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Jeb Bush calls Donald Trump a 'loser'


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No doubt Trump is a loser, at life.

Nonsense. I am not a Trump fan, but he is anything but. He has thriving businesses all over the planet, more money than God and a beautiful family. We get it that you don't like his politics, but he defines the word success.

Not so. He has had two failed marriages. He has suffered four bankruptcies, walking away from over $US 4.7 billion in debt. He has left many investors crippled by these acts. There are countless lawsuits against this man for fraud. He is not an honest man. He is not an ethical man. He failed at nearly every undertaking he took on, in Atlantic City. His business acumen is not nearly what he portrays it to be. He has a multitude of business failures. Just a few are Trump Airlines, Trump Vodka, Trumpo Casinos, Trump magazine, Trump steaks, etc. I could go on, and on, and on.

Here is a synopsis of his many failures as a businessman. The US is already on the verge of becoming a second rate nation. This man has what it takes to push it over that edge.


How many successful businesses have you started yourself?

I personally have had 2 failures and 1 success. The success still ongoing, making much more than the failures lost.

Does this make me a failure overall with a 66% failure rate? Should I have just given up after the first one?

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At this point Jeb must realize it just isn't in the cards. He's just so consumed with animus toward Trump that he hangs around to do whatever damage he can.

At this point Donald must realize it just isn't in the cards. He's just so consumed with animus toward

Bush that he hangs around to do whatever damage he can.

Uh, Bush just left NH in the trunk of Trump's car.


Actually, that sounded better in the original Russian. tongue.png

For those non-Americans, New Hampshire's state motto is "Live Free Or Die".


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Trump's not really a 'front runner.' He'll likely win NH, but there are a whole lot more delegates needed. It's Rubio who's the scariest. Did you notice how, in the most recent debate, when he was pestered by Christie, how Rubio not only didn't answer the challenges tossed at him, but he repeated an off-topic memorization THREE TIMES: "Obama knows what he's doing......." Christie even shook his head on the 3rd time, and said, 'oh dear, here he goes again.' Rubio was like an automaton who was only programmed to repeat his stump speech. If he'd been asked what he had for lunch, he would have started by saying, "Obama knows what he's doing......"

Trump had his people make Robotio Repeatio Rubio crawl home on his hands and knees. He had Hillary riding on his back yelling giddyup "Let's get the hell out of here."

Two losers who tried to get 16 minutes of fame.

At first the Repub power brokers were sure they could get the loser Bush elected. When that seemed to be failing they turned to that empty suit, Rubio. "Amnesty for illegals Rubio." One way or the other those power brokers were going to keep their illegals. The people are having none of it.

I wonder what Jeb Bush is calling Trump now. The insiders on both sides are the losers here. It's an insider massacre.


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No doubt Trump is a loser, at life.

Nonsense. I am not a Trump fan, but he is anything but. He has thriving businesses all over the planet, more money than God and a beautiful family. We get it that you don't like his politics, but he defines the word success.

Not so. He has had two failed marriages. He has suffered four bankruptcies, walking away from over $US 4.7 billion in debt. He has left many investors crippled by these acts. There are countless lawsuits against this man for fraud. He is not an honest man. He is not an ethical man. He failed at nearly every undertaking he took on, in Atlantic City. His business acumen is not nearly what he portrays it to be. He has a multitude of business failures. Just a few are Trump Airlines, Trump Vodka, Trumpo Casinos, Trump magazine, Trump steaks, etc. I could go on, and on, and on.

Here is a synopsis of his many failures as a businessman. The US is already on the verge of becoming a second rate nation. This man has what it takes to push it over that edge.


How many successful businesses have you started yourself?

I personally have had 2 failures and 1 success. The success still ongoing, making much more than the failures lost.

Does this make me a failure overall with a 66% failure rate? Should I have just given up after the first one?

How much did you manage to screw out of the failures?

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No doubt Trump is a loser, at life.

Nonsense. I am not a Trump fan, but he is anything but. He has thriving businesses all over the planet, more money than God and a beautiful family. We get it that you don't like his politics, but he defines the word success.

Not so. He has had two failed marriages. He has suffered four bankruptcies, walking away from over $US 4.7 billion in debt. He has left many investors crippled by these acts. There are countless lawsuits against this man for fraud. He is not an honest man. He is not an ethical man. He failed at nearly every undertaking he took on, in Atlantic City. His business acumen is not nearly what he portrays it to be. He has a multitude of business failures. Just a few are Trump Airlines, Trump Vodka, Trumpo Casinos, Trump magazine, Trump steaks, etc. I could go on, and on, and on.

Here is a synopsis of his many failures as a businessman. The US is already on the verge of becoming a second rate nation. This man has what it takes to push it over that edge.


How many successful businesses have you started yourself?

I personally have had 2 failures and 1 success. The success still ongoing, making much more than the failures lost.

Does this make me a failure overall with a 66% failure rate? Should I have just given up after the first one?

How much did you manage to screw out of the failures?

Exactly my point, and this goes to the very heart of the issue, when discussing this half man. He screwed people out of billions. He left people crippled, and nearly homeless. He stole a fortune over the course of his lifetime. It is his M.O. My guess is that he has stolen more than he has earned. It is one thing to fail in business with your own capital. There is some honor in that. You made a good effort, and it did not work out. But, to fail having used other people's money? Now, in my opinion that is a real issue. He did not care. It meant nothing to him. Did he ever attempt to pay any of it back? Of course not. That is not who he is. He walked away from $4,700,000,000 in debt, and never lost a wink of sleep. He is a charlatan.

Now, the really worrisome part, is that he just won New Hampshire, which is supposed to be a sophisticated, somewhat intellectual state. That is scary. Many of us thought most of his support base were just high school educated white men. Apparently not so. I think part of his appeal, is just people wanting to say no to the scumbag politicians.

If only they really know who they were voting for. If people really knew who he was, I doubt many would support him.

But, that is just my point of view.

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Dates for your diary:

In South Carolina, Republicans are voting on Saturday, Feb. 20, and Democrats will be choosing their candidate the following Saturday, Feb. 27, 2016.

Nevada kicks off its caucuses the same time, with Democrats voting on Feb. 20 and Republicans weighing in the following Tuesday, Feb. 23.

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, who is seeking the Republican nod, has said he's "ready to roll into South Carolina." But Republican businessman Donald Trump and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton remain the frontrunners in their respective parties in recent polls.

Democratic candidate Bernie Sanders' strong showing in Iowa and New Hampshire has the Clinton campaign on its heels, analysts say. And among Republican candidates, governors Christie, Jeb Bush of Florida and John Kasich of Ohio have been struggling in the double digits, trying to gain ground on Trump, Texas Sen. Ted Cruz and Florida Sen. Marco Rubio.

After South Carolina, the presidential race really heats up, with more than a dozen primaries scheduled for March 1. New Jersey's primary is scheduled for June 7.

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Just for the record, we already know what your pont of view is regarding Trump.

And we know yours.

Nothing else you want to discuss?


No, you don't know my opinion.


I thought I detected a tinge of admiration when he raised $6 million for Wounded Warriors? Well, until I pointed out what a crap choice that was anyway.


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Your detecting skills leave quite a bit to the imagination.

Now how about stop stalking me around the forum. It gets tiresome to either ignore or answer your many baits.

Thanks Chuck, but I'll continue to post when and where I like if it's alright with you.


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Your detecting skills leave quite a bit to the imagination.

Now how about stop stalking me around the forum. It gets tiresome to either ignore or answer your many baits.

I have him on ignore. Works wonders.


Baiting is the only reason he is on here. He has nothing else to say.

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Just for the record, we already know what your pont of view is regarding Trump.

No need to engage in bookkeeping, much less in any unnecessary or unsolicited accounting practices.

Record keeping among equals posting at a public general interest forum is not required. Nor is it desired or desirable.

You yourself posted last year you're "not a nice guy." That one was not a news bulletin either.

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No doubt Trump is a loser, at life.

Nonsense. I am not a Trump fan, but he is anything but. He has thriving businesses all over the planet, more money than God and a beautiful family. We get it that you don't like his politics, but he defines the word success.

Not so. He has had two failed marriages. He has suffered four bankruptcies, walking away from over $US 4.7 billion in debt. He has left many investors crippled by these acts. There are countless lawsuits against this man for fraud. He is not an honest man. He is not an ethical man. He failed at nearly every undertaking he took on, in Atlantic City. His business acumen is not nearly what he portrays it to be. He has a multitude of business failures. Just a few are Trump Airlines, Trump Vodka, Trumpo Casinos, Trump magazine, Trump steaks, etc. I could go on, and on, and on.

Here is a synopsis of his many failures as a businessman. The US is already on the verge of becoming a second rate nation. This man has what it takes to push it over that edge.


How many successful businesses have you started yourself?

I personally have had 2 failures and 1 success. The success still ongoing, making much more than the failures lost.

Does this make me a failure overall with a 66% failure rate? Should I have just given up after the first one?

How much did you manage to screw out of the failures?

Exactly my point, and this goes to the very heart of the issue, when discussing this half man. He screwed people out of billions. He left people crippled, and nearly homeless. He stole a fortune over the course of his lifetime. It is his M.O. My guess is that he has stolen more than he has earned. It is one thing to fail in business with your own capital. There is some honor in that. You made a good effort, and it did not work out. But, to fail having used other people's money? Now, in my opinion that is a real issue. He did not care. It meant nothing to him. Did he ever attempt to pay any of it back? Of course not. That is not who he is. He walked away from $4,700,000,000 in debt, and never lost a wink of sleep. He is a charlatan.

Now, the really worrisome part, is that he just won New Hampshire, which is supposed to be a sophisticated, somewhat intellectual state. That is scary. Many of us thought most of his support base were just high school educated white men. Apparently not so. I think part of his appeal, is just people wanting to say no to the scumbag politicians.

If only they really know who they were voting for. If people really knew who he was, I doubt many would support him.

But, that is just my point of view.

Congrats on consistently presenting Trump as few can.

And thanks for driving the right up a wall and across the ceiling with your calm yet hard hitting posts that reveal the actual person, The Donald of Trump.
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Your detecting skills leave quite a bit to the imagination.

Now how about stop stalking me around the forum. It gets tiresome to either ignore or answer your many baits.

I have him on ignore. Works wonders.


Baiting is the only reason he is on here. He has nothing else to say.

Ah wonderful. Contradicting people who don't like it is now "baiting".

Poor dears.

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Jeb is to Donald what Curly is to Moe (3 Stooges)

One is trying to be nice guy and the other is relishing his role as tough guy.

How tough is The Donald in real life? He was awol from the draft, claiming he had a bad foot. Recently, when a reporter asked him which foot it was, The Donald said he couldn't remember.

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Trump played well as a cadet in some military high school in New York.

Toy soldiers.

Jeb in private school in Massachusetts drew a draft number that would have sent him to Vietnam, except conscription ended a few months later, which was about 18 months after education deferments had ended.

The only Bush who's actually fought in a war for the United States is the old man who fought in WW2 along with everyone else. This Bush Dynasty does like to send the rest of us off to wars nobody to include the US can win or close out. Trump is without question another one, as are two more chronic civilian warriors Cruz and Rubio.

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Jeb is to Donald what Curly is to Moe (3 Stooges)

One is trying to be nice guy and the other is relishing his role as tough guy.

How tough is The Donald in real life? He was awol from the draft, claiming he had a bad foot. Recently, when a reporter asked him which foot it was, The Donald said he couldn't remember.

Trump, like a number of his contemporaries such as Dickless Cheney (seven deferments!), Mitch McConnell, Trent Lott, John Coryn, John Ensign, John Boehner, Roy Blunt, Rudy Giuliani, Mitt Romney, Dennis Hastert, Dick Armey, Tom Delay, Bill Frist, John Ashcroft (seven deferments!), Rick Santorum, Jeb Bush, Karl Rove were scared to death of fighting in Vietnam. They bought their way out of that obligation. They were, and are cowards. They talk a big talk, but when it comes to walking into the land of danger, they would cower in the corner, and avoid personal danger at all costs. Other prominent fools who did not serve:

  • George Will, did not serve
  • Chris Matthews, Mediawhore, did not serve. (However, apparently served in the Peace Corps.)
  • Bill O'Reilly, did not serve
  • Paul Gigot, did not serve.
  • Bill Bennett, Did not serve
  • Pat Buchanan, did not serve
  • Rush Limbaugh, did not serve (4-F with a 'pilonidal cyst' [see "The Rush Limbaugh Story" by Paul D. Colford, St. Martin's Press, 1993, Chapter 2: Beating the Draft.])
  • Michael Savage (aka Michael Alan Weiner) - did not serve, too busy chasing herbs and botany degrees in Hawaii and Fiji
  • John Wayne, did not serve
  • Pat Robertson - claimed during 1986 campaign to be a "combat veteran." In reality, was a "Liquor Officer."
  • Bill Kristol, did not serve
  • Sean Hannity, did not serve.
  • Kenneth Starr, did not serve
  • Antonin Scalia, did not serve
  • Clarence Thomas, did not serve
  • Ralph Reed, did not serve
  • Michael Medved, did not serve
  • Charlie Daniels, did not serve
  • Ted Nugent, did not serve
  • Country Singer Toby Keith, did not serve. (1)
  • Radio Host Phil Hendrie, did not serve.


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Well Fiorina and Christie have fallen on their swords.

And this morning Trump told O'Reilly that he's going to win the war with China by taxing their exports to the USA.

I'm sure the US is in much better shape to fight a trade war than China.


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Just for those who may not be familiar with US right wingers.... Spidermike's post #84 lists prominent American men, most of whom are politicians, born around mid-20th century, who avoided the military draft. One reason that list is significant is that they have based much of their careers on making a lot of noise about 'serving our country' and 'don't dodge the draft or other responsibilities.'

I was 18, and a senior in US High School when the lottery was instated by Nixon. I got #12. At the time I was thinking I would go, if called. Of course it's easy to say that now. But I recall some of my friends were doing things to avoid the draft at that time: dressing in their sister's underwear or doing a shitload of recreational drugs the day they had to report (that's what one of my buddies did, who went on to become one of the best known rock stars of our generation). One went to Canada. Lucky for all of us, the draft measure was moot and as the war was winding down.

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Your detecting skills leave quite a bit to the imagination.

Now how about stop stalking me around the forum. It gets tiresome to either ignore or answer your many baits.

I have him on ignore. Works wonders.


I do too, now.

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Jeb is to Donald what Curly is to Moe (3 Stooges)

One is trying to be nice guy and the other is relishing his role as tough guy.

How tough is The Donald in real life? He was awol from the draft, claiming he had a bad foot. Recently, when a reporter asked him which foot it was, The Donald said he couldn't remember.

Trump, like a number of his contemporaries such as Dickless Cheney (seven deferments!), Mitch McConnell, Trent Lott, John Coryn, John Ensign, John Boehner, Roy Blunt, Rudy Giuliani, Mitt Romney, Dennis Hastert, Dick Armey, Tom Delay, Bill Frist, John Ashcroft (seven deferments!), Rick Santorum, Jeb Bush, Karl Rove were scared to death of fighting in Vietnam. They bought their way out of that obligation. They were, and are cowards. They talk a big talk, but when it comes to walking into the land of danger, they would cower in the corner, and avoid personal danger at all costs. Other prominent fools who did not serve:

  • George Will, did not serve
  • Chris Matthews, Mediawhore, did not serve. (However, apparently served in the Peace Corps.)
  • Bill O'Reilly, did not serve
  • Paul Gigot, did not serve.
  • Bill Bennett, Did not serve
  • Pat Buchanan, did not serve
  • Rush Limbaugh, did not serve (4-F with a 'pilonidal cyst' [see "The Rush Limbaugh Story" by Paul D. Colford, St. Martin's Press, 1993, Chapter 2: Beating the Draft.])
  • Michael Savage (aka Michael Alan Weiner) - did not serve, too busy chasing herbs and botany degrees in Hawaii and Fiji
  • John Wayne, did not serve
  • Pat Robertson - claimed during 1986 campaign to be a "combat veteran." In reality, was a "Liquor Officer."
  • Bill Kristol, did not serve
  • Sean Hannity, did not serve.
  • Kenneth Starr, did not serve
  • Antonin Scalia, did not serve
  • Clarence Thomas, did not serve
  • Ralph Reed, did not serve
  • Michael Medved, did not serve
  • Charlie Daniels, did not serve
  • Ted Nugent, did not serve
  • Country Singer Toby Keith, did not serve. (1)
  • Radio Host Phil Hendrie, did not serve.


You missed at least two prominent names in your Republican dominated hit list.

William Jefferson Clinton

Barack Hussein Obama

Edit in Make that three.

Joseph R. Biden, Jr. (5 deferments)

Edited by chuckd
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Jeb is to Donald what Curly is to Moe (3 Stooges)

One is trying to be nice guy and the other is relishing his role as tough guy.

How tough is The Donald in real life? He was awol from the draft, claiming he had a bad foot. Recently, when a reporter asked him which foot it was, The Donald said he couldn't remember.

Trump, like a number of his contemporaries such as Dickless Cheney (seven deferments!), Mitch McConnell, Trent Lott, John Coryn, John Ensign, John Boehner, Roy Blunt, Rudy Giuliani, Mitt Romney, Dennis Hastert, Dick Armey, Tom Delay, Bill Frist, John Ashcroft (seven deferments!), Rick Santorum, Jeb Bush, Karl Rove were scared to death of fighting in Vietnam. They bought their way out of that obligation. They were, and are cowards. They talk a big talk, but when it comes to walking into the land of danger, they would cower in the corner, and avoid personal danger at all costs. Other prominent fools who did not serve:

  • George Will, did not serve
  • Chris Matthews, Mediawhore, did not serve. (However, apparently served in the Peace Corps.)
  • Bill O'Reilly, did not serve
  • Paul Gigot, did not serve.
  • Bill Bennett, Did not serve
  • Pat Buchanan, did not serve
  • Rush Limbaugh, did not serve (4-F with a 'pilonidal cyst' [see "The Rush Limbaugh Story" by Paul D. Colford, St. Martin's Press, 1993, Chapter 2: Beating the Draft.])
  • Michael Savage (aka Michael Alan Weiner) - did not serve, too busy chasing herbs and botany degrees in Hawaii and Fiji
  • John Wayne, did not serve
  • Pat Robertson - claimed during 1986 campaign to be a "combat veteran." In reality, was a "Liquor Officer."
  • Bill Kristol, did not serve
  • Sean Hannity, did not serve.
  • Kenneth Starr, did not serve
  • Antonin Scalia, did not serve
  • Clarence Thomas, did not serve
  • Ralph Reed, did not serve
  • Michael Medved, did not serve
  • Charlie Daniels, did not serve
  • Ted Nugent, did not serve
  • Country Singer Toby Keith, did not serve. (1)
  • Radio Host Phil Hendrie, did not serve.


You missed at least two prominent names in your Republican dominated hit list.

William Jefferson Clinton

Barack Hussein Obama

Edit in Make that three.

Joseph R. Biden, Jr. (5 deferments)

Yes, I was trying to find some prominent democrats to put on that list, but I found dozens who has served with honors. For some reason, the republicans seem to have a real adversity to fighting in wars, yet many seem so willing to start them.

Actually, I do not hold the democrats, nor the party in any higher regard than the republicans. At this point, they are nearly the same. Frankly, I am not sure why Fox and the GOP hate Obama so much. From my point of view, he is further to the right than Tiny George II was. For me, as a former ( I have renounced both parties) democrat, he was and is an enormous disappointment. So is most of the party, especially Hillary, who I would not vote for if she was the last person in the world. Talk about bought and paid for. So, you see I am fairly objective about these things. I was honestly trying to find some democratic draft dodgers. Those two you mentioned are good examples, though I think Obama was a bit young during the Vietnam war. I do not think they were drafting 12 year olds.

Edited by spidermike007
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