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US Election 2016: Cruz fires top aide over fake Rubio video


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US Election 2016: Cruz fires top aide over fake Rubio video

WASHINGTON: -- Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz has asked his campaign spokesman to resign after the staffer promoted a doctored video of rival Marco Rubio.

Staffer Rick Tyler tweeted a story and subtitled video that showed Mr Rubio referring to the Bible as a "good book" with "not many answers in it".

Mr Rubio's campaign said he actually said: "All the answers are in there."

Full story: http://www.bbc.com/news/election-us-2016-35636412

-- BBC 2016-02-23

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Yeah, but the religious mentality is rampant in the US--superstition and faith seem to overshadow science and reason.

In the Republican party where the earth is about 5600 years old only.

In the US the Democratic party is the undisputed party of science. Check it out for yourself plse thx.

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In the Republican party where the earth is about 5600 years old only.

In the US the Democratic party is the undisputed party of science. Check it out for yourself plse thx.

I know a lot of Christians who believe the earth is at least millions of years old.

You said "Check it our for yourself plse thx" so I did. I came up with an incredible list of scientists who are Christian. I'll give you just one quote and a link so you can "Check it out for yourself plse thx".

Eben Alexander (born 1953): American, Harvard-educated neurosurgeon best known for his book, "Proof of Heaven", in which he describes his 2008 near death experience. In a recent interview, Dr Alexander said: "It's time for brain science, mind science, physics, cosmology, to move from kindergarten up into first grade and realize we will never truly understand consciousness with that simplistic materialist mindset."


PS Eintstein (who might have been even smarter than you are) ended his life believing in intelligent design because things were just too complicated to have been an accident. Check it out for yourself plse thx.



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In the Republican party where the earth is about 5600 years old only.

In the US the Democratic party is the undisputed party of science. Check it out for yourself plse thx.

I know a lot of Christians who believe the earth is at least millions of years old.

You said "Check it our for yourself plse thx" so I did. I came up with an incredible list of scientists who are Christian. I'll give you just one quote and a link so you can "Check it out for yourself plse thx".

Eben Alexander (born 1953): American, Harvard-educated neurosurgeon best known for his book, "Proof of Heaven", in which he describes his 2008 near death experience. In a recent interview, Dr Alexander said: "It's time for brain science, mind science, physics, cosmology, to move from kindergarten up into first grade and realize we will never truly understand consciousness with that simplistic materialist mindset."


PS Eintstein (who might have been even smarter than you are) ended his life believing in intelligent design because things were just too complicated to have been an accident. Check it out for yourself plse thx.



Did you read all the books of your Christian "scientists" mentioned in your link?

As so often, you missed the point, swimming on the sureface.

First, @Publicus answered with some irony.

Second, you are unable to differentiate between science and religion. That some or a lot of scientists are Christians has nothing to do with their scientific abilities. Science is based on proven facts, faith is the opposite. Christians as well as Muslims and .... believe in something what they cannot improve: walking over water, a virgin giving birth to a boy etc. That's the reason why so many scientists cannot believe what the priests tell them. And there is the funny story (of believe) of 72 virgins waiting for the male Muslims if they arrive in heaven (although whores would deliver more happiness).

Concerning Einstein, he was scientific genius and his ideas have been proven nearly completely. But who can improve that there is a god? Nobody - even Einstein - didn't return from heaven to tell you that it is very, very boring there:

  • every day for only five people: Manna, manna, manna - hosianna, hosianna, hosianna.....

But somebody told him, in the overcrowded hell:

  • every day they have some burgers for the US-Americans, some spaghetti for the Italians, red wine for the French, Schnitzel for the Germans, som tam for the Thais etc. ...

  • every night they have lascivious parties .... etc.

That's what the Christian Reps don't tell their followers and you don't read in the bible rolleyes.gif .

Edited by puck2
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In the Republican party where the earth is about 5600 years old only.

In the US the Democratic party is the undisputed party of science. Check it out for yourself plse thx.

I know a lot of Christians who believe the earth is at least millions of years old.

You said "Check it our for yourself plse thx" so I did. I came up with an incredible list of scientists who are Christian. I'll give you just one quote and a link so you can "Check it out for yourself plse thx".

Eben Alexander (born 1953): American, Harvard-educated neurosurgeon best known for his book, "Proof of Heaven", in which he describes his 2008 near death experience. In a recent interview, Dr Alexander said: "It's time for brain science, mind science, physics, cosmology, to move from kindergarten up into first grade and realize we will never truly understand consciousness with that simplistic materialist mindset."


PS Eintstein (who might have been even smarter than you are) ended his life believing in intelligent design because things were just too complicated to have been an accident. Check it out for yourself plse thx.



You completely missed the intent of the post you're supposedly addressing. Publicus differentiated between political parties, NOT Christians and scientists. Yes, there are numerous scientists who maintain a faith in God. However, I would point out that very, very few of them adhere to the fundamentalist delusions of Cruz and Rubio. As a former fundamentalist myself, I can attest to the fact that fundamentalism allows no room for any kind of thought process that questions "biblical infallibility", or any of the claims of the bible, like creationism (currently masquerading as "intelligent design" for the sole purpose of trying to evade the Constitutional restrictions against teaching religious dogma in a publicly funded school setting).

As to your claim about Einstein believing in "intelligent design" (as well as your admonition to "Check it out for yourself, plse thx.", I did...), and as an enormous fan of Einstein, being quite interested in both relativity theory and quantum theory, such an attribution on his behalf is misguided at best. Here's what Einstein actually said:

A knowledge of the existence of something we cannot penetrate, of the manifestations of the profoundest reason and the most radiant beauty - it is this knowledge and this emotion that constitute the truly religious attitude; in this sense, and in this alone, I am a deeply religious man. (Albert Einstein)

I do not believe in a personal God and I have never denied this but have expressed it clearly. If something is in me which can be called religious then it is the unbounded admiration for the structure of the world so far as our science can reveal it. (Albert Einstein, 1954)

I believe in Spinoza's God who reveals himself in the orderly harmony of what exists, not in a God who concerns himself with the fates and actions of human beings. (Albert Einstein)


Additionally, you fail to address Publicus' claim that the Republican party is the party of regressive religious ideology, pandering to the extreme religious right, insisting that America was founded as a "Christian" nation (sorry, history isn't supporting that one), praising the likes of Kim Davis for refusing to perform her tax payer funded job solely on religious grounds, seeking to allow the teaching of the bible in public schools, demanding that Christianity be given preferential treatment in the public domain, demanding that religious bigotry be made legal, and myriad other unconstitutional practices, denying science, seeking to rewrite American history texts to try to erase our past transgressions (which, if we don't educate our children about, we are doomed to repeat) like slavery and the unwarranted internment of Japanese Americans during WWII.

Conversely, it is the Democratic party that embraces whole heartedly the concept of separation of church and state, advocates for the teaching of science, and the following of scientific research to whatever conclusions it leads us, and advocates for the restoration of adequate funding for the likes of NASA, the National Institutes of Health, the National Science Foundation, and the like, which Republicans have sought to either eliminate, or severely restrict the funding of.

America once dominated the world in both scientific research and achievement, but, ever since Reagan, we have strayed far from one of the primary sources of our national standing.

Edited by Traveler19491
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In the Republican party where the earth is about 5600 years old only.

In the US the Democratic party is the undisputed party of science. Check it out for yourself plse thx.

I know a lot of Christians who believe the earth is at least millions of years old.

You said "Check it our for yourself plse thx" so I did. I came up with an incredible list of scientists who are Christian. I'll give you just one quote and a link so you can "Check it out for yourself plse thx".

Eben Alexander (born 1953): American, Harvard-educated neurosurgeon best known for his book, "Proof of Heaven", in which he describes his 2008 near death experience. In a recent interview, Dr Alexander said: "It's time for brain science, mind science, physics, cosmology, to move from kindergarten up into first grade and realize we will never truly understand consciousness with that simplistic materialist mindset."


PS Eintstein (who might have been even smarter than you are) ended his life believing in intelligent design because things were just too complicated to have been an accident. Check it out for yourself plse thx.



You're full of it and I don't mean the holy spirit.

Einstein said on 24 March 1954:
"It was, of course, a lie what you read about my religious convictions, a lie which is being systematically repeated. I do not believe in a personal God and I have never denied this but have expressed it clearly. If something is in me which can be called religious then it is the unbounded admiration for the structure of the world so far as our science can reveal it."
Where in that statement do you see any hint of an affirmation of intelligent design?
Ye gods.
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Hispanics and blacks are now the base of the Democratic Party. Want to see some fundamentalism? Visit any black church on a Sunday morning and just watch the hopping and jumping and praises to Jesus. Visit some mexican-american barrios where people find a cheeto in the vague shape of Jesus and watch the lines form up around the block for days and even weeks. Democrats the party of science? Hah. Just introduce the subject of DNA and IQ and watch them squirm.

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Hispanics and blacks are now the base of the Democratic Party. Want to see some fundamentalism? Visit any black church on a Sunday morning and just watch the hopping and jumping and praises to Jesus. Visit some mexican-american barrios where people find a cheeto in the vague shape of Jesus and watch the lines form up around the block for days and even weeks. Democrats the party of science? Hah. Just introduce the subject of DNA and IQ and watch them squirm.

A rather ignorant, and vaguely racist, response. According to Gallup, the DNC is 60% white (http://www.gallup.com/poll/160373/democrats-racially-diverse-republicans-mostly-white.aspx). The Republican party is 89% white. The reason for the diversity is that Democrats are far less likely to exhibit racist tendencies (why is it that Trump refuses to disavow or condemn the robocalls being made on his behalf by white supremacists? Why is it that the RNC has never once come out against the support they receive from the KKK and other white supremacist organizations?) and are the party of inclusion and diversity. Bring this up to the RNC and watch them squirm.

I've been to numerous black churches. Some celebrate their faith as you describe, but an equal or greater number are reserved in their worship. I suppose that to you, racial stereotyping is a valid support for your ethnic suppositions. Talk about a limited IQ...

As far as Democrats being the party of science, well, once again facts manage to embarrass the GOP: "A Pew Research Center Poll from July 2009 showed that only around 6 percent of U.S. scientists are Republicans; 55 percent are Democrats, 32 percent are independent, and the rest "don't know" their affiliation."

Perhaps you should investigate that new fangled Google thingy next time, before demonstrating your ignorance.

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Hispanics and blacks are now the base of the Democratic Party. Want to see some fundamentalism? Visit any black church on a Sunday morning and just watch the hopping and jumping and praises to Jesus. Visit some mexican-american barrios where people find a cheeto in the vague shape of Jesus and watch the lines form up around the block for days and even weeks. Democrats the party of science? Hah. Just introduce the subject of DNA and IQ and watch them squirm.

All I can say is WOW, that's quite a post. blink.png

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