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Chiang Mai, extension visa non-immigrant O, where ? Time and pants/shoes ?

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I have to go to the immigration office in Chiang Mai to extend my visa non-immigrant O (thai kid, not married).

I have 3 questions :

1. In which office do I have to go ? Old office near the airport or in the department store Promenada ?

2. If I have to go to the new office, what time does it need to come for the queue ?

3. Few weeks ago, I read a post about the fact that people (foreigners) would have to wear a long pant and shoes (not short pant, neither sandal) to go into the Immigration office.

Finally, do we have really to do that ? Would they refuse me to go into the office and extend the visa if I go with a short pant and sandal ?

It may be not a big deal, but then I would have to buy them, and I dislike to wear that.

Thank you for your answers.

Edited by frog555
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You will not be extending your visa. You will be extending your permit to stay based upon being the parent of a Thai. Do you the financial proof and all the required documents. This includes legitimization of your parenthood.

1.The old office.

2.Not sure but probably well before they open.

3. I don't recall any reports about the dress code in Chiang Mai. Just dress respectfully. No short shorts and a proper shirt. Sandals but not flip flops.

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Hello Joe,

And thank your for you answers.

My fatherhood is not legitimized yet (not married), then I don't need the financial proof.

It is a good news that the dress code has not changed.

If someone else could confirm, it would be great.

Edited by frog555
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You will only be able to apply for a 60 day extension to visit your child without being the legal farther of your child. No financial proof is needed to apply for it.

Your child will need to be with you when you apply. You will need their birth certificate plus a copy and a copy of their house book registry. You will also need proof of residence.

See here for info on: How To Gain Parental Rights As A Father

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Thank you Joe.

I have got 2 times a 60 days extension. Fortunately, my son didn't have to be with me to get the extension.

Thank you for the informations and the link.

I have already got 3 non-immigrant O visa and 2 extensions. Now it will the third extension.

Is there a limit to get non-immigrant O visa and extension ?

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