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Foreigners who brag about their status in Thailand

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I meet people here who have millions of dollars. So far they seem like normal people.

this is how smart people get rich.

if you don't believe me, do you think rich people give their money around? . if they were giving their money around them, they won't have any money left unless money cone from the sky.

people showing their money and spending won't stay rich very long as their money go down little by little. I know couple who parties and bought nice cars, put their kids in private schools, now they need to go work and getting older it s harder and harder.

I know another guy who wanted the hiso life and build a big house to discover at the end, he got nothing. he lost all.

I see plenty of farangs who are going to be scamed by a lady or by their gay partners. they all think they are smarter... in fact they have already spent all their money and their house worth no more than the price of second hand bricks.

the smart guy is the guy who keep his money outisde Thailand and use only what he needs.

I must be the stupidest of all I guess... :(

Apart from spending an unspeakable horrendously extravagant fortune on an Elite card in 2003, I also went on a terrible ridiculously disproportionate spending spree, buying certain things, donating other things, and enjoying lots of things... for over a decade !!!

How stupid I have been :(

I could have kept all that precious money for myself, on a safe bank account abroad, Just checking anonymously the bank statements everyday on a cheap second hand laptop, and not telling anyone about my wealth. Just like "normal" people.

To perfect the picture of "me being a normal man", I should have rented a cheap room in the suburbs, instead of stupidly throwing money away on houses and luxury condos centrally located.

I really need to be more intelligent and also fire my driver, sell the cars, and switch to bath busses.

I have been made aware that I can make great friends on these busses.

By the way, noodles and street food should also, and without any doubt, if I want to be "normal" and smart, replace all those luxury restaurants where I used to invite my friends. I will even think about not seeing my hi so friends anymore. Bad bad people who made me laugh and have a good time with so many expensive silly things.

By far (far far), the stupidest thing I did lately was to donate a few millions to build a school in a place so remote that we have to go there by helicopter (silly spending again, ridiculous).

That was so stupid of me. I should never have done that. The kids should just learn to learn their stuff in the fields. And if they don't like it, I should have encouraged them to walk 4 hours to the next school. Why should I build anything at my own cost, with my cherished personal wealth. Never again ! From now on I keep it all !!!

I really feel sorry if my lifestyle did hurt the feelings of less fortunate farangs. I will try not to do it again and will never speak about the Elite Card, or any other frivolous things, anymore :)

From now on I will switch to conversations about "normal" things, such as cheap Leo, previous century Nokia phones, bars, visa runs (not the VIP ones), corruption when stopped without helmet (riding an old motorbike), etc... All those things that make up a "normal life".


(The good news is that there is some money left)


(Any bragging farangs want to join the building of another school?)

(The good thing of having money is that, apart from making some feel that you brag about your wealth, you can actually do things. Quite a number of things).

Edited by gerry1011
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I meet people here who have millions of dollars. So far they seem like normal people.

this is how smart people get rich.

if you don't believe me, do you think rich people give their money around? . if they were giving their money around them, they won't have any money left unless money cone from the sky.

people showing their money and spending won't stay rich very long as their money go down little by little. I know couple who parties and bought nice cars, put their kids in private schools, now they need to go work and getting older it s harder and harder.

I know another guy who wanted the hiso life and build a big house to discover at the end, he got nothing. he lost all.

I see plenty of farangs who are going to be scamed by a lady or by their gay partners. they all think they are smarter... in fact they have already spent all their money and their house worth no more than the price of second hand bricks.

the smart guy is the guy who keep his money outisde Thailand and use only what he needs.

Money from the sky is the only source of income? Anyone who has that as their only source of income was either never rich in the first place, or must have had their money handed to them.

The real easy way to lose "all" as you put it is to dump all your money into a house and assets that aren't in your name.

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Those forum posters who think that millionaires and billionaires are all nasty, unhappy jerks looking down at anyone below their level... most probably actually (and knowingly) never met any.

Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Robin Williams ........ they never seemed all that happy!

Here's some more.


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People who actually have money, seldom if ever talk about it, its considered "vulgar".

Those that insist on talking about it, generally dont have anything to shout about, they just "think" they do by comparing themselves to what they perceive as a poor Thai farmer, when in reality, that Thai farmer probably has land worth more than the loud mouth farang anyway.

People like that, frankly, are best avoided.

The richest people I ever met were also the nicest,and really gave out the impression that they were interested in me,and we certainly never talked about

money, Perhaps I was lucky,but they were all true gentlemen!

No - you weren't lucky....It's a common trait among the extremely rich....Some of the most gracious and grounded/unpretentious people you'd ever want to meet....

There are exceptions like Trump, or is that just an American thing?

Oddly enough there are alot of reports that he's a pretty nice/good guy with the "common" folk he happens upon or that happen upon him going back many years.....

On the other hand I'm not sure what he is like in the work environment .....

Seems pretty bombastic but it might be for show.....Didn't hear too much about him until the TV show.....

The others I alluded to are all in his ecconomic class if not above it....

Of course with a tested IQ of 156 might make/help him appear as a jerk ......

He's a few gears ahead of most .....

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An update. I was hoping to be able to thank those who so kindly donated to the "help GarryP rise to the ranks of the moneyed" fund. Unfortunately, due to a dire lack of donations (not one), I remain in abject destitution.

did the cheque i sent you bounce? ohmy.png

You should have sent the checque before the electric bill arrived.

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I m still laughing at these idiots who need to go home to work as a blue worker when they had over 1 million $ and spent all their money in whiskey and girls.

now they are in deep shit at 55 or 60 years living with soup in a 3000 bahts condo.

they had the high life but they thought money was still coming when in fact they suck all their money from their bank account and never realised that one day, their money is gone... all spent.

these idiots you see them miles away...

Edited by papayasalad
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An update. I was hoping to be able to thank those who so kindly donated to the "help GarryP rise to the ranks of the moneyed" fund. Unfortunately, due to a dire lack of donations (not one), I remain in abject destitution.

did the cheque i sent you bounce? ohmy.png

You should have sent the checque before the electric bill arrived.

the bill was rather moderate because consumption was down to "only" 2,726 kWh. of course the Baht amount has to remain a secret because it's vulgar to talk about money laugh.png

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I m still laughing at these idiots who need to go home to work as a blue worker when they had over 1 million $ and spent all their money in whiskey and girls.

now they are in deep shit at 55 or 60 years living with soup in a 3000 bahts condo.

they had the high life but they thought money was still coming when in fact they suck all their money from their bank account and never realised that one day, their money is gone... all spent.

these idiots you see them miles away...

they are indeed easy to recognise because they can't afford anything except soup or papayasalad whistling.gif

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And drive old Fortunas in Thailand .They haunt me here in Krabi. Sit for a quiet beer and all I hear from the next table is Mr T Shirt from London bangin on about his Tuna doing Lamborghini speed ,his flight here in Exec Class ,and the Electric Gates on his Mansion. It is funny but the next oik tells the same tale near enough

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Those forum posters who think that millionaires and billionaires are all nasty, unhappy jerks looking down at anyone below their level... most probably actually (and knowingly) never met any.

Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Robin Williams ........ they never seemed all that happy!

Here's some more.


But possibly they enjoyed a better quality of sadness!
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To add to the truth in this I look at lots of the guys I worked and work with in the oil field. While they are not seen as considerably rich a good few of them did or do earn well over $250k a year. Work 6 months a year for that no less. So that leaves 6 months onshore with an income of $250K and quite a few manage to piss it all away by the end of their months off. Now we are mid oil crisis and it has only been one year and most I know are frantically selling their stuff to try to make it through. No longer going out and locked away in their homes to save every cent they have left.

When I was but a wee young roughneck we had a phrase for those guys. " King for a day. Fool for a life time " Cheers to the oil crisis bringing a bit of normality back into the world.

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And drive old Fortunas in Thailand .They haunt me here in Krabi. Sit for a quiet beer and all I hear from the next table is Mr T Shirt from London bangin on about his Tuna doing Lamborghini speed ,his flight here in Exec Class ,and the Electric Gates on his Mansion. It is funny but the next oik tells the same tale near enough

Now don't bring me into this Ace......gigglem.gif

you have the good fortune to drive a Fortuna Trans?

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And drive old Fortunas in Thailand .They haunt me here in Krabi. Sit for a quiet beer and all I hear from the next table is Mr T Shirt from London bangin on about his Tuna doing Lamborghini speed ,his flight here in Exec Class ,and the Electric Gates on his Mansion. It is funny but the next oik tells the same tale near enough

Now don't bring me into this Ace......gigglem.gif

Nah ,you ain't no plastic 'Home Counties" who runs back home to sign on or see if Momsey has croaked.[emoji441][emoji482]
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There is a problem in this thread...

I don't think we have the same understanding of what is "being rich".

For me, someone who works and make 250k dollars a year is not rich. But he may appear extremely wealthy in the eyes of others I guess.

Shall we concentrate on the real rich please? It's much funnier :)

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I meet people here who have millions of dollars. So far they seem like normal people.

Those forum posters who think that millionaires and billionaires are all nasty, unhappy jerks looking down at anyone below their level... most probably actually (and knowingly) never met any.

You are quite possibly correct in that assumption. However, I'm sure a lot of members have met the sad sort in real life as well as online that can't stop themselves from boasting of their apparent wealth in order to increase their own sense of importance and superiority.....you know, those ones that inevitably expose themselves as buffoons and become tiresome figures of fun (at best).

Edited by Rob8891
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Takes all kinds, regardless of country or location. Ego drives such behavior. Most people are not so self centered.

You are absolutely correct, thankfully. Regrettably, there are some truly pathetic sociopaths that roam among us.

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There is a problem in this thread...

I don't think we have the same understanding of what is "being rich".

For me, someone who works and make 250k dollars a year is not rich. But he may appear extremely wealthy in the eyes of others I guess.

Shall we concentrate on the real rich please? It's much funnier smile.png

. While they are not seen as considerably rich a good few of them did or do earn well over $250k a year.

Please re read the above statement. As I said in my post it reminds me of these people. This directly relates to the type of people described in the OP.

I suppose every thread needs one of your sort though coffee1.gif

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I meet people here who have millions of dollars. So far they seem like normal people.

Those forum posters who think that millionaires and billionaires are all nasty, unhappy jerks looking down at anyone below their level... most probably actually (and knowingly) never met any.

You are quite possibly correct in that assumption. However, I'm sure a lot of members have met the sad sort in real life as well as online that can't stop themselves from boasting of their apparent wealth in order to increase their own sense of importance and superiority.....you know, those ones that inevitably expose themselves as buffoons and become tiresome figures of fun (at best).

Sure... But in these cases we do not speak about rich people. Just people with a bit of money to buy a house, a few watches, a few cars, a wife, ...

Many on here tend to put billionaires, real rich people, wealthy people, financially comfortable people, employees with a fairly high salary, retirees with an ok pension, as well as wannabe's in the same bag. Not at all the same to me though...

Edited by gerry1011
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I would love some money so I could finally brag. And to that end, would not be adverse to receiving donations from those who wish to help me on the rise from destitution.

Cheque is in the mail, what ever you do, don't try to bank it, Tis a bit rubbery ;), h e l l its alot rubbery :D

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Takes all kinds, regardless of country or location. Ego drives such behavior. Most people are not so self centered.

You are absolutely correct, thankfully. Regrettably, there are some truly pathetic sociopaths that roam among us.

And beware of the over weight farang that reckons he is NOW a kick boxer....blink.png

It could be you are judging him too harshly. Maybe he is a Sumo kick boxer ! biggrin.png

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Takes all kinds, regardless of country or location. Ego drives such behavior. Most people are not so self centered.

You are absolutely correct, thankfully. Regrettably, there are some truly pathetic sociopaths that roam among us.

Did you ever hear that story about the guy who issued a stream of death threats to an Australian in Petchabun?

The Australian took the threats seriously and moved away from Thailand for a while.

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Takes all kinds, regardless of country or location. Ego drives such behavior. Most people are not so self centered.

You are absolutely correct, thankfully. Regrettably, there are some truly pathetic sociopaths that roam among us.

Did you ever hear that story about the guy who issued a stream of death threats to an Australian in Petchabun?

The Australian took the threats seriously and moved away from Thailand for a while.

No but heard about the Australian guy who was shot in the head in his own front garden in Petchabun.


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Takes all kinds, regardless of country or location. Ego drives such behavior. Most people are not so self centered.

You are absolutely correct, thankfully. Regrettably, there are some truly pathetic sociopaths that roam among us.

Did you ever hear that story about the guy who issued a stream of death threats to an Australian in Petchabun?

The Australian took the threats seriously and moved away from Thailand for a while.

No but heard about the Australian guy who was shot in the head in his own front garden in Petchabun.


Interesting, but the Australian guy I'm referring to received the death threats around the middle of 2014. The guy making them was a farang and known sicko.

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These guys are the great pretenders they can not afford a comfortable retirement in their home country .My folks would not consider retiring in a 3rd world toilet.

I have to laugh at this. No offence to the poster but I think I understand what he is trying to get at about being able to afford to retire in your home country but... Many retirees like and prefer to retire in warmer climates. Many retirees have always wanted to get away from home and had a job and family keep them from it. Now is their chance to see the big world. For your own education purposes google the list or 3rd world countries and be amazed what county is not on said list. Your folks are most likely happy where they are but just because they are does not mean other peoples folks are.

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