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I did a search on here and on Google but still found no definitive answers, there was a post here in 2010 by Stevef in the Pattaya forum asking the same question, but he never really got an answer.

I am trying to find out if it is legal to own and shoot a crossbow here in Thailand, anyone know one way or the other? I know that the Thais like their catapults and you see plenty for sale, my logic is that if you can buy and use a slingshot or catapult then surely you must be able to own and use a crossbow. (But then again, logic never really was a strong point here)



Its not logic, its not "the law" either, its who if anyone will enforce it, if indeed its appropriate.

My advice would be to ask your local Police station directly, get it from the "horses mouth" so to speak, because if there is an issue it will be them who have it, or not as the case may be.

Dont rely on he said she said, its not he or she who will have to deal with the consequences, it will be you.


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Its not logic, its not "the law" either, its who if anyone will enforce it, if indeed its appropriate.

My advice would be to ask your local Police station directly, get it from the "horses mouth" so to speak, because if there is an issue it will be them who have it, or not as the case may be.

Dont rely on he said she said, its not he or she who will have to deal with the consequences, it will be you.

Thanks for the reply, appreciated.

The reason I asked was not so much about the use of a crossbow as once it is in the house it should not be a problem, the reason I asked was that wanted to import a good one, not buy the junk I have seen locally.

I needed to know if there is a Thai law that restricts or bans them. (I just didn't fancy shelling out a few bob on E-bay to have it snaffled by Thai customs and have a visit from the BIB looking for ISIS)



It's a firearm

You figure it out

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

No it isn't, a firearm is classified by a device that detonates a compressed gas, i.e. it creates an explosion to project the missile. So you go figure it out!


Why would anyone want one?

Beyond me. bah.gif

I understand what you are saying, but there are people that you can put into groups, those that like guns and those that don't. From your response I would think that you have never fired a gun or had any fun with them, everyone is different, I personally like guns, bows etc. have no interest in knives.

It is something to do with getting the skill to be able to hit something from a distance and being disconnected.

That is why knives have never held any interest for me, that is simply a destructive act. A gun or a bow requires a bit of skill, it has nothing to do with violence, why would you presume I want to destroy something? Maybe all I want to do is enjoy something as practising shooting at a target, is it any different really than a First Person Shooter video game? Why do you think that me shooting at some target is offensive? Sometimes you people are beyond comprehension!

Christ, wanting a bow and arrow to ping a few targets makes me the Columbine shooter?

You just do not understand.


It's a firearm

You figure it out

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

No it isn't, a firearm is classified by a device that detonates a compressed gas, i.e. it creates an explosion to project the missile. So you go figure it out!

"In Sweden, crossbows are considered equivalent to firearms, and possession requires a license. Hunting with crossbows is not allowed. Swedish law dictates that any weapon that stores its energy, i.e., weapons with a firing mechanism, that produces more than 10 joules at the muzzle are illegal without licence."

Go figure that out !


Why would anyone want one?

Beyond me. bah.gif

I understand what you are saying, but there are people that you can put into groups, those that like guns and those that don't. From your response I would think that you have never fired a gun or had any fun with them, everyone is different, I personally like guns, bows etc. have no interest in knives.

It is something to do with getting the skill to be able to hit something from a distance and being disconnected.

That is why knives have never held any interest for me, that is simply a destructive act. A gun or a bow requires a bit of skill, it has nothing to do with violence.

Never felt the need to fire a gun, crossbow , catapult or any other disgusting weapon.

I guess I am not sick


I guess if it is at an inanimate target of some kind it would be ok.


It's a firearm

You figure it out

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

No it isn't, a firearm is classified by a device that detonates a compressed gas, i.e. it creates an explosion to project the missile. So you go figure it out!

"In Sweden, crossbows are considered equivalent to firearms, and possession requires a license. Hunting with crossbows is not allowed. Swedish law dictates that any weapon that stores its energy, i.e., weapons with a firing mechanism, that produces more than 10 joules at the muzzle are illegal without licence."

Go figure that out !

Sweden? that bastion of Europe, overrun by Muslim rapists? What a country to base your theories on, Sweden would be better off if it gave their citizens a few crossbows to silently kill the filth that is destroying their own country - I am not talking about Swedish laws, I am asking about Thai laws, but as usual it gets sidetracked on completely irrelevant subjects. If I want to know the laws about Sweden I will ask on the "Sweden" forum.

The question I asked was about Thial law! is it difficult for you?

It is probably legal to own and shoot a Kalashnikov in Afghanistan but it really does not apply to the original question.

Like I said before, SteveF asked this question 5 years before and he got the same responses by people that knew zilch but couldn't keep their mouths shut!


Red Parrot Fish, you must be Jeremy Corbyn or Bill Bragg, you obviously have no idea about real life, sarcasm or irony. It is a joke....you seem to get offended rather easily. Have you ever read George Orwell 1984, you really would fit in, in fact I would dare to go so far that you are a Homosexual, you can look that word up on Websters dictionary. "Why would anyone want one"

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