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Chinese Human Rights Activist Disappears from Bangkok Train Station

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Of course he was abducted. What else could have reasonably happened? China is forever extending its iron fist to stifle dissent. They sent undercover tough guys over, found the guy, and forcefully took him back to China. In a more civilized country, border guards or other officials would interfere/intervene to protect a person from being kidnapped. In Thailand, it's a mai pen rai because, Buddha forbid, we never ever want to do or say anything which may cause a Chinese official to lose face.

I just read a narrative, true story, about a BBC reporter who was in Beijing, blocks for Tianamen Square, when the shit hit the fan, years ago. She said many trucks filled with Chinese soldiers (trucked in from far away, so they would have no compassion for locals) - the soldiers were standing in rows in the back of the trucks, picking off anybody (locals, kids, students) with their automatic weapons. The politburo are a mean bunch of cold-blooded bastards. They told the soldiers they were going to Beijing to battle insurgents. Even houses and apartments were sprayed with bullets, killing and maiming many ordinary people inside. Within minutes, the hospitals were filled to overflowing. That couldn't have happened in Europe or N.America. China is run by some mean-spirited paranoid old men with freon for blood.

A true story!!!! Why because it says BBC reporter. What happened was an outrage but the story you relate to is/was to whip up hysteria in the west business troops in from remote areas Yeh right oh.

First off, BBC is reliable. Secondly, I don't know if my proposed scenario is true. But I do know quite a bit about Chinese officials, and how they're hyper-paranoid and have enacted such silent abductions numerous times. Read up on recent abductions in HK of people who were running a book store there. Become aware of what's going on.

Secondly the BBC is not reliable at all never has been it's a goverment of the day mouth piece it can never be neutral as it paid for by the population but mostly via the government. Thirdly I was commenting on the so called troops from another place bit you quoted. I know China will do whatever it takes for her country right or wrong I'm not commenting on that one not my place to do so. I need not become aware as half no three quaters of what you read is from these do Gooders who will write anything to brain wash people into feeling sorry for them or fund them. Yes people go missing in China yes some are abducted and killed but if you don't think that happens in the west you are deluded. China will defend her constitution with all her might only the same as the so called free world

Ok, I see now you were commenting further on the Tienamin massacre. Not only the BBC, but other sources revealed that the Chinese politbuor chiefs brought in soldiers from far away provinces - soldiers who didn't even know about the protest and didn't care who they were shooting at. We don't have to agree about BBC. I think they do a good job at reporting int'l news. The reporter who gave the story about Tienamin was there when it happened. Why would Ms Adie lie about what she saw?

As for the topic: I think it's 99% sure that the dissident was picked up either directly by Chinese secret operatives, or held by Thai cops until Chinese showed up to haul him away. If that happened, Thai officials acted illegally. Prior, Chinese officials notified Thai officials of his name. When that name showed up (at the border crossing) Thais withheld him (illegally) until Chinese undercover police showed up to haul him away. Part of the proof: When Thai cops were asked what happened, they only said, "We can't tell you anything. Ask at the Chinese embassy."

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Kate Adie would sell her soul in fact she has on many occasions to get elevated up the greasy pole. Again we will have to agree to disagree about him being abducted why if he was going to apply for a slum here when he returned from Laos !!! If he was already here why not apply then but decide to go across a border then try and return makes no sense what so ever. Which is why I belive one of two things 1. He was never here no facts apart from his wifes say so he was in Thailand. 2. As I belive to be 99% certain he has dissapeared himself and is lying low or trying to get to Europe on a false passport

Edited by Sutty
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Kate Adie would sell her soul in fact she has on many occasions to get elevated up the greasy pole. Again we will have to agree to disagree about him being abducted why if he was going to apply for a slum here when he returned from Laos !!! If he was already here why not apply then but decide to go across a border then try and return makes no sense what so ever. Which is why I belive one of two things 1. He was never here no facts apart from his wifes say so he was in Thailand. 2. As I belive to be 99% certain he has dissapeared himself and is lying low or trying to get to Europe on a false passport

Are you aware that applying for political refugee status can be a long term proposition, and that many long-term foreigners in Thailand routinely go to Laos for visa stamps?

Regarding getting into Europe on fake passport in the current climate, that would be a true act of desperation.

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Kate Adie would sell her soul in fact she has on many occasions to get elevated up the greasy pole. Again we will have to agree to disagree about him being abducted why if he was going to apply for a slum here when he returned from Laos !!! If he was already here why not apply then but decide to go across a border then try and return makes no sense what so ever. Which is why I belive one of two things 1. He was never here no facts apart from his wifes say so he was in Thailand. 2. As I belive to be 99% certain he has dissapeared himself and is lying low or trying to get to Europe on a false passport

Are you aware that applying for political refugee status can be a long term proposition, and that many long-term foreigners in Thailand routinely go to Laos for visa stamps?

Regarding getting into Europe on fake passport in the current climate, that would be a true act of desperation.

If he was to apply for asylum as I understand it he would be given leave to stay until the application was processed and either granted or denied he would not have to get any visa stamp. But why even if he had to do as you say go so quickly to get another visa having only been in the country (if indeed he was) for such a short time

As for getting to Europe despite people do desperate things. He or his wife has already said he wanted political asylum in the West

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Kate Adie would sell her soul in fact she has on many occasions to get elevated up the greasy pole. Again we will have to agree to disagree about him being abducted why if he was going to apply for a slum here when he returned from Laos !!! If he was already here why not apply then but decide to go across a border then try and return makes no sense what so ever. Which is why I belive one of two things 1. He was never here no facts apart from his wifes say so he was in Thailand. 2. As I belive to be 99% certain he has dissapeared himself and is lying low or trying to get to Europe on a false passport

Are you aware that applying for political refugee status can be a long term proposition, and that many long-term foreigners in Thailand routinely go to Laos for visa stamps?

Regarding getting into Europe on fake passport in the current climate, that would be a true act of desperation.

If he was to apply for asylum as I understand it he would be given leave to stay until the application was processed and either granted or denied he would not have to get any visa stamp. But why even if he had to do as you say go so quickly to get another visa having only been in the country (if indeed he was) for such a short time

As for getting to Europe despite people do desperate things. He or his wife has already said he wanted political asylum in the West

"If he was to apply for asylum as I understand it he would be given leave to stay until the application was processed..."

Really? What makes you think Thailand plays by these rules? What makes you think the junta will play by any rules when its staunchest supporter, China, wants a Chinese citizen disappeared?

"But why even if he had to do as you say go so quickly to get another visa having only been in the country (if indeed he was) for such a short time"

You seem to be privy to information some of us don't have. The article says he left India in October and attempted to travel to Laos on January 10, it doesn't say how long he was in Thailand or how long his visa allowed him to stay.

Yes, it seems he was desperate to get to the west. However there is nothing in the article indicating he was doing anything other than attempting to apply for asylum in the west.

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Kate Adie would sell her soul in fact she has on many occasions to get elevated up the greasy pole. Again we will have to agree to disagree about him being abducted why if he was going to apply for a slum here when he returned from Laos !!! If he was already here why not apply then but decide to go across a border then try and return makes no sense what so ever. Which is why I belive one of two things 1. He was never here no facts apart from his wifes say so he was in Thailand. 2. As I belive to be 99% certain he has dissapeared himself and is lying low or trying to get to Europe on a false passport

Are you aware that applying for political refugee status can be a long term proposition, and that many long-term foreigners in Thailand routinely go to Laos for visa stamps?

Regarding getting into Europe on fake passport in the current climate, that would be a true act of desperation.

If he was to apply for asylum as I understand it he would be given leave to stay until the application was processed and either granted or denied he would not have to get any visa stamp. But why even if he had to do as you say go so quickly to get another visa having only been in the country (if indeed he was) for such a short time

As for getting to Europe despite people do desperate things. He or his wife has already said he wanted political asylum in the West

"If he was to apply for asylum as I understand it he would be given leave to stay until the application was processed..."

Really? What makes you think Thailand plays by these rules? What makes you think the junta will play by any rules when its staunchest supporter, China, wants a Chinese citizen disappeared?

"But why even if he had to do as you say go so quickly to get another visa having only been in the country (if indeed he was) for such a short time"

You seem to be privy to information some of us don't have. The article says he left India in October and attempted to travel to Laos on January 10, it doesn't say how long he was in Thailand or how long his visa allowed him to stay.

Yes, it seems he was desperate to get to the west. However there is nothing in the article indicating he was doing anything other than attempting to apply for asylum in the west.

Again agree to disagree you read between the lines as I do we come up with diffrent thoughts. To apply for asylum in the west he has to be in the west urgo desperate to get to the west. You can not know what the Thailand Authority would do if he applied for asylum here it's what you think nothing more than your speculation. I think I have made me observations on this now time will tell possibly.
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Every country in the world has been willing to ignore China's renege on the agreement with the UK on Hong Kong, extra territorial claims, the invasion of Tibet and Taiwan's democratic freedom in exchange for trade with China.

I don't support many of China's action, BUT What has China renege on the agreement with the UK on Hong Kong???

Lots of info on that, try google. Or ask almost any Hong Konger, lol.

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Kate Adie would sell her soul in fact she has on many occasions to get elevated up the greasy pole. Again we will have to agree to disagree about him being abducted why if he was going to apply for a slum here when he returned from Laos !!! If he was already here why not apply then but decide to go across a border then try and return makes no sense what so ever. Which is why I belive one of two things 1. He was never here no facts apart from his wifes say so he was in Thailand. 2. As I belive to be 99% certain he has dissapeared himself and is lying low or trying to get to Europe on a false passport

Are you aware that applying for political refugee status can be a long term proposition, and that many long-term foreigners in Thailand routinely go to Laos for visa stamps?

Regarding getting into Europe on fake passport in the current climate, that would be a true act of desperation.

If he was to apply for asylum as I understand it he would be given leave to stay until the application was processed and either granted or denied he would not have to get any visa stamp. But why even if he had to do as you say go so quickly to get another visa having only been in the country (if indeed he was) for such a short time

As for getting to Europe despite people do desperate things. He or his wife has already said he wanted political asylum in the West

To me it's as clear as A B C: He's a Chinese dissident. Chinese politburo hates dissidents. It finds out where he is, sends special agents, grabs him, and hauls him back to China. As for what happens next, you can connect the dots, if you're even mildly familiar with how China deals with people it deems annoying. China is an overgrown police state bordering on mafia wanna-be. There's nothing too thugish for it to do undercover - if it wants someone silenced, or something stopped. Thailand cannot say no to China about anything, so if Chinese agents came to Thailand to haul someone away, Thai authorities would say, "would you like a foot massage or something to eat?"

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