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Report: Israeli windsurfers denied visas to go to Malaysia


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Some more info about the bizarre situation of antisemitism in Malaysia, a country with almost no Jews in it:


But Malaysian anti-Semitism cannot simply be explained by the influence of globalized Islam on the country’s politics. For one, only 60 percent of the country is Muslim. Indonesia, Malaysia’s neighbor, has a population that is 90 percent Muslim, but anti-Semitic beliefs are much less prevalent, according to the ADL survey, and mainstream Indonesian politicians do not have the same history of blaming their country’s problems on the Jews.

Edited by Scott
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Some more info about the bizarre situation of antisemitism in Malaysia, a country with almost no Jews in it:


But Malaysian anti-Semitism cannot simply be explained by the influence of globalized Islam on the country’s politics. For one, only 60 percent of the country is Muslim. Indonesia, Malaysia’s neighbor, has a population that is 90 percent Muslim, but anti-Semitic beliefs are much less prevalent, according to the ADL survey, and mainstream Indonesian politicians do not have the same history of blaming their country’s problems on the Jews.

Nothing bizarre about denying visas to Israelis.
The principle is clear: Malaysia will allow the right of entry to Israeli athletes and tourists, when Israel allows the right of return for Palestinians to their homes within Israel.
Simple as that.
I admire Malaysia for sticking to its principles in the face of international pressure.
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Some more info about the bizarre situation of antisemitism in Malaysia, a country with almost no Jews in it:


But Malaysian anti-Semitism cannot simply be explained by the influence of globalized Islam on the country’s politics. For one, only 60 percent of the country is Muslim. Indonesia, Malaysia’s neighbor, has a population that is 90 percent Muslim, but anti-Semitic beliefs are much less prevalent, according to the ADL survey, and mainstream Indonesian politicians do not have the same history of blaming their country’s problems on the Jews.

Nothing bizarre about denying visas to Israelis.
The principle is clear: Malaysia will allow the right of entry to Israeli athletes and tourists, when Israel allows the right of return for Palestinians to their homes within Israel.
Simple as that.
I admire Malaysia for sticking to its principles in the face of international pressure.

There is no 'principle' here except in some people's heads. The suggestion that Malaysia which has institutionalised discrimination against both Chinese and Indians is acting under some form of principle is both incorrect and a laughable example of how some who purport to be on the left will line themselves up with reactionary forces if it suits their agenda. Intellectually lazy at best.

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great move from Malaysia!

One day Israel will not be accepted even to Olympics.

As i say all the time, countries need to ban citizens of Israel too and embargo must follow. Only way to sink Israel to their knees. they enjoyed freedom of travel, commerce and science but it looks like not anymore!

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great move from Malaysia!

One day Israel will not be accepted even to Olympics.

As i say all the time, countries need to ban citizens of Israel too and embargo must follow. Only way to sink Israel to their knees. they enjoyed freedom of travel, commerce and science but it looks like not anymore!

I see the many Jewish mates mask has slipped, quelle surprise. Not seen you caring much about sinking the scores of Countries with far worse human rights or discrimination than Israel. Malaysia would be prime candidates for international bans and not Israel.
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great move from Malaysia!

One day Israel will not be accepted even to Olympics.

As i say all the time, countries need to ban citizens of Israel too and embargo must follow. Only way to sink Israel to their knees. they enjoyed freedom of travel, commerce and science but it looks like not anymore!

I see the many Jewish mates mask has slipped, quelle surprise. Not seen you caring much about sinking the scores of Countries with far worse human rights or discrimination than Israel. Malaysia would be prime candidates for international bans and not Israel.

Deflection again. Multiple wrongs do not make a right.

Malaysia is a soveregn country and can boycott whomever it likes. Malaysia has not occupied someone else's land and denied the inhabitants self determination.

It is within Israel's power to make that wrong right. They have chosen not to... for now. When they stop behaving badly, I am sure they will be welcome in Malaysia once more.

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I imagine there was very little "anti-Jewish" sentiment in Malaysia before 1949, so if there is today, I would characterize it as anti-Zionism and not anti-Semitism. Being subject to British colonial rule beforeindependence, the Malaysians can recognize racist colonial ideologies when they see it.

As to these athletes not competing in Malaysia, the simple fact that the two countries don't maintain diplomatic relations would make such participation problematic at best.

When someone 'imagines' something it invariably means that they are going to make something up to fit inside their pre-existing narrative. Those who are prepared to put in a little legwork and just for example look at the speeches of the old prime minister Mahathir Mohamad will discover that he had absolutely zero compunction spouting anti-Semitic vitriol and hardly bothering at all dressing it up in anti-Zionist dress.

Unfortunately your legwork stopped almost 2 decades early. I would be more interested in seeing quotes/links of influential Malays pre 1949 to debunk OMG's statement.

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I imagine there was very little "anti-Jewish" sentiment in Malaysia before 1949, so if there is today, I would characterize it as anti-Zionism and not anti-Semitism. Being subject to British colonial rule beforeindependence, the Malaysians can recognize racist colonial ideologies when they see it.

As to these athletes not competing in Malaysia, the simple fact that the two countries don't maintain diplomatic relations would make such participation problematic at best.

When someone 'imagines' something it invariably means that they are going to make something up to fit inside their pre-existing narrative. Those who are prepared to put in a little legwork and just for example look at the speeches of the old prime minister Mahathir Mohamad will discover that he had absolutely zero compunction spouting anti-Semitic vitriol and hardly bothering at all dressing it up in anti-Zionist dress. The history of independent Malaysia (and by the way origination of Singapore) is intimately tied up with institutional discrimination through UMNO. The usual drab left crowd conveniently turn a blind eye to the internal politics of Malaysia but when they do and in the above case try to line up behind the antics of the Malaysian government as their heroes of the week, their ridiculous politics are exposed for the embarrassment they are. Imagine that.

Being an officially Islamic state, I could see where a Malaysian Prime Minister, after seeing thousands of innocent fellow muslims killed and maimed at the hands of the Zionist State, would have some strong sentiments regarding Jews. What he may have said, and if it was true or not, I don't know. Yes, there is also allot of garden variety ethnic and religious discrimination against minority groups in Malaysia and maybe Jews get get some of that too, not because they're Jews per se but because they're not Malay muslims.

It would probably be best if athletes from the Zionist State confined their participation in international sporting events to venues wherein their government has diplomatic relations with the host country government.

As ever facts disprove your nonsense. Since 1948 the number of Muslims killed in all the hostilities against the Israelis amounts to a tiny 0.3% of the total. So to somehow blame Israel for these deaths and not blame other states responsible for killing far more Muslims demonstrates how selective an argument this is.


Kind of a feeble red-herring. Conflating Sunni/Shia and Israeli/Palestine death tolls doesn't eviscerate the needless deaths in both conflicts.

And if you were going for a pass because the number of deaths is significantly less I would ask if you believe we should only attempt to cure lung cancer and not worry about those other 'minor' cancers which kill significantly less people?

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I imagine there was very little "anti-Jewish" sentiment in Malaysia before 1949, so if there is today, I would characterize it as anti-Zionism and not anti-Semitism. Being subject to British colonial rule beforeindependence, the Malaysians can recognize racist colonial ideologies when they see it.

As to these athletes not competing in Malaysia, the simple fact that the two countries don't maintain diplomatic relations would make such participation problematic at best.

When someone 'imagines' something it invariably means that they are going to make something up to fit inside their pre-existing narrative. Those who are prepared to put in a little legwork and just for example look at the speeches of the old prime minister Mahathir Mohamad will discover that he had absolutely zero compunction spouting anti-Semitic vitriol and hardly bothering at all dressing it up in anti-Zionist dress.

Unfortunately your legwork stopped almost 2 decades early. I would be more interested in seeing quotes/links of influential Malays pre 1949 to debunk OMG's statement.
Here is some background on Malaysian antisemitism. It is quite probably a manifestation of the Islamic tendency to blame anyone but themselves for everything bad that happens to them. There is institutionalized discrimination in favour of the Muslim majority over the Chinese and Hindu minorities - an absolute clear as day example of apartheid, as oppose to Israel slandered as such by our manic 24/7 frothers here. After the British moved out the Muslim majority went about doing what Muslim majorities always do, i.e. Persecute and ethnically cleanse the Country of all other minorities. Well that was until China ordered them to halt or have their <deleted> handed to them.


In Thailand unlike Malaysia the successful Chinese shop owners and professionals were never suffered the same pogroms as the Malaysian Chinese did, which is a testament to the difference between Buddhism and Islam. The Chinese due to their success are known by some as the Jews of Asia, they are envied by the ethnic Malays, just as the Jews are. It was obviously too much for Israeli windsurfers to not only compete in Malaysia but quite possibly win, seeing as they were defending world champions.

Edited by Steely Dan
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I imagine there was very little "anti-Jewish" sentiment in Malaysia before 1949, so if there is today, I would characterize it as anti-Zionism and not anti-Semitism. Being subject to British colonial rule beforeindependence, the Malaysians can recognize racist colonial ideologies when they see it.

As to these athletes not competing in Malaysia, the simple fact that the two countries don't maintain diplomatic relations would make such participation problematic at best.

When someone 'imagines' something it invariably means that they are going to make something up to fit inside their pre-existing narrative. Those who are prepared to put in a little legwork and just for example look at the speeches of the old prime minister Mahathir Mohamad will discover that he had absolutely zero compunction spouting anti-Semitic vitriol and hardly bothering at all dressing it up in anti-Zionist dress.

Unfortunately your legwork stopped almost 2 decades early. I would be more interested in seeing quotes/links of influential Malays pre 1949 to debunk OMG's statement.
Here is some background on Malaysian antisemitism. It is quite probably a manifestation of the Islamic tendency to blame anyone but themselves for everything bad that happens to them. There is institutionalized discrimination in favour of the Muslim majority over the Chinese and Hindu minorities - an absolute clear as day example of apartheid, as oppose to Israel slandered as such by our manic 24/7 frothers here. After the British moved out the Muslim majority went about doing what Muslim majorities always do, i.e. Persecute and ethnically cleanse the Country of all other minorities. Well that was until China ordered them to halt or have their <deleted> handed to them.


By to Malaysia the successful Chinese shop owners and professionals were never suffered the same pogroms as the Malaysian Chinese did, which is a testament to the difference between Buddhism and Islam. The Chinese due to their success are known by some as the Jews of Asia, they are envied by the ethnic Malays, just as the Jews are. It was obviously too much for Israeli windsurfers to not only Malaysia but quite possibly win, seeing as they were defending world champions.

You've provided a link from Tabletmagazine, which is in fact a right wing, hawkish pro Zionist US media outlet.


Many of their overseas articles have been written, reported and edited from the US.

Labelling Malaysia as an anti-semitic country is false. The participation to the sailing competition in Malaysia was cancelled by the Israeli delegation. I've posted it with an unbiased source previously in this thread.

Edited by Thorgal
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Here is some background on Malaysian antisemitism. It is quite probably a manifestation of the Islamic tendency to blame anyone but themselves for everything bad that happens to them. There is institutionalized discrimination in favour of the Muslim majority over the Chinese and Hindu minorities - an absolute clear as day example of apartheid, as oppose to Israel slandered as such by our manic 24/7 frothers here. After the British moved out the Muslim majority went about doing what Muslim majorities always do, i.e. Persecute and ethnically cleanse the Country of all other minorities. Well that was until China ordered them to halt or have their <deleted> handed to them.


By to Malaysia the successful Chinese shop owners and professionals were never suffered the same pogroms as the Malaysian Chinese did, which is a testament to the difference between Buddhism and Islam. The Chinese due to their success are known by some as the Jews of Asia, they are envied by the ethnic Malays, just as the Jews are. It was obviously too much for Israeli windsurfers to not only Malaysia but quite possibly win, seeing as they were defending world champions.

You've provided a link from Tabletmagazine, which is in fact a right wing, hawkish pro Zionist US media outlet.


Many of their overseas articles have been written, reported and edited from the US.

Labelling Malaysia as an anti-semitic country is false. The participation to the sailing competition in Malaysia was cancelled by the Israeli delegation. I've posted it with an unbiased source previously in this thread.

The usual selective source policing.

As far as I can tell you provided no link which counters the OP. The "unbiased" source comment is laughable, as you have previously had issues with the same when quoted against your agenda.

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Here is some background on Malaysian antisemitism. It is quite probably a manifestation of the Islamic tendency to blame anyone but themselves for everything bad that happens to them. There is institutionalized discrimination in favour of the Muslim majority over the Chinese and Hindu minorities - an absolute clear as day example of apartheid, as oppose to Israel slandered as such by our manic 24/7 frothers here. After the British moved out the Muslim majority went about doing what Muslim majorities always do, i.e. Persecute and ethnically cleanse the Country of all other minorities. Well that was until China ordered them to halt or have their <deleted> handed to them.


By to Malaysia the successful Chinese shop owners and professionals were never suffered the same pogroms as the Malaysian Chinese did, which is a testament to the difference between Buddhism and Islam. The Chinese due to their success are known by some as the Jews of Asia, they are envied by the ethnic Malays, just as the Jews are. It was obviously too much for Israeli windsurfers to not only Malaysia but quite possibly win, seeing as they were defending world champions.

You've provided a link from Tabletmagazine, which is in fact a right wing, hawkish pro Zionist US media outlet.


Many of their overseas articles have been written, reported and edited from the US.

Labelling Malaysia as an anti-semitic country is false. The participation to the sailing competition in Malaysia was cancelled by the Israeli delegation. I've posted it with an unbiased source previously in this thread.

The usual selective source policing.

As far as I can tell you provided no link which counters the OP. The "unbiased" source comment is laughable, as you have previously had issues with the same when quoted against your agenda.

Quote from link :

"The Malaysians’ demands are unacceptable, and as we haven’t received the visas, we decided not to participate."


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Here is some background on Malaysian antisemitism. It is quite probably a manifestation of the Islamic tendency to blame anyone but themselves for everything bad that happens to them. There is institutionalized discrimination in favour of the Muslim majority over the Chinese and Hindu minorities - an absolute clear as day example of apartheid, as oppose to Israel slandered as such by our manic 24/7 frothers here. After the British moved out the Muslim majority went about doing what Muslim majorities always do, i.e. Persecute and ethnically cleanse the Country of all other minorities. Well that was until China ordered them to halt or have their <deleted> handed to them.


By to Malaysia the successful Chinese shop owners and professionals were never suffered the same pogroms as the Malaysian Chinese did, which is a testament to the difference between Buddhism and Islam. The Chinese due to their success are known by some as the Jews of Asia, they are envied by the ethnic Malays, just as the Jews are. It was obviously too much for Israeli windsurfers to not only Malaysia but quite possibly win, seeing as they were defending world champions.

You've provided a link from Tabletmagazine, which is in fact a right wing, hawkish pro Zionist US media outlet.


Many of their overseas articles have been written, reported and edited from the US.

Labelling Malaysia as an anti-semitic country is false. The participation to the sailing competition in Malaysia was cancelled by the Israeli delegation. I've posted it with an unbiased source previously in this thread.

The usual selective source policing.

As far as I can tell you provided no link which counters the OP. The "unbiased" source comment is laughable, as you have previously had issues with the same when quoted against your agenda.

Quote from link :

"The Malaysians’ demands are unacceptable, and as we haven’t received the visas, we decided not to participate."


Yeah, so you can make circular arguments. Great. What's your point?

Cherry picking an out of context quote is the best you can come up with?

The comment on selective source policing stands, btw. Ridiculous as usual.

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And in related news, Oman withdraws from hosting the 2016 Youth Sailing World Championship, following ISAF guidelines on discrimination of participants.


Here again, Israel refused to participate in October 2015...

Quote from link :

"The Ministry explained that the Shin Bet (Israel Security Agency), which is responsible for the safety of Israeli national teams when competing abroad, had not authorized the trip to Oman.

The Shin Bet said it had failed to reach an agreement with local security forces and therefore won't permit the windsurfing delegation's visit to the country."


I've also posted the Israel security issue in a previous post on this thread at page #2.

Edited by Thorgal
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great move from Malaysia!

One day Israel will not be accepted even to Olympics.

As i say all the time, countries need to ban citizens of Israel too and embargo must follow. Only way to sink Israel to their knees. they enjoyed freedom of travel, commerce and science but it looks like not anymore!

I see the many Jewish mates mask has slipped, quelle surprise. Not seen you caring much about sinking the scores of Countries with far worse human rights or discrimination than Israel. Malaysia would be prime candidates for international bans and not Israel.

malaysia is running with discriminating laws created by British i agree. but clever move to protect Malay people from Chinese and Indian commercial and economic and cultural invasion.

and you can see it works and Malays progress and not depressed by Chinese money mongers and bosses as like in Thailand where majority of high scale business belong to Chinese originated people came here last three centuries and real Thai people basically work for them for chips unfortunately:(

and over ten years, i feel like more Chinese cultural influence and more Chinese New year celebraters in Thailand too.

and isn't this the reason why Thailand has stuck in a political gridlock between two major groups now?

apart from this, yes as some said at least Malaysia is not stealing the land of others but just banning he people stealing the land, very normal.

Edited by Galactus
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great move from Malaysia!

One day Israel will not be accepted even to Olympics.

As i say all the time, countries need to ban citizens of Israel too and embargo must follow. Only way to sink Israel to their knees. they enjoyed freedom of travel, commerce and science but it looks like not anymore!

I see the many Jewish mates mask has slipped, quelle surprise. Not seen you caring much about sinking the scores of Countries with far worse human rights or discrimination than Israel. Malaysia would be prime candidates for international bans and not Israel.

malaysia is running with discriminating laws created by British i agree. but clever move to protect Malay people from Chinese and Indian commercial and economic and cultural invasion.

and you can see it works and Malays progress and not depressed by Chinese money mongers and bosses as like in Thailand where majority of high scale business belong to Chinese originated people came here last three centuries and real Thai people basically work for them for chips unfortunately:(

and over ten years, i feel like more Chinese cultural influence and more Chinese New year celebraters in Thailand too.

and isn't this the reason why Thailand has stuck in a political gridlock between two major groups now?

apart from this, yes as some said at least Malaysia is not stealing the land of others but just banning he people stealing the land, very normal.

I see, so there's good apartheid after all. Your identity politics is all encompassing and so very revealing? By the reasoning you put forward I can see how the chances of the non-Israeli competitors could be boosted by preventing the Israeli defending champions competing. Edited by Steely Dan
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great move from Malaysia!

One day Israel will not be accepted even to Olympics.

As i say all the time, countries need to ban citizens of Israel too and embargo must follow. Only way to sink Israel to their knees. they enjoyed freedom of travel, commerce and science but it looks like not anymore!

I see the many Jewish mates mask has slipped, quelle surprise. Not seen you caring much about sinking the scores of Countries with far worse human rights or discrimination than Israel. Malaysia would be prime candidates for international bans and not Israel.

malaysia is running with discriminating laws created by British i agree. but clever move to protect Malay people from Chinese and Indian commercial and economic and cultural invasion.

and you can see it works and Malays progress and not depressed by Chinese money mongers and bosses as like in Thailand where majority of high scale business belong to Chinese originated people came here last three centuries and real Thai people basically work for them for chips unfortunately:(

and over ten years, i feel like more Chinese cultural influence and more Chinese New year celebraters in Thailand too.

and isn't this the reason why Thailand has stuck in a political gridlock between two major groups now?

apart from this, yes as some said at least Malaysia is not stealing the land of others but just banning he people stealing the land, very normal.

'Chinese money mongers and bosses'. A racist description if ever there was one and confirms the opinion that some of our heroic forum contributors seemingly positioning themselves on the left for a bit of cover are really nothing of the sort.

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great move from Malaysia!

One day Israel will not be accepted even to Olympics.

As i say all the time, countries need to ban citizens of Israel too and embargo must follow. Only way to sink Israel to their knees. they enjoyed freedom of travel, commerce and science but it looks like not anymore!

I see the many Jewish mates mask has slipped, quelle surprise. Not seen you caring much about sinking the scores of Countries with far worse human rights or discrimination than Israel. Malaysia would be prime candidates for international bans and not Israel.

malaysia is running with discriminating laws created by British i agree. but clever move to protect Malay people from Chinese and Indian commercial and economic and cultural invasion.

and you can see it works and Malays progress and not depressed by Chinese money mongers and bosses as like in Thailand where majority of high scale business belong to Chinese originated people came here last three centuries and real Thai people basically work for them for chips unfortunately:(

and over ten years, i feel like more Chinese cultural influence and more Chinese New year celebraters in Thailand too.

and isn't this the reason why Thailand has stuck in a political gridlock between two major groups now?

apart from this, yes as some said at least Malaysia is not stealing the land of others but just banning he people stealing the land, very normal.

'Chinese money mongers and bosses'. A racist description if ever there was one and confirms the opinion that some of our heroic forum contributors seemingly positioning themselves on the left for a bit of cover are really nothing of the sort.

it is not a racist description to call someone money monger or boss! i think you are confused:)

speaking about reality is never been considered as racism. so lets say when i say white cops kill colored people in an unjustified way and due to prejudice, am i a racist now against whites?

you play with your words in a sand box my friend.

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And in related news, Oman withdraws from hosting the 2016 Youth Sailing World Championship, following ISAF guidelines on discrimination of participants.


Here again, Israel refused to participate in October 2015...

Quote from link :

"The Ministry explained that the Shin Bet (Israel Security Agency), which is responsible for the safety of Israeli national teams when competing abroad, had not authorized the trip to Oman.

The Shin Bet said it had failed to reach an agreement with local security forces and therefore won't permit the windsurfing delegation's visit to the country."


I've also posted the Israel security issue in a previous post on this thread at page #2.

Not quite. The story you quote (and from the Jerusalem Post, which on other occasions you rejected) is partial.

For starters, there were Israelis (or at least one, for sure) competing in Oman (by name of Oren Yaakov),

There was an issue with the visas, which was sorted after some international pressure from relevant sporting organizations. The security problems amounted to lack of communication by Oman's security services, and later on delegation size. Obviously, this was sorted one way or the other as well. The visas issued were cancelled by Oman prior to the competition, with (again) some solution reached later on. As far as I understand, this was partially to do with the model used (some bear flags, and some do not).

Drawing the conclusion that participation was cancelled solely because of Israeli security demands is incorrect.

The ISAF directive and Oman's subsequent withdrawal from hosting are concerned with discrimination of participants, not with security.

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Just the same as Israel blocks Palestinian Athletes to perform abroad....Som Nam Na !!!

It's not as simple as that, and I'm sure you know that.

In any case, what international competitions has Israel been rewarded lately?

I doubt they would get any because of the racist BDS propaganda movement.

It's even more simple as that,.....A bit more than a month ago Israel blocked at there airport the Palestinian football team just before they were boarding on a international flight, on invitation to play a important international competition. Not that I give a toss about football or any other sports ???? but my dear Mother raised me with the wise words, "don't do to others what you don't want to be done to you".....

Now, ... they should not be surprised that there athletes don't get visas...And more country's should do the same.

Just like they did with that other Apartheid regime South Africa.


Off Road Pat

Not familiar with the case. Why didn't they go to Jordan to fly out?

As another said, suggesting an equivalence between Israel and apartheid South Africa doesn't make sense. Israeli includes about 20 percent Arab citizens. No separation of water fountains, etc.

Now the stated goals of a future Palestinian state are pretty clear about rules banning Jews from owning land and usually explicitly state NO JEWS at all will be allowed as citizens.

Also keep in mind, nobody is saying that Malaysia or any country can't disagree with policies of other countries, BUT if they are going to reap the benefits of hosting international athletic events, they need to leave the politics out of it and treat all competing teams exactly the same.

Israel of course is being singled out for totally unfair scapegoating. Not surprising as surveys have repeatedly shown that the levels of JEW HATRED are very high in Malaysia. Not only anti-Israel. Anti-Jew. They are usually but not always closely connected. Almost no Jews living there but they hate them so much. For Malaysians and other similar Jew hating nations, if Jews didn't exist, they'd have to INVENT them. Scapegoats serve a political purpose.

But separation of buses, separation of grocery stores, separation of streets like in Hebron...revise your classics.

Israel athletes refused to agree on the conditions which was, for each competitor : no flag or other country representation. They chose to not go.

Edited by GeorgesAbitbol
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Just the same as Israel blocks Palestinian Athletes to perform abroad....Som Nam Na !!!

It's not as simple as that, and I'm sure you know that.

In any case, what international competitions has Israel been rewarded lately?

I doubt they would get any because of the racist BDS propaganda movement.

It's even more simple as that,.....A bit more than a month ago Israel blocked at there airport the Palestinian football team just before they were boarding on a international flight, on invitation to play a important international competition. Not that I give a toss about football or any other sports ???? but my dear Mother raised me with the wise words, "don't do to others what you don't want to be done to you".....

Now, ... they should not be surprised that there athletes don't get visas...And more country's should do the same.

Just like they did with that other Apartheid regime South Africa.


Off Road Pat

Not familiar with the case. Why didn't they go to Jordan to fly out?

As another said, suggesting an equivalence between Israel and apartheid South Africa doesn't make sense. Israeli includes about 20 percent Arab citizens. No separation of water fountains, etc.

Now the stated goals of a future Palestinian state are pretty clear about rules banning Jews from owning land and usually explicitly state NO JEWS at all will be allowed as citizens.

Also keep in mind, nobody is saying that Malaysia or any country can't disagree with policies of other countries, BUT if they are going to reap the benefits of hosting international athletic events, they need to leave the politics out of it and treat all competing teams exactly the same.

Israel of course is being singled out for totally unfair scapegoating. Not surprising as surveys have repeatedly shown that the levels of JEW HATRED are very high in Malaysia. Not only anti-Israel. Anti-Jew. They are usually but not always closely connected. Almost no Jews living there but they hate them so much. For Malaysians and other similar Jew hating nations, if Jews didn't exist, they'd have to INVENT them. Scapegoats serve a political purpose.

But separation of buses, separation of grocery stores, separation of streets like in Hebron...revise your classics.

Israel athletes refused to agree on the conditions which was, for each competitor : no flag or other country representation. They chose to not go.

And which Country in the world would permit the denial of its own existence?

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Just the same as Israel blocks Palestinian Athletes to perform abroad....Som Nam Na !!!

It's not as simple as that, and I'm sure you know that.

In any case, what international competitions has Israel been rewarded lately?

I doubt they would get any because of the racist BDS propaganda movement.

It's even more simple as that,.....A bit more than a month ago Israel blocked at there airport the Palestinian football team just before they were boarding on a international flight, on invitation to play a important international competition. Not that I give a toss about football or any other sports ???? but my dear Mother raised me with the wise words, "don't do to others what you don't want to be done to you".....

Now, ... they should not be surprised that there athletes don't get visas...And more country's should do the same.

Just like they did with that other Apartheid regime South Africa.


Off Road Pat

Not familiar with the case. Why didn't they go to Jordan to fly out?

As another said, suggesting an equivalence between Israel and apartheid South Africa doesn't make sense. Israeli includes about 20 percent Arab citizens. No separation of water fountains, etc.

Now the stated goals of a future Palestinian state are pretty clear about rules banning Jews from owning land and usually explicitly state NO JEWS at all will be allowed as citizens.

Also keep in mind, nobody is saying that Malaysia or any country can't disagree with policies of other countries, BUT if they are going to reap the benefits of hosting international athletic events, they need to leave the politics out of it and treat all competing teams exactly the same.

Israel of course is being singled out for totally unfair scapegoating. Not surprising as surveys have repeatedly shown that the levels of JEW HATRED are very high in Malaysia. Not only anti-Israel. Anti-Jew. They are usually but not always closely connected. Almost no Jews living there but they hate them so much. For Malaysians and other similar Jew hating nations, if Jews didn't exist, they'd have to INVENT them. Scapegoats serve a political purpose.

But separation of buses, separation of grocery stores, separation of streets like in Hebron...revise your classics.

Israel athletes refused to agree on the conditions which was, for each competitor : no flag or other country representation. They chose to not go.

And which Country in the world would permit the denial of its own existence?

Twisting word as always :

The competition require that no one have their flag or country symbol on their board or equipment

Israel athletes refuse


Israeli athletes not go to Malaysia.

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Twisting word as always :

The competition require that no one have their flag or country symbol on their board or equipment

Israel athletes refuse


Israeli athletes not go to Malaysia.

I believe it was a restriction placed only on the Israeli athletes, not a general one.

There are certain models which do not normally carry prominent flags, but definitely not all.

Flags are usually in evidence on athletes sportswear, TV coverage and when presenting medals etc.

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Twisting word as always :

The competition require that no one have their flag or country symbol on their board or equipment

Israel athletes refuse


Israeli athletes not go to Malaysia.

I believe it was a restriction placed only on the Israeli athletes, not a general one.

There are certain models which do not normally carry prominent flags, but definitely not all.

Flags are usually in evidence on athletes sportswear, TV coverage and when presenting medals etc.

If this was only for Israeli then I feel sorry for the Israeli athletes, but in this case the article is poorly written.

If presented as a general rule, then it is their choice to not go...but it seems to target Israeli only, and they even refused to have their national anthem played in case of gold medal...

Edited by GeorgesAbitbol
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Just the same as Israel blocks Palestinian Athletes to perform abroad....Som Nam Na !!!

It's not as simple as that, and I'm sure you know that.

In any case, what international competitions has Israel been rewarded lately?

I doubt they would get any because of the racist BDS propaganda movement.

It's even more simple as that,.....A bit more than a month ago Israel blocked at there airport the Palestinian football team just before they were boarding on a international flight, on invitation to play a important international competition. Not that I give a toss about football or any other sports ???? but my dear Mother raised me with the wise words, "don't do to others what you don't want to be done to you".....

Now, ... they should not be surprised that there athletes don't get visas...And more country's should do the same.

Just like they did with that other Apartheid regime South Africa.


Off Road Pat

Perhaps it would have been better if the Malaysians had just required them to attend some "special questioning" - which is what the Israelis wanted to do to some of the Palestinian footballers.

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Twisting word as always :

The competition require that no one have their flag or country symbol on their board or equipment

Israel athletes refuse


Israeli athletes not go to Malaysia.

I believe it was a restriction placed only on the Israeli athletes, not a general one.

There are certain models which do not normally carry prominent flags, but definitely not all.

Flags are usually in evidence on athletes sportswear, TV coverage and when presenting medals etc.

If this was only for Israeli then I feel sorry for the Israeli athletes, but in this case the article is poorly written.

It is presented as a general rule. If it is, then it is their choice to not go

Do you know of many international sporting competitions which forbid national symbols? Especially competitions organized by national sporting associations?

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Twisting word as always :

The competition require that no one have their flag or country symbol on their board or equipment

Israel athletes refuse


Israeli athletes not go to Malaysia.

I believe it was a restriction placed only on the Israeli athletes, not a general one.

There are certain models which do not normally carry prominent flags, but definitely not all.

Flags are usually in evidence on athletes sportswear, TV coverage and when presenting medals etc.

If this was only for Israeli then I feel sorry for the Israeli athletes, but in this case the article is poorly written.

It is presented as a general rule. If it is, then it is their choice to not go

Do you know of many international sporting competitions which forbid national symbols? Especially competitions organized by national sporting associations?

Don't tempt me as I have some links ready for you about sport events in Israel and palestinian flags...

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I believe it was a restriction placed only on the Israeli athletes, not a general one.

There are certain models which do not normally carry prominent flags, but definitely not all.

Flags are usually in evidence on athletes sportswear, TV coverage and when presenting medals etc.

If this was only for Israeli then I feel sorry for the Israeli athletes, but in this case the article is poorly written.

It is presented as a general rule. If it is, then it is their choice to not go

Do you know of many international sporting competitions which forbid national symbols? Especially competitions organized by national sporting associations?

Don't tempt me as I have some links ready for you about sport events in Israel and palestinian flags...

We are discussing an international sporting event, involving multiple countries. Only one was singled out and discriminated against. The relevant international sporting organizations issued a directive (linked previously) which condemns and forbids these sort of things.

Without going off-topic, you'd need a link describing similar Israeli restrictions toward Palestinians, relating to an international sport competition hosted by Israel.

Even if this was the case, by the way, it would not justify or legitimize the Malaysian conduct - we are often reminded by certain posters that two wrongs do not make a right. Right?

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