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Thai government's achievements presentation to be cut short to one day


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Pity it is not yet possible to harness all that verbal diahhorea that will be spouted, I have heard of similar where cattle's fart's are captured and the resulting methane turned into electricity

One can only begin to imagine the amount of effluent that will be spouted over the day let alone the full three days originally touted, I feel Bangkok's power problems would be a thing of the past...

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what achievements......?

Number 1/ - we paid all the debts owed to farmers by the previous government's collapsed rice scam.

The farmers had been left unpaid for months after former premier Yingluck Shinawatra dissolved parliament in December, turning her government into a caretaker one that had no power to borrow money to pay off the arrears.

An anti-government group staged a 6-month-long protest that led Thailand into a political impasse until the military took control on May 22.

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One minute would be enough.

That's one min too long. Just show a blank ppt slide, with empty audience chairs, and a guy slowly cleaning the floor with his mop.

Or do a two week extravaganza of all the laughable failures, hubs, uturns, tantrums...would be a gut busting rib tickler non stop party.

The circus is back in town...cue music.

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