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North Korea 'executes' army chief, Seoul reports


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North Korea 'executes' army chief, Seoul reports


SEOUL: -- North Korea is reported to have carried out the latest in a series of high-profile executions.

Army Chief of Staff Ri Yong Gil is said to have been “expunged for corruption and factional conspiracy”. The unverified report comes from neighbouring South Korea’s Yonhap news agency.

North Korea seldom publically announces the executions or purges of high-level officials. One rare confirmation from the secretive state came in 2013 with the execution of Jang Song Thaek, leader Kim Jong-un’s uncle, who was once considered second in command.

According to reports, Army Chief Gil has not been seen publically since January and was not present at Pyongyang’s internationally-condemned satellite launch on February 7.

There have been previous instances of North Korean officials disappearing for extended periods of time, only to resurface at a later date.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2016-02-11
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I can't imagine how that punk can survive, as brutal as he is and as brutal as the killings are.

"The victims of this brutality are unknown, but there is no shortage of past examples. In 2012, a shocked international press reported that a military officer was sentenced to death for drinking during the official mourning period for Kim’s father, Kim Jong Il. The method of execution was reportedly by short-range mortar firing squad. According to a source talking to South Korean newspaper Chosun Ilbo, it was ordered that “no trace of him [be left] behind, down to his hair.”

"North Korea employees a fear-mongering tactic of constant government purges. Despite hopes that this would let up under new leadership, the young Kim Jong Un instead began his reign with a massacre of military officers and hasn’t slowed down a tradition of top-level killing. According to the BBC, South Korean intelligence estimates at least one senior office has been executed per week."


Edited by NeverSure
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In years to come we will find out why this guy and his predecessors never got whacked.

I always wonder why.

There are 2 types of money in the world ..........old and new.

I can smell old money here somewhere but where exactly I don't know.

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In years to come we will find out why this guy and his predecessors never got whacked.

I always wonder why.

There are 2 types of money in the world ..........old and new.

I can smell old money here somewhere but where exactly I don't know.

Although it may sometimes appear so, the North Korean regime is not some mafia gang where the next leader is the one who "whacked" the previous one.

The vast majority of the citizens of North Korea are completely brainwashed and completely cut off from the rest of the world. They know nothing else.

The upper echelons of the regime operate similarly to the guards at the former Khmer Rough torture centre in Cambodia, known as Tuol Sleng and along the same lines as the higher-ups in Sadam Hussein's regime. The problem is that if someone from that upper level communicates something to someone else at the upper echelon that is not 100% in favour of the regime, the latter cannot be sure that the former is not an agent provocateur. That is why, to save your own skin, you immediately reported the disloyal words of your colleague to the authorities.

That is why so many guards/torturers at Tuol Sleng ended up being inmates and were tortured themselves. One guy would say to another, "That bloke we were torturing this morning who confessed that he was an agent of the CIA - how could he have been a CIA agent - he was just a poor illiterate farmer. He would not know what the CIA was. Why are we doing this?" His colleague would immediately report him - if he did not, he himself would be in trouble for not doing so and could be seen as part of a conspiracy.

It always helps, especially when the regime is doing completely stupid stuff or if it is going to through a vulnerable period, to execute someone big "pour encourager les autres." (trans. as an example to everyone else).

In such febrile scenarios where no one can trust anyone else, it is truly amazing if anyone ever says anything or does anything incriminating. That is why I think the North Korean regime have to really look carefully for anyone who does something rather innocuous, a small lapse such as drinking during the mourning period for the previous dear leader, corruption (when the Dear Leader is the most corrupt of them all!) or something else equally innocuous.

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Why don't these high ranking officials all get it that their lives are in danger from a madman? Why don't they just take out the trash?

Stalin purged officers (& others) by the thousands in the years prior to WWII. ' Put the USSR at a severe disadvantage during the early stages of the war. And his iron-fisted rule was never in question. I wouldn't get your hopes up for a military coup in NK...

Edited by hawker9000
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Why don't these high ranking officials all get it that their lives are in danger from a madman? Why don't they just take out the trash?

Why do you want to save these "high ranking officials." They're all a part of, and complicit in, the totalitarian state the Kims have erected and its crimes against humanity. When I read one of these sycophants has been strung-up by the head madman, it gives me a warm feeling inside.

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Why don't these high ranking officials all get it that their lives are in danger from a madman? Why don't they just take out the trash?

Stalin purged officers (& others) by the thousands in the years prior to WWII. ' Put the USSR at a severe disadvantage during the early stages of the war. And his iron-fisted rule was never in question. I wouldn't get your hopes up for a military coup in NK...
The last thing we want it a free N.Korea, while the population is happy in their workers paradise they are not competing for the worlds resources and lowering our living standards. The worst thing that happened to the free world was the Berlin Wall caming down and China going commercial.
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Why don't these high ranking officials all get it that their lives are in danger from a madman? Why don't they just take out the trash?

Why do you want to save these "high ranking officials." They're all a part of, and complicit in, the totalitarian state the Kims have erected and its crimes against humanity. When I read one of these sycophants has been strung-up by the head madman, it gives me a warm feeling inside.

I don't want to save them. I just can't understand why they don't act to save themselves.

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Why don't these high ranking officials all get it that their lives are in danger from a madman? Why don't they just take out the trash?

Why do you want to save these "high ranking officials." They're all a part of, and complicit in, the totalitarian state the Kims have erected and its crimes against humanity. When I read one of these sycophants has been strung-up by the head madman, it gives me a warm feeling inside.

I don't want to save them. I just can't understand why they don't act to save themselves.

Because they're all probably cowering under their desks, hoping the next victim will be the guy in the other office. Hard to start a conspiracy, too, when the person you want to conspire with may turn you in to the Fat Kid, hoping that squealing will save his own skin that way.

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Why don't these high ranking officials all get it that their lives are in danger from a madman? Why don't they just take out the trash?

Why do you want to save these "high ranking officials." They're all a part of, and complicit in, the totalitarian state the Kims have erected and its crimes against humanity. When I read one of these sycophants has been strung-up by the head madman, it gives me a warm feeling inside.

I don't want to save them. I just can't understand why they don't act to save themselves.

When you take the conformity-fixation of the Asian psyche and multiply it by 1,000, you get a perversion like N.Korea. It's not much different than China of 50 yrs ago. Similar to East Germany of a few decades ago. It's tough to fight a system when anything other than fanatic conformity and feigned adulation will earn you a death sentence.

Even when N.Korea breaks the yoke of mind-control, it will take decades for the NK people to approach normalcy of somewhat free-thinking people. Even China is taking decades to come out of its group-think fixation. Every Chinese over the age of 40 was stuck in that mind-set. Their kids are getting a bit better, but they're still stuck in various ways. Some examples:

>> All Chinese think Tibet has always been Chinese and has never been an independent kingdom

>> All Chinese think the S.China Sea and all its islands have always been Chinese

>> Chinese think the Great Wall of China can be seen from space.

>> Chinese think that ingesting dried tiger penis will enable flaccid men to get hard-ons.

>> Chinese are taught in school that Earliest Man originated from China, not from Africa.

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