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Jilted bride leaves job, sells everything, travels world, writes book


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While no one would want to steal the thunder of this jilted bride who has managed to turn her life around, two points do come to mind:

1. She should thank the guy who jilted her. Had he not done so, she would have stayed in the UK, not written a book and lived the usual commuter lifestyle and never seen the world.

2. Most people who want to see the world and have the resources to do so just go out there and do it - they don't need an excuse, such as being jilted. Was husband to be against that sort of thing? If so, she was never going to be happy in such a relationship. Maybe he saw that and walked, doing her and himself a big favour.

Many people around the world are jilted or have a bad breakup. But they do not feel the need to broadcast it - instead they manage to get on with their lives and dreams and not sink into some sort of depression. The truth is that if you are not happy on your own, being with someone else is going to either make you more unhappy or make the other person extremely unhappy.

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