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At least 14 people are reported dead in shooting at disabled centre in Southern California


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What amazes me with some on TV is that if someone has an"Arabic" name, they are automatically deemed A) Muslim, B) Terrorist or C) A and B.

What they need to remember is that many fine upstanding 'Christian" or Western names have their root in Arabic form or are in fact unchanged from the Arabic.

Here's a short list to help you:

Sarah, Dana, Jasmin (Yasmeen), Adam, Omar, Sammy, Abraham (Ibrahim), Ishmal (Ismael) , Joseph (Yusuf) , Jacob (Yaaqoob), David (dawood), Jamal, Kareem, Aden (Adn), Heather (Hajar), Jana, Jesus (Isa), Moses (Mosa), Isaac (ishaq)

Note: There are many others as this list is not exhaustive.

So any of you have those names or relatives with them? If so please book your accommodation at the Redneck Hilton, Guantanamo Bay post haste.

Let's also not forget that Israels two official languages are Hebrew and ARABIC ( as witnessed in many of the names above) and as they are able to travel freely within the US and Mossad has been caught in less than favourable circumstances before. Therefore by the TV KKK and ERIB collective mindset, they are equally under suspicion and equally worthy of being suspected terrorists.

Finally, with elections brewing in the US it is even possible that it was a false flag operation to further someone's political agenda. Stranger things have happened and no-one can deny there have been precedences.

All of this aside, it's just another terrible waste of human life showing that humans really are the worst animals on the planet.

R. I. P. to the victims.

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Yep, there goes Linky, de-railing this thread into gun control. Like clock work.

Edit: Oh yeah, the "enlighted country" comment. Gotta love that troll bait. LOL.

This is about gun control. The only reason things like this happen time and time again only in the US are the very lax gun laws.

Does France have more strict gun laws,? I happen to remember something similar happening there.

A pity you don't keep up on the news and did not read very well. These things happen time and time again in the USA, only in the USA.

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Yep, there goes Linky, de-railing this thread into gun control. Like clock work.

Edit: Oh yeah, the "enlighted country" comment. Gotta love that troll bait. LOL.

This is about gun control. The only reason things like this happen time and time again only in the US are the very lax gun laws.

Does France have more strict gun laws,? I happen to remember something similar happening there.

You certainly dont see it happening so often n France. This isnt the first mass shooting in the US today.

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Plenty of social media posts putting forward "Arabic" names for the suspects.

I hate Islamic terrorism as much as the next guy. But they don't generally target a banquet at a center for the developmentally disabled.

I hate Arab terrorism as much as the next guy. But they don't generally target a banquet at a center for the developmentally disabled. This is the territory of right-wing wing nuts who live in a fantasy world with weird personal and/or anti-government grievances and high powered assault rifles with huge clips. And you can't take those assault weapons away because that would be taking away their substitute manhood - even if it would also deprive potential foreign terrorists of said weapons

I hate Arab terrorism as much as the next guy. But they don't generally target a banquet at a center for the developmentally disabled. This is the territory of right-wing wing nuts who live in a fantasy world with weird personal and/or anti-government grievances and high powered assault rifles with huge clips. And you can't take those assault weapons away because that would be taking away their substitute manhood - even if it would also deprive potential foreign terrorists of said weaponsI hate Arab terrorism as much as the next guy. But they don't generally target a banquet at a center for the developmentally disabled. This is the territory of right-wing wing nuts who live in a fantasy world with weird personal and/or anti-government grievances and high powered assault rifles with huge clips. And you can't take those assault weapons away because that would be taking away their substitute manhood - even if it would also deprive potential foreign terrorists of said weapon

They chuck gays off roofs, behead people, stone adulterers, well the women, blow themselves up, kill in restaurants, concert halls and cartoon offices as well as at sporting events on transport and taking down twin office blocks killing 3.000 So I don't see why this place would be off limits, nowhere else seems to be.

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Plenty of social media posts putting forward "Arabic" names for the suspects.

Surely not? somebody will be claiming next a certain religion of peace made them do it rolleyes.gif

Please explain which religion is "the religion of peace". All seem to be heavily into violence to "non believers".

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Bizarre choice of venue whoever were the shooters

A very "logical" choice for the terries, IT was a CHRISTMAS party attacked by a sleeper cell. expect more.

The news I heard is that it was the day after the xmas party.

In any event, even if the shooters were muslim it would seem, from what we know that it is not related to islam or being muslim.

Unless you want to go calling other mass shootings as religious based.

If it would be one Muslim who could be angry because he got fired I would understand it but if a Qatari citizen get involved plus their is talk of a third person who got arrested it looks very much like a terrorist attack done by Sunni Muslim fanatics.

Edited by MobileContent
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Yep, there goes Linky, de-railing this thread into gun control. Like clock work.

Edit: Oh yeah, the "enlighted country" comment. Gotta love that troll bait. LOL.

This is about gun control. The only reason things like this happen time and time again only in the US are the very lax gun laws.

Does France have more strict gun laws,? I happen to remember something similar happening there.

A pity you don't keep up on the news and did not read very well. These things happen time and time again in the USA, only in the USA.

In " these things " I take it to mean a large gathering of people killed and maimed by any means by mass murdering humans? Read the international news, it happens daily somewhere.

Edited by daoyai
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This will keep happening all around the world. There are many LESS deaths now than in the past (Stalin, Mao, WW1, WW2, etc....), but it certainly seems this is the beginning of much, much worse....and instead of looking at a nationality, every individual is a possible threat.

emphasizes the need for every police force to have the capacity to challenge these threats.

I cannot imagine an unarmed police force....in Europe, USA or elsewhere....in a world where these incidents happen, regardless of legal or illegally obtained weapons.

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Gun control is a different matter entirely.

Here we are talking about an agenda of evil.

I am sure cities like Paris have stricter gun control..but does that make a difference....?

An idiot can acquire a weapon almost anywhere. This was definitely planned for. In any case, I am sure that more info will come out as to whether these weapons were legally acquired, or just "acquired" by illegal means. Not that it would make any difference. Seems like bad people get bombs, knives, and guns just about anywhere.

Take away a gun, and replace it with a bomb. Same number of casualties...no?

You can bet that every crook/murderer/and terrorist would love to enter a home, knowing full well that nobody inside can threaten them.

Edited by slipperylobster
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How about Sayed Farouk? That is about as Muslim name as you can get. Why are they so reluctant to say it was Muslim terrorism in San Bernardino? Here I would say that it quacks and walks like a duck​.

I think the reason why is that some govenments still think there are good muslims and bad ones. So what difference would it make?

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Farouk was born in the US, county employee for five years. Both suspects had assault rifles and handguns.

Hope they get hold of whover gave them the guns and string them up.

Nope. Too easy. Take away the guns and terrorism disappears? No chemicals/bombs/hatchets/vehicles (driven into a crowd) or booby traps?

Hope so...but too good to be true.

No guns..no deaths ??? what a simple solution. Tell those europeans to crack down on gun control as well.

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Quote :

"Having moved away from earlier statements, police in San Bernardino now believe that there were only two shooters, not three."

Apparently the couple was married and had a baby together.

Both were killed at home, outside the crime scene.

And euh, there was 'a drill' program the day before and on the day of the attack...

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Most probably Lutheran extremists, or some deranged Buddhist gunmen.

Yes could be, Dylann Roof was Lutheran. Aaron Alexis was Buddhist. Both are mass murderers but my quest is not about the murderers. It was about who provided the weapons.

But what would make you think religion has any role in who supplied the weapons?

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Farouk was born in the US, county employee for five years. Both suspects had assault rifles and handguns.

Hope they get hold of whover gave them the guns and string them up.

Read an earlier report that they were legal guns ...seems he was planning this for awhile, multiple explosives at the faciliy dressed in jihadi chic attire, oh well they are deflowering their virgins about now.

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Farouk was born in the US, county employee for five years. Both suspects had assault rifles and handguns.

Hope they get hold of whover gave them the guns and string them up.

Nope. Too easy. Take away the guns and terrorism disappears? No chemicals/bombs/hatchets/vehicles (driven into a crowd) or booby traps?

Hope so...but too good to be true.

No guns..no deaths ??? what a simple solution. Tell those europeans to crack down on gun control as well.

So if they were illegaly supplied weapons you think its ok?

If legally supplied you think the checks and balances were enough?

It would seem obvious that these lunatics should not have accessbto guns one way or the other.

If people still think there should not be more controls then they no right to offer condolenses, they are part of the problem.

Not to forget this was the second mass shooting in the US today.

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