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Buddhist extremism in Thailand fits neatly into NCPO's plans


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Having a national religion is ok and it’s ok to say that a majority of the population follow the religion.

However, the problem lies in the way that religion is portrayed, firstly Buddhism isn’t a religion if you follow the teachings of the budda, he also said that he didn’t want to be worshiped as a god and that if you do this and pray to statues of him, that you don’t and never have understood his teachings and beliefs.

He also said if you want to follow my teachings and be the most basic follower you should follow these 5 precepts

  1. Don’t kill
  2. Don’t lie or speak falsely of others
  3. No drugs or alcohol
  4. No adultery
  5. Don’t steal

I have rarely seen anyone that claims to Buddhist follow all of these precepts.

A monk has to follow 100 precepts.

Some of but not all of the Muslims in the Deep South are radical and out of control, and also have not understood the Koran, the trouble makers and their agents, use the lack of education to twist the true meaning in the texts, to incite and radicalise the people, to act against the Buddhists.

They need to be rounded up and punished. But burning mosques will just incite more violence and Tit for tat won’t solve anything.

They tried it in the 1930’s when Thailand was a Fascist government and it didn’t work then, I think it won’t work now.

Thanks for taking the time to read my post.

I like this post, It was well written, stated facts and wasn't disrespectful.

And I agree, if you follow the teachings of the buddha he wanted his beliefs and teachings to be a way of life, not a religion and the five precepts were the first steps to that way of life.

Edited by TerminalVelosity
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Having a national religion is ok and it’s ok to say that a majority of the population follow the religion.

However, the problem lies in the way that religion is portrayed, firstly Buddhism isn’t a religion if you follow the teachings of the budda, he also said that he didn’t want to be worshiped as a god and that if you do this and pray to statues of him, that you don’t and never have understood his teachings and beliefs.

He also said if you want to follow my teachings and be the most basic follower you should follow these 5 precepts

  1. Don’t kill
  2. Don’t lie or speak falsely of others
  3. No drugs or alcohol
  4. No adultery
  5. Don’t steal

I have rarely seen anyone that claims to Buddhist follow all of these precepts.

A monk has to follow 100 precepts.

Some of but not all of the Muslims in the Deep South are radical and out of control, and also have not understood the Koran, the trouble makers and their agents, use the lack of education to twist the true meaning in the texts, to incite and radicalise the people, to act against the Buddhists.

They need to be rounded up and punished. But burning mosques will just incite more violence and Tit for tat won’t solve anything.

They tried it in the 1930’s when Thailand was a Fascist government and it didn’t work then, I think it won’t work now.

Thanks for taking the time to read my post.

I like this post, It was well written, stated facts and wasn't disrespectful.

And I agree, if you follow the teachings of the buddha he wanted his beliefs and teachings to be a way of life, not a religion and the five precepts were the first steps to that way of life.

Thing is, it's entirely possible to understand that one shouldn't kill, cheat or steal without invoking some vengeful deity or fictitious prophet. I was raised to understand that it's detrimental to a properly functioning society to kill people, so I don't do it. No religion needed. Establish a judicial system for people who need a little more convincing. But don't threaten me with some fairy story about how I'm going to come back in the next life as a dung beetle if I do something bad in this one. Religion just adds a layer of unneeded complexity to a society. Educate your citizens properly, and eliminate the need for religion.

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Wow there's a lot of glaring home truths and criticism in that article. I'm surprised that it has been posted here!

Oh, don't worry, the usual suspects will be along in a minute decrying the author as having sprung from the loins of Satan himself....................

Thaksin bribes the Asian correspondent they'll cry. Just like some of them believe he pays people to ,thumbs down' junta articles on the Bangkok post site! :rolleyes:

I didn't think you were allowed to use those 2 naughty words on TV.

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