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Human Rights: affected by fear?


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Human Rights: affected by fear?


PARIS: -- The campaign group Human Rights Watch has issued its annual report, “The Politics of Fear”.

The 659-page dossier reviews human rights practices in more than 90 countries.

The 2016 report says human rights in Europe have suffered as a result of the terrorist attacks in France and the ongoing migrant crisis.

“The fear of terrorist attacks and the potential impact of the influx of refugees has led to a visible roll-back of human rights in Europe and other regions,” commented Kenneth Roth, the director of Human Rights Watch (HRW).

“The growing fear of terrorism in Europe has given rise to an explosion of Islamophobia and an increasing scapegoating of refugees and other migrants.”

“As a counter-terrorism measure, Islamophobia is the last thing you want. It is obviously wrong in itself but it is also exatly what IS wants.”

“If you were an IS fighter trying to figure out how you build an environment in which you can gain more recruits, the first thing you would do would be to try to widen the divides in Europe, to build Islamophobia and make the Muslim population in Europe feel more and more isolated.”

Significant refugee flows to Europe, coupled with broadening attacks on civilians in the name of the extremist group ISIL have led to fear-mongering and Islamophobia, HRW says.

And, as European governments close borders, they are reviving old patterns of shirking responsibility for refugees by passing the problem to countries on the periphery that are less well-equipped to house or protect them.

European governments are also distracted from addressing their homegrown threats and taking the steps needed to avoid the social marginalisation of disaffected populations.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2016-01-28

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These days human rights is a synonym for advantageous treatment of muslims. Where are the human rights for gays that are thrown off tall buildings? The Yazidi women being raped on mass by muslims? The children of Rotherham? The ethnic white Europeans being raped and beaten out of their own towns and cities, do they deserve these human rights also? Do Jewish people deserve human rights? What a complete and utter mess, throwing all and sundry under the bus to placate muslims.

It is high time for our great thinkers and realists that were branded vile racists' ideas to be revisited and implemented. Enoch Powell for starters.

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^^^ You aren't very politically correct there.

In his speech Powell spoke out against 'people of colour', not Islam per se, ergo a racist. FYI Powell was anti-American due to US policy to resist the control by the British over its colonial empire after WW11.

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Powell spoke about the black man, not people of colour, he was right in what he said, if guilty of using somewhat colorful language. Of course he's labeled a racist for saying it just as Churchill sometimes is for saying this about Muslims, from his book the river war 1899:

How dreadful are the curses which Mohammedanism lays on its votaries! Besides the fanatical frenzy, which is as dangerous in a man as hydrophobia in a dog, there is this fearful fatalistic apathy. The effects are apparent in many countries. Improvident habits, slovenly systems of agriculture, sluggish methods of commerce, and insecurity of property exist wherever the followers of the Prophet rule or live. A degraded sensualism deprives this life of its grace and refinement; the next of its dignity and sanctity.

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Mods up to you if this reply is deemed off topic.

My error, re-read Powell's speech, he talks to 'Negroes'. In Churchill's book from which the above quote is taken he praised "Moslems" as "brave and loyal soldiers", he also clearly communicated in a letter to FDR that Muslims were an essential contribution to supporting the WW11 logistics supply chain.

Churchill was a great leader during WW11, on the downside he was a notorious racist and imperialist.


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Mods up to you if this reply is deemed off topic.

My error, re-read Powell's speech, he talks to 'Negroes'. In Churchill's book from which the above quote is taken he praised "Moslems" as "brave and loyal soldiers", he also clearly communicated in a letter to FDR that Muslims were an essential contribution to supporting the WW11 logistics supply chain.

Churchill was a great leader during WW11, on the downside he was a notorious racist and imperialist.


Churchill was not a racist and there was nothing wrong with being an imperialist. True he does praise the Moslems for being useful cannon fodder but went on to say:

Thousands become the brave and loyal soldiers of the Queen: all know how to die. But the influence of the religion paralyzes the social development of those who follow it. No stronger retrograde force exists in the world. Far from being moribund, Mohammedanism is a militant and proselytizing faith. It has already spread throughout Central Africa, raising fearless warriors at every step; and were it not that Christianity is sheltered in the strong arms of science—the science against which it had vainly struggled—the civilization of modern Europe might fall, as fell the civilization of ancient Rome.

Churchill was a true visionary

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Human rights and the religious fanatics can be equated with the parable of casting pearls before swine.

"Do not give dogs what is sacred; do not throw your pearls to pigs. If you do, they may trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you to pieces."

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Mods up to you if this reply is deemed off topic.

My error, re-read Powell's speech, he talks to 'Negroes'. In Churchill's book from which the above quote is taken he praised "Moslems" as "brave and loyal soldiers", he also clearly communicated in a letter to FDR that Muslims were an essential contribution to supporting the WW11 logistics supply chain.

Churchill was a great leader during WW11, on the downside he was a notorious racist and imperialist.


Churchill was not a racist and there was nothing wrong with being an imperialist. <snip>

Churchill was a true visionary

Getting back on topic you will likely be horrified to learn Churchill originally proposed the idea of a European Court of Human Rights and contributed to the establishment of the Council of Europe in 1949.

You agree with Churchill's antipathy to Islam & his murderous actions regards colonial domination - your call. However for his time in history Churchill had already lost the plot with his attempted continuance of imperialist policies immediately after WW11. Though not unique to Churchill for the time, it's indisputable he was a white supremacist racist, pro eugenics and so on

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pro eugenics? murderous actions? a pathetic smear on a man voted quite rightly Britain's greatest ever man. People who come out with such nonsense usually hate their country and it's wonderful history and the contributions it made to the world. Churchill certainly saw Islam for what it really is and the danger it posed, and still does to western civilization, if that's not a dirty word these days.

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pro eugenics? murderous actions? a pathetic smear on a man voted quite rightly Britain's greatest ever man. People who come out with such nonsense usually hate their country and it's wonderful history and the contributions it made to the world. Churchill certainly saw Islam for what it really is and the danger it posed, and still does to western civilization, if that's not a dirty word these days.

Again off topic, but see if Mods will permit a reply or indeed your post.

Sure Churchill was the man for his time in power during WW11 & yes there are some great attributes and contribution by the UK. But, not all is wonderful and there are some very dark episodes such as Churchill ignoring requests to release food stocks when between i million to 3 million died of starvation in India during his time in power. In another topic you stated you don't research info that contradicts your opinions - so be it


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Utter rubbish, in 1943 the British were almost starving and fighting for survival, we had not the resources to feed a load of Indians. I never said anything of the sort on another topic.

try reading the link I provided.

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“The growing fear of terrorism in Europe has given rise to an explosion of Islamophobia and an increasing scapegoating of refugees and other migrants.”

"And, as European governments close borders, they are reviving old patterns of shirking responsibility for refugees by passing the problem to countries on the periphery that are less well-equipped to house or protect them."

Fix the problems in your own backyard, UK, other nations, I am no racist but these pr*cks....it's like a plague of locusts.

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