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Shooting at Bangkok shopping mall leaves two dead


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when people cheat it means they are not really happy in their current relationship, is that wrong to not be happy?
No human owns another, she had every right to cheat even if it hurts another human... its not illegal....
Ofcourse the right thing would be to break up first then pursue another person.... But that rarely works... sometimes a good break requires a third party to drill the message and resentment home..

in essence,.,, Cheating is not right, not wrong but hurts...

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The Daily News said they had been seeing each other for several months, he was separated from his wife, they had one child together. He started a relationship with this lady who was married with 2 kids. She decided to end it feeling guilty and designated her staff to run her stall in her absence ( to avoid seeing him).His own mother told him to forget it, she was married but he said he loved her too much to give her up.

He rang her up and said he wanted to see her for the last time and give her a mobile phone on Valentine's Day to show his love.

She agreed to meet him at the department store. On the day of the murder, Valentine's Day, his mother said he prostrated himself before her and said,' Mum I love you but i don't think I will see you again'..

She didn't think much of it until she heard what happened.

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So sad that Thais resort to killing their lovers so easily. Pathetic logic they use justifying their actions which hurt so many. That poor innocent little girl will never be the same and scarred for life. What is worse is that he actually killed himself because this man needed to suffer for his actions. I hope the young girl can overcome the trauma of her injuries and the future psychological trauma she will incur.

please. not just thailand.



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So sad that Thais resort to killing their lovers so easily. Pathetic logic they use justifying their actions which hurt so many. That poor innocent little girl will never be the same and scarred for life. What is worse is that he actually killed himself because this man needed to suffer for his actions. I hope the young girl can overcome the trauma of her injuries and the future psychological trauma she will incur.

"So sad that Thais resort to killing their lovers so easily. "

Yes, it's another strictly Thai issue. Nowhere else in the world do people resort to using guns to solve all their problems.

Still find it amazing that people see human failings like this as uniquely Thai problems rather than one that exists, to a greater or lesser degree, virtually everywhere in the world. This sort of unfortunately common place thing wouldn't even merit more than local news coverage in the US, among other places.

And just where in my comment do you see me saying this doesn't happen elsewhere or that it only happens in Thailand? You sure do like to twist the meaning of what people say. This article was not about what happens in the USA and you demean the tragedy that befell that poor little girl and the gf by your comment and comparison. Shame on you

Exactly, shame on all the Thai apologists.

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You hear of so many here who kill their lovers, and spouses. The level of jealousy and insecurity here is insane. So many kill over love. Why not just walk away, and find a new woman? Why get so myopic, and blinded by love? What is up with that? Why such immaturity?

I often travel separately from my Thai wife. This week she is headed to Korat for a week, to visit some friends, and I am headed to Bangkok and Hua Hin to visit my friends. She often finds my friends boring, as we chat in english all day, about all kinds of things that mean little to her. I can say the same about her, and her friends, who chat in Thai, and even if I could understand it, not sure I would find it interesting or engaging. At least not for hours on end. We are both happy to do so. It is great for the relationship. We both trust each other, and are comfortable with being apart for a little while. She is trying to get some of her friends to join, and NONE of their Thai boyfriends or husbands will let them go. Not even her sister's husband! They are all so terribly insecure. They are all so terribly jealous and possessive. It strikes me as quite unattractive, and petty minded.

Personally, I could not live like that. For me, a little bit of space and independence, in a good long term relationship, is healthy and refreshing. My woman appreciates that too. She is always remarking on how surprised her girlfriends are, that I am ok with her traveling on her own, and how much she treasures that independence and trust. They say their men would never allow that. Seems a bit small minded to me. Such limitation, and such insecurity. Does that simply come from a relative lack of emotional development? I always felt that if one is secure enough in a relationship, you can trust your woman to be on her own a bit, and visa versa. What do you think?

Sounds like we have the same minded wives and they have the same kinds of friends and family members. Quite ridiculous when you think about it. My wives sister's husbands get so jealous of their wives if they are even sitting close to me.

Many, many moons ago, when I was with my ex-wife, she got a call from an ex-boyfriend. They were engaged for a while, then she broke it off, just prior to us meeting each other. I did not know many of the details, and I did not know him. as we had never met. She asked if she could go and meet him, as she said they still had some things they needed to work out. My intuition told me it was the right thing to do, to give my blessing to that effort. She came back a couple of hours later. He accompanied her, and introduced himself to me. He seemed like a real gentleman. She came inside, and gave me a big hug, started crying, and told me she had never been with a man before, who really trusted her, and it meant the world to her. She told me that one act said more about my heart, and my nature than anything I had done to date. Later we got married, and we enjoyed a very good relationship that lasted 10 years. I have look back on that day many times, and it is always with a great degree of satisfaction. I was very young at the time, but it told me alot about myself, and I liked what I saw.

Since then, I have never really understood the true nature of jealously and possessiveness. They feel like very dark, ugly qualities, that do not represent a sound mind, a mature and developed soul, nor a trusting heart. It feels so much better to believe in my woman, and allow her to have a life, apart from mine. I tend to get involved with women who have alot of friends, and they are able to spend time with their friends, and I am able to do the same. Sometimes for an entire day, or in the case of the above quote, several days at a time. We both love it. And it seems to make us closer, and more comfortable with each other. Many of her friends remark on how amazing it would be to find a man like me, that believes in them, and how oppressive it can be to live with a man who does not trust them, or believe that their intentions are noble and correct.

I am told that many Thai men are not well developed emotionally. That they are extremely possessive, and very jealous. I guess that is what contributes to some of the more extreme acts we hear about. The whole thing feels so undignified to me. So small. If you feel good about yourself, and know and like who you are, you can allow your woman to be herself, and do her own thing, from time to time. Right?

In a hugely patriarchal society nobody ever considered how the women really felt about being the victim of infidelity. Still don't, yet we can see how men deal with exactly the same circumstance.

Here we go again, the white knight feminist, arriving in Thailand to save the genuine, innocent thai girl from all the horrible thai men...

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On a lighter note... in the ThaiVISA Newsletter I got, it stated, "Man shoots dead lover, then himself in shopping mall on Valentine's."

It made me wonder... Why would a man shoot a "dead lover"? Just got a thrill from firing a gun into a dead body, I guess!

Okay, I know that isn't what was intended... But, it is always funny how people sometimes write WITHOUT THINKING about what they are WRITING. ? ??❗️

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On a lighter note... in the ThaiVISA Newsletter I got, it stated, "Man shoots dead lover, then himself in shopping mall on Valentine's."It made me wonder... Why would a man shoot a "dead lover"? Just got a thrill from firing a gun into a dead body, I guess!Okay, I know that isn't what was intended... But, it is always funny how people sometimes write WITHOUT THINKING about what they are WRITING. ❗️

Not excusing the generally poor writing in country, in this instance, it is acceptable to write

shoot dead lover

As in "he shot dead someone, but I'm not sure who."

" to shoot dead " is being used as a compound verb

In linguistics, a compound verb or complex predicate is a multi-word compound that functions as a single verb. One component of the compound is a light verb or vector, which carries any inflections, indicating tense, mood, or aspect, but provides only fine shades of meaning.

Edited by PaullyW
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You hear of so many here who kill their lovers, and spouses. The level of jealousy and insecurity here is insane. So many kill over love. Why not just walk away, and find a new woman? Why get so myopic, and blinded by love? What is up with that? Why such immaturity?

I often travel separately from my Thai wife. This week she is headed to Korat for a week, to visit some friends, and I am headed to Bangkok and Hua Hin to visit my friends. She often finds my friends boring, as we chat in english all day, about all kinds of things that mean little to her. I can say the same about her, and her friends, who chat in Thai, and even if I could understand it, not sure I would find it interesting or engaging. At least not for hours on end. We are both happy to do so. It is great for the relationship. We both trust each other, and are comfortable with being apart for a little while. She is trying to get some of her friends to join, and NONE of their Thai boyfriends or husbands will let them go. Not even her sister's husband! They are all so terribly insecure. They are all so terribly jealous and possessive. It strikes me as quite unattractive, and petty minded.

Personally, I could not live like that. For me, a little bit of space and independence, in a good long term relationship, is healthy and refreshing. My woman appreciates that too. She is always remarking on how surprised her girlfriends are, that I am ok with her traveling on her own, and how much she treasures that independence and trust. They say their men would never allow that. Seems a bit small minded to me. Such limitation, and such insecurity. Does that simply come from a relative lack of emotional development? I always felt that if one is secure enough in a relationship, you can trust your woman to be on her own a bit, and visa versa. What do you think?

Agree with everything you say here SM007.My wife is off to Nan next week to see a nephew in hospital, I am off to my local bar tonight . 2 weeks ago I went to Pai for 2 days on the Forza she didn't want to go so just me and a mate. I have a good pal up here in the north but I have never seen him without his wife close behind , we call her his shadow , I couldn't be living like that.

Well, to some extent we are able to set the agenda. A lot of guys come over here, and they are already completely and totally emasculated by some of the horrible, cruel, masculine, and emotionally bereft women in the west. So, they just fall directly into the pattern. Someone has to take control in a relationship. A relationship is a bit like a boat. It needs a captain. If the man does not, or cannot be that captain, than usually the woman will take over that role. So, it is totally on your friend to control his shadow. He allows it. He permits it. It is on him to ask her to back down. It is a life he has chosen. It is not something that would work for you, or I. Never in a million years would I allow my life to decline to that level. Possessiveness is something I abhor. I hate the way that feels. Who needs that?

Fortunately we still had enough self esteem, to create and enjoy a healthy relationship. That is a wonderful thing.

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A woman stops loving you and you kill her ??? I will never understand that, get a life and move on idiots.

It's not worth killing yourself and her.

Hope this little girl gets well physically and mentally.

Edited by Canuk23
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