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White House: Donald Trump Muslim plan 'disqualifies' him from presidency


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The Us Constitution is a living document- it covers everyone, every where because it is based upon a philosophy that does not discriminate based upon race. color, creed, national origin , sexual preference or age. There is no way to exclude people because they are deemed to be of a certain religion. What are you people so afraid of? Listening to the posters on TV- I am amazed at the fear emanating from you. The terrorists love you all because you are succumbing to the fear they are spreading. Do you think that only Muslim terrorists exist in the World. A white Anglo Saxon American bombed a federal building in Oklahoma City and killed hundreds. Another American drove his airplane into the IRS Building in Austin Texas. A crazed man killed young children in a school not that long ago. The facts are that Muslim terrorists pose a small danger to America. I am more afraid of the number of mentally ill people who have access to guns than any Muslim.

The US Constitution "covers everyone, everywhere?" Don't thinks so. Pretty sure it doesn't. And yes a US president has the right to exclude an entire class of people based upon their being a threat to the US, just as Jimmy Carter did to Iranians in 1980.

People on here seem to think the US is obligated to let just anyone waltz into the country and walk about. They seem to think that the Constitution gives people that right. That is just simply not the case.

No matter your race or religion, if you aren't an American you'd have a hard time becoming a resident in the country already. If you're from certain countries including Thailand, you might well not even be able to get a tourist visa.

I want to bring a nice lady school teacher from Isaan to the US for 30 days to show her the US. I want to travel all over and show her the most well known places from the Grand Canyon to NYC.

It's not going to happen no matter how much money I have or that she has a master's degree, a long time teaching career, owns her own home and car, and would want to get back to where her family including parents are.

PEOPLE. Please stop acting as if you think that there's a right for any foreigner to enter the US or that immigration doesn't have full latitude to decide. Immigration works for the POTUS using laws designed by Congress and they can do as they wish with the borders.


You don't understand what disqualified Trump.

It's unconstitutional because to enable a ban of incoming foreign Muslims into the US, according to US constitution, you need congress to vote this law and to endorse it by US Supreme Court.

Furthermore, as per article 12+13 from Universal declaration of human rights, and adopted by UN General assembly it's a crime under international law AND domestic US laws. They are applicable on US soil and sovereignty.

That's basics of democracy and international law application. A president, a candidate or a US citizen can not express unconstitutional speeches which resulted in crimes against free movement, discrimination and religious freedom.

It's a domestic and international judicial blunder.

Edited by Thorgal
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Nice PR job. I know people here telling me, "I heard today Trump got disqualified." Not sure how well the misinformation campaign out of the White House will work. Every time someone from Congress or the Executives lies, Trumps capitalizes on the talking point and his numbers get stronger.

I'm thinking the average folk are thinking like, "Yeah, he's an SOB, but he's our SOB." I tend to concur.

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I do not agree with you but it is refreshing to read someone offering a strong argument for their position. I would caution out of fairness that not everyone who supports Trump supports all he says, intends, or even the man himself. Many just oppose the current status quo so vehemently that nothing short of a great plural uprising could turn the tide of the liberal slide into relativism and decay that defines America now; agree or not this is the worldview of Trump's unprecedented rise- the support is engendered by something wrong in the Republic. Trump is, I suspect, the best of a number of bad choices- to many. And yea, many couch their love for him with actual antipathy and hatred for others. This is equally true on the left where toleration is daily defined as toleration for proscribed points of view only- to wit college campuses, the White House, the UN, climate talks, etc. Just like the assertion that one can lead by fiat because of congressional gridlock progressives now universally call for removing from the discourse those with opposing points of view on a number of topics. This is what Trump's popularity reflects- disgust with relativism and social engineering.

Its actually meaningless for the White House to assert what does and does not disqualify one from office in that much of the current state of affairs is directly tied to the executive's leading from behind strategy which seeks to create a bipolar sunni/shia world in the Middle East, the refusal to define islamic jihad which only serves to alienate the larger muslim population in the eyes of the many, the excising of all things "islamic" from Justice Department and Homeland Security documents, the avowed support for the Muslim Brotherhood when in fact the larger of the two primary Egyptian demonstrations was to throw Morisi out, whom the White House asserted was a legitimate leader, ad infinitum. The actions of this executive set up much of the degraded environment that enables islamic jihad, loans it legitimacy, permits it to hold land as a State, and equivocates on "red lines" revealing moral bankruptcy.

The White House has no legitimacy to note disqualifications of presidency. A great number of actions under Obama, under cross examination, could easily rise to probably cause for high crimes and misdemeanor, certainly moral turpitude. 7 years ago opponents imagined a what the the nation would look like following "fundamental transformation;" now we know.

My issue was the silliness of this legalistic spat over the powers to stop Muslims from entering the US. You have responding by arguing the fall of Western civilisation. You also don't endorse Trump but you rationalise the motivations of many of his followers. Rather than take on the whole anti-PC, anti-climate change, clash of civilisations argument, I think the main issue I have with your wide ranging post is the idea that liberalism is leading or has led to the collapse of American society. I vaguely recall some quotations from my Classics lessons and in trying to find the references, I came across http://mentalfloss.com/article/52209/15-historical-complaints-about-young-people-ruining-everything Isn't this what this is all about. Stick in the muds lamenting over everything going to pot. This happens with every generation. Often the triggers are different but the sentiments are the same.

Why is this so? Why can't people face the unknown with confidence? Particularly American and similar western countries. These countries are strong. They have institutions that have met challengers and solved problems. Courts, political processes, government agencies, education programs - all based on the principles of Western Liberal thought as defined by the 18th Century Rationalists and expanded as universal suffrage was adopted until current times.

The Muslim scare. The Illegal Immigrant Scare. The Black Crime Scare. The Home Invasion Scare. All of these fears and anxieties created for what? Perhaps it is a conspiracy by Big Pharma to sell more Xanax or whatever.

In any case, I don't think a defence of Western Liberalism is wanted here. I think the anti-Trump people on TVF just want an outlet to express their rage that this demagogue is enabling a significant demographic in their chauvinism and that history demonstrates that the can be extremely dangerous.

What has been Obama's fundamental transformation? Non Americans laugh at the charges laid against Obama of being a socialist. I do believe that under Obama's watch, the US has taken a sharp and beneficial step to the left. In saner moments, when I can appreciate the core elements of the traditional Republican ideology, I still have always thought that Republicans don't do social justice very well. It is a very harsh ideology. If you can't keep up then you are left behind. Don't complain. It's your own fault. The Baby Boomer generation started a process of liberalism but it is really the Millenials who are taking this to a logical conclusion and demanding that their government deal with social justice issues. Obama has had the fortune and good sense to listen to this and so the US has the Affordable Care Act, marriage equality, decriminalisation of drugs, attention given to the number of people incarcerated etc etc.

I find it interesting that you assume a 'great plural uprising'. I find nothing of any plurality in the demographic that has come under the Trump thrall. It is entirely one dimensional. A nastier bunch of people I have never encountered. Their arrogance, narrow mindedness and selfishness is antithetical to all of my values. What do these people care of the under-class in their corporatist utopia under Trump? What do they care of differing social and cultural views when they have the view that it is "their way or the highway". What thought will they give to the non combatants of countries where they will direct the US Military to impose a self-centred world view on the 'bad' guys. How will they be defining 'bad guys'? I think most of us have some inkling.

I understand perfectly your rationale for why we should understand Trumps attraction. That is not the issue. The issue is a fundamental difference in the way some of us think people should behave to each other and governments should behave towards their citizens.

Again, I enjoy your posts. I also think it is fair to observe that every generation thinks it is living in the worst of times. I do believe an original source for such an observation extends all the way into ancient Rome or Greece; certainly nothing new. But does this fact thus make the observations invalid, or minimized today? Clearly, these days of our lives are not the worst of times. A freshman student of history should know this.

Of course there is a clash of civilizations. This clash has happened on the liberal watch, so to speak, but would have happened invariably no matter who had been steering the US. Liberals did not invent this clash, they only enable it by absurd policies and socialism/communism couched in 'progress.' America is not succumbing to the threats of the world because they are inevitably superior, America is vulnerable to the world because it is structurally deficient. Islamic jihad poses mixed threats in and of itself but it does expand in the vacancy the progressive left and European Socialism vacate by their emptying of traditional, moral, and ethical treasures.

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Unless a country would like to see its citizenry murdered this is the only plan

The citizens have been murdered by the Mossad and American government on 9/11 and nobody dared to say or do anything, they falsely accused Al-Qaida that had nothing to do with it. Are you or are you not aware that 9/11 at WTC was done by Bush and his accomplices including Dick Cheney, and that there were no planes hijacked, because no evidence showed there were planes remains on all three sites, do you know that most Americans are illiterates and don't know anything happening in their own country other than being told and follow orders. Do you want me to tell you A to Z about what is going on in the Western countries, and who rule those countries ? Please don't post anything when you don't know anything.

I really hope this post does not get deleted by the moderators, because it just shows how crazy the anti-American ranters are on this site.

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Unless a country would like to see its citizenry murdered this is the only plan

Let's put the danger in a realistic context:

You're more likely to be hit by lightning than attacked by a Muslim.

The number of Americans killed by Muslims since 9/11/2001 is 16, 13 during one shooting spree.

In the last five years, your chances of being killed by a terrorist are about one in 20 million.

Does that make you any less fearful of Muslims?

Didn't think so. I know they're really really scary.

Terrorism is a hollow threat. The Republican party is built on fear, for poorly educated, xenophobic cowards.

Trump has the only plan? Wow. giggle.gif

Edited by Pinot
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Trump doesn't frighten me

What frightens me is so many people who think he is a good choice for political office

This is the major problem with democracy - too many <deleted> get the right to vote

Karl Marx was correct all those years ago

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The Donald is a fascist pig. One article in Foreign Policy does not say he isn't a true fascist, just sounds a bit like one while being a blowhard demigod. The problem in America with the government is the destruction of the government by 1,000 cuts since the Reagan cabal. Liberalism is certainly not the problem, neocon, neoliberal, racist, bigoted, misogynists, homophobic, dominionists, militarized police, right wing hate propaganda (see faux (not the) news), Republicans, esp. teabaggers, and idiots that listen to and believe all the right wing crap are. Here is a bit of info on the Donald for those that are able to wade through it, ahem that leaves out most of our right wing fascist Trump sheep. baaa, baaa, baaa

















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oops, and I can't edit for whatever reason. Should have read: One article in Foreign Policy does say he isn't a true fascist, just sounds a bit like one while being a blowhard demigod

No explanation necessary. Hardly anybody reads your posts anyway.

I usually scan through them and then take a good intellectual dump to clear my mind.wai.gif

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oops, and I can't edit for whatever reason. Should have read: One article in Foreign Policy does say he isn't a true fascist, just sounds a bit like one while being a blowhard demigod

No explanation necessary. Hardly anybody reads your posts anyway.

I usually scan through them and then take a good intellectual dump to clear my mind.wai.gif

Its not surprising how you clear your mind ? just joking

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oops, and I can't edit for whatever reason. Should have read: One article in Foreign Policy does say he isn't a true fascist, just sounds a bit like one while being a blowhard demigod

No explanation necessary. Hardly anybody reads your posts anyway.

I usually scan through them and then take a good intellectual dump to clear my mind.wai.gif

Its not surprising how you clear your mind ? just joking

Good to see you're trying to develop a sense of humor. Keep working at it. I know you can do it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

New twist on this is Trump may be banned from the UK... tongue.png

A petition calling for Republican presidential hopeful Donald Trump to be barred from entering UK has gathered more than 200,000 names, so MPs will have to consider debating the issue.

The petition went on Parliament's e-petition website on Tuesday.

It was posted in response to Mr Trump's call for a temporary halt on Muslims entering the United States.


The E petition has nearly a quarter of a million signatories so far...

Block Donald J Trump from UK entry

The signatories believe Donald J Trump should be banned from UK entry.

The UK has banned entry to many individuals for hate speech. The same principles should apply to everyone who wishes to enter the UK.

If the United Kingdom is to continue applying the 'unacceptable behaviour' criteria to those who wish to enter its borders, it must be fairly applied to the rich as well as poor, and the weak as well as powerful.


There is a counter petition "Don't ban Trump from the United Kingdom" but at this time stands under 2,000 signatories that less than 1% of those for... cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

British citizens and UK residents can create or sign a petition at https://petition.parliament.uk/


Signatories from Thailand:

52 for the Ban Trump Petition.

2 for the petition against

ROFL. This'll never happen. You know it. I know it. Everybody knows it. Just the usual left wingnut verbal diarrhea. (I guess that's all it takes to keep some people off the streets though. We should probably be grateful.)


Suspending visas to muslims is the obvious and only short-term solution. It's not a permanent solution, not intended to be, not suggested as such, not advertised as such, not being recommended by anybody as such. ...an inconvenient truth completely glossed over by its loudest raving&ranting critics.

Edited by hawker9000
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New twist on this is Trump may be banned from the UK... tongue.png

A petition calling for Republican presidential hopeful Donald Trump to be barred from entering UK has gathered more than 200,000 names, so MPs will have to consider debating the issue.

The petition went on Parliament's e-petition website on Tuesday.

It was posted in response to Mr Trump's call for a temporary halt on Muslims entering the United States.


The E petition has nearly a quarter of a million signatories so far...

Block Donald J Trump from UK entry

The signatories believe Donald J Trump should be banned from UK entry.

The UK has banned entry to many individuals for hate speech. The same principles should apply to everyone who wishes to enter the UK.

If the United Kingdom is to continue applying the 'unacceptable behaviour' criteria to those who wish to enter its borders, it must be fairly applied to the rich as well as poor, and the weak as well as powerful.


There is a counter petition "Don't ban Trump from the United Kingdom" but at this time stands under 2,000 signatories that less than 1% of those for... cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

British citizens and UK residents can create or sign a petition at https://petition.parliament.uk/


Signatories from Thailand:

52 for the Ban Trump Petition.

2 for the petition against

ROFL. This'll never happen. You know it. I know it. Everybody knows it. Just the usual left wingnut verbal diarrhea. (I guess that's all it takes to keep some people off the streets though. We should probably be grateful.)


Suspending visas to muslims is the obvious and only short-term solution. It's not a permanent solution, not intended to be, not suggested as such, not advertised as such, not being recommended by anybody as such. ...an inconvenient truth completely glossed over by its loudest raving&ranting critics.

It's cretinous and unworkable.

How are you going to decide who is a muslim and who is not?

It's simply a racist sound bite to goad his redneck supporters (and it's working).

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New twist on this is Trump may be banned from the UK... tongue.png



The E petition has nearly a quarter of a million signatories so far...

Block Donald J Trump from UK entry

The signatories believe Donald J Trump should be banned from UK entry.

The UK has banned entry to many individuals for hate speech. The same principles should apply to everyone who wishes to enter the UK.

If the United Kingdom is to continue applying the 'unacceptable behaviour' criteria to those who wish to enter its borders, it must be fairly applied to the rich as well as poor, and the weak as well as powerful.


There is a counter petition "Don't ban Trump from the United Kingdom" but at this time stands under 2,000 signatories that less than 1% of those for... cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

British citizens and UK residents can create or sign a petition at https://petition.parliament.uk/


Signatories from Thailand:

52 for the Ban Trump Petition.

2 for the petition against

ROFL. This'll never happen. You know it. I know it. Everybody knows it. Just the usual left wingnut verbal diarrhea. (I guess that's all it takes to keep some people off the streets though. We should probably be grateful.)


Suspending visas to muslims is the obvious and only short-term solution. It's not a permanent solution, not intended to be, not suggested as such, not advertised as such, not being recommended by anybody as such. ...an inconvenient truth completely glossed over by its loudest raving&ranting critics.

It's cretinous and unworkable.

How are you going to decide who is a muslim and who is not?

It's simply a racist sound bite to goad his redneck supporters (and it's working).

You live and work in the Middle East.
What race are Muslims?
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You live and work in the Middle East.
What race are Muslims?

If I can't use that then I am allowed to say that antisemitism applies to all semites.

Over to you, big boy.

In other news, Trump is live on Fox telling everyone how China takes advantage of the US and how he's going to bring jobs back from China.



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New twist on this is Trump may be banned from the UK... tongue.png

A petition calling for Republican presidential hopeful Donald Trump to be barred from entering UK has gathered more than 200,000 names, so MPs will have to consider debating the issue.

The petition went on Parliament's e-petition website on Tuesday.

It was posted in response to Mr Trump's call for a temporary halt on Muslims entering the United States.


The E petition has nearly a quarter of a million signatories so far...

Block Donald J Trump from UK entry

The signatories believe Donald J Trump should be banned from UK entry.

The UK has banned entry to many individuals for hate speech. The same principles should apply to everyone who wishes to enter the UK.

If the United Kingdom is to continue applying the 'unacceptable behaviour' criteria to those who wish to enter its borders, it must be fairly applied to the rich as well as poor, and the weak as well as powerful.


There is a counter petition "Don't ban Trump from the United Kingdom" but at this time stands under 2,000 signatories that less than 1% of those for... cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

British citizens and UK residents can create or sign a petition at https://petition.parliament.uk/


Signatories from Thailand:

52 for the Ban Trump Petition.

2 for the petition against

ROFL. This'll never happen. You know it. I know it. Everybody knows it. Just the usual left wingnut verbal diarrhea. (I guess that's all it takes to keep some people off the streets though. We should probably be grateful.)


Suspending visas to muslims is the obvious and only short-term solution. It's not a permanent solution, not intended to be, not suggested as such, not advertised as such, not being recommended by anybody as such. ...an inconvenient truth completely glossed over by its loudest raving&ranting critics.

It's cretinous and unworkable.

How are you going to decide who is a muslim and who is not?

It's simply a racist sound bite to goad his redneck supporters (and it's working).

Hilarious. My sides are splitting!!! We've got one rather "prominent" poster absolutely insisting that Obama's plan to admit 10K refugees from Syria IS completely workable and practical and SECURE because the UN & FBI can reliably "vet" these would-be immigrants and identify all the bad apples, and now we have the pleasure of YOU castigating us 'cause "we" can't even tell who the Muslims are!!! You guys should have meetings or something & try to get it in one bag...

Edited by hawker9000
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Hilarious. My sides are splitting!!! We've got one rather "prominent" poster absolutely insisting that Obama's plan to admit 10K refugees from Syria IS completely workable and practical and SECURE because the UN & FBI can reliably "vet" these would-be immigrants and identify all the bad apples, and now we have the pleasure of YOU castigating us 'cause "we" can't even tell who the Muslims are!!! You guys should have meetings or something & try to get it in one bag...

Or perhaps when you've finished the effete laughter, you should answer my post instead of dragging someone else's into it in attempt to prove some kind of contrived point.

What criteria are you going to use to decide who is a muslim, given that you are advocating banning ALL muslims?

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You live and work in the Middle East.
What race are Muslims?

If I can't use that then I am allowed to say that antisemitism applies to all semites.

Over to you, big boy.

In other news, Trump is live on Fox telling everyone how China takes advantage of the US and how he's going to bring jobs back from China.


You can use anything you want. When are you going to answer my question?

I'll repeat the question in case you forgot it.

What race are Muslims?

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You live and work in the Middle East.
What race are Muslims?

If I can't use that then I am allowed to say that antisemitism applies to all semites.

Over to you, big boy.

In other news, Trump is live on Fox telling everyone how China takes advantage of the US and how he's going to bring jobs back from China.


You can use anything you want. When are you going to answer my question?

I'll repeat the question in case you forgot it.

What race are Muslims?

Plenty of scholars refer to anti-muslim hatred as racism, Chuck.

The same way plenty of scholars refer to anti-semitism as hatred of Jews.

But since I don't do Pedantry Sunday, let's just stop trying to drift off topic eh?

Edited by Scott
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You live and work in the Middle East.
What race are Muslims?

If I can't use that then I am allowed to say that antisemitism applies to all semites.

Over to you, big boy.

In other news, Trump is live on Fox telling everyone how China takes advantage of the US and how he's going to bring jobs back from China.


You can use anything you want. When are you going to answer my question?

I'll repeat the question in case you forgot it.

What race are Muslims?

Plenty of scholars refer to anti-muslim hatred as racism, Chuck.

The same way plenty of scholars refer to anti-semitism as hatred of Jews.

But since I don't do Pedantry Sunday, let's just stop trying to drift off topic eh?

This is a first for you...refusing to be pedantic.

However, just for the record you said the following in an earlier post:

"It's simply a racist sound bite to goad his redneck supporters (and it's working)."

The point I am trying to get across, and you know full well what it is, is that religions...Islam, Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism, Zoroastrianism, etc...can and are comprised of a mix of races.

Any objection to these religions cannot be racism at all. Call it anti-religionist, anti Christianity, Anti Semitic, or any other anti you wish to use.

Calling somebody a racist for opposing any religion is simply not proper. If all; the scholars are using the racist tag, they are wrong as well.

Just make up a new word, sort of like you do with most of your statistics.

Let's just let the snide remark about red necks slide. Not worth any more effort on my part and you lost interest a few posts ago.

Now, as the rules require, you may have the last word.

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oops, and I can't edit for whatever reason. Should have read: One article in Foreign Policy does say he isn't a true fascist, just sounds a bit like one while being a blowhard demigod

No explanation necessary. Hardly anybody reads your posts anyway.

I usually scan through them and then take a good intellectual dump to clear my mind.wai.gif

Ouch! chuckd, the man. Snap!

Let's get back to the subject at hand.

I hope that the name "Donald Trump" will soon be no longer be associated with the office of POTUS. I think that will happen soon. And I want a pony for Christmas.

HRC in a landslide

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This is a first for you...refusing to be pedantic.

However, just for the record you said the following in an earlier post:

"It's simply a racist sound bite to goad his redneck supporters (and it's working)."

The point I am trying to get across, and you know full well what it is, is that religions...Islam, Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism, Zoroastrianism, etc...can and are comprised of a mix of races.

Any objection to these religions cannot be racism at all. Call it anti-religionist, anti Christianity, Anti Semitic, or any other anti you wish to use.

Calling somebody a racist for opposing any religion is simply not proper. If all; the scholars are using the racist tag, they are wrong as well.

Just make up a new word, sort of like you do with most of your statistics.

Let's just let the snide remark about red necks slide. Not worth any more effort on my part and you lost interest a few posts ago.

Now, as the rules require, you may have the last word.

But it is racism chuck; it's normally directed against Arabs because said rednecks can't tell the difference between one swarthy looking terrorist fellah and another.



Call it cultural racism if you wish.

Or simply accept that antisemitism is not limited to Jews.

Can't have it both ways.

As for rednecks: Get over it.

NORTH AMERICANinformalderogatory
plural noun: rednecks
  1. a working-class white person from the southern US, especially a politically reactionary one.
    "redneck towns"

Trump's Base.

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And going back to my earlier picture it just goes to show what a liar and a charlatan Trump is.

He knows damned well that he is exploiting Chinese slave wages for profit, not the other way round, but he comes out with this crap because he has an audience of zombies who believe every word.

Likewise they'll believe he's serious about banning muslims, when he knows it's so unworkable as to be plain stupid.

But the zombies will lap that up too, and when anyone tries to explain why it can't be done, he'll come out with more crap about how they are trying to stop him "making America great again".

Making America grate again more like.

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President Obama is doing what the POTUS needs to do in this horrendous blot on American society and civilisation.

He is setting the record straight as the duly twice elected representative of all of the American people abroad and as our leader at home. Keep in mind, the office of POTUS is the only office all voters across the nation may vote in to choose the chief executive, commander in chief, head of state that POTUS is. No other American stands before the national electorate for any elective office; only the candidates for POTUS do.

President Obama is saying Donald Trump and by unmistakably direct implication the (small minority) of historically malicious rednecks that support Trump do not represent or speak for the United States or its people. They never have, not remotely. Nor will the rednecks ever speak for or represent American values held by the vast majority of the population.

This is the duty and the responsibility of POTUS in this context. It is his imperative to point out Donald Trump is in fact the least qualified self-appointed candidate in the race. And the contest Trump is engaged in is for the nomination of the Republican party to lead it into the general election in the new year.

The Republican party.

Edited by Publicus
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You live and work in the Middle East.
What race are Muslims?

If I can't use that then I am allowed to say that antisemitism applies to all semites.

Over to you, big boy.

In other news, Trump is live on Fox telling everyone how China takes advantage of the US and how he's going to bring jobs back from China.


You can use anything you want. When are you going to answer my question?

I'll repeat the question in case you forgot it.

What race are Muslims?

Simple and obvious answer - Non White.

As you well know, racists use code words. Your pedantry is being deliberately obtuse on this issue. Racism is a contributing factor in the hate speech against muslims.

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Hilarious. My sides are splitting!!! We've got one rather "prominent" poster absolutely insisting that Obama's plan to admit 10K refugees from Syria IS completely workable and practical and SECURE because the UN & FBI can reliably "vet" these would-be immigrants and identify all the bad apples, and now we have the pleasure of YOU castigating us 'cause "we" can't even tell who the Muslims are!!! You guys should have meetings or something & try to get it in one bag...

Or perhaps when you've finished the effete laughter, you should answer my post instead of dragging someone else's into it in attempt to prove some kind of contrived point.

What criteria are you going to use to decide who is a muslim, given that you are advocating banning ALL muslims?

Or perhaps you see the inconsistency and are at a complete loss when it comes to any response. And you realize that asking the question you're asking only serves to amplify the problems with Obama's plan.

But let's DO try and shed some light on the obvious which eludes you. Requesting visas isn't like selling instant noodles at the 7-11. The DOS actually DOES have a certain level of responsibility WRT the review of visa applications. Ask applicants the question, and then conduct the necessary background checks & interviews, AT APPLICANT EXPENSE, to verify the answer. If existing means & procedures & information access for conducting such an investigation don't exist, then simply delay the application until they do. These applicants are NOT US citizens; they have no right, none, nada, zilch... to a visa. The US is under NO obligation to grant visas it finds in any way questionable. There are ISIS & Taliban-related insurgencies and global terrorist related activities originating in some high-profile countries we know about. For starters, simply put a moratorium on ALL visa applications for citizens of these countries. Once a way is found to verify non-muslim affiliation, put the process in place.

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