ISIS as unIslamic.

Muslim political leaders have done the same.

So have Muslim community spokespersons in Western countries.

Muslims have demonstrated in the streets against ISIS.

Muslims have set up internet and other campaigns against ISIS.

Yet still those blinded by their prejudice attempt to claim that the majority, if not all, Muslims support ISIS; using You Tube clips of a few fanatics and the rubbish on Islamaphobic websites as their proof.

You can't be making this stuff up..!

Many muslims have individually and in groups come out expressing they're sympathy and solidarity. It cannot be said that muslims around the world supported the Paris masacre. Equally, it cannot be said that "muslims around the world" are in solidarity, suggesting a generalization as well. In fact, some of the immediate and unscripted responses by "muslims around the world" have been as equally shocking as those who did stand and declare sympathy. Looking at the unprompted, unscripted multiple sports venues where muslims jeered any effort at sympathy or remembrance suggests there is not a general condemnation at all. Yes, kudos to those who did speak righteously.

Muslim governments condemning IS and soldiers fighting IS have the illusion of meaning one thing but being another. Granted, there are many muslims and some governments who outright object to IS on religious and all other grounds. But a vast majority oppose DAESH setting up a caliphate, not the idea itself. A vast majority are aligned for tribal reasons, regional, some national but actually few religiously. In fact, religious justifications for the caliphate are the single greatest silence in the muslim world because, in essence, there can be no real objection to this- the injunctions are clear.

Muslim religious leader around the world condemning IS is a multiple fiction. As equally as IS cannot be said to represent islam nor can so many self described religious leaders be considered legitimate. In fact, those such as Qawdari and others actually condemn IS primarily on non scriptural authority. From religious personalities this has the effect, locally, of nothing at all... it is often for western consumption. To wit...

Many muslim political leaders have condemned IS. But there are those who have not or have either expressly or tacitly endorsed them.

A considerable portion of the Western voice for islam in the west, certainly the US, is a political front group for the Muslim Brotherhood, the spiritual father of AQ and IS. CAIR and others should never be rebuked for the content of what they say, they should be rebuked just for existing.

Muslims have demonstrated on the streets against IS, but marginally so. If it is a new trend lets encourage it. Lets hope it becomes a watershed. However, most people in the West see the larger muslim world as consistently and assertively advocating the very things IS represents. Images of vast numbers in the streets of every muslim place on earth rock the western media for years now with the non stop stream of perceived grievances and wrongs. No, there is hardly a perception out of 1.2 billion people that muslims are demonstrating in the streets. This is fiction, but where it does happen, it should be nourished.

There are many muslims who are appalled by all of this yet trapped in a cultural inheritance that does not permit the tools to address it, they suffer. To imagine all the muslims we know, just like us, now trapped and shunned by the work of such people as IS is truly disheartening. There must be some vehicle created to permit certain behaviors, such as conversion. If islam cannot moderate than secular society must be forced to impose laws at the national level making sharia, conversion, etc, outlawed, and back wholly away from the anti blasphemy laws aggressively pushed by the Islamic Conference to bind nations to silence.

Who supports IS? It depends on what you plug into the equation to arrive at a sensible answer. Just like that- "who supports IS? Undoubtedly would not yield a majority public opinion. However, when you mix it up a bit and ask muslims throughout the world the individual tenets that IS represents the numbers are quite alarming. "Who supports sharia?" "Who supports death for apostasy?" Etc. These numbers can be found far and wide on the internet by legitimate polls. So, the notion that people who are afraid are islamophobic is only true in the literal sense (for many). Most people readily find the information to support this fear. A cursory glance at the World News on TV reveals that the list is near endless reflecting all the world newspapers, every day.

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Individual Muslims around the world express their sympathy and solidarity with the French.

You can't be making this stuff up..!

He will never list the atrocities they do though.....not that he'd have enough pages anyway.

I don't think he makes it up completely. HE just exaggerates good deeds by Muslims a LOT. blink.png

Edited by Ulysses G.
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I'm sorry, but if all Muslims do not like the negativity directed towards them then maybe they could start volunteering to infiltrate and stop the true terrorists.

It's sad, but virtually all terrorists activities in the world are carried out by Muslims in the name of their religion. It is only natural to be suspicious of ALL Muslims.

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Individual Muslims around the world express their sympathy and solidarity with the French.

You can't be making this stuff up..!

He will never list the atrocities they do though.....not that he'd have enough pages anyway.

I don't think he makes it up completely. HE just exaggerates good deeds by Muslims a LOT. blink.png

It's easy to make assumptions about anything and then find facts to suit the argument you favor. I can only go by experience not what statistics I can find.

I have a Muslim neighbor,a lawyer with a normal loving family. I don't stalk him but I'm sure he never visits a mosque. They celebrate Ramadan with their friends and family as I would Xmas, where they all enjoy dressing up. I really believe the family are CULTURAL Muslims, not fanatics. He doesn't know any Arabs. He's as different from them as I am from a Thai.

Another Muslim cuts my hair.She's Kurdish I mentioned to her about the stoning of the girl in Pakistan for adultery while the man was only given lashes. I hinted some criticism about Islam, she was quick to voice her disgust but also quick to tell me it's not religion it's CULTURAL.

ISIS are killing with such blatant atrocity in Europe to achieve one thing, and that is to drive a wedge between Islam and the West. They don't want moderate Muslims whom they see as apostates but hope we will turn against Muslims generally to bring them back into their fold. They are on a holy mission to establish Armageddon.the last big war between East and West which they believe they will win and thus usher in an Islamic world. This is why they will do anything to achieve it because they believe the end justifies the means to achieve it.

There are many Muslims killing each other over things like education rights for girls. Many Muslims do not believe in stone age values but want their children to succeed. I think they have a religious problem but most are nominal and cultural only and if they believe in Allah then it's in their own private way the same as I know Christians do. Christ prevented a stoning for adultery. Unfortunately Muslims don't seem to have that kind of example, but I remain ignorant of the Koran and my post may be a bit simplistic.

Meanwhile I will continue to relate to the ordinary Muslims I know as I have always done, because to do anything other, I will be fulfilling ISIS's dream.

Thank you for reading.

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You don't get it.

Supporting death for apostasy is not extremist in Islamic circles. It is very mainstream.

That is my point.

I probably shouldn't have said "vast majority" of global Muslims because it varies widely country to country.

For example, it's 86 percent of Muslims in Egypt that support DEATH for leaving Islam while the more "moderate" Muslims of Thailand it's "only" 27 percent.

Interesting that among our neighbor here in Thailand, MALAYSIA, it's 62 percent of Malaysian Muslims that support murdering people for simply making the free will choice of leaving that religion/ideology.

But again, this is MAINSTREAM stuff among Muslims, and denial is pointless. How about dealing with it?


Exactly how many Muslims have been killed for 'leaving Islam' in Malaysia / Thailand, or indeed worldwide. BTW I know a number of Thai Muslims who have moved across to the Buddhist faith, none were even threatened

Was a bit surprised that this kind of thing even goes on in the UK: Came across this story from Bradford today:

"...A father-of-six was attacked by hooded thugs with a pickaxe handle outside his Bradford home because he converted from Islam to Christianity..."


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You don't get it.

Supporting death for apostasy is not extremist in Islamic circles. It is very mainstream.

That is my point.

I probably shouldn't have said "vast majority" of global Muslims because it varies widely country to country.

For example, it's 86 percent of Muslims in Egypt that support DEATH for leaving Islam while the more "moderate" Muslims of Thailand it's "only" 27 percent.

Interesting that among our neighbor here in Thailand, MALAYSIA, it's 62 percent of Malaysian Muslims that support murdering people for simply making the free will choice of leaving that religion/ideology.

But again, this is MAINSTREAM stuff among Muslims, and denial is pointless. How about dealing with it?


Exactly how many Muslims have been killed for 'leaving Islam' in Malaysia / Thailand, or indeed worldwide. BTW I know a number of Thai Muslims who have moved across to the Buddhist faith, none were even threatened

Was a bit surprised that this kind of thing even goes on in the UK: Came across this story from Bradford today:

"...A father-of-six was attacked by hooded thugs with a pickaxe handle outside his Bradford home because he converted from Islam to Christianity..."


The police have been called previously to incidents,yet this is the first time the Police are investigating,says it all really. Very similar to the actions of South Yorkshire Police regarding the sexual abuse of non-Muslim children by Muslims in Rotherham.

Edited by nontabury
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I'm sorry, but if all Muslims do not like the negativity directed towards them then maybe they could start volunteering to infiltrate and stop the true terrorists.

It's sad, but virtually all terrorists activities in the world are carried out by Muslims in the name of their religion. It is only natural to be suspicious of ALL Muslims.

Spoken like a true keyboard warrior.

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