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Daniel Dubie's Murder And Margaret Crane Case


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Pim (his Thai wife/partner) appeared to be a real sweetie but you can't help being suspicious of a 30 year old girl who talked casually about disposing of this mansion for 50 million baht, and the other homes in Chiang Mai, or 'my home in Hawaii'. She didn't seem in the least bit melancholy about disposing of memories of her deceased hubby, and talked excitedly about spending Christmas in Europe with her friends, lots of them. Maybe this is a Thai way of dealing with death, but I just didn't get the impression she was sadly widowed.

I also attended the "luxury garage-sale", but got the opposite impression of Pin. I think she worshiped the ground this con-artist walked on and misses him desperately.

I knew her slightly before she met him and she always seemed pretty satisfied with life, but now, to me, she seems most unhappy.

I also know another old boyfriend of hers who still hangs out with her and have been warned repeatedly not to bring any of this up as she "can't handle it", but - to me - her very low weight and her sad sack demeanor say it all: she is miserable.


I have no doubt that Pim is a genuine person and is suffering mightily.

He showered me with apparent boundless luxuries and promised a lifetime of love, travel, great wealth and devoted friendship. For a time that is what I saw and experienced. Ultimately, I rejected all that because of what I came to learn about the man. My love however was simple and unconditional and is unchanged. My sense of loss and grief for these years since is immense. He tried repeatedly to overcome my rejection. But as long as he kept on that path, I could not join him. He kept a line open between us and asked for my forgiveness and promised that he was on a new path and that he wanted to come back when his “transformation” was complete.

He told me of his great love for Pim and I had hoped that that love and his love for Felicia would transform him. Sadly, I think that he continued a double life that Pim was utterly shielded from.

He was not alone in that double life and many others who knew of this reveled in the tainted booty. At this point, I would hope those with real knowledge would step forward and thus assist Jeana in prison. But as soon as I write these words, I have to wonder how much did Jeana know. Being by his side for over 20 years, she may have known almost everything. I have seen credible testimony by one victim that Jeana assisted in his predation. Still, if she could turn to Canadian consulate officials and give a full testimony perhaps there may be some grounds to ask for clemency from the Thai government and request extradition to Canada. For whatever reason despite these months in prison she doesn't seem to have done that. I can see maybe 2 reasons for her to sit silently, either she did not know of any unlawful acts by GPD or she was involved to the point that her testimony would lead to similar punishment as she now faces for other acts. I do not know, but I hope that the facts of this complex web will continue to come out. There are unsolved cases in the US that point strongly to GPD.

To Pim I send respect and great sympathy. I pray she was utterly shielded from his darker life. If she had been swept up into that, I fear that she may be utterly lost and waste away, the only partial restoration of her mental peace of mind would involve sharing to the appropriate authorities what ever she may know of his other dealings. Still that will not bring the dream back. Sitting in an empty "citizen" Dubie castle with crates of unopened new things sounds horrible. Holidays jet-setting may sound exotic but in the end, I think that is all hollow. I do hope those close to her can reach out with great comfort and hope. To recover from the grief of the loss of great love may not be possible. To live each day for some other purpose and keep going on is one way to redirect the enormous burden. I understand she worked with children when Felicia first met her before Felicia introduced her to Daniel. Perhaps becoming grounded again in that deep love of children can provide some comfort and direction.

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Case updates:

The case file of the estate of George Patrick Dubie has been filed in Honolulu. Felicia has renounced her rights as personal representative for the estate of GPD. Nancy Dubie his sister will now act as his representative at the Jan 12, 2007 Will and Creditors hearing.

Notice was publishted in the Honolulu Advertiser Nov, 2006, "Notice of the Circuit Court of the First Circuit of the State of Hawaii in the Matter of the Estate of George Patrick Dubie"

Reading the case file, I feel very saddened that this may well indeed have been the end of the line for Mr. Dubie. I would like to believe that he somehow masterminded some 007 scheme to get out of such a sad fate, but I think that is just my imagination or denial running away with me.

His children are all duly listed so the silly postings by "personal prosperity" on Hazel 8500 do not seem to have made any impact on the legal process.

I am saddened by his loss. He was a complex person with plenty of very real foibles which cost others dearly in many ways. Still he was a remarkably vibrant person who lived life to the fullest. I would hope that those left to mourn his loss would take the lessons of good and evil to heart and live life to the fullest but grounded in love and truth.

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Case updates:

The case file of the estate of George Patrick Dubie has been filed in Honolulu. Felicia has renounced her rights as personal representative for the estate of GPD. Nancy Dubie his sister will now act as his representative at the Jan 12, 2007 Will and Creditors hearing.

Notice was publishted in the Honolulu Advertiser Nov, 2006, "Notice of the Circuit Court of the First Circuit of the State of Hawaii in the Matter of the Estate of George Patrick Dubie"

Reading the case file, I feel very saddened that this may well indeed have been the end of the line for Mr. Dubie. I would like to believe that he somehow masterminded some 007 scheme to get out of such a sad fate, but I think that is just my imagination or denial running away with me.

His children are all duly listed so the silly postings by "personal prosperity" on Hazel 8500 do not seem to have made any impact on the legal process.

I am saddened by his loss. He was a complex person with plenty of very real foibles which cost others dearly in many ways. Still he was a remarkably vibrant person who lived life to the fullest. I would hope that those left to mourn his loss would take the lessons of good and evil to heart and live life to the fullest but grounded in love and truth.

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How would someone go about recouping monies lost to the Dubie fiasco? This would have happend years ago. Is there time to file a claim before the Jan. 12th hearing.

Hi Islandgirl,

As far as filing a claim and the requirements for that, I am not an attorney and I do not know the details of your experience but I would be willing to share with you my experiences, if you would like to discuss this in detail please PM (personal message) me.



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Interesting posts. Thanks.

What is Margaret (Jeanna) doing now? What is the status of her murder case? Has she had a bail hearing or any other significant court activity? Any schedule for trial?

According to Jeana's good friend who is taking care of her and assisting with her defense and care of the children:

" The trial will be next year . Most likely in February or March; but it could be later. "

I was asked to act as a witness for the defense. For several reasons, I declined. I do not know Jeana. I know alot about her and feel horrible about her alleged and believeable suffering but I do not think that the "enemy of your enemy is your friend" is enough of a reason. I also still have a lot of conflicted feelings about GPD.

She has had some type of hearing to present the witness list in November.

Her case has been picked up by an international watch group:


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this guy "dubie" must of been some kind of stud or cassanova. :o

what is the obsession with this guy?

Hi Mexxx,

I don't know if you are asking a serious question or making a joke...

Dubie--which he wanted pronounced "DOOH-BYE", was no "stud". But he certainly was way into mind control!!!

I would like to hear about any new advances in overcoming that. Even though I physically escaped him and all his "plans", I feel stuck in his trap somehow. Most of it for me is PTSD kind of garbage. I stuck with him through some abusive garbage because I believed I was helping and that in the end there would be this happiness he kept motivating me with. He really sucked the life out of a lot of good people. I wouldn't put that kind of MO up there with the George Clooney's of the world.

I saw him twist Geri (a multi-multi millionaire) around his little finger. I saw him schmooze with governor of Hawaii effortlessly getting his agenda supported. I would like to know just how he did all this. He told me about getting trained as a Shaman, Kapuna and as an Indian holy man in various Ashrams. I saw him con and charm all sorts of everyday people. I complained about that and he said "live and let die". Others have written about him back in his Hawaii cult days on Kauai. He ended up running to Canada hiding out before getting nabbed by the FBI and landing up back in prison on Oahu. Still he masterminded a way out of that which is another story.

The guy was an amazing piece of work. But lethal. Every one I know who was ever his friend or cared deeply for him has been traumatized and their life has been seriously hurt. I have never met or heard of anyone whose life he made better. Even his surviving children seem all to have suffered terribly from abandonment and various instabilities created by his frenetic and bizarre life. I think that he was an ultimate narcissist. Anyway, I have waited and watched for an end to his shenanigans for years and see this end as some weird Karmic payback for all his obsession with power and that superiority conceit that fueled his life and his habitual predation of those representing the finer gifts of the human spirit. What concerns me most is not all that I do know about him and his trail of victims but about the secrets he guarded so carefully and what other victims are out there. I am angry that I spent so much of my life helping him and believing in him. I want to be sure that I expend at least that much effort honestly reporting what his world was about. I have helped one Oahu woman get out of his world through legal means. I am committed to helping any other victims of his lies. Other than that I just want to live my own quiet life peacefully.


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Interesting posts. Thanks.

What is Margaret (Jeanna) doing now? What is the status of her murder case? Has she had a bail hearing or any other significant court activity? Any schedule for trial?

According to Jeana's good friend who is taking care of her and assisting with her defense and care of the children:

" The trial will be next year . Most likely in February or March; but it could be later. "

I was asked to act as a witness for the defense. For several reasons, I declined. I do not know Jeana. I know alot about her and feel horrible about her alleged and believeable suffering but I do not think that the "enemy of your enemy is your friend" is enough of a reason. I also still have a lot of conflicted feelings about GPD.

She has had some type of hearing to present the witness list in November.

Her case has been picked up by an international watch group:


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Dear Hawaiianeyes,

Through my sources I understand that you did know Maggie/Jeanna very well.


Hi Islandgirl,

I have never even had a conversation with her. I know a lot about her, I have seen her, I have seen the children left unattended etc. Since this crime, her camp has reached out to me by emails in a big way to ask me to help Jeana out of my "love for Daniel" (strange angle for them to use) or "love for the truth" etc. But Jeana has a strange past and I cannot support various things about her story. I empathize with suffering but I rejected that world ......

Daniel did his best to keep folks isolated and in the dark. He once yelled at me when I asked and told me "NEVER TALK TO ANOTHER WOMAN ABOUT ME". He hid behind womens skirts and pitted one against another. He had big stories that I believed for a time about Sylvie (she was crazy), Geri (she was a con and a moron), Kauaii folks (they were jealous and set him up) it goes on and on. I would not take his word on any of these people.

So I have to ask --Who are your sources?? Is this another example of misinformation and intimidation that defined his world??

Breaking out of his web of lies is no easy task. I wish you the best.


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Dear Hawaiianeyes,

Through my sources I understand that you did know Maggie/Jeanna very well.


Hi Islandgirl,

I have never even had a conversation with her. I know a lot about her, I have seen her, I have seen the children left unattended etc. Since this crime, her camp has reached out to me by emails in a big way to ask me to help Jeana out of my "love for Daniel" (strange angle for them to use) or "love for the truth" etc. But Jeana has a strange past and I cannot support various things about her story. I empathize with suffering but I rejected that world ......

Daniel did his best to keep folks isolated and in the dark. He once yelled at me when I asked and told me "NEVER TALK TO ANOTHER WOMAN ABOUT ME". He hid behind womens skirts and pitted one against another. He had big stories that I believed for a time about Sylvie (she was crazy), Geri (she was a con and a moron), Kauaii folks (they were jealous and set him up) it goes on and on. I would not take his word on any of these people.

So I have to ask --Who are your sources?? Is this another example of misinformation and intimidation that defined his world??

Breaking out of his web of lies is no easy task. I wish you the best.


Is your first name Kari?

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Is your first name Kari?

Dear Islandgirl,


Kari introduced herself on post 147 on the TV thread link above.

No I am not Kari. I have written and spoken to Kari. She is a wonderful person, full of wisdom with a genuine deep kind soul and great sense of humor despite all the hardships she endured (which eclipse my horrors).

I have not given my name :o

I understand the atmosphere of fear distrust and caution. Any of GPD's targets who got burned by him or walked out and faced his wrath seem to share a great deal of abiding fear. In my case he threatened me and my children. I found the best way to escape was to not back down but to show real tenacity and fight as well as I could within the context of the legal system.

I am happy to respond any questions that you may want to PM me.

Are your initials CH?

Aloha pumehana

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I have recently learned a great deal more about Jeana/Margaret/Molly and I feel more concerned about her potential manipulation of the system presenting the "abused" partner scenario. From many many sources now the picture over the past 20 years is of an enabler if not a Bonnie to Daniel's Clyde.

I do support some clemency due to the fact that she has young children, but I believe the voices of others I have heard from off line that I knew to be victimized by GPD that also suffered by her involvement and assistance of Daniel.

I have heard February or March but does anyone know when her trial will be?

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While most of the messages we receive at this holiday season emphasize Peace on Earth and Goodwill to Man, those of us who suffered violent crimes or death at the holiday time can be haunted by the possibility that the holiday will bring some unforeseen danger.

My father (who served 2 tours stationed in Ubon Rachitani during the VietNam conflict) died a violent death and was a missing person over the Christmas holiday almost 20 years ago. Soon after meeting GPD, and upon his incessant cards letters and phone calls professing his great affection for me, I shared this heart ache with him. As the anniversary of that horrid day was coming, he offered me the use of his condo at Kaimana (Ohau Hawaii) beach for a few days to rest without the demands of children.

I thought him to be a wise and kind new friend and trusted him since I had been introduced to him by an acquaintance who was well known and respected and was also active in nonprofit philanthropy.

He said he would just open the door for me and then leave me to enjoy the view and a quiet night. That is not what happened. I was injured had lacerations and was badly bruised. He said “do you want me to hit you in the head so that you stop crying?” I just wanted to get STD protection and get out of that ER I refused repeatedly to give his name or to do a “rape kit” that would implicate him and could have sent him to prison. I thought I could handle the aftermath and it was my own fault for going into that condo and trusting him. I had met his wife and his wife was a friend of one of my acquaintances. I did not want such person to end up being treated like a common thug and end up in jail. After that he called night and day begging for my forgiveness that he got carried away. That he was sorry.

Fast forward 3 years, after my act of mercy and supreme forgiveness, GPD had made a total wreck of my life and I find out from the FBI that he was in fact a convicted felon with a very real common thug rap sheet.

Why did I have mercy on this ultimate conman? He only leveraged that mercy to get further and further into my life and heart, use me and my trusting/forgiving nature to steal all that he could steal from me. I had to go after him with all the force I could muster to the point that he admitted rape in a legal proceeding and made “restitution”.

On this day, I do not wish him peace in death. I do not forgive his rape of my “mind, body and soul” as he bragged. I do not forgive his treatment of the unborn. His lasting holiday gift to me is my abiding anger at him and all his kind that do not listen to the word NO and who use women, lie to them, disrespect and marginalize them. But all that has come out since his death only confirms this pattern of narcissistic abuse of women. There is real evil in the world and the lesson to me is that sadly it often hides in sheep’s clothing behind other sheep. What I do sincerely wish for is for healing for all victims like me of such evil in the world and for lasting peace to those that suffer and that the light of the power of truth does in the end send healing rays that light the way towards real and abiding peace so that we can once again return to lives that are full and productive, free from fear and anger, and share our gifts fully with others.

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I don't understand why so many women are totally enthralled by this dirtbag. I don't understand how you can allow someone to rape you and do nothing about it.

There are so many good, kind men out there who are desperate for female love and attention - a lot of them driven to Thailand's sex scene in desperation - but this creep has women following him around in droves obssesed with his every movement, his every thought, like he's something special.

Why? :o

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Dear Hawaiianeyes,

what a shocking betrayal of your trust, and what a terrible abuse of your grieving time. Thanks for sharing some of the horrific details of GPD's cruelty. It cannot have been easy to do so, especially on this day with its many harrowing memories for you. I can understand how the shock of rape and subsequent pleas for forgiveness by the perpetrator could play on your already conflicting/confused emotions. As a woman I can also understand the desire for peace, and restored personal and interpersonal harmony. I have also forgiven people who did not deserve my forgiveness because I blamed myself for events which I did not initiate nor understand clearly at the time.

I sincerely hope that 2007 will bring you all the peace, clarity, and happiness you deserve.

Best wishes to you and to all who have contributed in a constructive manner to this thread.

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I don't understand why so many women are totally enthralled by this dirtbag. I don't understand how you can allow someone to rape you and do nothing about it.

There are so many good, kind men out there who are desperate for female love and attention - a lot of them driven to Thailand's sex scene in desperation - but this creep has women following him around in droves obssesed with his every movement, his every thought, like he's something special.

Why? :o

Hi Ulysses,

The sad truth is that MOST rapes go unreported. This is especially the case for "date" or aquaintance rape. I do not think anyone really "understands" why this is but it is certainly my experience that there is a very weird disconnect between the reality and perception. I felt like I was in a strange dream. I felt totally terrified and disintegrated. He held me very tightly for a long time so that I could not move. It was the most bizare thing that has ever happened to me. The sun finally came up and he acted like a happy kid smiling and laughing. I felt like a robot and just wanted to get out of there safely. This happened in the most luxurious place. I couldn't believe that there could be such danger. It was not a dark alley with a stranger jumping out of the shadows. I think sadly most women in this situation feel confused/ashamed/some how to blame. The man counts on that.

I am sorry that it may appear that I am obsessed with him "like he's something special". That is REALLY not what my stubborn interest is about. It is about crashing his intimidation power that has ruined much of the last 7 years for me. He really pounded me with all kinds of BS mainly KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT. Now I want to speak out.

I appreciate that there are so many really GOOD men out there. Really wise loving full human men that can bring so much magic to a woman's life and be good fathers/best friends and soul mates. I do not mean to slam men in general at all.

I think that predators are among us and that the more these tactics are exposed the better genuine people can live productive real lives.

According to one of the news reports, Jeana's rage was in part fueled by assertions of his attack of one or more of her daughters. I know nothing of that situation but from what I do know I would say that GPD is certainly capable of criminal behaviour.

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i have followed your story and its an absolute shocker.

dont you think its time to put this story to bed and try and get on with your life.?

continually raising this story is only inhibiting your prospect of letting it go and getting on with the positive things in one's life.

this guy is now history and when do you feel you will let it go.?

im not being disrespectful but in sure you understand my question.

with respect,


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i have followed your story and its an absolute shocker.

dont you think its time to put this story to bed and try and get on with your life.?

continually raising this story is only inhibiting your prospect of letting it go and getting on with the positive things in one's life.

this guy is now history and when do you feel you will let it go.?

im not being disrespectful but in sure you understand my question.

with respect,


here here...

I too feel for you in all you have been through.

The past can not be changed so moving on and at least trying to start enjoying those years ahead.

Remember you can only change tomorrow (never yesterday)

Best of luck :o

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According to one of the news reports, Jeana's rage was in part fueled by assertions of his attack of one or more of her daughters. I know nothing of that situation but from what I do know I would say that GPD is certainly capable of criminal behaviour.

What goes around comes around! :o

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i have followed your story and its an absolute shocker.

dont you think its time to put this story to bed and try and get on with your life.?

continually raising this story is only inhibiting your prospect of letting it go and getting on with the positive things in one's life.

this guy is now history and when do you feel you will let it go.?

im not being disrespectful but in sure you understand my question.

with respect,


Dear Terry,

Point well taken. I really appreciate the supreme patience shown by posters on this thread. It has taken me 5 months to get up the courage to confront my own nightmares and now that I have stood up and shared my worst horrors in this forum, however symbolic that may be of speaking out, i see that the sky did not fall down on me and that I am actually really OK, strong and thankful.

I do have a lot of blessings in my life. I have kept up all my responsibilities but I really suffered as I kept blaming myself for the worst of this for years. All in all, this is a weird drama and i can see now that i was not the only one to be confused. The guy was a world class pro at his dark games. Now I can put it all in much better perspective.

I can't think of anything else to say in this forum about the past that has a bearing on this case, so I think that I can now limit my postings to future developments in the case. There are various pending actions that I have been asked to provide testimony for going forward that I will write in about as they unfold.

I think as Ulysses says, this whole story really is the ultimate lesson of Karma-what goes around comes around.



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I had dinner last night with the close friend of Jeana’s who I will refer to as “Truth Prevails” (TP) based on her sign in name from one of her postings.

TP has come to Hawaii from Chiang Mai to act on the children’s behalf. Sadly there has been some bizarre misinformation that there is no money. There certainly are substantial assets here about to go through probate.

TP gave me a handwritten letter from Jeana. I recognized many of the phrases she used as Daniel’s speech patterns exactly. She writes that she was blinded by fear. She writes that she prays for peace and healing for all those that suffered from Daniel’s actions. She writes that he kept her isolated and forbade her to discuss him with other women. She writes that she hopes for a day that the women affected can “swap stories” and thereby find healing in knowing the real truth. But TP agreed that murder cannot be explained away by this tragic history and said that Jeana accepts her incarceration.

TP says that Geri is “on the war path” and has a big gun attorney digging up everything on GPD and that so far he has uncovered hundreds of pages of evidence that speak to years of fraud perpetrated and that Geri herself has been the victim of massive fraud.

That is not news to me. He bragged to me about his shenanigans in the heady days of NASDAQ’s climb in the late 90’s. He bragged about his Swiss accounts and showed me the various transaction documents. He traveled to Zurich in the summer of 98 to attend to all that. Despite the real suffering that Geri brought to my life by her blind and misguided aggressive defense of him, I did reach out to her to try to tip her off many times in many ways.

At this point I would like to make an open plea to all those involved to focus on the very real needs of the youngest of GPD’s children especially Lilly. Please do the right thing and allow for legitimate accounting and distribution of assets

These wars and trying to unravel this web of lies will never really end. But the childhoods of these children should be protected. Assets can be cleverly hidden and shielded from the probate process to suit the whims and rightful frustration of those at the top but in the end I believe there will be a very real “Karmic” debt to pay for this type of greed and vengeance.

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Interesting posts. Thanks.

What is Margaret (Jeanna) doing now? What is the status of her murder case? Has she had a bail hearing or any other significant court activity? Any schedule for trial?

Margaret is in the womens prison awaiting trial. I understand that her case will be tried sometime after Jan 2008.

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Dear Hawaiianeyes,

Through my sources I understand that you did know Maggie/Jeanna very well.


Dear Island Girl,

Another "soul mate" http://hazel8500.wordpress.com/2006/08/03/...ge-in-thailand/

has shared her difficult story. She talks about Hawaii and about Jeana's role in matchmaking. It appears that except for some absences from him, this pattern has been a longstanding one even up until the recent past.

I hope you are well and that these various posts have brought you answers that may be helpful and healing.



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I hope someones can visit Margaret in the Chiang Mai prison. The Cdn Embassy staff is largely inept (took them a year to give me an emergency kit for warden purposes and they spent so much time deliberating on topics that emergencies such as the tsunami were several months past before they made any decisions). Life of Brian.

Have friends in CM, so will try to get them to visit the lady.

Pity her daughter also. Cdn social services will hum and haw its way through helping her, because the family is not refugee status.

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