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14 places to go if the world is going to end...... Chiang Mai?


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Of course it depends on how the "world ends", but I've thought that the Old City could be made secure and defended if the "end" was the zombie apocalypse. That moat does serve a nice defensive purpose. Certainly the climate here is more hospitable for continued existence than many of the other places mentioned.

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Sorry, but the world ended some time ago. The crazy guy on the corner wearing a long robe and carrying a sign was right.

What we are seeing now is the final burn out. Remember, it took seven (days, years, millennia, ) to create it. It's going to take seven more for it to reach the ending.

On the plus side, we no longer need to do the laundry or the dishes, right? I mean, who wants to do stuff like that if we no longer need to?

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I don't want to sound like I am bragging or anything, but this is the fifth end of the world I have survived.

I can guarantee folks, we all have time for a quick pintthumbsup.gif

Is that a line from Douglas Adams "The Hitchhikers Guide to the Universe"? Very witty and funny TV series, wasnt so happy with the movie andI expect the book would be even better.

Id better book a seat at the restaurant at the end of the universe.....Milliways?

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One thing I've learned from careful study of every "Walking Dead" episode and from living thru the aftermath of the 2011 Thailand floods and the effects on availability of goods necessary for daily life is that stocking piling gold is totally a bad idea. Instead, we have a stockpile of Coke Zero, toilet paper, cat food and kitty litter. Now THAT'S the stuff you'll really need to survive the end of the world.

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One thing I've learned from careful study of every "Walking Dead" episode and from living thru the aftermath of the 2011 Thailand floods and the effects on availability of goods necessary for daily life is that stocking piling gold is totally a bad idea. Instead, we have a stockpile of Coke Zero, toilet paper, cat food and kitty litter. Now THAT'S the stuff you'll really need to survive the end of the world.

My shopping list exactly. Sadly, as you watch "Walking Dead" I am having to cross you off the "100 survivors" list - and my Christmas card list also! But I will take Mr Bitey with me to Das Bunker.

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