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Thai govt to keep seizing drunk drivers’ cars


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The law changed by giving them back there scooters and cars. Great law but only lip service. How much of a fine did they receive. It does not show any where! The government was all talk in this pretend law!

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OK devils advocate here so many going on about kids on bikes. When there is no other way to get there what should we do keep the kids home no schooling so no chance of advancement. No yellow busses here no bhat bus, school just on half an hour on motorbike. So to appease people on here kids lose out!!!!!. Yes we have a pick up Mrs uses it every day to go to work so that's out. No other kids go to same school (private) so no cadging a lift. I know drag him out of the school he is doing so well at and when he asks why will show him the comments on here sure he will understand. It's the way it is live with it if and I'm not holding my breath here the government change the law and then supply transport no problems I will then comply until then This is Thailand

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A drunk killing anyone is not all right with me. However, the law is meted out in an unfair manner. Why does everyone think that the State whether it is in the West or Thailand must intervene in every aspect of human behavior. There is virtually no education that is ever attempted to dissuade people from driving after drinking, The State and its legislators only want to control every aspect of your life so they or someone else in business can make more money. As I mentioned- laws including vehicle laws target the poor unfairly . I again ask you to look at the pictures of the vehicles seized- mostly motorcycles or pick up trucks. I doubt you will ever find a BMW or Benz being seized in Thailand. In America it is much the same- if you are presumed to have money- you can do what ever you want or you hire a lawyer to get a deal for you. It is the poor and middle class who suffer the rules the State imposes. An excellent education program started in the schools, papers, radio and TV will do a lot more to solve drink driving and irresponsible driving than setting up roadblocks and testing drivers. A plan for the future will be that no vehicle will start if the driver has been drinking. The technology is already there. No government involved. No Police involved. Almost all governments in the current World are mostly useless looking after their own interests rather than working out innovative solutions to actually helping their constituents.

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Thai needs to introduce:

  1. Demerit points,
  2. Fines for offences paid in the bank only,
  3. Impounding vehicles with charge per day,
  4. Serious offences with fines and/or imprisonment, or both,
  5. Taking licence for 3, 6 or 12 month for drunk drivers,
  6. Cell phone use in the vehicles prohibition,
  7. All drugs offences ending up in the court,
  8. Speeding above the posted limits ended with fines, impounded vehicles, fines, and courts,
  9. Seat-belts, helmets as a mandatory and offenders loosing demerit point,
  10. Mandatory examination for all offenders.

This could change Thailand "killing roads" to a normality.

Most of this already is the law but not strictly enforced. Courts normally ban drunk drivers for 6 months and fine them for a first offence. Police are not empowered to fine for drunk driving, only for things like illegal parking and turning right in the wrong place. There is a points system but police don't bother to operate it properly as there is no money in it for them.

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Thai needs to introduce:

  1. Demerit points,
  2. Fines for offences paid in the bank only,
  3. Impounding vehicles with charge per day,
  4. Serious offences with fines and/or imprisonment, or both,
  5. Taking licence for 3, 6 or 12 month for drunk drivers,
  6. Cell phone use in the vehicles prohibition,
  7. All drugs offences ending up in the court,
  8. Speeding above the posted limits ended with fines, impounded vehicles, fines, and courts,
  9. Seat-belts, helmets as a mandatory and offenders loosing demerit point,
  10. Mandatory examination for all offenders.

This could change Thailand "killing roads" to a normality.

You obviously belong in a country where it is an offense to drive without a licence, but TIT !

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Temporarily impounding drunk drivers' vehicles is standard in Western countries because they are too drunk to drive them. Once they have gone to court, they can't at all because they are automatically banned, usually for a year for the first offence. Thailand is still pussyfooting around on this. The police like things as they are - taking bribes to keep drunks on the roads.

In New York City they drunk drivers' vehicles are forfeited and sold at public auction. Imagine the outcry from the banks and leasing companies that finance car and motorcycles if that happened in Thailand.

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Enforcement! always stated as the band aid for these things. Has been all my years of riding bikes. People keep telling me about more enforcement and how it will change everything.

Well it doesn't ok! Simple as. 50 years I have heard the same thing. Watched it grow. Then when it fails what is then shouted is "More enforcement!"

Some people go on about how UK road safety rates are so low due to Enforcement, it's simply not the case. I did 100 miles today on my bike, never considered a speed limit anywhere. I road at a speed for the conditions around me. Not worried about Enforcement, neither are most of the bikers I ride with. The police riders I work with are not worried about enforcing speed limits unless in a built up area. They are far more concerned about a riders abilities than they are about observing a speed limit.

Why UK figures are so low is that the majority of drivers and riders on the road has had to undertake training. Before my son gets a full UK Licence he has to take a further test on an unlimited CC bike. He has already passed the test twice, once on a 125 and then on a 650. He now has to wait until he is 21 before he can get unlimited. Everyone over 17 in the UK has to do a Compulsory Basic Training (CBT) course before they are allowed to ride restricted bikes up to 125 cc bikes. 16 year olds can ride mopeds restricted to 50cc.

By comparison the Thai test is to same standard as the CBT, only a CBT includes a minimum of two hours on road training as well.

After seeing how the young idiots on holiday from the UK here on Koh Samui behave on rented 125cc scooters, i seriously question your CBT rolleyes.gif

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Every day i see under age school children riding motor bikes ,no helmets 3 or 4 on a bike and police directing them leaving the schools. Any one but a blind man can see they are under age and would not have a drivers licence ,my question is how can anyone learn to obay the road laws in thailand if this is allowed to happen or are they taken as a joke ,huge amounts of Thais are on the road ever day ,with out drivers licences ,these people are a danger not only to them selves ,but every other driver on the road. And the thai police and goverment are not doing enough to fix this problem. Here are a few ideas they should look at. One school bassed education and training on road safety . How to be safe on the road simple things like look right then left then right before turning onto a road or crossing it ,i have had to slam my brakes on meny times because people dont look.Two people have the right of way on cross walks stop let them cross dont honk them and dont try and run them down ,under the law they are in the right .Three POLICE should stop all motor cars and bike and take the keys from drivers who have no working lights taillights indicators headlights every night i see this its no joke ,these people are a huge danger to every road user.Fourth no licence take there car or bike till they show they have obtained a drivers licence ,otherwise they will keep driving. Five make it law anyone involved in an accident must produce there drivers licence in court to show they had one at the time the accident happened, i know for a fact ,of one incerdent where a motor bike rider was drunk on the wrong side of the road speeding with out a licence ,no helmet. got hit knocked of his bike and ended up in hospital and the driver had to pay. Over 60000 bath to him, This person is still on the road with out a licence and still with out a helmet . What a joke the law is when if he had to show his licence and didnt have one ,the person who hit him should not have had to pay one cent.

Think you would have got a few more likes had you punctuated your post. Bloody heavy going!

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clap2.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif Back to the ole Buffalo then. cheesy.gif

Good Idea at least its a start to stopping some of the carnage on Thailand roads.

Doesn't seem to be working though as a higher death toll than last year.

The only way to stop carnage on the roads here is to ban all Thais from driving.

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Good Idea at least its a start to stopping some of the carnage on Thailand roads.

How so? I'm not against the idea in principle, but didn't I hear a report on the Thai Visa television news just today that road deaths are actually UP, and significantly so, over last year? Wasn't that the whole point of this "get tough" policy?

Edited by hawker9000
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Lots of great suggestions but it isn't going to happen this time next year will be 5he same old same old. As for schools and kids on bikes for some it's the only option so no motorbike to school no schooling back to scratch one. What could be done at schools is road awareness

PS: my bike insurance covers my wife's son have asked several times to confirm and always same answer yes he is covered age 13.

No motorbike no schooling .........Rubbish when i was a kid in rural England i used to ride my push bike 3 miles to school in all weather. So just give the kids a bicycle and tell them not to be so bloody lazy like dad.

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Thai needs to introduce:

  • Demerit points,
  • Fines for offences paid in the bank only,
  • Impounding vehicles with charge per day,
  • Serious offences with fines and/or imprisonment, or both,
  • Taking licence for 3, 6 or 12 month for drunk drivers,
  • Cell phone use in the vehicles prohibition,
  • All drugs offences ending up in the court,
  • Speeding above the posted limits ended with fines, impounded vehicles, fines, and courts,
  • Seat-belts, helmets as a mandatory and offenders loosing demerit point,
  • Mandatory examination for all offenders.
This could change Thailand "killing roads" to a normality.

Geez. Are you for real? You do know this a Thailand forum, right?

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Lots of great suggestions but it isn't going to happen this time next year will be 5he same old same old. As for schools and kids on bikes for some it's the only option so no motorbike to school no schooling back to scratch one. What could be done at schools is road awareness

PS: my bike insurance covers my wife's son have asked several times to confirm and always same answer yes he is covered age 13.

No motorbike no schooling .........Rubbish when i was a kid in rural England i used to ride my push bike 3 miles to school in all weather. So just give the kids a bicycle and tell them not to be so bloody lazy like dad.
Could come back with a face slap comment but I won't and it's a dam site more than 3 miles.
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OK devils advocate here so many going on about kids on bikes. When there is no other way to get there what should we do keep the kids home no schooling so no chance of advancement. No yellow busses here no bhat bus, school just on half an hour on motorbike. So to appease people on here kids lose out!!!!!. Yes we have a pick up Mrs uses it every day to go to work so that's out. No other kids go to same school (private) so no cadging a lift. I know drag him out of the school he is doing so well at and when he asks why will show him the comments on here sure he will understand. It's the way it is live with it if and I'm not holding my breath here the government change the law and then supply transport no problems I will then comply until then This is Thailand

Buy the spoiled little brat a push bike and stop pampering to him .facepalm.gif

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Every day i see under age school children riding motor bikes ,no helmets 3 or 4 on a bike and police directing them leaving the schools. Any one but a blind man can see they are under age and would not have a drivers licence ,my question is how can anyone learn to obay the road laws in thailand if this is allowed to happen or are they taken as a joke ,huge amounts of Thais are on the road ever day ,with out drivers licences ,these people are a danger not only to them selves ,but every other driver on the road. And the thai police and goverment are not doing enough to fix this problem. Here are a few ideas they should look at. One school bassed education and training on road safety . How to be safe on the road simple things like look right then left then right before turning onto a road or crossing it ,i have had to slam my brakes on meny times because people dont look.Two people have the right of way on cross walks stop let them cross dont honk them and dont try and run them down ,under the law they are in the right .Three POLICE should stop all motor cars and bike and take the keys from drivers who have no working lights taillights indicators headlights every night i see this its no joke ,these people are a huge danger to every road user.Fourth no licence take there car or bike till they show they have obtained a drivers licence ,otherwise they will keep driving. Five make it law anyone involved in an accident must produce there drivers licence in court to show they had one at the time the accident happened, i know for a fact ,of one incerdent where a motor bike rider was drunk on the wrong side of the road speeding with out a licence ,no helmet. got hit knocked of his bike and ended up in hospital and the driver had to pay. Over 60000 bath to him, This person is still on the road with out a licence and still with out a helmet . What a joke the law is when if he had to show his licence and didnt have one ,the person who hit him should not have had to pay one cent.

Think you would have got a few more likes had you punctuated your post. Bloody heavy going!

Ere mate ! go easy on him. Colin Yai taught him English ! lololol

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Lots of great suggestions but it isn't going to happen this time next year will be 5he same old same old. As for schools and kids on bikes for some it's the only option so no motorbike to school no schooling back to scratch one. What could be done at schools is road awareness

PS: my bike insurance covers my wife's son have asked several times to confirm and always same answer yes he is covered age 13.

Whats worng with bicycles?

Most villages have a converted pick up to take the kids into town and bring them home. They are generally overloaded,with kids sitting on the roof, but still safer than motorbikes

Bicycles! but they are taught to be lazy like their dads from an early age.

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Lots of great suggestions but it isn't going to happen this time next year will be 5he same old same old. As for schools and kids on bikes for some it's the only option so no motorbike to school no schooling back to scratch one. What could be done at schools is road awareness

PS: my bike insurance covers my wife's son have asked several times to confirm and always same answer yes he is covered age 13.

No motorbike no schooling .........Rubbish when i was a kid in rural England i used to ride my push bike 3 miles to school in all weather. So just give the kids a bicycle and tell them not to be so bloody lazy like dad.
Could come back with a face slap comment but I won't and it's a dam site more than 3 miles.

OK poor little fella !

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OK devils advocate here so many going on about kids on bikes. When there is no other way to get there what should we do keep the kids home no schooling so no chance of advancement. No yellow busses here no bhat bus, school just on half an hour on motorbike. So to appease people on here kids lose out!!!!!. Yes we have a pick up Mrs uses it every day to go to work so that's out. No other kids go to same school (private) so no cadging a lift. I know drag him out of the school he is doing so well at and when he asks why will show him the comments on here sure he will understand. It's the way it is live with it if and I'm not holding my breath here the government change the law and then supply transport no problems I will then comply until then This is Thailand

Buy the spoiled little brat a push bike and stop pampering to him .facepalm.gif
oldsailor35 are you always like this a grumpy rude old man or do you practise at home. Please don't presume he is spoilt or that I'm lazy neither could be further from the truth. So please try to lighten up and stop being a dick
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OK devils advocate here so many going on about kids on bikes. When there is no other way to get there what should we do keep the kids home no schooling so no chance of advancement. No yellow busses here no bhat bus, school just on half an hour on motorbike. So to appease people on here kids lose out!!!!!. Yes we have a pick up Mrs uses it every day to go to work so that's out. No other kids go to same school (private) so no cadging a lift. I know drag him out of the school he is doing so well at and when he asks why will show him the comments on here sure he will understand. It's the way it is live with it if and I'm not holding my breath here the government change the law and then supply transport no problems I will then comply until then This is Thailand

Buy the spoiled little brat a push bike and stop pampering to him .facepalm.gif
oldsailor35 are you always like this a grumpy rude old man or do you practise at home. Please don't presume he is spoilt or that I'm lazy neither could be further from the truth. So please try to lighten up and stop being a dick

I say it as i see it and thats what i see. You falling over to protect and pamper to the poor little guy. Would'nt insult him by giving him a push bike, has to be a motorcy. Good luck with that kind of parenting.

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OK devils advocate here so many going on about kids on bikes. When there is no other way to get there what should we do keep the kids home no schooling so no chance of advancement. No yellow busses here no bhat bus, school just on half an hour on motorbike. So to appease people on here kids lose out!!!!!. Yes we have a pick up Mrs uses it every day to go to work so that's out. No other kids go to same school (private) so no cadging a lift. I know drag him out of the school he is doing so well at and when he asks why will show him the comments on here sure he will understand. It's the way it is live with it if and I'm not holding my breath here the government change the law and then supply transport no problems I will then comply until then This is Thailand

Buy the spoiled little brat a push bike and stop pampering to him .facepalm.gif
oldsailor35 are you always like this a grumpy rude old man or do you practise at home. Please don't presume he is spoilt or that I'm lazy neither could be further from the truth. So please try to lighten up and stop being a dick

I say it as i see it and thats what i see. You falling over to protect and pamper to the poor little guy. Would'nt insult him by giving him a push bike, has to be a motorcy. Good luck with that kind of parenting.

Protect him yes that's what parents do (maybe not you) pamper you couldn't be more wrong he has a push bike as we all have and we go out every weekend. But I won't send him off and hr and a half earlier and get him home the same hr and a half latter. Typical matelo logic you employ

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Thais always insist they love their kids...it generally doesnt show - no warmth.

But if they love their kids, why buy them or let them drive machines that kill kids every day, and which they are not old enough to drive?

The laws are promulgated for very good reasons, and need to be enforced.

11/12/13 year olds are not mature and should never been in control of killing machines.

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Thais always insist they love their kids...it generally doesnt show - no warmth.

But if they love their kids, why buy them or let them drive machines that kill kids every day, and which they are not old enough to drive?

The laws are promulgated for very good reasons, and need to be enforced.

11/12/13 year olds are not mature and should never been in control of killing machines.

Exactly the same in Uk/USA bit dramatic killing machine!! But please tell me why you are so worried about other people's kids and lifestyle ??????
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Enforcement! always stated as the band aid for these things. Has been all my years of riding bikes. People keep telling me about more enforcement and how it will change everything.

Well it doesn't ok! Simple as. 50 years I have heard the same thing. Watched it grow. Then when it fails what is then shouted is "More enforcement!"

Some people go on about how UK road safety rates are so low due to Enforcement, it's simply not the case. I did 100 miles today on my bike, never considered a speed limit anywhere. I road at a speed for the conditions around me. Not worried about Enforcement, neither are most of the bikers I ride with. The police riders I work with are not worried about enforcing speed limits unless in a built up area. They are far more concerned about a riders abilities than they are about observing a speed limit.

Why UK figures are so low is that the majority of drivers and riders on the road has had to undertake training. Before my son gets a full UK Licence he has to take a further test on an unlimited CC bike. He has already passed the test twice, once on a 125 and then on a 650. He now has to wait until he is 21 before he can get unlimited. Everyone over 17 in the UK has to do a Compulsory Basic Training (CBT) course before they are allowed to ride restricted bikes up to 125 cc bikes. 16 year olds can ride mopeds restricted to 50cc.

By comparison the Thai test is to same standard as the CBT, only a CBT includes a minimum of two hours on road training as well.

After seeing how the young idiots on holiday from the UK here on Koh Samui behave on rented 125cc scooters, i seriously question your CBT rolleyes.gif

Young Farangs be the same wherever they come from. As there are no licence checks when hiring a motorcycle how do you know that any of them have done a CBT?

At least if shops started checking licences rather than collecting passports only licensed farangs would be allowed to ride. But hire shops are not interested in safety, only money.

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