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Western Biases

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We are all sorry to read the recent horrific news from Paris and now Belgium where they are on "highest alert". I do wonder sometimes why when something like this happens anywhere else in the developing world, most of EU and USA immediately issue highest travel alerts and recommend "not traveling there!" Regularly near-alarmist embassy releases' get send to anybody with their nationality and others stating to avoid traveling there, unless as they as they often state "its absolutely necessary". And the Western press routinely puts this on their front pages. Yet, we rarely see any alerts issued when its the other way around? USA increasingly has regular school movie theater and other public shootings; bombs are going off in Paris and other such places... Yet, no Western Embassies from there issues travel alerts? Am I missing something? Why is this and -what does this say? Is this not boarding on hypocrisy?

Similarly in other ways, when a large developed country stock drops in price. Example Apple computer stock which spend much of the year around $130. Then in early August dropped to 102, or -30%. Wow. Since then, the US stock market bounced back but only half so did this bellwether adored stock which is owned by more people than just about any other stock, worldwide. So well, underperforming. Yet most investors accept this, as well "its a great company". Agreed, but the fact is the fact, its been very volatile and has way under-performed of late. When a stock here in Thailand drops anywhere near this, its all narrowed down by western biz commentators: " oh well high risk developing country stocks...we told you to avoid that."

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