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Jellyfish near Jomtien


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Hi, today Feb. 12, 2016, I was at beach 10 km or so past Jomtien, controlled by access points by the Thai Navy and went into the water. When chest deep I spotted a jellyfish about 30 cm in size and more square than round. It was about 2 meters away and near the surface.I was about to float on my back and let the current take me in to the beach. That decision quickly changed and I carefully walked away with eyes wide open. No problems. Not sure if it was a box jellyfish or not....but, the shape was not common to me.


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Dear Ken, not a Box jelly fish. In the murky sandy waters around here it would be very hard to see them as they are very transparent, and the head is small. The trailing legs/arms are the problem and getting tangled in them.

see this link

box jelly fish images

I have seen strandings in the past of small jelly fish here that look lie a transparant cucumber. They are harmless.

This is another one to avoid and often washed ashore in the tropics - I have seen these in Queensland on the beaches but not here.

blue bottle jellyfish images

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Thanks for the info. Definitely visible and about 30 cm below sea level. Short trailing tentacles. Before you chuckle....I am positive it was not a plastic bag ;-)

Somewhat similar to what we have off the west coast of Canada, . Whatever it was ....I am now sure it was not a box jellyfish. Thanks...Ken

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Dear Ken, not a Box jelly fish. In the murky sandy waters around here it would be very hard to see them as they are very transparent, and the head is small. The trailing legs/arms are the problem and getting tangled in them.

see this link

box jelly fish images

I have seen strandings in the past of small jelly fish here that look lie a transparant cucumber. They are harmless.

This is another one to avoid and often washed ashore in the tropics - I have seen these in Queensland on the beaches but not here.

blue bottle jellyfish images

But still has a nasty sting, right??? I see these all the time during my walks on the beach....

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Dear Ken, not a Box jelly fish. In the murky sandy waters around here it would be very hard to see them as they are very transparent, and the head is small. The trailing legs/arms are the problem and getting tangled in them.

see this link

box jelly fish images

I have seen strandings in the past of small jelly fish here that look lie a transparant cucumber. They are harmless.

This is another one to avoid and often washed ashore in the tropics - I have seen these in Queensland on the beaches but not here.

blue bottle jellyfish images

The latter are sometimes on Phuket beaches, usually over the next two months .

Their bodies are flatter and smaller , and the tentacles short.

They still hurt but !

Also , sea lice ( itchy/scratchy/like pin pricks ) are generally in the sea about now , but maybe its this el nino that has diminished or delayed them this year. The weather is very different to last year.

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There has been no box jelly fish reported in the Pattaya area, I have rarely swam of Jomtien Beach or walked it early in the morning so I do not know the situation of mainland beaches, but from experience I have seen many while diving the Koh Larn, the far islands and Samae San area, the Jelly fish presence is seasonal, but they were stingers but not Box Jelly fish, most were a dirty brown colour.

Edited by Basil B
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Some interesting stuff, if you google the subject in variations. I used to swim daily for many years along Jomtien. Stopped after my 3rd. jellyfish incident which left me badly hurt and in lots of pain. Lucky enough a foreign Dr. with some medication was present and helped with first aid. Never went again for now 5 years. Just too scary...Info on such creatures is obviously not attracting tourists, so best suppressed with exception of a couple of guys who get organized I believe on Koh Mak? Lak....Anyway all and more on GOOGLE. Watch out for these monsters....MS>

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