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Pattaya Police investigate psychotropic drugging and robbery


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Pattaya Police investigate psychotropic drugging and robbery


PATTAYA: -- Pattaya Police were alerted to a suspected case of drugging and robbery of a 54-year-old woman, who claimed to have been brought to Pattaya from Sattahip by two women who used a psychotropic drug which saw the victim withdraw money from an ATM and give over her gold jewelry to the women.

The unusual case began in Sattahip when Khun Pranee boarded a Baht Bus with the intention of travelling to a local market. Either side of her on the Baht Bus were two women, thought to be aged in their twenties, who proceeded to follow her when she disembarked.

Both female suspects attempted to speak with Khun Pranee and tried to pursued her to purchase Buddhist amulets. Khun Pranee constantly refused and at one point, an amulet was placed inside her bag. As she attempted to remove the item from her bag, she remembered making contact with one of the women and then began to feel drowsy and disorientated.

Full story: http://pattayaone.net/pattaya-news/219648/pattaya-police-investigate-psychotropic-drugging-and-robbery/

-- Pattaya One 2015-12-10

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I get that often on baht buses: a cutie in her twenties comes and sits either side of me. I begin to feel disorientated, get bedroom eyes and start to swoon. Then one or both of them scowls at me and alights, muttering imprecations.

Nothing to do with psychotropics. I am sixty-six.

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I saw a documentary about this tree that has a substance apparently capable of removing people's free will although the victims remain lucid. Here's some info:

(NaturalNews) The borrachero tree, which is marked by beautiful white and yellow blossoms that droop ever so innocuously from the plant's slender branches, holds a secret that few people outside northern South America know about. The tree's seeds, flowers, and pollen possess hallucinogenic chemical substances that, when inhaled or consumed, are capable of eliminating a person's free will, and turning him or her into a mindless zombie that can be fully controlled without any inhibitions.


Also called Devil's Breath

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I saw a documentary about this tree that has a substance apparently capable of removing people's free will although the victims remain lucid. Here's some info:

(NaturalNews) The borrachero tree, which is marked by beautiful white and yellow blossoms that droop ever so innocuously from the plant's slender branches, holds a secret that few people outside northern South America know about. The tree's seeds, flowers, and pollen possess hallucinogenic chemical substances that, when inhaled or consumed, are capable of eliminating a person's free will, and turning him or her into a mindless zombie that can be fully controlled without any inhibitions.


Also called Devil's Breath

I have met a few girls that fit that description in the Tahitian Queen! clap2.gif

The Thai girl, which is marked by her beautiful olive colored skin, and drop-dead gorgeous smile...can turn you into a mindless zombie that can be fully controlled without any inhibitions.

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Sounds like absolute nonsense , completely made up to disguise a quite common event, that is, selling some stuff and pretending it was stolen.

Common sense tells you that this is fabricated. If a drug that made people hand over their valuables, that did not even need to be administered orally, was available, this would happen everywhere and be a major consistently reported problem.

The fact that it only occurs in countries with unsophisticated belief systems, and in situations best described as ludicrous, tells you that it isn't true.

What surprises me is that any person with normal intelligence believes this.

Finding absurd references to incidents similar to this online does not confirm it as true, it merely shows that anything can be reported online as true: alien abductions, lizard people running the government, and so on.

Actual court cases and convictions where this method of robbery is used, and the suspects found guilty would be at least an approach to confirmatory evidence. Does this exist? I think not!

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My Mrs came to me with some second hand tale (heard from a friend that her friend) where she had been given a drink and from there became compliant and went with the miscreants to the bank, withdrew her savings and handed them over. At least in this tale something being administered was claimed. I felt similar to Partington above, she was supplying BS to cover something up. Trouble here is the police may well also include some unsophisticated members who take the investigation (if they make one) in the wrong direction.

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Sounds like absolute nonsense , completely made up to disguise a quite common event, that is, selling some stuff and pretending it was stolen.

Common sense tells you that this is fabricated. If a drug that made people hand over their valuables, that did not even need to be administered orally, was available, this would happen everywhere and be a major consistently reported problem.

The fact that it only occurs in countries with unsophisticated belief systems, and in situations best described as ludicrous, tells you that it isn't true.

What surprises me is that any person with normal intelligence believes this.

Finding absurd references to incidents similar to this online does not confirm it as true, it merely shows that anything can be reported online as true: alien abductions, lizard people running the government, and so on.

Actual court cases and convictions where this method of robbery is used, and the suspects found guilty would be at least an approach to confirmatory evidence. Does this exist? I think not!

What a kill joy I guess you don't believe in the tooth fairy either.

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Sounds like absolute nonsense , completely made up to disguise a quite common event, that is, selling some stuff and pretending it was stolen.

Common sense tells you that this is fabricated. If a drug that made people hand over their valuables, that did not even need to be administered orally, was available, this would happen everywhere and be a major consistently reported problem.

The fact that it only occurs in countries with unsophisticated belief systems, and in situations best described as ludicrous, tells you that it isn't true.

What surprises me is that any person with normal intelligence believes this.

Finding absurd references to incidents similar to this online does not confirm it as true, it merely shows that anything can be reported online as true: alien abductions, lizard people running the government, and so on.

Actual court cases and convictions where this method of robbery is used, and the suspects found guilty would be at least an approach to confirmatory evidence. Does this exist? I think not!

I completely understand your skepticism and am not trying to endorse any claims for a drug's ability to do what's alleged -- just thought it was an interesting addition to the thread. I would love to see an actual lab study report to back up any loss-of-free-will claims. However, it seems the French authorities aren't as sure as you are about it being ludicrous. Check this out for fun. I put a link to the story after the headline.

Three arrested in Paris over 'devil's breath' drug that turns victims into willing 'zombies'


Edited by Inn Between
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Sounds like absolute nonsense , completely made up to disguise a quite common event, that is, selling some stuff and pretending it was stolen.

Common sense tells you that this is fabricated. If a drug that made people hand over their valuables, that did not even need to be administered orally, was available, this would happen everywhere and be a major consistently reported problem.

The fact that it only occurs in countries with unsophisticated belief systems, and in situations best described as ludicrous, tells you that it isn't true.

What surprises me is that any person with normal intelligence believes this.

Finding absurd references to incidents similar to this online does not confirm it as true, it merely shows that anything can be reported online as true: alien abductions, lizard people running the government, and so on.

Actual court cases and convictions where this method of robbery is used, and the suspects found guilty would be at least an approach to confirmatory evidence. Does this exist? I think not!

Have to agree with you. That article I linked to was dated 2003.

I was wondering the same thing as you. Why isn't this a HUGE problem?

Sounds like a good one for Mythbusters.

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Sounds like absolute nonsense , completely made up to disguise a quite common event, that is, selling some stuff and pretending it was stolen.

Common sense tells you that this is fabricated. If a drug that made people hand over their valuables, that did not even need to be administered orally, was available, this would happen everywhere and be a major consistently reported problem.

The fact that it only occurs in countries with unsophisticated belief systems, and in situations best described as ludicrous, tells you that it isn't true.

What surprises me is that any person with normal intelligence believes this.

Finding absurd references to incidents similar to this online does not confirm it as true, it merely shows that anything can be reported online as true: alien abductions, lizard people running the government, and so on.

Actual court cases and convictions where this method of robbery is used, and the suspects found guilty would be at least an approach to confirmatory evidence. Does this exist? I think not!


you are talking like somebody with authority,which comes from where?M?C? or? maybe D?F?

I was more then twice the target of robbery attempt using this method.Once it was

their succes.once they missed the puff and I remember all.

I have made my homework after that.What was the source of the spray they had used?Your Agency....

You are kidding who?

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