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Have You Assembled An Bird Emergency Kit?

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Tile floors and long beaks don't mix. I heard something crack and thought it was my Grey's breastbone. He managed to just knock 2 cm or more off his beak. It bled a bit but seems to have coagulated.

I imagine he will have some trouble getting around as it must hurt.

I'm going to look for styptic and crazy glue. Not so much to put the tip on but in case he cracks his beak altogether.

A pair of pliers to pull blood feathers -

Any other suggestions?


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baytril 10% oral for anti biotic

ivomec mixed with propylene glycol (i think this is the mix, have to check the recipe from our avian vet again) for putting on nose and breast bone area against mites and stuff

nyastin for fungus things

flagyl for chlymydias (i think, have to check as mentioned above... my worker is in charge of birds so he knows the stuff)

i'm not really a bird person but this is what we have in my meds refrigerator for the avians. all the rest is for the caprines etc.

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