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Medicinal thai herb extracts and supplements


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Thai herbs are widely sold in kiosks in malls and in gorcery store entrances (don't know how cheap, though). Labelling is usually only in Thai. I have not seen any lists or write-ups that were not also in Thai.

Many government hospitals also have shops on the ground floor selling Thai herbal remedies.

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The two brands of herbs available in my area are Thanyaporn (www.thanyaporn.com) and Herbal One (www.herbalone.net.) The bottles of both brands have both Thai and English on the labels. Entering herbalone.net will forward to www.ouayun.com. You then choose "brands" and select Herbal One. Both websites have complete lists of the herbs available in English. Ouayun has an online webstore which, unfortunately, is only available in Thai although the pictures of the herbs for sale all have English on their labels. Ouayun has a "Contact Us" button which will bring up both their telephone number and a form to send them an email message. They could let you know where the Herbal One products are for sale. If someone can help you with the Thai, you can order online from ouayun. Good luck.

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Thank you everyone for your responses.

I do order my herbs online from an american company, and it takes about 2 weeks usually to get here.

I want to try to source my herbs inside of thailand(bangkok) if they are cheap.

I've been here for well over a year on/off although i have never tried to or taken the time to stop at a market where medicinal herbs are sold, as a poster stated here they are mostly all written in thai.

Mostly looking for curcumin / antibacterial-anti inflammation/mental boosting herbs that are typically grown locally here i believe

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Hope this is close enough to the topic: Where can I buy essential oils in Chiang Ma? Such as Arnica, Cinnamon and Myrrh. I've seen Eucalyptus in shops and some flower oils and would like more variety. Thanks in advance.

Noi http://www.noichiangmai.com/ does not currently stock the items you mentioned above, but she is beginning to carry some essential oils and will be adding more in time depending on demand and ability to source high quality at reasonable prices.

Current stocked items include:

Black Walnut & Wormwood,

St. John's Wort,


Gotu Kola,


Tea Tree Oil.

All products are by http://www.naturesanswer.com/ and priced close to US SRP.


Edited by muskoka
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