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Briton arrested in Chiang Mai with child pornography


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Anyone touches my kids - he's dead meat! Simple as that. Am tempted to say that probably most of the apologists here never had and never will have kids as otherwise they might reconsider, but then I realized that the most disturbing sentence in the OP was: "The Briton has been staying at the house with his Thai wife and they have a child." sad.png

Edited by MockingJay
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Police said Blandford is a former Buddhist monk who has been living in Chiang Mai’s Fang district for a number of years.

Why am I not surprised?

Edited by seedy
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not too tech savvy...

take him out back and make him dig his own grave.

then shoot him twice in the back of the head.

next case.

You sir are being way too soft on animals like this.

how about a 2 inch pipe and some barbed wired?

Use your imagination!!

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Remember this guy is yet to be convicted of any crime.

He deserves the respect of anyone who is innocent until proven otherwise.

Was caught with images on his computer and phone, admitted to them being his and you and 6 others have doubts??

Really?? Faarrrrrrrrrrrrr out!!!!

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Remember this guy is yet to be convicted of any crime.

He deserves the respect of anyone who is innocent until proven otherwise.

Was caught with images on his computer and phone, admitted to them being his and you and 6 others have doubts??

Really?? Faarrrrrrrrrrrrr out!!!!

certainly not defending anyone in this....but you do have to be careful.....i doubt you or anyone else here has seen the pics......are they his kids at bath time.....or other kids in his room naked etc......its all relevant. ....remember more than once people being dragged over the coals by over zealous security of dads having pictures of their kids playing naked in the bath...I have those photos too. ........somehow doubt with the said involvement that this is the case with this guy.....but just be careful.

I could provide proof of a dad with his kids recently exposed as a possible pedo and warranting investigation....pics placed on internet and all.....could very easily ruin his life, tarred and feathered and such.....it is a fine line and sometimes that line needs to be crossed for the child's sake. ...

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well, luckily these guys and other older people just don't understand how things like Facebook work or other internet media. It is difficult to hide things. Remember that fellow a few years ago, German I think that posted his photo all "swirled"? He was almost challenging people. Well they accepted the challenge and caught him

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Someone please correct me if I am wrong, or confirm that the US law extending outside of its border only applies to the case of child rape and pornography type issues.

For example, I think it's perfectly legal for a US citizen under 21 to drink alcohol if the local laws allow it...

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Remember this guy is yet to be convicted of any crime.

He deserves the respect of anyone who is innocent until proven otherwise.

Was caught with images on his computer and phone, admitted to them being his and you and 6 others have doubts??

Really?? Faarrrrrrrrrrrrr out!!!!

I always wonder if these people would be happy to let their kids hang around this guy? Let's say he was out on bail, or perhaps he got found not guilty.. Would anyone let their children be around this man unsupervised?

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There are so many paedophiles around both in Asia and in whatever country you choose to name including the UK and USA. Anyone who has spend even just a few years living in Asia will know some paedos but on the whole we do nothing about it in a legal sense. I find it interesting seeing the level of feelings in the comments above that most of us (me included) turn a blind eye to the situation.
I often wonder why only a very small number are chosen for legal proceedings. What made them different to the rest of their like?
When Garry Glitter was around in Vung Tau most tourists and some expats seemed to almost look up to the guy despite his know past exploits.

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There are so many paedophiles around both in Asia and in whatever country you choose to name including the UK and USA. Anyone who has spend even just a few years living in Asia will know some paedos but on the whole we do nothing about it in a legal sense. I find it interesting seeing the level of feelings in the comments above that most of us (me included) turn a blind eye to the situation.

I often wonder why only a very small number are chosen for legal proceedings. What made them different to the rest of their like?

When Garry Glitter was around in Vung Tau most tourists and some expats seemed to almost look up to the guy despite his know past exploits.

you turn a blind eye to it ?......you're as bad as them <deleted>

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Anyone touches my kids - he's dead meat! Simple as that. Am tempted to say that probably most of the apologists here never had and never will have kids as otherwise they might reconsider, but then I realized that the most disturbing sentence in the OP was: "The Briton has been staying at the house with his Thai wife and they have a child." sad.png

What's really going to ring your bell is when you wonder what the wife's motive for being with him was.

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Dang...the long arm of the US law is going after British subjects? You Aussies are next...

Most won't hear you. I do.

I had a run in with one of them years ago in Spain. This gung-ho moron came into my home waiving a gun around and telling anyone around how he was closer to God than anyone else.

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There are so many paedophiles around both in Asia and in whatever country you choose to name including the UK and USA. Anyone who has spend even just a few years living in Asia will know some paedos but on the whole we do nothing about it in a legal sense. I find it interesting seeing the level of feelings in the comments above that most of us (me included) turn a blind eye to the situation.

I often wonder why only a very small number are chosen for legal proceedings. What made them different to the rest of their like?

When Garry Glitter was around in Vung Tau most tourists and some expats seemed to almost look up to the guy despite his know past exploits.

you turn a blind eye to it ?......you're as bad as them <deleted>

That was part of my point. As I said, anyone who has spent a reasonable amount of time here will either see / know who some of these paedos are or turn a blind eye.

If you don't see any of this stuff then I suggest you yourself are blind as it is hard not to stumble across evidence of this activity. Or perhaps you haven't been around long enough.

To suggest I am as bad as them is to suggest that thousands like me are the same. Often it is just easier not to get involved.

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There are so many paedophiles around both in Asia and in whatever country you choose to name including the UK and USA. Anyone who has spend even just a few years living in Asia will know some paedos but on the whole we do nothing about it in a legal sense. I find it interesting seeing the level of feelings in the comments above that most of us (me included) turn a blind eye to the situation.

I often wonder why only a very small number are chosen for legal proceedings. What made them different to the rest of their like?

When Garry Glitter was around in Vung Tau most tourists and some expats seemed to almost look up to the guy despite his know past exploits.

you turn a blind eye to it ?......you're as bad as them <deleted>

That was part of my point. As I said, anyone who has spent a reasonable amount of time here will either see / know who some of these paedos are or turn a blind eye.

If you don't see any of this stuff then I suggest you yourself are blind as it is hard not to stumble across evidence of this activity. Or perhaps you haven't been around long enough.

To suggest I am as bad as them is to suggest that thousands like me are the same. Often it is just easier not to get involved.

jesus....you must hang around with the wrong crowd.

and to say it is easier to ignore. .....how pathetic.....

having lived there for year's and having a somewhat connection to this industry...I am totally aware of it and I can say I have no friends or acquaintances of that caliber......if I have met any, like you say we all know a few, then it was brief and totally unknown.....as you would expect from meeting strangers.

however, the greater concern is your acceptance of it and your turning a blind eye to it....because its easier ...<deleted>

heres some advice.....next time you have credible advice, not a figment of your imagination. ...send the details to me

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I often wonder why only a very small number are chosen for legal proceedings. What made them different to the rest of their like?

They're high profile scapegoats. The world breaths a collective sigh of relief when these men are arrested; people feel comfortable knowing the authorities are doing their jobs properly.

The truth in most cases is that pedos like this Briton are small fry. Sure, they should be locked up, but they're far from the worst type of scum that preys on kids.

The filthiest type of scum is The Procurer. This is the man who buys underage girls from hill tribe families and sells them to specialized brothels. The brothels' clientele includes elderly Chinese men who pay small fortunes to have sex with prepubescent virgins. They do so in the belief that it increases longevity and, remarkably, can be a cure for AIDs.

Note that at this point you're no longer in the realms of prostitution. What these procurers do, in fact, is perpetuate a system of long-established human slavery. Very often local authorities know who the procurers are but are powerless (or simply too afraid) to intervene. Major corruption and the practice of turning blind eyes are also issues.

More info: Slavery in the Modern World: a History of Political, Social and Economic Oppression (page 190)


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not too tech savvy...

take him out back and make him dig his own grave.

then shoot him twice in the back of the head.

next case.

You sir are being way too soft on animals like this.

how about a 2 inch pipe and some barbed wired?

Use your imagination!!

you mean something like this? :)

"NONTHABURI – A 37 year old Thai man accused of raping a 15-year-old girl has been found beaten to death in his cell at Nonthaburi Prison with rubber bands wrapped tightly around his testicles.

Mr.Wimol Preeprem, was found dead on his cell on Wednesday, said Pol Ratchanok Bunnam, a duty officer at Nonthaburi police station, according to a report in the Bangkok Post.

Police, forensic officials and a prosecutor sent to Nonthaburi Prison to investigate reported the suspect had severe injuries and bruising to his face and body.

Rubber bands had been fastened around his scrotum above his testicles."


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Dang...the long arm of the US law is going after British subjects? You Aussies are next...

Most won't hear you. I do.

I had a run in with one of them years ago in Spain. This gung-ho moron came into my home waiving a gun around and telling anyone around how he was closer to God than anyone else.

To bad someone did not send him to meet God in person...

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Remember this guy is yet to be convicted of any crime.

He deserves the respect of anyone who is innocent until proven otherwise.

Sure..... but????

"With a court warrant, DSI searched this man's house in Chiang Mai this morning and found a lot of such images, some were taken by himself and some were downloaded. The man admits that the images belong to him," said Paisith.

Fabianfred was posting his filth on this forum repeatedly and having it removed after numerous complaints from members.

Just from his own videos posted on here many here had our suspicions as to his motive.

I'm certain he is a paedophile...lock him up and keep him there until the carrion have eaten him.

He has a You Tube page also


Yes , he likes to play with toy trains . And then he moved on to kids.

There's plenty of "games" for him to look forward to in a Thai prison ,

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I found his youtube videos heartwarming. There is certainly no sign of evil intent, quite the opposite in fact. We are given no clue as to the nature of the alleged uploaded photos. Let's hope that a bunch of British bobbies didn't fly business class half way round the world at the tax payers expense just for some innocent dreamy shots of some children bathing in a river.

Are you for real ? Do you think you can judge a person , if he is a paedo or not based on some gullible youtube videos or beatiful pictures of Thailand ? He could be a priest, a minister , a respectful man in the society , It doesnt change anything,

He is still attracted to kids for the wrong reasons.

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Anyone touches my kids - he's dead meat! Simple as that. Am tempted to say that probably most of the apologists here never had and never will have kids as otherwise they might reconsider, but then I realized that the most disturbing sentence in the OP was: "The Briton has been staying at the house with his Thai wife and they have a child." sad.png

What's really going to ring your bell is when you wonder what the wife's motive for being with him was.

Money, what else?

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Someone please correct me if I am wrong, or confirm that the US law extending outside of its border only applies to the case of child rape and pornography type issues.

For example, I think it's perfectly legal for a US citizen under 21 to drink alcohol if the local laws allow it...

If you mean USA law applying to USA citizens, it applies to everything. George Bush junior signed that into law.

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I am going to play devils advocate here. Surely this scenario could be possible for anyone sharing a network. So basically any person that is using your internet connection could be the culprit.

Like his wife and child....

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Dang...the long arm of the US law is going after British subjects? You Aussies are next...

Bring it on! I think the Aussies will probably give them the deserved one finger salute (unless it is a paedophile they are after). gigglem.gif

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There are so many paedophiles around both in Asia and in whatever country you choose to name including the UK and USA. Anyone who has spend even just a few years living in Asia will know some paedos but on the whole we do nothing about it in a legal sense. I find it interesting seeing the level of feelings in the comments above that most of us (me included) turn a blind eye to the situation.

I often wonder why only a very small number are chosen for legal proceedings. What made them different to the rest of their like?

When Garry Glitter was around in Vung Tau most tourists and some expats seemed to almost look up to the guy despite his know past exploits.

you turn a blind eye to it ?......you're as bad as them <deleted>

That was part of my point. As I said, anyone who has spent a reasonable amount of time here will either see / know who some of these paedos are or turn a blind eye.

If you don't see any of this stuff then I suggest you yourself are blind as it is hard not to stumble across evidence of this activity. Or perhaps you haven't been around long enough.

To suggest I am as bad as them is to suggest that thousands like me are the same. Often it is just easier not to get involved.

Given your post count I have probably been in LOS a bit longer than you, but I have never met anyone that is obviously a paedo. What do they do to alert you to their desires- show you pictures of their little conquests, fornicate with them in your lounge? I MIGHT know some, but they wouldn't be letting on in front of a stranger. Paedos don't look any different to anyone else.

Reminds me of a guy I met in Pattaya who was ranting on about all the sick farang paedos he was seeing with little girls around town. I had to inform him that what he was ACTUALLY seeing was guys with children of their Thai girlfriends/ wives. He hadn't considered that possibility.

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There are so many paedophiles around both in Asia and in whatever country you choose to name including the UK and USA. Anyone who has spend even just a few years living in Asia will know some paedos but on the whole we do nothing about it in a legal sense. I find it interesting seeing the level of feelings in the comments above that most of us (me included) turn a blind eye to the situation.

I often wonder why only a very small number are chosen for legal proceedings. What made them different to the rest of their like?

When Garry Glitter was around in Vung Tau most tourists and some expats seemed to almost look up to the guy despite his know past exploits.

you turn a blind eye to it ?......you're as bad as them <deleted>

That was part of my point. As I said, anyone who has spent a reasonable amount of time here will either see / know who some of these paedos are or turn a blind eye.

If you don't see any of this stuff then I suggest you yourself are blind as it is hard not to stumble across evidence of this activity. Or perhaps you haven't been around long enough.

To suggest I am as bad as them is to suggest that thousands like me are the same. Often it is just easier not to get involved.

Given your post count I have probably been in LOS a bit longer than you, but I have never met anyone that is obviously a paedo. What do they do to alert you to their desires- show you pictures of their little conquests, fornicate with them in your lounge? I MIGHT know some, but they wouldn't be letting on in front of a stranger. Paedos don't look any different to anyone else.

Reminds me of a guy I met in Pattaya who was ranting on about all the sick farang paedos he was seeing with little girls around town. I had to inform him that what he was ACTUALLY seeing was guys with children of their Thai girlfriends/ wives. He hadn't considered that possibility.

exactly....and a problem i have yet to encounter, luckily, with my daughter and son, but the boy is now as tall as me....the girl tiny......

i actually was guilty of that myself one time.....a really old farang and young teenage boy sitting outside shopping centre.....dirty old <deleted> i thought....then his family joined him and equally old thai mum.....

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