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Missed Opportunity


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It seems that the miltary coup a few weeks back has been warmly greeted by the good people of Thailand and a good thing too. But it has got me thinking that this would be a great opportunity for the centrally controlled armed forces to do a bit of house keeping and clean out some of the more solubrious elements from Thai society... for me this would definitely be the various transport mafias found on Samui and Phuket etc.

Who else would stand a chance , certainly not the police it would seem! I'm sure there must be other things which when all said and done could be changed, and are a blight on an otherwise great country. If you had a chance to ask the new miltary government to change something, what would it be???

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1. Install real democracy :o

2. Ban all corruption (but would there be enough qualified people to lead the country ? :D )

3. Get rid of some absurd (new) laws.

Well, there's a lot more but this would be a good beginning.

But...........I know, it's called Utopia-land. :D


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Ahh, another what would you wish for in a better Muang Thai!

Don't be so Xenophobic and sort out your outlook on genuine immigrants or your countrymen thriving in other parts of the world with every option open to them will find themselves up sh1t creak without a paddle!!

Did I deviate from the topic somewhat? :o

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I'd like to see them

  • Allow some prostitution in some areas
  • be lenient with weapons dealers shipping through the countries airports
  • chill out on the odd bit of palm greasing
  • allow for the fact that their own citizens who are cabbies make some dosh
  • (where else are local citizens cabbies?)
  • try to make thailand the hub of something
  • free up the immigration so loads of people escaping various minor and major crimes can live in LOS
  • anything to add... I'm sure there's loads, but I'm tired adn depressed now....

Additionaly, it would be cool - Ah... Posting that really did get me a bit sad...

kayo. Klown.

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I'd like to see them
  • Allow some prostitution in some areas
  • be lenient with weapons dealers shipping through the countries airports
  • chill out on the odd bit of palm greasing
  • allow for the fact that their own citizens who are cabbies make some dosh
  • (where else are local citizens cabbies?)
  • try to make thailand the hub of something
  • free up the immigration so loads of people escaping various minor and major crimes can live in LOS
  • anything to add... I'm sure there's loads, but I'm tired adn depressed now....

Additionaly, it would be cool - Ah... Posting that really did get me a bit sad...

kayo. Klown.

A mind is a terrible thing to waste.

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If any thing could be changed in this country for the benefit of its tourism future and good feel factors amongst western foreigners, they could start with the issue of land ownership.

99 Lease for Foreign owners of land (up from 30)

Allow under 18-49 to live here on the same rules practised by the 50+.

This would change the feel of the country over night. Investment would flood in along with long term good spending visitors and families. Helping Thailand with one swift hand change its image of a single mans paradise.

Taxis in Pattaya would be a good idea also.

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They should have a major league baseball franchise here....and a stadium with a retractable roof to play baseball in.

They should drive on the RIGHT side of the road and the driver should sit on the LEFT side of the car.

They should have good pizza and hamburgers.

Theatres should show movies in English with NO subtitles.

English should be the official language.

People should eat with a knife fork and spoon BUT MOSTLY WITH THE KNIFE AND FORK PLEASe.....and the spoons should be those small ones, not those huge serving spoons.........the spoon is mostly for desserts when eating properly.

Rice should only be eaten once a week AT MOST. Potatoes should be eaten ALOT MORE.

Don't get me started on this.............


Edited by chownah
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Compulsory barista training for all coffee shops.

Amnesty on handing in firearms, followed by a blanket ban.

Licence checks for drivers of all vehicles.

Breathalyser tests and heavy fines/loss of licence/gaol for drunk drivers.

Edited by fruittbatt
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Ahh, another what would you wish for in a better Muang Thai!

Don't be so Xenophobic and sort out your outlook on genuine immigrants or your countrymen thriving in other parts of the world with every option open to them will find themselves up sh1t creak without a paddle!!

Did I deviate from the topic somewhat? :o

You didn't so much deviate off topic as hijack it with some sort of nonsensical rant..... what kind of xenophobe moves to a different country to be happy??? It'd be like a veggie going on holiday at Old MacDonalds Farm... nonsense my boy!!

Believe it or not I was attemting to be serious, as I think the army with a different structure to the police could actually change some things where the police have so obviously failed..

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Just two things;-

Dissolve or totally restructure the present Police Force. They are rotten to the core; hated by the general population; and seem to be responsible for more crime than they prevent.

Full steam ahead with the much-stalled education reform of this country. Thailand is falling behind countries in this region in respect to skills; computer and English literacy; etc. And labour rates are getting higher. Thailand does not have to lose any of its unique culture or character by doing this.

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Yes - education : one of the few good comments in this thread.

If you have kids at a government school you may wish to take a long hard look at the quailtiy of education they are getting. By and large it is not good and the Thailand of today is not going to be the Thailand of 20 years time.

China is going to dominate this region, its economy.

Thai kids in the main don't hold a candle to the kids coming out of Chinese secondary schools and universities. Its not an issue now, but it wil be for our children - if they dont have a comparable level of education and skills, which currently they don't. The ability to speak Chinese wil be a big plus point on any youngsters "I can do" list of skills.


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Seems to me that Thais already drive on the correct side of the road. Cannot see the point in changing it so they drive on the other side .... imagine the chaos!!! :D

Besides, it is mainly foreign people who drive on the wrong side ..... oops ! I am foreign :o:D

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Just two things;-

Dissolve or totally restructure the present Police Force. They are rotten to the core; hated by the general population; and seem to be responsible for more crime than they prevent.

Full steam ahead with the much-stalled education reform of this country. Thailand is falling behind countries in this region in respect to skills; computer and English literacy; etc. And labour rates are getting higher. Thailand does not have to lose any of its unique culture or character by doing this.

:o excellent post. Most people here know that the police is currupt and the whole system is corrupt. A totally new organization must be set up. Starting with a new traffic police force.

Education reform has been talked about for many years and had produced nothing at all, it is was all lip-service for education reform :D

Reform must start from the ministry of education right on down to the pupil.

There must be some serious reform and the political commitment to improve standards.

Our students' knowledge here are way behind even our neighbouring countries and pretty soon if things don't improve we'll be in the same league as in the Third world country such as Burma :D

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