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The domino effect – new border controls leave migrants stuck in Greece


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The domino effect – new border controls leave migrants stuck in Greece


"We don't need food, just we want to cross the borders"

ATHENS: -- As more and more border controls are introduced amid Europe’s migrant crisis, dominoes are falling all the way to Greece.

Around 800 Afghan migrants are stuck near the Greek border town of Idomeni, after the neighbouring Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia started blocking their entry.

Some have been so desperate, they have tried to make it over the wire fence, only to be quickly arrested.

“When we ask to leave us to cross the border, they said ‘this is temporary,’ but it’s been four days that we are here,” said one man.

Another added: “We don’t need food, just we want to cross the borders.”

Further north, hundreds more Afghan migrants who have made it into Macedonia are waiting to get into Serbia. But it is also said to have blocked their entry.

Meanwhile, the Slovenian army is being sent to guard the border with Croatia to help police control entries, under new legislation passed on Monday.

And the migrants continue to arrive in Greece, a country normally used a launchpad into more prosperous western Europe. But the beefed up border controls further north now stand in their way.

With the dominoes falling, Athens is worried the number of migrants trapped here will just keep rising.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2016-02-23

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With the dominoes falling, Athens is worried the number of migrants trapped here will just keep rising.

I hope you have noticed, but you have been pretty much isolated.

Time for some lateral thinking Greece before the better weather arrives in March / April.

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Greek police remove people from border with Macedonia

With the pace of arrivals showing no sign of abating – a record 11,000 people were registered on Aegean islands in the space of three days last week – Athens has been in a race against the clock to improve hosting facilities including ‘hot spot’ screening centres and camps.

Announcing the EU had two weeks to agree on a common policy, Thomas de Maizière, Germany’s interior minister, said Turkey had to deliver on its promise to stem the influx or Schengen controls would “move borders”.


There will be no EU common policy within the next 2 weeks. It might be prudent to start working on plan B right now.

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So let resume :

greece is now under the water and suffer economic disaster.

Without any ressources to help prevent the migrants to come to Greece or leave it (how to pay the police or border police), I think soon Greece will just give a big middle finger to Europe and let them flow...and Europe deserved it.

By the way during world war 2 there was 60 millions of refugees trying to leave Europe...

Edited by GeorgesAbitbol
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So let resume :

greece is now under the water and suffer economic disaster.

Without any ressources to help prevent the migrants to come to Greece or leave it (how to pay the police or border police), I think soon Greece will just give a big middle finger to Europe and let them flow...and Europe deserved it.

By the way during world war 2 there was 60 millions of refugees trying to leave Europe...

What do you think the Greeks have been doing. It is the countries to the north on the route to Germany that have built the fences. Greece has not held the migrants back. 1.1 million have reached Germany last year. Another half million everywhere else. The vast majority have come through Greece. Greece may register them, or not, and then lets them flow through. If border controls at other countries stop them from passing into the next country that is hardly Greeks holding them back. Greece likes to register them at the request of the EU so they get money from the EU. That is all. Now they are being turned back at the boarders, Greece is in trouble. Now maybe they will turn them back to Turkey. The drama is yet to fully unfold. 3-5 million expected this year because of Merkel and her all will be welcomed with open arms and we will manage pronouncements that headlined front

pages of newspapers around the world. From Bangladesh to Nigeria and even further. People are responding to her call and are on the march. Oh well. coffee1.gif

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'“We don’t need food, just we want to cross the borders.”' How many borders before they're satisfied? Because the vast majority of them, economic migrants and genuine refugees, seem bent on passing through numerous safe havens before reaching their Utopia, typically the U.K. or Germany.

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Jonmarleesco, on 23 Feb 2016 - 19:16, said:

'“We don’t need food, just we want to cross the borders.”' How many borders before they're satisfied? Because the vast majority of them, economic migrants and genuine refugees, seem bent on passing through numerous safe havens before reaching their Utopia, typically the U.K. or Germany.


Shhhh. You will be branded a right wing nutjob blink.png

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So let resume :

greece is now under the water and suffer economic disaster.

Without any ressources to help prevent the migrants to come to Greece or leave it (how to pay the police or border police), I think soon Greece will just give a big middle finger to Europe and let them flow...and Europe deserved it.

By the way during world war 2 there was 60 millions of refugees trying to leave Europe...

Nonsense, even if there was 60 million refugees the vast majority were moving within Europe not out. They mostly moved to neighbouring countries or within their home country after borders were redrawn.

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Of course the Greeks have been letting them in and through - they know that they don;t want to stay in Greece.

Once the other borders are closed and they HAVE to stay in Greece, then, the Greeks might start to control their own borders better and not let them in in the first place.

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cabanlit, on 23 Feb 2016 - 22:09, said:

Of course the Greeks have been letting them in and through - they know that they don;t want to stay in Greece.

Once the other borders are closed and they HAVE to stay in Greece, then, the Greeks might start to control their own borders better and not let them in in the first place.

It may have escaped your attention, at this moment in time, Greece is financially crippled.

Merkel in her infinite wisdom gave Turkey a euro 3 Billion a year bribe to try and stop the migrants. She would better burning it than making members of the Turkish elite rich.

That money should have went to Greece to secure the border, not Turkey.

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so send the sticky ball to Greece!

how many migrants Greece in its current stage of economy can handle?

so as someone stated, they will open their gates not ajar but fully open soon. And it is their right.

They won't be able to handle, because reserves of third-world migrants are unlimited. Which every state of Europe has by now realized, even Sweden who were acting even more stupid that Germany, silenced by ideations of political correctness. Which is why those states enacted border controls and got the Balkan states to stem the flow and stop waving those migrants through.

Unless there is a Turkish miracle within the next 2 weeks or so, Greece WILL open its borders or rather just stop caring. By that time, armed border controls by sensible European states need to be set up in earnest.

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It used to be perfectly acceptable to send your military to guard your borders against invaders. Merkel's and the EU's one big happy family is crazy.

Goodbye Europe. You finally took your nutty ideas right over a cliff and you can't fix it now. 30 years from now the EU will be Muslim countries even if it doesn't still exist as the EU. The damage is done by the "inclusive" "progressive" "tolerant" nutters.


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