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U.S. stationing tanks and artillery in classified Norwegian caves


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U.S. stationing tanks and artillery in classified Norwegian caves
By Ryan Browne, CNN

Washington (CNN)Marines are prepositioning battle tanks, artillery and logistics equipment inside Norwegian caves as the U.S. pushes to station equipment near the NATO-Russia frontier.

"Any gear that is forward-deployed both reduces cost and speeds up our ability to support operations in crisis, so we're able to fall in on gear that is ready-to-go and respond to whatever that crisis may be," Col. William Bentley, operations officer for the 2nd Marine Expeditionary Brigade, said in a statement Friday on the Norwegian deployment that called the caves classified.

The deployment of new equipment to the Cold War-era caves comes amid renewed tensions between NATO and Russia. Russia shares a 121.6-mile long border with Norway.

Full story: http://us.cnn.com/2016/02/18/politics/u-s-tanks-artillery-norwegian-caves/index.html

-- CNN 2016-02-19

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Classified ? Then how do they know ? And Russia would never invade Norway first. They would go after countries in the former USSR.

If Russia wouldn't invade Norway first then maybe they aren't being deployed for defence.....

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Classified ? Then how do they know ? And Russia would never invade Norway first. They would go after countries in the former USSR.

If Russia wouldn't invade Norway first then maybe they aren't being deployed for defence.....

So, you figure NATO would somehow support an offence move against Russia? Forgive me for doubting the viability of

that scenario.A lesson move than stationing these in Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia. I view Russia's unilateral seizing of Ukrainian

sovereign territory as the cause of these reactions. Had Russia not taken the action, the stationing of further defense

would not have been warranted.

Many countries, the USA included, have used the supposed threat of internal and/or external enemies as a way to

appeal for citizen national support. We have seen this used in North Korea, currently in the South China Sea, and, yes,

I think Bush used the patriotism move in the ME.

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The reasoning behind placing equipment in Norway for a Marine expeditionary force is for a counter attack on Russia should they decide to invade any of the NATO Baltic countries. There are two reasons for this: 1. A counter attack away from the Baltic area would draw some of the attacking forces away from NATO Baltic countries thus, thinning out those attacking forces and making it easier for NATO forces to defend them. 2. The area of Norway that borders with Russia is very close to one of the most important Russian seaports and to the Murmansk military base. Capturing this area of Russia would cripple Russia's ability to carry on a protracted war.

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Imagine if Russia was involved with destabilising Mexico and perhaps the us virgin islands! My understanding was that the Cuba misile crisis was a result of the USA positioning missiles on the Turkey/Russia border. It all seems pretty illogical so that means there are other things that we are not being told

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Apparently the US has 2100 front line battle tanks stored/mothballed in the US so storing

a bunch in Norway close to a potential front line is a no brainer as far as I am concerned.

I am sure there are more being sprinkled around in a few other locations as well. coffee1.gif

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Nothing new its called forward positioning of war reserve material. Its been going on for MANY years. I can attest to it personally as having actually worked on this material since 1979, thats what 35 years? This is NOT news.

Edited by 2fishin2
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It strikes me as unnecessarily provocative. I have no idea what the purpose of storing equipment in Norway would be though it does not appear to fit any NATO/Russia conflict scenarios that I can imagine. This will be used by Putin to stir up Russian paranoia and justify an even more aggressive stance versus NATO .... all for something that is of dubious strategic value. This feels like something driven by the US military.

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Ah, the neocons in the American government, you know, the folks who brought us the various wars and invasions in the Middle East, keep marching forward in their bizarre amalgam of "onward Christian soldier" and American exceptionalism. And all this despite that Russia is no longer a communist country advocating an opposing ideology. One must stop and ask why the US government has so demonized Russia. One must stop and ask who is profiting from this madness. And it is just madness.

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It strikes me as unnecessarily provocative. I have no idea what the purpose of storing equipment in Norway would be though it does not appear to fit any NATO/Russia conflict scenarios that I can imagine. This will be used by Putin to stir up Russian paranoia and justify an even more aggressive stance versus NATO .... all for something that is of dubious strategic value. This feels like something driven by the US military.

Yes, Putin has demonstrated he's much better behaved when the West exerts no pressure

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Ah, the neocons in the American government, you know, the folks who brought us the various wars and invasions in the Middle East, keep marching forward in their bizarre amalgam of "onward Christian soldier" and American exceptionalism. And all this despite that Russia is no longer a communist country advocating an opposing ideology. One must stop and ask why the US government has so demonized Russia. One must stop and ask who is profiting from this madness. And it is just madness.

You are right they dont "advocate opposing ideology" they take over countries and assassinate any Putin's opponents.

Are you kidding us with your statement?

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Ah, the neocons in the American government, you know, the folks who brought us the various wars and invasions in the Middle East, keep marching forward in their bizarre amalgam of "onward Christian soldier" and American exceptionalism. And all this despite that Russia is no longer a communist country advocating an opposing ideology. One must stop and ask why the US government has so demonized Russia. One must stop and ask who is profiting from this madness. And it is just madness.

You are right they dont "advocate opposing ideology" they take over countries and assassinate any Putin's opponents.

Are you kidding us with your statement?

And the US has not recently taken over other countries? Are you dumb, deaf, and blind or have you just been off the planet over the past 60 years? Although it is true that more often than not the US tends to find someone else to assassinate, or simply oust with a military coup, elected leaders and replace them with local thugs as the Neocons did in Ukraine. It is always easy to find thugs in a military. The US was simply blessed when that wimp Smedley Butler outed those who wished to have a military coup in the US. And of course murky groups within the US never assassinate American leaders that threaten those who oppose the powers that Dwight Eisenhower warned us about.

Look, I am not arguing that Putin is some sort if angel, but don't be so naive as to fall for the demonization of Putin. There is no kidding in my original statement but I have attempted to use some irony above.

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After seeing Russian capabilities in Syria , US must be scared to be "hiding" tanks in caves.

Just a thought though , how do they plan to use the tanks should anything happen ? Jump out from the caves ? Or air lift tanks ?

Hope US realises , for every tank it moves closer to Russian border , Russia moves an extra rocket launcher

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Nato is a defensive formal treaty organisation founded in 1949 to deter Stalin invading Europe while it was recovering from World War II. That is what it continued to do during the Cold War, to include missiles in Nato member country Turkey.

Nato hasn't invaded anyone at anytime anywhere, not for any reason besides. Nato isn't going to invade Russia for any reason. The Putin fanboyz need to get a grip.

There was no coup d'etat in Ukraine but there were little green Russian men/soldiers in eastern Ukraine. The vote in Crimea was without voter rolls of registered voters and held at polling stations where armed Russian soldiers were all over the place.

Putin wants the Baltics so Nato forces have been positioned there to immediately expel any new little green Russian men right back across the border and with dispatch, which is the only thing restraining Putin the mad Russian and Chekist supreme.

Russia's action in Ukraine is the first time since World War II that a leader has tried by force to change national borders in Europe-Eurasia. Norway wants the forward positioned Nato forces on its soil and so does all of Nato.

Get over it cause the Putin fanboyz and the USA haters are just going to have to live with it. It is fact. It is done. The armaments are there and there they will stay. For whatever period of time as necessary.

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Ah, the neocons in the American government, you know, the folks who brought us the various wars and invasions in the Middle East, keep marching forward in their bizarre amalgam of "onward Christian soldier" and American exceptionalism. And all this despite that Russia is no longer a communist country advocating an opposing ideology. One must stop and ask why the US government has so demonized Russia. One must stop and ask who is profiting from this madness. And it is just madness.

You are right they dont "advocate opposing ideology" they take over countries and assassinate any Putin's opponents.

Are you kidding us with your statement?

And the US has not recently taken over other countries? Are you dumb, deaf, and blind or have you just been off the planet over the past 60 years? Although it is true that more often than not the US tends to find someone else to assassinate, or simply oust with a military coup, elected leaders and replace them with local thugs as the Neocons did in Ukraine. It is always easy to find thugs in a military. The US was simply blessed when that wimp Smedley Butler outed those who wished to have a military coup in the US. And of course murky groups within the US never assassinate American leaders that threaten those who oppose the powers that Dwight Eisenhower warned us about.

Look, I am not arguing that Putin is some sort if angel, but don't be so naive as to fall for the demonization of Putin. There is no kidding in my original statement but I have attempted to use some irony above.

Name one country that the US has taken over and annexed as its own. Russia has taken many.

Name one US citizen that the US has assassinated which opposes a sitting president. Russia has killed many.

Name one country that Russia has freed.

Then when you are finished, let the world know.

I, along with the rest of the world already know the answers to the questions....

I dont want to get in the weeds with you on your side topic. Ive already commented on the topic with an appropriate response. I wont respond anymore

Edited by 2fishin2
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Ah, the neocons in the American government, you know, the folks who brought us the various wars and invasions in the Middle East, keep marching forward in their bizarre amalgam of "onward Christian soldier" and American exceptionalism. And all this despite that Russia is no longer a communist country advocating an opposing ideology. One must stop and ask why the US government has so demonized Russia. One must stop and ask who is profiting from this madness. And it is just madness.

You are right they dont "advocate opposing ideology" they take over countries and assassinate any Putin's opponents.

Are you kidding us with your statement?

And the US has not recently taken over other countries? Are you dumb, deaf, and blind or have you just been off the planet over the past 60 years? Although it is true that more often than not the US tends to find someone else to assassinate, or simply oust with a military coup, elected leaders and replace them with local thugs as the Neocons did in Ukraine. It is always easy to find thugs in a military. The US was simply blessed when that wimp Smedley Butler outed those who wished to have a military coup in the US. And of course murky groups within the US never assassinate American leaders that threaten those who oppose the powers that Dwight Eisenhower warned us about.

Look, I am not arguing that Putin is some sort if angel, but don't be so naive as to fall for the demonization of Putin. There is no kidding in my original statement but I have attempted to use some irony above.

Name one country that the US has taken over and annexed as its own. Russia has taken many.

Name one US citizen that the US has assassinated which opposes a sitting president. Russia has killed many.

Name one country that Russia has freed.

Then when you are finished, let the world know.

I, along with the rest of the world already know the answers to the questions....

I dont want to get in the weeds with you on your side topic. Ive already commented on the topic with an appropriate response. I wont respond anymore

There are many countriees the US has invaded and given to its friends....

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It strikes me as unnecessarily provocative. I have no idea what the purpose of storing equipment in Norway would be though it does not appear to fit any NATO/Russia conflict scenarios that I can imagine. This will be used by Putin to stir up Russian paranoia and justify an even more aggressive stance versus NATO .... all for something that is of dubious strategic value. This feels like something driven by the US military.

Unnecessarily provocative? I see. Basically, your position is that Norway does not have the right to defend itself.

What do you think, that the USA just said to the Norwegians, hey we are going to spend all this money and park our equipment on your territory and the Norwegians said, fantastic? Norway a frequent critic of U.S. foreign policy has been harassed by the Russians. It has had its airspace and offshore waters repeatedly violated by Russian military intrusions. Sweden has suffered the same as have the Baltic states. The Norwegians have requested the equipment because they are at risk.

In case you forgot, the Russians have a habit of invading its peaceful neighbors, Russia invaded Finland and it stabbed Poland in the back. It also held much of eastern Europe prisoner for 50+ years. It is obvious that many people commenting on this thread have forgotten that Russia had previously invaded and occupied part of Norway. The excuse at the time was that the occupation was needed to liberate the lands from the Nazis. Somewhat bogus, particularly since the occupation continued into 1946 and required British strong arming to rid the area of the Russians.

Your friends the Russians regularly threaten and attempt to intimidate countries that do not present a risk to Russia. Why does Russia send its bombers to the Canadian border? Why does it do the same to Denmark and Sweden? Canada, Sweden and Denmark do not send their militaries to threaten Russia, so why does Russia do the same with its bombers carrying nuclear weapons?

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Occupied empires are expensive, the Soviets discovered that last time, as such doubt Russia has any plans to invade Europe, nor the military infrastructure to accomplish it.

NATO advancing up to Russia's borders despite saying they wouldn't would be seen as a touch provocative, likewise the constant demonization of Putin in the western press can't be coincidental.

Still amazes me that despite the US admitting they spent $5 billion on the Ukraine coup there are still those that somehow manage to believe it was a spontaneous uprising. Seems the strategic goal was the Crimean naval base. That would be like the Russians financing a coup in Hawaii and moving in Pearl Harbour, it wouldn't be allowed to happen.

It really doesn't seem to be in Europe's interests for all these dramas with Russia, seems they got along well enough till the war mongers started stirring the pot. You have to wonder why they want to restart the cold war....who benefits?

Is Ukraine part of Europe? Georgia? Russian troops only left the Czech Republic in 1991.

As far as NATO advancing up to Russia's borders...it's actually countries neighboring Russia that are asking to be part of NATO.

The $5 Billion spent on the Ukraine coup is troll territory. And inaccurate. And completely different than Hawaii. Really? LOL


As for restarting the cold war, have you seen the increase in the Russian defense budget. Staggering. And forcing neighboring countries to do the same. Sadly.

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Nato is a defensive formal treaty organisation founded in 1949 to deter Stalin invading Europe while it was recovering from World War II. That is what it continued to do during the Cold War, to include missiles in Nato member country Turkey.

Nato hasn't invaded anyone at anytime anywhere, not for any reason besides. Nato isn't going to invade Russia for any reason. The Putin fanboyz need to get a grip.

There was no coup d'etat in Ukraine but there were little green Russian men/soldiers in eastern Ukraine. The vote in Crimea was without voter rolls of registered voters and held at polling stations where armed Russian soldiers were all over the place.

Putin wants the Baltics so Nato forces have been positioned there to immediately expel any new little green Russian men right back across the border and with dispatch, which is the only thing restraining Putin the mad Russian and Chekist supreme.

Russia's action in Ukraine is the first time since World War II that a leader has tried by force to change national borders in Europe-Eurasia. Norway wants the forward positioned Nato forces on its soil and so does all of Nato.

Get over it cause the Putin fanboyz and the USA haters are just going to have to live with it. It is fact. It is done. The armaments are there and there they will stay. For whatever period of time as necessary.

Is there any evidence that Putin wants Baltics? besides US and Baltics propaganda machines?

What does Baltics have that Russia needs? Salmon?

What Russian actions in Ukraine? The counter action to stop US from meddling on Russian borders?

Russia has not posed any threat to any neighbors in Europe, nor has Russia issued any ultimatums to anyone in Europe.

Little war mongering on US part, do not you think?whistling.gif

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Nato is a defensive formal treaty organisation founded in 1949 to deter Stalin invading Europe while it was recovering from World War II. That is what it continued to do during the Cold War, to include missiles in Nato member country Turkey.

Nato hasn't invaded anyone at anytime anywhere, not for any reason besides. Nato isn't going to invade Russia for any reason. The Putin fanboyz need to get a grip.

There was no coup d'etat in Ukraine but there were little green Russian men/soldiers in eastern Ukraine. The vote in Crimea was without voter rolls of registered voters and held at polling stations where armed Russian soldiers were all over the place.

Putin wants the Baltics so Nato forces have been positioned there to immediately expel any new little green Russian men right back across the border and with dispatch, which is the only thing restraining Putin the mad Russian and Chekist supreme.

Russia's action in Ukraine is the first time since World War II that a leader has tried by force to change national borders in Europe-Eurasia. Norway wants the forward positioned Nato forces on its soil and so does all of Nato.

Get over it cause the Putin fanboyz and the USA haters are just going to have to live with it. It is fact. It is done. The armaments are there and there they will stay. For whatever period of time as necessary.

Is there any evidence that Putin wants Baltics? besides US and Baltics propaganda machines?

What does Baltics have that Russia needs? Salmon?

What Russian actions in Ukraine? The counter action to stop US from meddling on Russian borders?

Russia has not posed any threat to any neighbors in Europe, nor has Russia issued any ultimatums to anyone in Europe.

Little war mongering on US part, do not you think?whistling.gif

Ever heard of Crimea? Ever heard of Georgia?

As I said before and the article states equipment has been prepositioned there for MANY years. There and places all over the globe.

Try to find a modern newspaper and read a little. Seems you have missed some important events in modern history.

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Nato is a defensive formal treaty organisation founded in 1949 to deter Stalin invading Europe while it was recovering from World War II. That is what it continued to do during the Cold War, to include missiles in Nato member country Turkey.

Nato hasn't invaded anyone at anytime anywhere, not for any reason besides. Nato isn't going to invade Russia for any reason. The Putin fanboyz need to get a grip.

There was no coup d'etat in Ukraine but there were little green Russian men/soldiers in eastern Ukraine. The vote in Crimea was without voter rolls of registered voters and held at polling stations where armed Russian soldiers were all over the place.

Putin wants the Baltics so Nato forces have been positioned there to immediately expel any new little green Russian men right back across the border and with dispatch, which is the only thing restraining Putin the mad Russian and Chekist supreme.

Russia's action in Ukraine is the first time since World War II that a leader has tried by force to change national borders in Europe-Eurasia. Norway wants the forward positioned Nato forces on its soil and so does all of Nato.

Get over it cause the Putin fanboyz and the USA haters are just going to have to live with it. It is fact. It is done. The armaments are there and there they will stay. For whatever period of time as necessary.

Is there any evidence that Putin wants Baltics? besides US and Baltics propaganda machines?

What does Baltics have that Russia needs? Salmon?

What Russian actions in Ukraine? The counter action to stop US from meddling on Russian borders?

Russia has not posed any threat to any neighbors in Europe, nor has Russia issued any ultimatums to anyone in Europe.

Little war mongering on US part, do not you think?whistling.gif

Ever heard of Crimea? Ever heard of Georgia?

As I said before and the article states equipment has been prepositioned there for MANY years. There and places all over the globe.

Try to find a modern newspaper and read a little. Seems you have missed some important events in modern history.

I have heard of them both, but have you ever used any other sources other than US propaganda machines?

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Nato is a defensive formal treaty organisation founded in 1949 to deter Stalin invading Europe while it was recovering from World War II. That is what it continued to do during the Cold War, to include missiles in Nato member country Turkey.

Nato hasn't invaded anyone at anytime anywhere, not for any reason besides. Nato isn't going to invade Russia for any reason. The Putin fanboyz need to get a grip.

There was no coup d'etat in Ukraine but there were little green Russian men/soldiers in eastern Ukraine. The vote in Crimea was without voter rolls of registered voters and held at polling stations where armed Russian soldiers were all over the place.

Putin wants the Baltics so Nato forces have been positioned there to immediately expel any new little green Russian men right back across the border and with dispatch, which is the only thing restraining Putin the mad Russian and Chekist supreme.

Russia's action in Ukraine is the first time since World War II that a leader has tried by force to change national borders in Europe-Eurasia. Norway wants the forward positioned Nato forces on its soil and so does all of Nato.

Get over it cause the Putin fanboyz and the USA haters are just going to have to live with it. It is fact. It is done. The armaments are there and there they will stay. For whatever period of time as necessary.

Is there any evidence that Putin wants Baltics? besides US and Baltics propaganda machines?

What does Baltics have that Russia needs? Salmon?

What Russian actions in Ukraine? The counter action to stop US from meddling on Russian borders?

Russia has not posed any threat to any neighbors in Europe, nor has Russia issued any ultimatums to anyone in Europe.

Little war mongering on US part, do not you think?whistling.gif

It bears reiteration the Putin fanboyz need to get a grip.

In particular, the stuff about having a point of view toward Russia and that the Chekist Putin is the result of propaganda is but a crutch for which the fanboyz have a desperate need.

Regardless, here is from the Baltic media in the Baltics...

"In an editorial, the Baltic Times urged the Atlantic Alliance to 'step up and offer Ukraine accelerated NATO membership,' which it said the Ukrainian prime minister had already requested in private meetings with NATO officials. 'Ukraine is a worthy and willing candidate for NATO,' the paper said. 'The NATO community needs to stand and rectify the wrongs of Yalta and Bucharest'.

"The latter reference is to the 2008 NATO summit in the Romanian capital in which France and Germany blocked an attempt by the Bush administration to offer fast-track membership to Georgia and Ukraine because of Putins objections. 'Ask the Poles, the Czechs, the Hungarians, the Baltic nations, and other East European recently admitted NATO members,' the editorial continued. 'Theyre willing to defend Ukraine if only to experience freedom from fear themselves;.


Putin is Russian irredentist. Putin is Soviet Union revanchist. Most descriptively, Putin is czarist-chekist. No Putin fanboy has addresed the three traits and characteristics; ideology. Not in any thread and not ever at this board. They can't.

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Nato is a defensive formal treaty organisation founded in 1949 to deter Stalin invading Europe while it was recovering from World War II. That is what it continued to do during the Cold War, to include missiles in Nato member country Turkey.

Nato hasn't invaded anyone at anytime anywhere, not for any reason besides. Nato isn't going to invade Russia for any reason. The Putin fanboyz need to get a grip.

There was no coup d'etat in Ukraine but there were little green Russian men/soldiers in eastern Ukraine. The vote in Crimea was without voter rolls of registered voters and held at polling stations where armed Russian soldiers were all over the place.

Putin wants the Baltics so Nato forces have been positioned there to immediately expel any new little green Russian men right back across the border and with dispatch, which is the only thing restraining Putin the mad Russian and Chekist supreme.

Russia's action in Ukraine is the first time since World War II that a leader has tried by force to change national borders in Europe-Eurasia. Norway wants the forward positioned Nato forces on its soil and so does all of Nato.

Get over it cause the Putin fanboyz and the USA haters are just going to have to live with it. It is fact. It is done. The armaments are there and there they will stay. For whatever period of time as necessary.

Is there any evidence that Putin wants Baltics? besides US and Baltics propaganda machines?

What does Baltics have that Russia needs? Salmon?

What Russian actions in Ukraine? The counter action to stop US from meddling on Russian borders?

Russia has not posed any threat to any neighbors in Europe, nor has Russia issued any ultimatums to anyone in Europe.

Little war mongering on US part, do not you think?whistling.gif

It bears reiteration the Putin fanboyz need to get a grip.

In particular, the stuff about having a point of view toward Russia and that the Chekist Putin is the result of propaganda is but a crutch for which the fanboyz have a desperate need.

Regardless, here is from the Baltic media in the Baltics...

"In an editorial, the Baltic Times urged the Atlantic Alliance to 'step up and offer Ukraine accelerated NATO membership,' which it said the Ukrainian prime minister had already requested in private meetings with NATO officials. 'Ukraine is a worthy and willing candidate for NATO,' the paper said. 'The NATO community needs to stand and rectify the wrongs of Yalta and Bucharest'.

"The latter reference is to the 2008 NATO summit in the Romanian capital in which France and Germany blocked an attempt by the Bush administration to offer fast-track membership to Georgia and Ukraine because of Putins objections. 'Ask the Poles, the Czechs, the Hungarians, the Baltic nations, and other East European recently admitted NATO members,' the editorial continued. 'Theyre willing to defend Ukraine if only to experience freedom from fear themselves;.


Putin is Russian irredentist. Putin is Soviet Union revanchist. Most descriptively, Putin is czarist-chekist. No Putin fanboy has addresed the three traits and characteristics; ideology. Not in any thread and not ever at this board. They can't.

I see many words and useless and baseless rhetoric but is there any real evidence?

Salmon surely is not cheap but hardly a reason to want Baltic states.

Let's see if you can do better ;)

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