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Road-raging van driver accused of attacking Thai reporter with knife


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Total disgraceful behaviour from such a disciplined well trained van driver regarding dealing with members of the public must have been so distressing having someone honk the horn at you for swerving over the carriageway and it was not a foreigner but a Thai that was the perpetrator of such a nasty honk that he had to be punished with death if caught with a large knife designed for killing members of the public.

And when he got back into his van were the passengers concerned for their safety ??? Noooooooooo this is normal day with this driver. Will the police

take away his licence noooooooooooo Will they wait for his to kill some passengers then flee the scene Yesssssssssssss

Does this happen all the time ?? of course, every few days these A--- holes crash killing people.

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There was a viral video in the past two weeks of another van driver while on the way to Phuket airport brandishing a large knife out of the driver's window because he was upset over something. Nothing happened to him because he had not committed an offence. I think its just a routine activity. Really, I think we should be a little more tolerant to van drivers and their knife wielding murderous actions. I am sure, like this nice gentleman, he meant no harm. Perhaps we could offer to pay for the laundry bill of the PBS reporters underpants have done with it.........

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On the radio today, it was reported that for "safety" violations by van and bus drivers, first offense will be a 5,000 baht fine. Second, a 5,000 baht fine and a 14-day suspension. Third a 5,000 baht fine and a loss of license. The report said this was for the new year period (although that could have been a faulty translation). A knife transcends a "safety issue," in my opinion, but who knows?

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I guess his door locks didn't work ! Why flee the vehicle :)

Yes right, because you can't smash a cars side windows with a knife, can you...
No you can't -, would you like to try it sometime...

You can usually break them open with a kick... Some people can do it with a punch

Car windows aren't made for resisting impacts..

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I guess his door locks didn't work ! Why flee the vehicle smile.png

Yes right, because you can't smash a cars side windows with a knife, can you...

No you can't -, would you like to try it sometime...

Yes you can. It is not that difficult. I have actually done it.

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Why was the driver unidentified? Shame him. Find out his name, and blast it all over the internet, worldwide. Humiliate him into never considering an act as foolish as this one, ever again. Had the guy been Russian special forces, or someone who can defend themselves, that knife may have ended up in his own neck. Hopefully, the PSB reporter can out the driver, and the company, on the evening news. Will anything be done? What does attempted murder mean here? What is the penalty for that? Is there a penalty? Will the courts throw is out, if the guy is a first time offender? Does anyone in the government of the police care?

You know what he was thinking? Well, he was not thinking. He was just acting out. Someone did not like me. Someone honked at me. I can drive however I want, and nobody can say anything. And if they do, I will try to kill them. He is a 13 year old boy, that looks sort of like a man. Shame on his mother for raising such an imbecile.

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How do you honk at someone with a knife ?

Why don't you read before you write, sometimes I think I am surrounded by I.....!!
I did, as I always do....

It quite clearly states that the PBS reporter "honked at him with a knife", its in the 1st paragraph in bold...

Looks like we're all surrounded today :)

Edited by cornishcarlos
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It seems the main qualifications for being a van driver in Thailand is that you must be 1. A psycho. 2. A habitual drug user. 3, A habitual drunk driver. 4. all or any combo of the first three options. If you're none of the above your over qualified, if you have all of them and can prove you're corrupt, then a great future in the police awaits.

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On the radio today, it was reported that for "safety" violations by van and bus drivers, first offense will be a 5,000 baht fine. Second, a 5,000 baht fine and a 14-day suspension. Third a 5,000 baht fine and a loss of license. The report said this was for the new year period (although that could have been a faulty translation). A knife transcends a "safety issue," in my opinion, but who knows?

All well and good but where are the Police intercept and act on these offences these days ?

Certainly no where between Nakula and Sattahip on the Sukhumvit can any be seen these days

The weekly shopping excursion to Big C today resulted in being cut off by two AOTransport buses and a mini van driver who was clearly off his head - weaving all over the road and going thru a red light

But later today.... it gets better.... while out on the scooter with the family..

If the police were to oversee the back roads leading to Nong Noch Gardens during the 16.40 - 16.5hrs rush (to get to the 17.00 show) there would be more Tea (money) than in China.

It's crazy that there is large buses full of tourist screaming around on small Soi's dug up by heavy vehicles while the grand entry to Nong Noch Gardens off Sulk remains a "4 lane highway" - but the Suk intersection still accounts for at least 10 deaths per year!!

Edited by khun custard
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I wonder what Thais would do if everyone honked, before they overtake/pass another vehicle. According to the Thai legislation, you are supposed to honk or flash your lights, and then wait for the driver in front to signal you to pass. He can do this either with his left turn signal or a hand signal.

Anyone willing to pull up behind a Thai vehicle, and lean on their horn until he/she signals you to pass ? Thought not !

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How do you honk at someone with a knife ?

Poor grammar. Reminds me of the headline in the Express during the war.

"Eight army push bottles up Germans" Oh for a comma.

Not only the punctuation but also the capitalisation is important. A headline from Canada's Financial Post many years ago, concerning the infamous Italian girl Ms. Pipeline:

:"Alberta Pipeline laid by more than 300 men"

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