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Idiot ruins Loy Krathong spirit by stealing cash from people's floats


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Nothing new here, I've seen it at every Loy Kratong celebration that I've been to.

I've seen it at every Loy Krathong celebration too. The first year I went to take part there were young street urchins wading out into the water and collecting the cash. I commented to my then girlfriend about it and she said it's good merit for you to give the poor kids some money and besides once your Krathong floats away it isn't yours anymore.

No one seemed even slightly concerned with the kids taking the coins and the kids did seem to be quite respectful in that they waited until a Krathong had floated a reasonable distance from its "owner".

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Funny that they just accepted it. But i didn't know they put money on the kratongs. In BKK we have kratongs made of bread with a small candle. Also there's some fireworks for the kids but that's all.

Honoring whatever is fine. Dreams and beliefs should be founded on eddukation not Katongs n Katoeys........................................hahahaha.

Edited by Nomyai
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Watched the same thing last night at our local temple in northern Bangkok. Four people using car inner tubes as floats picked money out of the floats and tossed them aside.

Disgusting behaviour, or modern Thainess?.......You choose.

These were not children. They were adults.

Loath as I am to join the 'But ********** insert name of country/ies do this' crowd, do the words 'pennies' and 'fountains' ring any bells? There's always someone in them picking out the cash at some time or other. Anyway, so what? Money should play no part in these festivals anyway.

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I saw this during my first Loy Krathong in 1978. Is it really any different to the people who sell birds at the Wat which when released are then recaptured or the continual recycling of flower offerings? Its all a racket.

At least the krathong guy may be an independently poor person rather than a member of a Fagin gang - maybe.

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Who is the real idiot?

The guy securing the money that was discarded in the river or the people who discarded their money in the river in the first place.

The guy is not stealing anything!

Chinese Buddhists use counterfeit money when making offerings to their deity or forwarding money to the ancestors.

You can purchase this offerings money at most Chinese shops.

Idiots.... Why exactly. Are they idiots for believing in something you do not, or are people around the World idiots for throwing small coins into fountains, for luck.

You used the words 'securing' and 'discarded'....... First of all I don't think the money was 'discarded' this word means; thrown out, thown away....... It was not! As sure as leaving a tip on a table, unatended for the staff.....Has that money been dicsarded? Is it now up for anyone who passes to 'secure' the money?

You also say; "The guy securing the money"..... and "The guy is not stealing anything"! Really?

This money, no matter how small was purposely placed in a 'vessel' for a purpose.... It was not discarded and as such anyone taking the money for there own use is stealing........... I for one would think this money was stolen.

I don't like your post, looks to me that you are trying to troll a popular post!!

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Last night in Ubon, one guy would literally grab it within seconds of someone putting it in the water, take the money, and then push it out in the open water. lol

I'm not quite sure why you think its funny, this is important to thai people and thai culture, there seems to be a lot of people on here who mock everything about Thailand, typically farangness

Edited by mick01827
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Last night in Ubon, one guy would literally grab it within seconds of someone putting it in the water, take the money, and then push it out in the open water. lol

I'm not quite sure why you think its funny, this is important to thai people and thai culture, there seems to be a lot of people on here who mock everything about Thailand, typically farangness

Actually most Thai people are quite relaxed and good humoured about it; it's the "farangness" that results in people getting uptight about something so inconsequential.

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Who is the real idiot?

The guy securing the money that was discarded in the river or the people who discarded their money in the river in the first place.

The guy is not stealing anything!

Chinese Buddhists use counterfeit money when making offerings to their deity or forwarding money to the ancestors.

You can purchase this offerings money at most Chinese shops.

It's not counterfeit money other Asians use for offerings, etc., but facsimile/copy money.

It could never be mistaken for real money.

Edited by F4UCorsair
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These poor people in the video who celebrated Loy Krathong last night had to watch their hopes and dreams being crushed (and bad luck restored to their souls) after a careless thief raided their krathong for money.

I'll pray for their lost souls, hopes and dreams.

Damn, the new I Phone seems to stay a dream, the Mia Noi might have balls. Or both.-facepalm.gif

​ It was the first time in 15 years that I just stayed home and couldn't see the thieves running away with my lost in Isaan dreams. bah.gif

Maybe he wasn't an idiot? Is it possible that he was a ghost? I mean when ghosts take money, it could.....blabla......

Edited by metisdead
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Seems this post has identified all the good hearted suckers out there that will likely end up as news stories themselves on TV sooner rather than later. If you're upset because a more realistic human being makes use of money you've freely given to imaginary mates, then I won't presume to pigeonhole you, although my opinion of these, and other cockamaime religious rituals is not one of esteem. Reflect on the wisdom, or otherwise, of your beliefs instead.

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Who is the real idiot?

The guy securing the money that was discarded in the river or the people who discarded their money in the river in the first place.

The guy is not stealing anything!

Chinese Buddhists use counterfeit money when making offerings to their deity or forwarding money to the ancestors.

You can purchase this offerings money at most Chinese shops.

Too true Rocceao! Never thought I'd would ever say something like this but...the Thais could learn from the Chinese tradition of only using fake money for such offerings!?

Still, I think it's a low life act on the part of the people destroying the Krathongs and taking the cash.

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This is not some new manifestation of corruption in Thailand, kids have always taken the money, this is totally accepted, why would you care about 5 or 10bht and I have always thought that the reason you put money on the float was for poor kids to retrieve. We would give it to the kids if they were begging, so it’s the same. To me It’s a bit like throwing money to the kids at the end of a funeral, just a nice Thai custom.

If you float a Kratong at one of the popular beaches in Pattaya or Jontiem, the trick is to speak nicely to the kids waiting near you and ask them not to take the money until the Kratong has floated out a little way, not to grab it as soon as it is launched which can be a bit off-putting. Nearly always they will oblige and will then shepherd your float out a bit more. If they are not rude we give them a 20 or 50 bht note, many of those kids are homeless. But we would not be happy to see an adult taking the money and tipping up the floats, which is probably why the Thai guy released the video.

At other popular venues in KT and outside, eg the central lake in Buri Ram, the kids collect the money when the Kratong reaches the side of the pool/lake, or some swim out. The odd time when we have been to the Chao Praya the current was strong, the floats were soon swept away and I don’t recall any kids trying to get the money but I expect the river cleaning crews get a nice bonus in the morning.

It’s also normal for the pockets of the dead to be searched at a funeral, I suppose most people know this and accept it’s a gift for the inevitably poverty stricken souls who help at funerals, but they would not normally leave any valuable items or much cash. Must be a bit of a shock if you were not expecting it though.

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From experience, behavior's, such as this, are common the world over. When I make a donation or leave anything for someone or something, I do so with out conditions or attachments.

If a person wants to send something of value; floating down a body of water, not knowing where it will end up and for whatever reason, that is their business.

There are those that can justify taking something that is left by others, either by necessity or for other reasons. Some act blatantly, as in this instance, or hide behind position, reverent dress or inherited authority.

Whether this man is an "Idiot" depends on the status of one's own ethical behavior and credentials to diagnose another's mental status.

Whether he "ruined the spirit of Loy Krathong" is questionable. I enjoyed my own spiritual experience, quietly at home.

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Its also normal for the pockets of the dead to be searched at a funeral, I suppose most people know this and accept its a gift for the inevitably poverty stricken souls who help at funerals, but they would not normally leave any valuable items or much cash. Must be a bit of a shock if you were not expecting it though.[/size]

Removing valuables from the dead is called 'ratting' in the Australian death industry. It got a few mortuary workers locked up a while back. It's athsetically repugnant, but a victimless crime, unless you belive in Wooo. Why burn or bury cash the living could use to Live? Humans are irrational.
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The Thai people have lost their way. You would never see a thing like this years back.

All being caused by GREED & CORRUPTION.coffee1.gif

No, Jessi, you're wrong. The first Kratong festival i attended about 30 years ago i started to get excited when i saw those money pickers (not only one, hordes of them), but my then gf just told me to calm down, because it used to be like this since ever. Most Thais don't care wether the klong, the sea or the pickers suck up their coins.

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i think the idiots are all the people who through money away stupidly one way or another, for Loy Kratong, in a fontaine for luck, on a big bridge or where ever.... and the clever one are those who take something somebody dont want anymore and put it at the disposal of the nature ....they do or did ruin no spriit and in my opinion nobody has the right to call them idiots for that matter, ...for sure some primary necesity was involved to act like this but of course nobody like poors.

money for gods and not for the poors....in what kind of stupid society are we living? some prefer to feed or bribe invented gods instead of giving it to humans needs..bah.gif

good day and i hope your loy kratong brought you luck, or perhaps not ...you broked your leg...!well thats life


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