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Vehicle Purchase


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Your best bet would be to bring it back to the dealership for a trade in rather than try to sell it on your own. You won't get as much on a trade in but when selling on your own, you run the chance of it taking months to sell (if it does).

There is a glut of trucks on the market today. Most truck manufacturers have been offering large incentives to sell their excess and to make some profits. So, buy a used truck with possible high miles and limited warranty, or buy a heavily discounted new truck with full warranty and no miles. I'd pick the new.

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The Triton hasn't hit U.S. markets yet and I believe is only being sold in Thailand, Australia and New Zealand (someone correct me if I am wrong). The Vigo is also not available here (though it has some similarities to the '07 Tundra). In most cases foreign vehicles here in the States go for a premium and you don't see much for discounts. I'm pretty sure the same can be said for other markets around the world.

The big three however have been struggling for a few years now and because of this they were offering large rebates on their trucks. GM still offers over from $1000 to $7000 rebates depending on the model. They are offering these rebates in foreign markets aren't they?

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